
Does 10 Cloverfield Lane have end credit scenes?


10 Cloverfield Lane does not have end credit scenes.

10 Cloverfield Lane

10 Cloverfield Lane


Trapped in a claustrophobic underground bunker with two enigmatic men, Michelle must confront the unknown after a mysterious car crash. As she navigates the treacherous dynamics between Howard and himself, Michelle's desperation to escape intensifies, only to uncover a chilling truth that shatters her reality and forces her to fight for survival.

Runtime: 104 min

Box Office: $110M








User Score






User Score


7.2 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in 10 Cloverfield Lane!

As Michelle's rural odyssey takes a drastic turn, her phone rings, shattering the peace. Ben's (Bradley Cooper) apologetic tones pour into her ear, but she's not having it, hanging up on him mid-conversation. The sudden silence is short-lived, as another call follows, and Michelle's attention wavers for just a moment - long enough to send her car careening off the road, resulting in a precipitous tumble into a ditch.

When Michelle regains consciousness, she finds herself trapped in a small, sterile room, her head throbbing with a nasty gash. A saline drip hangs from her arm, and her gaze falls upon her leg, now shackled to a pipe. Panic sets in as she grabs a nearby pole and drags her phone closer, only to realize that the signal has vanished into thin air.

The door creaks open, and Howard (John Goodman) descends the stairs, claiming to be the one who rescued Michelle from the jaws of death. His words are laced with an unsettling calmness as he tends to her wounds. But Michelle's not buying it - she knows there's more to this story.

In a bold move, she whittles a wooden pole into a makeshift weapon and awaits Howard's next visit. This time, she's ready. With the tip of her improvised club razor-sharp, she strikes out at Howard, hoping to make a break for freedom. But Howard's too quick, sedating her with ease.

When Michelle awakens from her enforced slumber, Howard greets her with an air of resignation, explaining that the surface world has been ravaged by some cataclysmic event. The air outside is toxic, he claims, and he brought her to the safety of his underground bunker beneath his farm. As they venture up to the airlock, Michelle's eyes scan the desolate landscape - but it's what she sees on Howard's truck that sets off alarm bells: a crimson paint job, eerily familiar.

The sound of shattering glass drifts from outside, and Howard's voice booms out into the void. Michelle seizes the opportunity to slip away unnoticed, only to stumble upon Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), his arm mangled and twisted at an unnatural angle. As they confer in hushed tones, Emmett recounts the events leading up to their subterranean sanctuary: a blinding white flash, followed by a desperate dash for cover.

The tension is palpable as Michelle begins to unravel the mysteries of this underground world, her suspicions piqued by the cryptic tales and the sinister presence lurking in the shadows.

As dinner wraps up at the unconventional family gathering, a sense of camaraderie lingers, only to be swiftly disrupted by a sudden shift in atmosphere. Michelle's effortless banter with Emmett sparks a palpable undercurrent of tension, prompting Howard to issue a stern warning against their seemingly flirtatious behavior. His displeasure is short-lived, however, as Michelle seizes the opportunity to slip away unnoticed and grab his keys. A commotion overhead momentarily diverts attention, allowing her to strike without hesitation - a beer bottle shattering against Howard's unsuspecting head.

As chaos erupts, Michelle seizes the chance to make a break for the airlock, with Emmett in tow. The trio is soon confronted by an unfamiliar face, Suzanne Cryer's character, whose ravaged visage serves as a grim reminder of the harsh realities beyond their isolated bubble. Howard's adamant refusal to admit this desperate soul further fuels Michelle's growing unease.

It isn't until she glimpses the sincerity behind Howard's contrite apology and admission of responsibility for the earlier altercation that Michelle begins to reevaluate her stance. As he tenders a plea to stitch up his wounded head, the trio starts to forge an unlikely bond, their mutual struggles and insecurities slowly unraveling like the threads of a worn tapestry.

As the fragile fabric of their makeshift family begins to mend, Michelle finds solace in the shared experiences of Emmett, whose own fears and doubts are laid bare. Her own troubled past serves as a poignant reminder that even the most well-intentioned among us can fall short, leaving us feeling helpless and impotent. The weight of these realizations is tempered by the knowledge that they have each other - a fragile yet resilient bond that will be tested in ways both subtle and profound.

The air filtration system's catastrophic failure serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of their existence. Michelle, ever the pragmatist, seizes the initiative, navigating the cramped ventilation shafts to reach the crucial filtration room. Her discovery - a ladder leading to freedom, flanked by the haunting graffiti "HELP" and its accompanying trail of blood - proves a turning point in their collective journey.

As the truth begins to unravel, Michelle's attention is drawn to the telltale signs of Howard's sinister intentions: the eerie familiarity of Brittany's missing persons poster, coupled with the gruesome discovery of bloody earrings on the floor. The implications are clear: they must escape, and fast, before it's too late.

