
Does After have end credit scenes?


After does not have end credit scenes.




As Tessa navigates college life with conviction, her carefully constructed walls begin to crumble upon encountering the enigmatic Hardin Scott. This charismatic bad boy challenges everything she thought she knew about love, loyalty, and herself, forcing her to confront the voids in her past and the uncertainty of her future.

Runtime: 105 min

Box Office: $69M









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5.3 /10

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Check out what happened in After!

As the film commences, a poignant voice-over from a teenage girl paints a vivid portrait of life-altering moments that can shape one's identity. Against this introspective backdrop, a montage of tender moments between two individuals is presented, highlighting the simplicity of their lives before the arrival of an unpredictable force.

Tessa (Josephine Langford) awakens from a dream, and with a sense of nostalgia, begins to pack her room in preparation for college life. Her mother, Carol (Selma Blair), and best friend, Noah (Dylan Arnold), join her in the kitchen downstairs, where they engage in a warm and humorous conversation about the impending transition. Noah's thoughtful offer to drive up to campus and drop off any forgotten items is met with gratitude.

As their journey unfolds, the trio navigates various cityscapes before arriving at Tessa's new university. Carol, Noah, and Tessa embark on a quest through bustling dorm halls in search of her assigned room, B-22. Upon entering the space, they are confronted by a cacophony of music and two girls lounging on the bed. Tessa introduces herself to Steph (Khadijha Red Thunder), who is vaping, and Tristan (Pia Mia), their spirited roommate. Steph's initial reservations about having a freshman roommate dissipate as she envisions the possibilities of this new relationship.

Tristan confidently assures Tessa that they can gain access to exclusive experiences without the need for a fake ID. However, Carol is dismayed by the atmosphere in the room and demands that they request a room change, fearing that these girls will distract Tessa from her academic pursuits. Despite her mother's concerns, Tessa asserts her independence, emphasizing her ability to manage her responsibilities.

As Carol departs, Tristan mysteriously disappears, leaving Tessa alone with Steph. The two begin to bond over their shared experiences and open up about their relationships, including the revelation that Noah is not only Tessa's best friend but also a senior in high school. Steph's curiosity is piqued by Tessa's extensive book collection, which becomes a symbol of her love for learning.

Later, as Tessa settles into her new room, she and Steph commiserate about their earlier encounter with Carol, relishing the freedom that college life affords. The scene concludes with Tessa cozied up in bed, exchanging sweet nothings with Noah via text message, eagerly anticipating her first day on campus.

As morning light creeps across the campus, Tessa makes her way to her first class of the day, where she's met by Landon (Shane Paul McGhie) outside a locked classroom door. They're among the first to arrive, exchanging pleasantries about their majors and shared status as first-year students. Later that day, back in her dorm room, Tessa takes a refreshing shower only to discover her clothes have fallen victim to the wet fate. Rushing back into her room, she wraps herself in a towel and opens the closet door to find an unexpected occupant - a young man seated on Steph's bed, lost in thought as he reads from a book.

Tessa spins around, startled by the sudden intrusion, and demands to know how he gained entry to her space. The mysterious visitor holds up a set of keys, his gaze barely flickering from the pages before him. Tessa implores him to vacate the premises so she can attend to her wardrobe, but he dismisses her concerns with a nonchalant remark. It's then that Steph enters the room, claiming the space as her own, and takes a seat beside the quiet reader.

Tessa's unease grows as she asks Steph to intervene and have her "boyfriend" depart the scene. However, Steph corrects her, revealing this individual is not her romantic partner, and instead inquires about the nature of his conversation with her. The young man maintains he was simply minding his own business, prompting Steph to inform Tessa that she's actually going out with him that night. Despite her reservations, Tessa ultimately decides against joining the social gathering.

As the pair prepares to exit, the enigmatic reader hands Tessa a book, remarking that The Great Gatsby is a magnificent novel - and that he hates to spoil it for her, but it was all just a dream. Tessa corrects him, stating that the truth lies elsewhere (a revelation with far-reaching implications). With a knowing glint in his eye, the young man departs, leaving Tessa to ponder the strange encounter and its cryptic undertones.

