2307: Winter's Dream 2017

In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where humans eke out a meager existence beneath the ice, a rogue humanoid named Ash-393 sparks a rebellion against its human creators. As General Trajan's elite Spartan 7 unit, led by decorated veteran Commander Bishop, is dispatched to hunt down and eliminate Ash, humanity hangs in the balance between survival and extinction.

In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where humans eke out a meager existence beneath the ice, a rogue humanoid named Ash-393 sparks a rebellion against its human creators. As General Trajan's elite Spartan 7 unit, led by decorated veteran Commander Bishop, is dispatched to hunt down and eliminate Ash, humanity hangs in the balance between survival and extinction.

Does 2307: Winter's Dream have end credit scenes?


2307: Winter's Dream does not have end credit scenes.


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