As tensions escalate within the confines of Howard's bunker, Michelle (Michelle) and Emmett orchestrate a covert operation to pilfer his tools, utilizing them to construct an impromptu biohazard suit and gas mask. Their clandestine activities are eventually discovered by Howard, who in turn retaliates by presenting them with a vat of perchloric acid, threatening to dissolve the stolen goods. Emmett's motivations for the heist are revealed as Michelle's desire for respect, prompting Howard to grant him forgiveness before delivering a devastating blow - literally. The makeshift armor is completed, and Michelle attempts to make her escape, only to be confronted by Howard once more.

In a desperate bid to outmaneuver her pursuer, Michelle pushes the vat of acid towards Howard, causing him to lose his footing and face-first plunge into its corrosive depths. As she navigates through the vents, Howard hotly pursues her, eventually grabbing hold of her as she reaches the filtration room. However, Michelle's tenacity proves too great, as she manages to dislodge Howard's hand by slamming it repeatedly.

The bunker erupts into chaos as a fire spreads throughout its interior, fueled by an electrical wire compromised by the acid. Amidst this backdrop of destruction, Michelle donned her makeshift biohazard suit and prepared to face the outside world. A profound sense of tranquility envelops her as she gazes up at the sky, observing birds in flight. Removing her gas mask, she takes a deep breath, reveling in the freshness of the air.

Michelle then spots what appears to be a helicopter on the horizon, only to realize it's an imposing alien hovercraft. The bunker's explosion attracts the craft, which begins releasing a toxic green gas. Michelle quickly reassembles her biohazard suit and mask, fleeing the scene towards the nearby barn.

Inside, she discovers the lifeless body of the infected woman from earlier, a grim reminder of the apocalyptic landscape that surrounds her. Through the cracks in the barn's walls, Michelle catches glimpses of a worm-like creature surrounding Howard's truck. When it departs, she seizes the opportunity to claim the car keys from the dead woman and makes a break for the vehicle.

Cornered by the creature, Michelle concocts a plan using a magazine, lighter, and wine bottle to create a Molotov cocktail. As the hovercraft draws near, she seizes her chance, igniting the flammable mixture and hurling it into the creature's maw. The truck is released, plummeting towards the ground as the creature explodes in a spectacular display of destruction.

As Michelle (Mary Elisabeth Winstead) flees her troubled past, she unwittingly stumbles upon a dark secret: Howard's (John Goodman) sinister intentions. The GPS directs her towards Baton Rouge, but a sudden radio broadcast alerts her to the urgent need for medical and combat expertise in Houston. With an otherworldly thunderclap serving as a ominous harbinger, Michelle makes the fateful decision to head towards Houston, unaware that she is being driven into the clutches of a deranged individual.

Unbeknownst to Michelle, Howard has been hiding from the very real threat of an alien attack, which includes a toxic chemical weapon rendering the air hazardous. His motives, however, are far more sinister than mere survival instincts. As a psychotic and calculating kidnapper, Howard had planned to use Michelle as his next victim, having already eliminated Brittany, who he claimed was his estranged daughter.

The unexpected arrival of Emmett (John Gallagher, Jr.) at the onset of the invasion forces Howard's hand, altering his plans and setting the stage for a desperate bid to escape. As Michelle and Emmett uncover the truth about Brittany's true identity, they concoct a plan to outsmart their captor.

Michelle takes matters into her own hands by crafting a makeshift Hazmat suit from the shower curtain. When Howard discovers their makeshift arsenal, Emmett cleverly diverts his attention, allowing Michelle to continue preparing for their escape. However, Howard's brutality is soon revealed as he cold-bloodedly executes Emmett and dissolves his body in a barrel of perchloric acid.

As Michelle attempts to navigate her new reality without Emmett, she discovers the Hazmat suit and uses it to freeze and crack the lock on the hatch, ultimately escaping the bunker. The subsequent explosion would likely prove fatal for Howard, but instead, the blast attracts the attention of a hovering alien spaceship.

Michelle seeks refuge in Howard's truck, where she fabricates a makeshift Molotov cocktail using a bottle of Glenmorangie. As the alien ship lifts the truck towards its maw, Michelle seizes the opportunity to destroy it with her improvised incendiary device, forcing the ship to release the vehicle and sending it plummeting back to Earth.

As Michelle navigates the desolate landscape, she seizes the opportunity to commandeer the vehicle of the woman who had met a tragic fate in her desperate attempt to reach the bunker earlier in the narrative. This bold move serves as a turning point for Michelle's character, as she sets her sights on Houston, where whispers of survivors in need of assistance have reached her ears. With a sense of purpose and determination driving her forward, Michelle steers the car towards the city, leaving the bleakness of the post-apocalyptic world behind. The prospect of finding fellow human beings who have managed to persevere in the face of unimaginable catastrophe proves too great for Michelle to ignore, and she sets off on the arduous journey, driven by a burning desire to make a difference in the lives of those she hopes to rescue.