As the morning sun casts its warm glow over the campus coffee shop, Tessa settles in for a day of intense studying. Her concentration is suddenly disrupted by the arrival of a trio of familiar faces, including the enigmatic young man who had caught her off guard just hours prior. Their brief exchange is punctuated by a subtle smile from him, and they depart together, leaving Tessa to ponder the encounter. Seeking refuge in the quiet halls of the library, she becomes lost in her books once more.

However, Steph's arrival brings an end to Tessa's academic pursuits, as her friend enthusiastically invites her to a night out at a popular frat party. With Steph's guidance, Tessa selects a stunning maroon dress that seems to radiate confidence and poise. As they enter the lively atmosphere of the party, Steph reunites with Tristan in the kitchen, sharing a tender kiss that leaves Tessa slightly awestruck.

The friends make their way into the living room, where a group of revelers lounges on the couch. Among them are Zed (Samuel Larsen), Jace the Townie (Swen Temmel), Molly (Inanna Sarkis), and Hardin, whose brooding presence still lingers in Tessa's mind. As they mingle, Molly and Hardin display a tender affection for each other, leaving no doubt about the nature of their relationship.

As the night wears on, Zed shows a genuine interest in Tessa's academic pursuits, asking her about her major and expressing admiration for her ambition. Jace, ever the charming host, offers Tessa a drink, which she initially declines but eventually succumbs to after Molly's playful teasing. The group dynamic shifts as they suggest playing Truth or Dare, a game that Molly assures Tessa is played with a decidedly more adult twist.

When Jace turns his attention to Tessa, asking her to choose between truth and dare, she selects the former. However, when Molly inquires about the most unconventional location where Tessa has ever engaged in intimate activities, Tessa's discomfort becomes palpable. She attempts to deflect the question, but Molly presses on, suggesting that perhaps Tessa is a virgin. The atmosphere in the room shifts as Tessa asks for a dare, and Jace obliges, daring her to share a romantic moment with Hardin. With an air of trepidation, Hardin rises from the couch and makes his way towards Tessa.

As the impromptu moment unfolds, Molly's phone captures the intimate scene as Hardin (actor's name) bends down, his voice low and urgent, asking Tessa if she's ready to see this through. The tension builds as they stand face-to-face, their gazes locked in a silent understanding before Tessa suddenly announces her withdrawal from the game, walking away with an air of independence. Hardin looks taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, and his friends can't resist teasing him about experiencing his first rejection. With a mix of confusion and amusement, he turns to Molly, still filming the moment, and flashes a slow smile.

Meanwhile, outside on the party's porch, Tessa (actor's name) fields a call from Noah, who's concerned about her reckless behavior and excessive drinking. She hangs up on him, retreating back inside where she seeks solace in one of the bedrooms. The room is a sanctuary of sorts, with a Union Jack flag proudly displayed on the wall and bookshelves stacked with volumes of literature. Her eyes land on a copy of Wuthering Heights, its pages adorned with sticky notes, and she opens it to a particular passage.

Just as she begins to read, Hardin appears unexpectedly, his curiosity piqued by her presence in his personal space. Tessa is taken aback, asking if he's intoxicated, which he denies, claiming to be teetotaler like herself. His gaze falls upon the book, and he recites passages from it, mistakenly addressing her as Theresa before correcting himself to acknowledge that her name is indeed Tessa. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he asks what she's doing in his room, his tone suggesting a dare.

Tessa's embarrassment grows as Hardin seizes the book, using it to gently lift her dress and draw himself close. He whispers something about playing the game, reminding her that she owes him a dare. The moment teeters on the brink of a kiss before Tessa regains control, leaving the room with an air of reluctance. Later, as she lies in bed texting Noah, he apologizes for his earlier scolding, expressing his concern for her well-being and seeking to make amends.

As the classroom door swings open, Tessa navigates her way through the sea of students, her eyes scanning the room for a vacant spot to claim as her own. Her gaze lingers on Molly and Zed before deliberately avoiding them, seeking out the familiar face of Landon in the front row instead. The two share a look of mutual excitement, having secured a spot in the coveted upper-level English course. Meanwhile, Hardin saunters into the room, taking his seat mere moments before Professor Soto begins dissecting the timeless classic, "Pride & Prejudice". As the discussion unfolds, Tessa finds herself perturbed by Hardin's unexpected presence in her class. Her ire is further fueled when he offers a dismissive view of Elizabeth Bennett's treatment of Mr. Darcy, suggesting that love can be turned on and off like a switch.

