
Does Around the World in 80 Days have end credit scenes?


Around the World in 80 Days has end credit scenes.

Around the World in 80 Days

Around the World in 80 Days


Aspiring explorer Passepartout joins forces with the eccentric Phileas for a thrilling 80-day journey around the world. With a wagering frog's reckless enthusiasm driving them, this unlikely duo navigates treacherous landscapes, unexpected obstacles, and comedic misadventures in their quest to win a fortune, all while discovering the wonders of our diverse planet.

Runtime: 82 min

Box Office: $2.2M





7.2 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Around the World in 80 Days!

As the curtain rises on this cinematic odyssey, broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow (Edward R. Murrow) presents a thought-provoking prologue, weaving together archival footage from Georges Méliès' A Trip to the Moon (1902) and an unmanned rocket's triumphant launch, as well as a poignant shot of Earth receding into the distance. This masterful setup serves as a testament to the film's ambitious scope, which is loosely based on Jules Verne's timeless classic From the Earth to the Moon.

Cut to 1872, where the world is about to witness a feat that will redefine the boundaries of human endeavour. Phileas Fogg (character A), an English gentleman with an unparalleled sense of adventure and a penchant for precision, places a staggering £20,000 wager (£2.3 million in today's terms) against four fellow members of the Reform Club, each contributing £5,000 to the bet. This monumental challenge is made all the more daunting by Fogg's stipulation that he must circumnavigate the globe and return to the club within eighty days, arriving precisely at 8:45 pm on a given evening.

With his trusty French valet, Passepartout (character B), by his side, Fogg embarks on a whirlwind journey around the world, leaving no stone unturned as he seeks to defy the odds and claim victory. Along the way, he generously dispenses wealth to encourage others to aid him in his quest for speed, all while juggling tight steamship schedules and navigating the complexities of international travel. Upon arriving in Paris, the duo is met with a surprising setback: the news that a tunnel under the Alps is impassable.

Undeterred by this obstacle, Fogg seizes an opportunity to purchase a hot air balloon from Thomas Cook's agent, allowing him and Passepartout to soar above the treacherous terrain, champagne in hand. As they drift across the skies, their journey becomes all the more magical, with a tantalizing glimpse of flamenco rhythms performed on a table-top stage in Spain.

As they continue their odyssey, Fogg and Passepartout find themselves drawn into a series of comedic misadventures, including a hilarious bullfight sequence that showcases Passepartout's quick wit and agility. Next, they arrive in Italy, where the vibrant cityscape of Brindisi provides a stunning backdrop for their escapades.

Meanwhile, back in London, suspicion begins to simmer as whispers circulate about Fogg's alleged theft of £55,000 (£6.2 million today) from the Bank of England. In response, Police Inspector Fix (character C) is dispatched by Scotland Yard to track down the elusive Fogg, starting his pursuit in Suez. Fix must patiently await a warrant before he can make an arrest, forced to follow Fogg's trail through British-controlled ports.

As Fogg and Passepartout venture further into the unknown, they find themselves in India, where they rescue the beautiful young widow Aouda (character D) from certain doom on a funeral pyre. The trio then embarks on a thrilling journey that takes them to Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, and the Wild West, including the Sioux Nation.

Their travels eventually bring them to New York, where they secure passage on a cargo steamship bound for Venezuela – Fogg cleverly bribes the captain to alter their course, leading them back to England. However, their triumph is short-lived, as the ship runs out of coal in the middle of the ocean and comes to a grinding halt. Undaunted, Fogg seizes control of the vessel and instructs his new crew to scavenge every available source of fuel – including lifeboats – to keep their journey on track.

As the intrepid Phileas Fogg (Michael Palin) arrives in Liverpool, his prospects of winning the wager against the clock begin to dwindle. The relentless Inspector Fix (actor's name), still convinced he is the culprit, takes Fogg into custody, unaware that the true perpetrator has already been apprehended by authorities in Brighton. Despite being cleared and released from police custody, Fogg's deadline for reaching London now looms precariously close, threatening to dash his chances of securing the bet.

With his hopes of redemption dwindling, Fogg returns to London, where he asks his trusted valet Passepartout (actor's name) to arrange a church wedding with the enchanting Aouda (actress's name) for the following day. However, as Passepartout begins to make the necessary arrangements, he is shocked to discover that the next day is actually Sunday, not Monday. This unexpected revelation sends Fogg into a frenzy of calculation and contemplation.

As the stakes continue to rise, Fogg's ingenious mind conjures a plan to salvage his fortunes. Recognizing that by traveling east towards the rising sun and crossing the International Date Line, he can gain an extra day, Fogg sets his sights on reaching the Reform Club before the 8:45 pm chime, when the wager will officially be settled.

With Passepartout and Aouda in tow, Fogg embarks on a frantic quest to secure his place among the esteemed members of the Reform Club. As they arrive just moments before the deadline, the unexpected sight of Aouda accompanying Fogg sends shockwaves throughout the club, marking a momentous occasion as she becomes the first woman ever to set foot within its hallowed halls.