
Does Cabin Fever: Patient Zero have end credit scenes?


Cabin Fever: Patient Zero does not have end credit scenes.

Cabin Fever: Patient Zero

Cabin Fever: Patient Zero


As a group of unsuspecting friends gather for a weekend getaway, they unwittingly stumble into a desolate paradise where a mysterious, flesh-devouring pathogen lurks, threatening to ravage their lives and destroy the perfect party.

Runtime: 91 min








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4.4 /10

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Check out what happened in Cabin Fever: Patient Zero!

As the cinematic canvas unfurls, the eerie silhouette of a heavily armed military force emerges, clad in Bio Hazard suits and wielding firearms and flame throwers, as an urgent 911 call crackles to life. The female operator's voice, speaking with a hint of urgency in Spanish, is interrupted by the male caller's anguished cries from the other end: "They are sick, they are all sick. There's blood everywhere... they're looking for me." The armed squad storms into the decaying building, where they discover multiple corpses, their twisted bodies bearing testament to the devastating ravages of disease.

As the scene shifts to a medical research facility on an island off the Dominican Republic, Dr. Edwards (character not provided) and his assistant Camila stroll through a sterile corridor en route to a laboratory. Camila's somber tone belies a sense of unease as she notes that "Incidents in the States were isolated, successfully contained. We don't know how it reached the D.R." The passing reference to previous events hints at a timeline spanning beyond the initial Cabin Fever films.

The narrative then pivots to reveal Porter, a survivor plucked from the ruins, now being transported to the research facility. As Dr. Edwards and Camila tend to his wounds, Porter's backstory unfolds: an aid worker providing crucial support to the Dominican Republic's poor, only to find himself "Patient Zero," carrying the virus despite being immune to its effects.

Porter's anguish is palpable as he learns of his son's tragic demise, a casualty of the outbreak. Dr. Edwards' revelation that Porter is immune to the virus and could be a valuable asset in the quest for a vaccine or cure fails to elicit a voluntary response from the distraught survivor. Instead, Porter is forced into compliance, with no choice but to submit to the demands of his circumstances.

As Marcus's sedan winds its way through the lush Dominican countryside, he makes a pit stop in a quaint village to pick up his trusted friend Dobbs (played by). The duo is racing against time, as they're running significantly behind schedule and Josh's entire family will be waiting for them at the wedding. With the clock ticking away, Marcus and Dobbs arrive at the rehearsal dinner, where they're greeted with the warm atmosphere of mingling guests.

Just as Katia (played by) is raising a glass in a heartfelt toast, Josh (Marcus's brother) and Penny are caught off guard, their intimate moment in a secluded cabana interrupted by an uninvited security guard. As the evening wears on, Marcus and Dobbs make their grand entrance, only to find Josh and Penny re-entering the party, still basking in the aftermath of their romantic escapade.

As the group meanders through the village streets, Penny's attention is piqued by a local artisanal jewelry stand. A mysterious black woman approaches her, speaking in hushed tones in Spanish, and presents her with a beautifully crafted piece of jewelry. Initially perplexed, Penny politely declines the offering, only for Dobbs to swoop in, enlightening her about the charm's supposed ability to ward off evil forces. Meanwhile, Josh is seen striking up a deal with a street vendor, exchanging currency for a coveted package.

As the group converges at the marina, they're treated to a breathtaking view of a majestic yacht. With great fanfare, Josh and Dobbs reveal that they've rented the vessel as a bachelor party gift, promising an unforgettable adventure on a supposedly deserted island. Marcus seeks Katia's approval, receiving her blessing before the crew boards the ship and sets sail for their secret getaway.

As the yacht navigates through the waters, Katia issues a cautionary warning to Marcus, advising him not to venture too far north due to restricted maritime zones. With the island looming on the horizon, Marcus, Josh, Dobbs, and Penny are poised to embark on an unforgettable night of revelry and camaraderie before Marcus exchanges vows with his beloved Katia the very next day.

Porter, now a prisoner within the medical facility's sterile walls, finds himself clad in an ominous orange jumpsuit, his indignation palpable as he converses with Camila through a glass partition. The harsh reality of his confinement is met with a mixture of frustration and despair as he demands to be put in touch with the American Consulate, only to be informed that he's being quarantined due to CDC regulations and his potential role not just as a carrier, but as a possible cure for the mysterious affliction. His anguish intensifies when Camila reveals that his wife is aware of their son's fate, prompting Porter's desperation to reach her. "You can't just keep experimenting on me like this," he exclaims, his threat to take his own life a stark testament to his emotional distress. Camila, empathetic and torn between her duty and compassion, conveys Porter's concerns to Dr. Edwards, who responds with an icy detachment, referring to Porter as "The Specimen." This callous terminology sparks Camila's indignation, prompting her to retort, "Don't you mean human?" The stark contrast between the two individuals is heightened by Dr. Edwards' subsequent revelation: a gruesome photograph of one of the bodies found at the scene where Porter was initially discovered. The image depicts a skeletal frame, its ribcage and spine exposed beneath a morass of decaying flesh. As Dr. Edwards reminds Camila to "not personalize it," his words are laced with a chilling rationality: sometimes, the greater good demands sacrifices, no matter how heinous they may seem.