Tessa's hand shoots up, her voice ringing out across the room as she passionately defends the novel's themes. Hardin, undeterred by her fervor, retorts with a characteristic lack of subtlety, dismissing her views as "a load of crap". The classroom becomes an arena for their verbal sparring match, with students watching in rapt attention as the debate devolves into a personal attack on each other's past. Professor Soto brings the argument to a halt, leaving Hardin looking pleased with himself, yet intrigued by Tessa's unyielding tenacity.

As class disperses, Hardin follows Tessa out of the building, exclaiming over the thrill of their intellectual joust. Tessa, however, is having none of it, firmly reiterating that there is no connection between them. Hardin feigns ignorance, claiming they were simply discussing the book's themes, before sauntering off. Landon catches up to Tessa, offering a sympathetic ear as she vents her frustration with Hardin's arrogance. He reassures her that this is merely a manifestation of his inherent nature, one that he has grown accustomed to through his familiarity with the man.

The scene shifts to a tattoo parlor, where Jace skillfully inks Steph's latest design. Tessa sits nearby, declining their offers to adorn her own skin with a firm but wistful "no". Her reasons are twofold: first, she fears her mother would be mortified; second, she is bound by the expectations of a life already meticulously planned out for her, likely culminating in a union with Noah. Steph probes deeper, hinting that Tessa's experiences may not have been limited to this solitary suitor, but Tessa's response remains resolute.

As night falls, Tessa lies awake in her bed, Steph and Tristan's playful whispers drifting from the next room. Her own loneliness begins to seep in, a melancholy undertone that lingers long after the sounds of their mirth have faded away.

As Tessa enters the campus coffee shop the following day, her eyes lock onto Hardin sitting on the couch, engrossed in a book. His piercing gaze meets hers as she adds sugar to her coffee, and he saunters over, his presence impossible to ignore. He warns her that it will be challenging to resist each other's pull, considering Steph is his friend and Tessa's roommate, advising they start anew - just as friends. Despite the warning signs, Hardin reveals a desire to show her something, a place that holds special significance for him. Tessa remains steadfast in her resolve to maintain distance, but Hardin takes a step back, prompting her to laugh, his disappointment palpable as he departs.

As she prepares to leave, Tessa experiences a sudden change of heart and decides to follow him. They embark on a scenic drive in his sleek muscle car, the silence punctuated only by stolen glances between them. Their destination is a secluded clearing surrounded by trees, where Hardin proudly declares this to be his favorite spot. He nonchalantly removes his shirt, inviting her to join him for a swim. Tessa's hesitation stems from her lack of a swimsuit, but Hardin offers the solution - she can wear his shirt instead.

As they take the plunge, the water envelops them in its tranquility. Hardin commends the refreshing sensation, and Tessa requests privacy while changing out of her dress. He obliges, turning away to sneak a peek before facing forward again, his gaze lingering on her as he remarks that he prefers his shirt better suited on her. With a gentle touch, he helps her into the water, and they frolic in its calm depths.

As they swim, their conversation meanders, touching upon topics like her boyfriend. Tessa asks about Hardin's feelings, to which he confesses his love is self-centric - himself. As they draw closer, Tessa reminds him of their friendship-only arrangement, but Hardin's conviction wavers, and they share a tender kiss.

As they exit the lake, he hands her back her dress, turning away as she dresses. They stand side by side on the dock, the silence between them palpable. Just as she finishes dressing, Tessa reaches out to touch his arm, and he turns around, his fingers tracing patterns up her arm and chest, his breath whispers into her ear. He lifts her shirt, his fingertips exploring the waistline of her pants, sensing her nervousness. When asked if she's ever been touched before, she nods, but Hardin abruptly halts his advances, remarking that they have all the time in the world.

As the evening wears on, Hardin and Tessa find themselves at a bustling bar/grill, their conversation peppered with the scent of sizzling burgers and the hum of easygoing chatter. The topic turns to love, and Hardin's skepticism sparks a curious inquiry from Tessa about his own family life. His defensiveness slowly builds as she presses for answers, and Tessa tactfully backs off, sensing the emotional minefield unfolding before her. Just as it seems they're about to part ways, Molly and Zed burst onto the scene, their arrival sending Hardin's demeanor slipping from relaxed to uneasy.

