
Does Angel Eyes have end credit scenes?


Angel Eyes does not have end credit scenes.

Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes


In the dark alleys of Chicago, a chance encounter between cop Sharon Pogue and enigmatic stranger Catch sets off a chain reaction of danger, deception, and passion. As their tumultuous romance unfolds, secrets and lies surface, threatening to destroy the fragile trust they've built.

Runtime: 102 min

Box Office: $30M








User Score






User Score


5.7 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Angel Eyes!

As the rain-soaked streets of Chicago wept tears of despair, Police Officer Sharon Pogue (Jennifer Lopez) stood vigil by the side of a critically injured stranger, her pleas for him to hold on echoing through the darkness. A year would pass before she found herself again at the mercy of fate's cruel whims, this time as the recipient of Catch's (James Caviezel) timely intervention. The memory of that fateful night still lingered in her mind like a faint whisper, a reminder of the fragility of life and the power of chance encounters.

Sharon's personal life was a tangled web of frustration and heartache. A string of unsatisfying relationships had left her feeling empty, while her estrangement from her family remained a festering wound. The scars of her past still ran deep, a constant reminder of the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, Larry (Jeremy Sisto), who had never forgiven her for having him arrested. His resentment was matched only by Sharon's own anger, which threatened to consume her and compromise her police work.

In the midst of this turmoil, a mysterious figure began to weave his way into her life. Catch, with eyes that seemed to hold a deep wisdom and a presence that commanded attention, became a silent observer in the shadows. His initial appearances were fleeting, but Sharon couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to cross again.

That moment arrived on a fateful night when machine gun fire raked across the diner where Sharon was enjoying a quiet cup of coffee with her partner. The chaos that ensued saw her and her colleague chasing after the perpetrators, only for Sharon to find herself in a desperate struggle against one of the criminals. Her world came crashing down as she found herself on the receiving end of a hail of gunfire, her life hanging precariously in the balance.

It was then that Catch intervened, his sudden appearance like a ray of hope in the darkness. With a strength and agility that belied his enigmatic nature, he wrestled the gun from the criminal's grasp, saving Sharon's life. As she lay there, her chest still reeling from the impact of the bullets, Catch vanished into the night as suddenly as he had appeared.

Their paths would cross again, this time in a tavern where Sharon poured out her gratitude to the stranger who had given his life for hers. A spark of connection seemed to ignite between them, tempered by a deep sense of mystery and an unsettling feeling that their lives were now inextricably linked. As they shared a moment of intimacy, it was as if the very fabric of reality had been altered, setting in motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of Sharon's life.

The days that followed saw Catch's presence woven into the tapestry of her existence like an invisible thread. A dandelion taped to her mailbox with his phone number seemed to defy explanation, a symbol of the inexplicable forces that now governed her world. As she struggled to make sense of this enigmatic stranger and the role he was playing in her life, Sharon found herself drawn into a vortex of uncertainty, where nothing was as it seemed and the very notion of reality was threatened by the intrusion of the unknown.

As Catch (actor's name) heeds the wise counsel of his mother-in-law, he reaches out to Sharon, tenderly apologizing for past transgressions. The couple's connection deepens as they embark on a serene lakeside escapade, basking in the warm glow of a picturesque sunset and surrendering to the allure of each other's company. A subsequent romantic swim serves only to heighten their passion, culminating in an intimate encounter that leaves them both breathless.

In the days that follow, Catch proves himself to be a steadfast source of comfort as Sharon navigates the choppy waters of family drama. His calming presence begins to have a profound impact on her police work, imbuing her with a renewed sense of purpose and conviction.

One fateful evening, they find themselves at a blues club, where the intoxicating rhythms of the music serve only to fuel their desire for each other. Catch's eyes light upon a trumpet resting on the bandstand, and he seizes the instrument, coaxing forth a soulful rendition of "Nature Boy" that leaves the audience mesmerized. As they prepare to depart, the club owner approaches him, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and familiarity as he addresses Catch by the name "Steve Lambert", inquiring about his whereabouts. Catch's denials are swift and adamant, but the seed of doubt has been planted.

The following day, Sharon delves into the police files, seeking to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Steve Lambert. Her discoveries lead her down a poignant path, one that ultimately reveals the tragic circumstances surrounding the loss of his family - a devastating traffic accident that claimed the life of his wife and child. As she stands before the abandoned house, a tangible testament to his grief, she is compelled to intervene, seeking to ease Catch's emotional anguish.

Her first attempt at solace falls flat, however, as Catch's defenses prove impenetrable, forcing him to withdraw from her gentle prodding. Undeterred, Sharon turns to his mother-in-law for guidance, receiving a reminder that patience and understanding are often the most effective balm for the wounded soul.

At a later date, Sharon finds herself drawn to the poignant ritual of her parents' wedding vow renewal ceremony, an event that serves as a poignant reminder of the power of love to transcend even the most trying of circumstances. As she seeks to connect with her father, however, she is met with a mixture of sadness and detachment, his words a painful echo of the emotional disconnection that has grown between them.

Yet even in the face of adversity, Sharon finds solace in the warmth of her own memories, recalling the joyous times spent playing with her brother and father as children. The bittersweet nature of this recollection is not lost on her, but it serves only to deepen her connection to those around her, imbuing her with a sense of resilience that will carry her through even the most trying of times.

As the somber atmosphere of the cemetery envelops him, Catch (actor name) finds solace in the memories of his beloved wife and child. With a heavy heart, he recounts the countless moments of joy and love they shared, their laughter echoing through the silence like a bittersweet melody. The weight of his grief momentarily lifts as he relives these cherished moments, the pain of loss tempered by the warmth of nostalgia.

As Sharon (actor name) makes her way out of the reception, she's confronted with an unexpected surprise: Catch, standing patiently beside her car, his eyes shining with a deep longing. With open arms, they embrace, their love for each other pouring forth like a long-suppressed river breaking free from its banks. The tension between them is palpable as they stand there, the world around them fading into the background.

As they prepare to depart, Catch takes control of the wheel, his gentle smile a testament to the peace that has settled upon him. With Sharon by his side, he steers their journey into the unknown, the promise of new beginnings hanging precariously in the balance like a delicate leaf on the cusp of takeoff.