As the metal spring's crescent shape takes form, Porter's cell becomes a makeshift workshop where desperation breeds defiance. The calculated act of self-mutilation is a stark reminder of his unyielding determination to resist the forces seeking to exploit him. The sound of footsteps echoes outside as Dr. Edwards and another individual, clad in Bio-Hazard suits, approach the door. The air thickens with tension as Porter's intuition warns him of impending danger.

The door slides open, and Porter seizes the opportunity to launch a bold attack. With superhuman strength, he pinions the man wielding the hypodermic needle, forcing half his body into the cell. As the other man hesitates at the threshold, Porter swiftly appropriates the needle and slashes open the suit's neck, staining it with his own lifeblood. A swift, calculating motion sends blood from his wounded hand to smear on the infected man's face, unleashing a deadly contagion.

Dr. Edwards enters the cell, rifle raised, as Porter drops to his knees and bellows, "You want my blood? Take it!" Brandishing his cut hand like a challenge, he taunts the doctor: "Shoot me if that's what you want! Come on, shoot!" Amidst the chaos, flashing lights and klaxon horns pierce the air, accompanied by the cacophony of panicked personnel scrambling to contain the situation.

Camila attempts to reassure the lab staff that the crisis is under control, but a commanding voice over the PA system intervenes, imposing a 48-hour security lockdown protocol. The sound of massive metal doors closing seals the fate of Camila, Porter, the infected man, and Bridget (another lab assistant) within the laboratory for an extended period. Meanwhile, the facility's remaining staff retreats to the evacuation bunker, awaiting re-entry under the watchful eye of Clarence.

As the sun beats down on the yacht, Penny lounges languidly on the bow, her bronzed skin glistening like polished marble. The crew of rowdy revelers can't help but gather around her, their admiring glances a testament to her undeniable allure. As they make their way to the stern, the air thickens with anticipation as they crack open cold ones and engage in a raucous round of shotgun beers. Marcus, ever the contrarian, sips his brew through a hole he's carefully drilled into the bottom, a move that earns him a playful jab from Josh, who insists that Marcus is the OG beer- shotgunning champion. "Yea, when I was nineteen, I drank for flavor," Marcus quips, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

As the party rages on, Josh takes center stage, clutching a blow-up doll to his waist like a makeshift trophy. With a heartfelt speech, he addresses his brothers impending nuptials, presenting him with a gift that initially appears to be a bottle of fine wine - only to reveal a massive, matte-black sex toy instead. Penny, meanwhile, presents Marcus with a sentimental trinket from their hometown, a poignant reminder of where they came from.

As the marijuana makes its appearance, tensions rise as Marcus expresses his disapproval, citing concerns about the Coast Guard and potential repercussions. Dobbs intervenes, calmly reasoning that they've been sailing north for hours without so much as a blip on the radar, urging Marcus to relax and let loose. Though initially hesitant, Marcus eventually agrees to take a deep breath and join in the revelry.

However, when Dobbs makes a seemingly innocuous comment about Marcus being scared of Katia, the dynamic shifts abruptly. Offended, Marcus retreats to the boat's sleeping quarters, leaving the party behind. Penny follows suit, and as she begins to strip down to her bikini top, exposing her sun-kissed breasts, Marcus rebuffs her advances with a firm "no." As they continue their conversation, it becomes clear that there's more than meets the eye: Marcus has a long-standing connection with Penny, one rooted in romance and intimacy. The twist? She's now seeing his brother, leaving Marcus to grapple with the complex emotions that have been simmering beneath the surface all along.

As the yacht's engines sputtered out of sight, the group arrived at the mysterious island, its uncharted status a testament to the captain's (character) promise of seclusion. The initial skepticism gave way to wonder as they disembarked onto the sandy shore, the sound of lapping waves and chirping birds replacing the hum of machinery. Captain of the Yacht assuredly departed, leaving the group to their own devices for the next 24 hours.

Josh (actor name) and Penny wasted no time in trading the warmth of the sun for the chill of the ocean. Their snorkeling expedition yielded nothing but a desolate underwater landscape, devoid of any life-giving fish. Meanwhile, Marcus and Dobbs set up camp, preparing their meals as if trying to conjure up some semblance of civilization.

The beer flowed freely back on shore, and soon enough, the group's inhibitions melted away with each passing puff of marijuana. As the sun dipped into the horizon, Josh and Penny returned from their fruitless search, their faces etched with worry. It was then that they stumbled upon a grim sight: an ocean floor littered with the remnants of countless fish, their bodies half-rotted and exposed to the open water. The stench was overpowering, the sheer scale of the decay sending shivers down Penny's spine.