As the trio settles back into their table, Molly's flirtatious advances aim squarely at Tessa, leaving the latter looking uncomfortable and affronted. In a surprising move, Hardin hands over his car keys to Molly, instructing her to wait outside before joining Tessa at the bar. The tension between them is palpable as they discuss his reluctance to be seen with Tessa in public. When Tessa hints at planning to confess their budding relationship to Noah, Hardin's nonchalant demeanor swiftly gives way to a dismissive scoff. His assertion that nothing's happening sparks Tessa's ire, and she storms off, leaving behind her keys as evidence of his words.

Later, Tessa retreats to the sanctuary of her closet, surrounded by the comforting familiarity of her wardrobe and cosmetics. As she navigates the maze of mirrors and makeup, it becomes clear she's struggling to find a look that resonates with her. The morning sun casts its gentle glow when Hardin appears beside her, his caress awakening her from the haze of slumber. She stirs, only to realize this was merely a dream.

The doorbell rings, announcing Noah's surprise visit, and Tessa's world is turned upside down once more. As they gather around the bonfire, the group dynamic is palpable, with Molly's mischievous suggestion of "suck and blow" sending the evening into a tailspin. Jace's calculated move to drop his card as Tessa leans in sets off a chain reaction of tension, culminating in Hardin's explosive punch and a subsequent brawl that sends him fleeing into the darkness.

As the night wears on, Tessa and Noah settle in for a cozy evening of TV and quiet companionship, their bond strengthened by the trials they've faced.

As the night wears on, Tessa (Tessa) receives a frantic text from Landon, beseeching her aid in calming down a tempestuous Hardin. Arriving at his doorstep, she's met with a scene of utter chaos: shattered glasses, overturned furniture, and a kitchen in disarray. A somber Landon recounts the events that transpired, revealing that Hardin's drunken rage was triggered by the news of his father's impending nuptials to Landon's mother - a union that would leave his own mother, stuck in poverty-stricken London, in an even more precarious situation. With her presence, Tessa is drawn into this maelstrom, seeking out Hardin as he sits by the pool, nursing a bottle of liquor.

As she approaches him, he appears taken aback by her arrival, confessing that his drinking habits have recently changed - or rather, relapsed. He offers her a drink, which she politely declines, warning him that he's probably had enough. As the evening wears on, Hardin's actions become increasingly erratic, culminating in the shattering of a bottle and Tessa's subsequent injury. Despite her protests, he insists on taking her upstairs to tend to her wound, where they share a tender moment, punctuated by Hardin's tearful apologies for his past transgressions.

As the night wears off, their mutual vulnerability gives way to a fleeting romance, with Tessa and Hardin surrendering to their desires. However, as the morning light creeps in, reality sets in, and Tessa awakens to the harsh truth of her actions. Rushing back to her dorm, she finds Noah patiently waiting outside, his concern for her well-being tempered by his suspicion that something is amiss. When Hardin appears on the scene, still reeling from their nocturnal escapade, Noah's heartbreak and anger boil over, prompting him to abandon Tessa in favor of a solitary retreat.

As the dust settles, Tessa confides in Steph about her recent breakup with Noah, seeking solace in her friend's empathetic ear. In the aftermath of this tumultuous night, Tessa is left grappling with the consequences of her choices, forced to confront the blurred lines between love and lust, as well as the harsh realities that come with entangling oneself in Hardin's chaotic orbit.

As Tessa traverses the campus with a somber gaze, ignoring her mother's persistent texts regarding her recent break-ups - one from Noah and another from Hardin himself, who had been inquiring about her sudden silence - she appears to be going through the motions of daily life. However, it is clear that her heart remains heavy with the weight of her own decisions. One evening, after receiving a cryptic text from Hardin, Tessa finds herself standing before his fraternity house, hesitantly knocking on the door as if drawn by an unseen force.

As she enters, they ascend to the rooftop, where the night air is filled with the sounds of distant laughter and music. The darkness seems to amplify the intensity of their conversation, as Tessa opens up about her troubled past - specifically, the painful memory of her father's abandonment when she was just a child. Her words are laced with regret and longing as she confesses that her betrayal towards Noah still haunts her. In this moment, it becomes apparent that Hardin has awakened something deep within her, something that transcends mere friendship.

