
Does American Flyers have end credit scenes?


American Flyers does not have end credit scenes.

American Flyers

American Flyers


As two brothers, one a driven athlete, the other struggling with mortality, embark on a treacherous bike race across the Rocky Mountains, secrets threaten to derail their journey. Unbeknownst to his brother, Marcus is racing against time as David's fragile health hangs in the balance, testing the limits of human endurance and brotherly love.

Runtime: 113 min

Box Office: $1.4M









User Score






User Score


6.5 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in American Flyers!

As renowned sports physician Marcus Sommers (actor name) returns to his family in St. Louis, Missouri, after an extended absence, he's met with a tense atmosphere that's been building for quite some time. The trigger is the recent loss of his father from a cerebral aneurysm, and Marcus' mother is visibly distraught as they rehash their differences over how she handled her husband's passing. With emotions still raw, Marcus turns to his brother David (actor name) in search of comfort and connection.

The specter of their family's history with cerebral aneurysms casts a long shadow, as their mother remains gravely concerned that this condition might now be affecting David as well. Marcus tries to reassure her by convincing David to undergo testing at his sports medicine center, hoping to ease any lingering doubts. As the test begins, David makes a bold declaration: he wants to push himself just one second longer than Marcus' own record. With David's determination and a burst of adrenaline, he shatters Marcus' mark, earning applause from everyone in the room.

As this newfound confidence takes hold, David overhears a snippet of conversation that leaves him assuming the worst: Marcus is hiding something about his own health. This misinterpretation sets David on edge, as he becomes increasingly paranoid and consumed by his own fears.

Meanwhile, Marcus sees an opportunity to bond with his brother over their shared pastime – cycling. He shows David and his girlfriend Sarah a thrilling video from a past "Hell of the West" race, highlighting the moment when he surrendered mid-race. With a self-deprecating chuckle, Marcus reveals that he's since honed the art of quitting so expertly that no one can tell anymore.

Feeling the urge to reconnect with his brother on a deeper level, Marcus convinces David and Sarah to embark on an epic cross-country journey to the renowned "Hell of the West" bicycle race in Colorado. Along the way, they camp under the stars, and David opens up about his concerns regarding cerebral aneurysms, seeking reassurance from his brother. Marcus shares his own expertise, explaining that surgery would be a drastic measure that could destroy vital brain functions.

As their adventure unfolds, David meets a free-spirited hitchhiker named Becky at a McDonald's pit stop and invites her to join them on their journey. The brothers also spend some quality time honing their skills in "shake and break" maneuvers – a unique blend of cycling and cowboy trickery. However, their serenity is disrupted by a flat tire mishap, which brings an unwelcome visit from Sarah's ex-husband Muzzin (actor name) and his friend Jerome – both old rivals of Marcus' on the cycling circuit.

As tensions rise, Muzzin makes a bold move to cross the line with Sarah, prompting her to grab a large rock in defense. Becky, impressed by Sarah's tenacity, decides to hold onto the rock as a symbol of their resilience in the face of adversity.

As the rugged Rocky Mountains serve as a backdrop for the thrilling three-stage cycling competition, two brothers - Marcus and David - pit their skills against the world's elite riders on treacherous roads that defy gravity. The pace is frenetic, the stakes high, and the drama unfolding. A minor setback for Marcus, courtesy of a pesky flat tire, becomes a moment of redemption as Sarah and Becky spring into action to repair it while the pack zooms by at breakneck speeds. Undeterred, Marcus reclaims his position at the front of the race and emerges victorious in the first stage, outpacing formidable opponents like Muzzin and Belov, the Russian Olympic winner. In the aftermath, Muzzin unleashes a tirade against a female reporter who had pushed for a U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics.

Meanwhile, David's struggles to make the cut take a brutal turn when he's suddenly crashed into by another rider, leaving his bike badly damaged. Watching from the finish line, Marcus issues words of encouragement, urging David to salvage what remains and make it to the next stage. David's determination is rewarded as he crosses the finish line, his battered bike held together by sheer willpower. As he regains his composure, Marcus takes the time to brief him on the location of crucial checkpoints along the course. If David can navigate these key points first, he might just claw back lost time and stay in contention.

Stage two sees David break away from the pack and claim the first checkpoint, gaining a precious 30 seconds on his rivals. He then powers through the remaining checkpoints, adding a further 2 minutes to his advantage. Meanwhile, Marcus begins to exhibit worrying signs of distress - blood oozing from his nose and ears, his equilibrium faltering as he wobbles precariously on his bike along the winding road. In desperation, he signals to Sarah and Becky in the team van for assistance as they converge on his location. Just as it seems all hope is lost, Sarah swoops in to rescue Marcus before his bike careers over the edge of a treacherous cliff.

As the pack closes in on David, he crosses the finish line an impressive third in stage two. The news of Marcus's ordeal reaches him through Becky, who finds him among the cheering crowd. As the reality of their situation sinks in, David and Marcus confess their love for each other, faced with a daunting dilemma: should they throw in the towel and prioritize Marcus's health, or risk everything to defy the odds and win the race? In the end, it is a decision that will test their bond, their resolve, and their very character.

As the race unfolds, David's unbridled energy propels him into an early lead, with his competitors initially attributing his momentum to the exuberance of youth. However, as the miles tick by, it becomes apparent that David's pace is not only relentless but also remarkably sustainable, leaving his opponents scrambling to keep up. The grueling mountain stages prove to be a turning point, as Muzzin approaches David with a proposal: abandon the win and settle for second place. When David refuses to yield, Muzzin attempts to sabotage him by trying to push him off the road. In response, David lands a decisive punch, shrugging off the obstruction, and continues his bid for victory.

As the finish line comes into view, David crosses it first, but is forced to wait as Muzzin struggles to complete the course, attempting to claw back the 11-second deficit accrued during stage two. The tension builds until finally, Muzzin limps across the line, clocks ticking away at precisely 11 seconds. The crowd erupts into jubilation, celebrating David's triumphant victory.

David shares his moment of glory with loved ones, embracing his mom, Sarah and Becky. As he scans the faces in the crowd, his eyes land on Marcus, standing alone and watching him with a mix of admiration and longing. David walks over to share in the emotion, wrapping Marcus in a warm embrace. The shared hug is met with a nod from their mother, who has been patiently observing from afar. The trio's reconciliation culminates in a heartwarming photo opportunity, capturing the tender moment for posterity.