Fighting Tommy Riley 2005

A troubled young boxer, Tommy Riley, seeks redemption from personal demons and career stagnation with the guidance of grizzled trainer Marty Goldberg. As Tommy's skills revive, so do his feelings for lost love Stephanie, and a stunning truth puts his newfound passion and relationships to the ultimate test.

A troubled young boxer, Tommy Riley, seeks redemption from personal demons and career stagnation with the guidance of grizzled trainer Marty Goldberg. As Tommy's skills revive, so do his feelings for lost love Stephanie, and a stunning truth puts his newfound passion and relationships to the ultimate test.

Does Fighting Tommy Riley have end credit scenes?


Fighting Tommy Riley does not have end credit scenes.


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Movie Quiz

Fighting Tommy Riley Quiz: Test your knowledge about the emotional and intense journey of Tommy Riley in 'Fighting Tommy Riley'.

What profession does Tommy hold while he is no longer boxing?

Plot Summary

Tommy Riley (J. P. Davis) stands resolute, clad in boxing gear, amidst the drab confines of a dressing room. The door creaks open, and a voice booms from beyond: “Are you ready?” The scene flashes back seven months to Tommy’s life as a former boxer, his Olympic dreams deferred mere steps away from reality.

Now, Tommy languishes, stuck in a rut, laying computer cable by day and serving as a sparring partner at a local gym by night. His lack of drive has taken its toll on his relationship with Stephanie (Christina Chambers), who ultimately leaves him.

Meanwhile, Marty (Eddie Jones), a former boxer turned high school teacher and boxing trainer/manager, arrives at the same gym where Tommy trains. Marty’s past is marked by heartache; he had previously coached a fighter to a title shot only to have that fighter abandon him on the eve of the big fight. His business partner, Diane (Diane Tayler), accompanies him as they scout potential talent.

Their eyes land on Tommy, who is instructed by his manager to make the sparring partner look good. However, after suffering a low blow, Tommy exacts revenge with a single punch, sending his opponent crashing to the mat. The gym’s owner and manager are livid, ordering Tommy out of the premises. Marty and Diane, however, see something in him – potential – and invite him to train under their guidance.

As Tommy’s reputation begins to spread, attracting the attention of promoters, Marty and Diane orchestrate a fight for him to showcase his skills. With each passing round, Tommy’s confidence grows, and he emerges victorious. Yet, despite this win, the promoter at ringside appears unimpressed.

Diane presents Marty with a tape from Tommy’s 1999 Olympic trial fight. Tommy was ahead after two rounds but quit before the third due to an alleged hand injury. Marty watches the tape, his eyes widening as he realizes that Tommy had actually faked the injury out of frustration and fear, stemming from the abuse and poor coaching by his stepfather, who served as his cornerman.

Marty shares a revelation with Tommy: boxing is a team sport, and one is never truly alone in the ring. This newfound understanding ignites Tommy’s passion for fighting once more, leading to a heartwarming reconciliation with Stephanie.

As Leroy Kane (Don Wallace), a formidable fighter who opted for the Olympics over Tommy, seeks a “tune-up” bout before his middleweight title fight, Diane masterfully orchestrates a replacement opponent in Tommy’s stead. The scheduled showdown is only four weeks away, prompting Tommy and Marty to retreat to their secluded cabin in the woods to train without distractions. Amidst their rigorous regimen, Marty’s uninvited touch during a post-workout massage sparks a visceral reaction from Tommy, leading to an awkward apology and a tacit agreement to put the incident behind them. The duo returns to the city ahead of schedule, eager to capitalize on their hard work.

On the night of Tommy’s showdown with Kane, Tommy and Marty devise a strategy to exhaust Kane in the early rounds before delivering the knockout blow in round seven. This calculated approach proves successful, as Tommy sends Kane crashing to the canvas in the seventh stanza. Following the victory, Marty plans a celebratory dinner, but Bob Silver (Paul Raci), a prominent promoter, intervenes, impressed by Tommy’s performance and extending an invitation to his inner circle. Marty declines, opting for a quiet evening at home, only to be whisked away to the hospital later that night.

Tommy rushes to the emergency room, where he finds Diane waiting anxiously. He presses her for information about Marty’s hospitalization, and she reveals the dark secrets of his troubled past as a fighter. Threats of exposure had forced Marty to end his career prematurely, with a self-inflicted injury serving as a poignant reminder of the harsh realities he faced. This revelation prompts Tommy to move in with Marty temporarily, offering emotional support during his recovery.

Meanwhile, Bob summons Tommy alone for a meeting, extending a lucrative three-fight contract worth one million dollars on one condition: Tommy must sever ties with Marty. According to Bob, Marty’s “tainted reputation” and the “element” he represents would forever taint the sport of boxing. Despite Diane and Marty’s advice to accept the offer, Tommy refuses to abandon his mentor. This steadfast refusal sets him at odds with Stephanie, ultimately driving her away.

In this tense backdrop, Tommy is forced to confront the harsh realities of the boxing world, where loyalty and integrity are constantly tested by the pursuit of success.

As tensions between Tommy (actor name) and Marty escalate during their training sessions, Marty resorts to willful neglect and verbal brutality to drive a wedge between them. His actions culminate in a disturbing display of physical aggression, with Marty slapping Tommy repeatedly and leaving him shaken. The pent-up frustration boils over as Tommy attacks Marty, warning that if he ever lays a hand on him again, he’ll exact brutal revenge. Later that night, Tommy pays Marty a visit at his home, humbled and contrite, to apologize and convey the unshakeable determination that Marty cannot erase him from existence. However, Marty remains unmoved, refusing to rekindle their bond.

Tommy’s desperation turns to despair as he attempts to placate Marty with an unthinkable offer, only to be met with fury and disgust. This emotional nadir marks a turning point in the narrative, as Tommy is left reeling from the aftermath of his failed attempt to reconcile.

The next morning, a somber Tommy returns to Marty’s residence alongside Diane, who is visibly distraught. The tragic discovery of Marty’s lifeless body, the victim of an intentional overdose, serves as a devastating reminder of the irreparable damage that has been wrought. As news of Marty’s passing spreads, Tommy reaches out to Stephanie with a mix of regret and confession.

The film circles back to its opening scene, where Tommy is overcome by grief. However, he quickly regains composure upon catching sight of his reflection in a mirror, as if the specter of Marty looms behind him. This eerie encounter serves as a poignant reminder of their complex bond. As Tommy prepares for the big fight ahead, clad in Marty’s iconic ring attire as a tribute to his fallen friend and mentor, the camera pulls back to reveal his resolve and determination.

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