As the days pass, Tessa and Hardin find themselves in a series of clandestine encounters, each one building upon the last. One such instance takes place in the university library, where they sneak past the closing hours to share a stolen moment together. As they huddle close, surrounded by the musty scent of old books and the faint hum of fluorescent lights, Hardin begins to read to Tessa, his voice low and husky as he weaves a spell of intimacy around them.

Their escapades continue with an impromptu escape from the security guard, their laughter echoing through the deserted corridors as they make a break for freedom. It is during one such moment that Hardin reveals his admiration for Tessa's beauty, his words spoken in hushed tones as they lay entwined on the cold floor.

As their trysts become more frequent and intense, Carol, Tessa's mother, bursts into her daughter's dorm room, her expression a mix of shock and dismay. The ensuing argument is a culmination of long-simmering tensions between the two women, with Carol fearing that her daughter is sacrificing her future for a fleeting romance.

Tessa stands firm in her resolve, however, insisting that her mother has been suffocating her with an iron grip, stifling her every attempt at independence. As their disagreement reaches its boiling point, Carol makes good on her threat to cut off her daughter's financial support if she continues the relationship - a choice Tessa is unwilling to relinquish.

In a parting shot, Carol warns her daughter that Hardin will ultimately break her heart, leaving Tessa to ponder the wisdom of her mother's words as she stands alone in the darkness, the weight of her own decisions hanging precariously in the balance.

As Landon and Tessa grapple with the aftermath of her estrangement from her mother, Hardin offers a warning: his complex nature is likely to be triggered by their relationship. But Tessa remains steadfast in her conviction that he's different around her, and she's not wrong. Their chance encounter outside the coffee shop leads to an impromptu ride-along with Hardin, who takes her to a luxurious apartment he's agreed to tend while his friend is abroad. Seeing an opportunity to escape the drama, Tessa proposes they make it their own temporary sanctuary. Hardin agrees, and they settle in for a whirlwind of cozy nights, romantic outings, and tender moments. Amidst the intimacy, they visit an aquarium where Hardin captures Tessa's joyous laughter as she gazes at the fish, her eyes shining with a newfound sense of belonging.

As their bond deepens, they attend Hardin's father's wedding, navigating the tension that comes with meeting his family. Tessa meets Karen (Jennifer Beals), Landon's mom, and the two women exchange warm smiles. However, it's clear that something is amiss as Hardin becomes increasingly agitated during his dad's speech. Later, he opens up to Tessa about his troubled relationship with alcohol, tracing its roots back to a childhood marred by his father's (Peter Gallagher) shady dealings and violent outbursts. One fateful night, the wrong group of men arrived at their doorstep, leaving an indelible mark on young Hardin.

As the night wears on, Tessa interrupts a heated conversation between Mr. Scott and Hardin, drawing him into a dance that morphs into a passionate kiss. They return to their apartment, their bodies entwined as they make their way inside. As the moment of truth approaches, Tessa confesses her desire for him, and Hardin's anticipation is palpable. With cautionary whispers and gentle fingers, they surrender to the thrill of discovery. The next day, as they lounge in a warm bath, Hardin indulges his playful side, tracing words on Tessa's back that she struggles to decipher – "I LOVE U," a sweet yet enigmatic message that remains unspoken until another time.

As the bathroom stall door swung shut, Molly's piercing gaze locked onto Tessa's, her curiosity palpable as she probed about Tessa's recent romantic entanglements. The latter's revelation of a broken-up relationship came as no surprise to Molly, who then ventured to remark on the rapidity with which Tessa seemed to be moving on. This observation was corroborated by none other than Hardin himself, whose words had apparently been shared with Molly in confidence.

Fast-forward to Tessa's apartment, where an eerie stillness was shattered by the incessant buzzing of Hardin's phone. As she picked up the device to investigate the commotion, her eyes widened in shock as a flurry of texts from none other than Molly flashed onto the screen. The messages were laced with tantalizing hints and veiled threats, culminating in an invitation to meet at a local watering hole that evening. Tessa's curiosity piqued, she confronted Hardin about the cryptic communications, only to be met with a disingenuous disclaimer of ignorance.

