In Absence, a chilling thriller, a mysterious disappearance sends shockwaves through a family's lives. When an expectant mother awakens to find her pregnancy vanishing without explanation, authorities are left scrambling to unravel the truth. As panic sets in, only her husband and brother remain steadfast in their support, but can they uncover the sinister forces behind this eerie phenomenon before it's too late?

In Absence, a chilling thriller, a mysterious disappearance sends shockwaves through a family's lives. When an expectant mother awakens to find her pregnancy vanishing without explanation, authorities are left scrambling to unravel the truth. As panic sets in, only her husband and brother remain steadfast in their support, but can they uncover the sinister forces behind this eerie phenomenon before it's too late?

Does Absence have end credit scenes?


Absence does not have end credit scenes.


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