In a ravaged world where humanity's last remnants devour each other, pregnant survivor Alice must navigate treacherous terrain with two unlikely allies to reach an island sanctuary. But as she faces hordes of flesh-eaters, a more sinister force emerges: a relentless hunter stalking a mysterious girl, forcing Alice to confront the most terrifying threat of all - not the undead, but the living.

In a ravaged world where humanity's last remnants devour each other, pregnant survivor Alice must navigate treacherous terrain with two unlikely allies to reach an island sanctuary. But as she faces hordes of flesh-eaters, a more sinister force emerges: a relentless hunter stalking a mysterious girl, forcing Alice to confront the most terrifying threat of all - not the undead, but the living.

Does Anger of the Dead have end credit scenes?


Anger of the Dead does not have end credit scenes.


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