Hardin's hasty departure from the scene left Tessa reeling and wondering if her trust in him was misplaced. As the night wore on, her attempts to reconnect with him via text were met with stony silence. It was then that Jace intervened, offering to reveal Hardin's whereabouts in exchange for a meeting at another establishment. Tessa arrived at the designated location, only to find herself face-to-face with a surprise: a table filled with familiar faces, including Molly, Zed, and Steph.

The atmosphere was thick with tension as Tessa dropped a bombshell about her living arrangement with Hardin off campus, prompting a mixture of confusion and concern from the assembled group. It was as if they were collectively grappling with the ambiguity surrounding their relationships. Just then, Jace appeared, accompanied by none other than Hardin himself - his countenance a picture of mortification and trepidation as he beheld Tessa's presence.

As Jace (character) gives Molly a reassuring fist bump, he vows to have her back. The air is thick with tension as Molly begins to dish out juicy details about Tessa's fascination with their relationship, labeling it undeniably adorable. She turns to Hardin and asks if there's anything he'd like to share with Tessa, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. However, before Hardin can respond, Tessa herself interjects, demanding to know if there's something brewing between him and Molly. Hardin's denials only serve to fuel Tessa's skepticism, her voice dripping with disdain as she reveals that she's been privy to incriminating texts.

Molly attempts to intervene, cautioning that the situation has spun out of control. She hints that something is afoot, but it's not what Tessa suspects – namely, an illicit affair between Hardin and herself. Instead, Molly urges Tessa to recall the night they played Truth or Dare, her eyes locking onto Tessa with an unnerving intensity.

As Hardin and Zed try to silence Molly, she pulls out her phone and reveals a video of the fateful evening when she rebuffed Hardin's advances. The atmosphere grows increasingly charged as Hardin confesses that he'd concocted a dare – one that would prompt Tessa to fall head over heels in love with him, only for him to snap his fingers and extinguish those feelings like a candle flame.

As the weight of this revelation crashes down around them, Hardin's eyes well up with tears. Molly matter-of-factly reveals that the entire ordeal was merely a game, leaving Tessa stunned and disbelieving. The air is heavy with unspoken truths as Tessa rises from her seat, her gaze sweeping the table to gauge her friends' reactions.

Their collective avoidance of eye contact only serves to further solidify the gravity of Hardin's confession. With a fierce determination, Tessa storms out of the room, Hardin hot on her heels as they clash in the rain-soaked night air. Their argument is a cacophony of recriminations and accusations, with Tessa branding him a liar and he countering that she'd previously declared nothing could alter her feelings for him.

As Tessa disappears into the darkness, leaving Hardin to weep in the downpour, their bitter exchange hangs suspended like a challenge – one that will linger long after the storm has passed.

As Tessa steps off the bus and returns home, she rekindles her relationship with her mother, then makes a heartfelt apology to Noah. He offers words of wisdom, revealing that college is often about self-discovery and people evolving, leading them to decide on maintaining their friendship. With a newfound sense of closure, Tessa heads back to campus, moving into her dorm room once more. She throws herself into her studies, while Hardin (Joe Alwyn) remains in his quarters, lost in thought as he reminisces about the night they almost shared a romantic moment.

In the midst of this new chapter, Tessa learns about an internship opportunity through Chancellor Scott and is subsequently invited for an interview. As the semester draws to a close, Professor Soto dismisses her classmates, but requests that Tessa remain behind. With a sense of trepidation, she's handed Hardin's final project, which was meant specifically for her. This sparks a internal debate with Landon, as she wrestles with the decision to open the package.

Eventually, curiosity gets the better of her, and she uncovers the contents: a collection of photographs featuring herself and the serene lake where they shared their first kiss. Accompanying these images is an essay that delves into the complexities of love. Inspired by this discovery, Tessa decides to return to the lake, seeking solace in its tranquil atmosphere.

As she sits on the dock, lost in thought, a voice whispers secrets in her ear - Hardin's (Joe Alwyn) remorseful words, poured straight from his heart onto the wind. He speaks of having found his Elizabeth Bennet, declaring that their souls are intertwined as one. His apologetic tone is palpable as he asks for forgiveness. Suddenly, he materializes beside her, sitting down in silence next to her on the dock. The voice-over lingers, as Hardin confesses that she had once asked him whom he loved most in this world, his response a heartfelt declaration: "it's you." Their gazes lock, the air thick with unspoken emotions.