
Does Berserk have end credit scenes?


Berserk does not have end credit scenes.




In the world of fading fame and unfulfilled dreams, two friends – one a has-been star, the other a struggling writer – join forces to revive their careers with a zombie movie script. But when a careless prank spirals into tragedy, they must navigate the darkness to conceal the truth, all while confronting the existential horrors lurking beneath the surface of their own mortality.

Runtime: 85 min





3.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Berserk!

Here is the rephrased section:

As the curtains of their travelling circus opened and closed across England, Monica (ringmistress) and Albert (business manager) navigated the intricate balance between artistry and commerce. Their latest performance was marred by tragedy when Gaspar the Great, a daring tightrope walker, met his untimely demise after his rope snapped, sending shockwaves through the troupe. The authorities were left scratching their heads as to who might have tampered with the rope, but Monica saw an opportunity in the chaos - she predicted that Gaspar's death would bring forth a tidal wave of publicity and bigger audiences, much to Albert's dismay. His pleas for her to buy out his share of the circus fell on deaf ears, and instead, Monica replaced Gaspar with Frank Hawkins, a dashing tightrope artist renowned for his death-defying feats over a carpet of sharp bayonets without a net - a performance that left even Monica agog.

But before the dust had settled, Albert's lifeless body was discovered, leaving the troupe reeling in suspicion. Hawkins, who had witnessed Monica departing from Albert's trailer mere moments before his murder, attempted to extort her for a share of the circus in exchange for his silence - and Monica, desperate to keep the show on the road, acquiesced.

As the circus continued its tour de force, Monica's daughter Angela suddenly reappeared, fresh from being expelled from school. Monica, eager to provide a second chance, hired Angela to perform in a knife-throwing act that would send shivers down the spines of the audience. Meanwhile, Matilda, another performer, made a brazen attempt to seduce Hawkins, only to be rebuffed by Monica's growing jealousy. Tragedy struck once more when Matilda met her untimely demise during a magician's trick gone awry.

And then, on a fateful evening, Angela was spotted throwing a knife that found its mark in Hawkins' back as he performed his death-defying high-wire act. The tightrope walker plummeted to the ground, landing with a thud amidst the sharp bayonets - and it became clear that the murders were not isolated incidents. Angela's confession revealed a shocking motive: her attempts to eliminate those who had consumed her mother's time and attention throughout her childhood. In a desperate bid for revenge, she had been driven to murder, but ultimately met her own demise when electrocuted by a live wire outside the circus tent during a torrential downpour. As Monica wept inconsolably over her daughter's lifeless body, the curtains closed on a travelling circus forever changed by tragedy and deceit.