
Does Bee Movie have end credit scenes?


Bee Movie has end credit scenes.

Bee Movie

Bee Movie


In a hive where tradition reigns supreme, Barry B. Benson defies convention by chatting with a free-spirited florist, Vanessa. His eyes opened to a shocking truth - humans have been pilfering bee honey for centuries. With newfound purpose, Barry decides to take on the world, suing humanity for its sweet theft and fighting for his fellow bees' rights.

Runtime: 91 min

Box Office: $294M







User Score






User Score


6.1 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Bee Movie!

In the bustling metropolis of Manhattan, a disillusioned Barry B. Benson (voiced by Jerry Seinfeld) - a recent college graduate and bee from New Hive City - finds himself at a crossroads. Tired of his mundane life producing honey for Honex, Barry decides to take the leap and explore the wonders of the human world. His journey leads him to meet the enigmatic Vanessa, a human florist (voiced by Renee Zellweger) whose boyfriend's allergies make their encounters fraught with peril.

Their unlikely friendship begins with a groundbreaking exchange: "Ya like jazz?" - a moment that shatters one of the fundamental laws of beedom: never initiate conversation with humans. As Barry navigates this uncharted territory, he gains a crash course in human nature and discovers the shocking truth: humans have been pilfering the very honey his fellow bees toil tirelessly to produce.

With indignation coursing through his veins, Barry decides to take drastic action - filing a class-action lawsuit against the humans who've been exploiting their labor. The courtroom drama that ensues pits Barry against Layton T. Montgomery (voiced by Matthew Broderick), a cunning lawyer determined to protect the interests of the honey-producing companies.

As the trial reaches its climax, a series of unexpected events unfold: Barry sends a bear into the room to unsettle Montgomery and use as evidence; a heated confrontation ensues, resulting in Montgomery's temporary confinement to a wheelchair-like contraption. The second day of the trial brings another twist when Montgomery pulls out a farming tool designed for honey harvesting - only to discover it harms the very bees he's trying to protect.

In the end, Barry emerges victorious, securing a landmark victory that forces the shutdown of five major honey-producing companies guilty of exploiting their bee workers. However, the consequences of this triumph become all too apparent: without their labor, the bees cease pollinating flowers, and the world begins to wither and die. Realizing the devastating impact of their actions, Barry and his fellow bees embark on a monumental operation to revive the planet's plant life.

Through sheer determination and collective effort, they succeed in pollinating the world once more, restoring balance to the ecosystem and ensuring a brighter future for all.