In this pulse-pounding adaptation of the beloved anime series, a rebellious teenager's quest for justice collides with an ancient world of magic and mythical combat. Seiya, driven by rage and determination, must harness hidden powers and join a fraternity of holy warriors to protect a reincarnated goddess from those who seek to destroy her.

In this pulse-pounding adaptation of the beloved anime series, a rebellious teenager's quest for justice collides with an ancient world of magic and mythical combat. Seiya, driven by rage and determination, must harness hidden powers and join a fraternity of holy warriors to protect a reincarnated goddess from those who seek to destroy her.

Does Knights of the Zodiac have end credit scenes?


Knights of the Zodiac does have end credit scenes.






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4.4 /10

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Movie Quiz

Knights of the Zodiac Quiz: Test your knowledge on the 2023 movie Knights of the Zodiac and its fascinating characters and storyline.

Who is the reborn goddess that Seiya and Kido must protect?

Plot Summary

As ancient legends whispered tales of gods walking among mortals, a divine presence was reborn in the form of a helpless child. Athena’s return to mortal form marked a turning point in destiny, as a lone knight clad in gold armor sacrificed his life to shield her from harm. Eighteen years passed, and the world forgot the myths of old. But for Kido, the memory remained etched like a scar. He had sworn an oath to protect the reborn goddess, and now sought out a new generation of Knights to carry on this sacred duty.

Seiya, a scrappy street orphan, has been driven by a singular obsession: finding his sister Patricia, kidnapped by forces unknown when they were both children. His quest takes him to the underbelly of society, where he faces off against Cassios in a brutal fighting ring. Seiya unleashes a mysterious blue glow, effortlessly defeating his opponent and vanishing before the fight’s conclusion.

As fate would have it, Seiya crosses paths with Kido and Docrates, who warn him of the machinations of Vander Guraad, his ex-wife. A cunning operative, Guraad runs a recruitment ring, seeking out warriors with extraordinary abilities for her private army. Her attention is piqued by Seiya’s rare Cosmo, and she will stop at nothing to capture him.

Guraad’s minions intercept Docrates, sending Seiya and Kido fleeing in pursuit of Mylock, Kido’s trusted ally. Their escape is short-lived, as Seiya finds himself knocked unconscious by Mylock’s hand. As he recovers from the blow, visions of his sister’s desperate plea echo through his mind: “Hide, Seiya! Protect yourself!” The truth slowly dawns on him - Patricia sacrificed herself to protect him, and their shared destiny is tied to the fate of Sienna, Kido’s adopted daughter.

Athena’s reincarnation in Sienna holds the key to unlocking Seiya’s true potential. Kido implores Seiya to seek out Marin, the revered Silver Knight, to hone his Cosmo and prepare for the trials ahead. The Pegasus Knight’s mantle awaits him - but will he answer the call?

As Seiya (actor name) joins Sienna for a morning repast, her composure momentarily falters, releasing an unbridled surge of energy through their connection. Luckily, Kido is on hand to soothe the turbulent Cosmo and guide Sienna back to equilibrium. This intimate moment provides the perfect segue for Sienna to recount her past, revealing that Kido had rescued her as a baby and intervened to save her from the clutches of Guraad, who had been exploiting the fallen Knight’s technology to further his own sinister ambitions.

Meanwhile, Cassios (actor name) comes under fire from Guraad, who is furious about Seiya’s escape. In a surprising turn of events, Cassios retaliates by dismantling several of Guraad’s powerful prototype soldiers before accepting an offer to become one himself in exchange for exacting vengeance on Seiya.

As tensions escalate, Guraad’s true intentions are revealed: he seeks to destroy Athena, the prophesied Goddess who will bring about catastrophic destruction upon the world. This newfound understanding fuels his desperation, driving him to intensify his pursuit of Sienna and thwart her potential ascension to divinity.

Seiya and Sienna grow closer as they explore each other’s worlds, with Sienna convincing Seiya to seek out Marin’s tutelage in the art of harnessing their Cosmo. Seiya embarks on a solitary journey to meet Marin (actor name) at her mountain stronghold, where she has honed her expertise in guiding Knights like him to master their inner energies.

Initially, Seiya’s training falters as he struggles to channel his Cosmo effectively, but with Marin’s patient guidance, he perseveres and gradually gains control over his inner forces. That night, Sienna is beset by a vision of herself as Athena, bringing about widespread devastation by destroying Seiya’s armor. This harrowing preview prompts another uncontrolled burst of energy from her Cosmo.

As Seiya’s training reaches its climax, he finally attains mastery over his Pegasus armor, which awakens to reveal Kido’s dark past. Seiya confronts Kido (actor name) about the revelation, but Sienna intervenes, whisking him away from the mansion and revealing a shocking truth: she had destroyed Guraad’s arms when she was young, as he held her in his grasp while her Cosmo activated.

This traumatic event forced Guraad to drain energy from children with active Cosmos to sustain himself. Kido had initially condoned these actions, viewing them as necessary for survival, but eventually came to realize the true extent of Guraad’s malevolent intentions and severed ties with him.

As Guraad arrives at Kido’s stronghold, her subordinate Nero has already extracted the location from Docrates through brutal means. Seiya and Sienna retreat to their estate, but their respite is short-lived. Seiya valiantly battles Guraad’s soldiers, yet his failure to activate his Pegasus armor in combat against Cassios leaves him vulnerable and ultimately knocked unconscious. Kido, aware of the impending danger, sets his estate to self-destruct in a last-ditch effort to thwart Guraad’s plans. His sacrifice comes at a great cost: he perishes in the ensuing explosion. Meanwhile, Sienna falls prey to Guraad’s soldiers and is captured.

In the aftermath of Kido’s demise, Guraad reveals her true intentions to Sienna: she has given up on redeeming herself and instead seeks to drain Sienna’s Cosmo to prevent her from becoming a threat to the world. Mylock intervenes just in time, rescuing Seiya and prompting him to reflect on his inability to save Patricia from capture. With renewed determination, Seiya unlocks his Pegasus armor and defeats Guraad’s soldiers and Cassios in a fierce battle.

As Sienna is drained of her energy, Guraad becomes increasingly distressed, ultimately attempting to halt the procedure. However, Nero surprisingly turns against her, assuming his powerful Phoenix Knight form. The two engage in a brutal fight, only to be interrupted by Sienna herself, who has undergone a transformation and is now on the cusp of becoming Athena. The destruction she unleashes is catastrophic, but with Seiya’s help, she manages to regain control. Exhausted, Sienna succumbs to unconsciousness.

Upon awakening, Sienna discovers that her hair has taken on a striking purple hue. As Guraad begins to reconcile with Sienna, the latter also restores her arms. With Mylock in tow, Sienna and Seiya depart the area, leaving Nero to watch them go. In a surprising twist, Sienna reveals that the ancient gods are returning, rendering the Knights of the Zodiac crucial in preventing their destruction. She resolves that they will need to locate Patricia to prepare for the impending battle, thus setting the stage for their next adventure.

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