As she frantically pulled Josh back towards the shore, her words tumbled out in a panicked rush: "It's like some kind of graveyard out there!" Josh, ever the pragmatist, countered with a theory of shark-attacked fish carcasses, but his attempts to reassure only seemed to further agitate Penny. As she retreated to their tent, Josh joined Marcus and Dobbs for another round of revelry.

Little did they know, Penny's ordeal was far from over. As she dried off and changed, the first signs of trouble began to manifest: a blistered rash spread up her arm like wildfire, while the tender skin around her nose started to bleed. The once-vibrant island paradise had given way to an unsettling sense of unease, as if the very land itself was conspiring against them.

In the midst of chaos at the lab, Dr. Edwards (character) remained resolute in his pursuit of a solution, despite the ongoing lockdown and the ominous events that had transpired. His focus was on testing the Viruscide, a potential antidote to the deadly virus, with a living, infected patient - Porter, whom he had previously infected. The doctor had confined Porter to a small cell, where he planned to inject him with the prototype. However, Dr. Edwards' assistant, Bridgett, informed him that all but one Bio-Hazard suite had been taken to the bunker, leaving them without adequate protection. In a move that would prove fateful, Dr. Edwards proposed a deal: whoever administered the injection would earn access to the coveted suite. With this incentive, he dispatched Camila to persuade Porter into cooperation.

Meanwhile, Dr. Edwards and Bridgett entered the cell, where they restrained Porter on a table. The doctor then wrapped a tourniquet around his arm, applying pressure that eventually broke through the skin and embedded deep in the muscle. A grayish liquid erupted from Porter's arm as he let out a blood-curdling scream, his disfigurement and suffering evident. As Dr. Edwards administered the injection, Porter's agony intensified, leading to violent seizures and flailing about.

Dr. Edwards called out for Bridgett to assist him in restraining Porter, but she hesitated, aware that her surgical mask and lab coat offered no protection against infection. When she finally moved close to the patient, Porter responded by vomiting a dark, viscous fluid all over her, infecting her in the process. Panicked, Bridgett fled the room, stripping off her contaminated clothing and seeking refuge in a shower. Though she had attempted to mitigate the damage, Bridgett knew that she had indeed been infected, her fate now intertwined with the sinister forces unfolding around her.

As the sun dips below the horizon, a sense of revelry settles over the campsite. Marcus, Dobbs, and Josh indulge in a feast of grilled steak and lobster, accompanied by the sweet aroma of marijuana wafting through the air. The trio's merriment is punctuated by the occasional shout from Josh to Penny, still recovering in her tent after a tumultuous snorkeling adventure left her with a gruesome rash and bloody nose. When she finally summons him, Josh anticipates a romantic tryst, but instead finds himself face-to-face with his girlfriend's alarming condition. The sight of blisters covering her body like a map of battle-scarred terrain sends him scrambling for a First Aid kit to treat her affliction.

As he returns with Benadryl and Calamine lotion, Penny takes the pill and begins to relax. Josh sets about soothing her sores, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her skin as they both succumb to the intoxicating effects of the medication. Their arousal grows, and they soon find themselves lost in a haze of passion, their bodies entwined as they lose themselves in each other.

Meanwhile, Marcus and Dobbs slip away into the jungle, seeking refuge from the heat and humidity. As they sit amidst the verdant foliage, cracking open beers and lighting cigarettes, Marcus reveals to Dobbs that Penny is none other than "Cucumber Girl," a mysterious figure with a reputation for using an unorthodox prop in her solo explorations of intimacy. Dobbs' eyes widen in shock as he processes this information, only to be reminded that Josh remains blissfully unaware of his girlfriend's secret life.

Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of Penny's anguished cry, and they can't help but remark on the frequency with which she and Josh indulge in their passionate pursuits. Back at the campsite, Josh remains engrossed in his lover's pleasure, oblivious to the impending doom that lies ahead. As he lifts his head from her thighs, his face is smeared with an unholy mixture of blood and other unidentifiable substances. Penny sits up with a start, only to unleash a torrent of vomit that mirrors the horrors witnessed at the mysterious facility, splattering Josh's unsuspecting form in the process.

As night descends, Marcus and Dobbs return to their companions, only to find Josh wracked with worry, his expression a reflection of the turmoil brewing within him. "I think Penny is sick," he admits, his voice laced with desperation. With the darkness closing in, they attempt to raise someone on the radio, but the silence that greets them is oppressive, leaving them feeling isolated and helpless. As they ponder their next move, the reality of their situation begins to sink in: taking the skiff would only take them a few miles out to sea, rendering the radio useless once again. In a moment of calculated decision-making, Marcus and Dobbs decide to venture out to seek aid at the mysterious structure they spotted earlier, leaving Josh and Penny behind.

As soon as their companions depart, Penny's fragile state becomes increasingly apparent. Her skin is rotting away, and her body wracked with pain, she implores Josh to abandon her and escape while he still can. But Josh remains steadfast in his devotion, refusing to leave her side despite her worsening condition. As the minutes tick by, Josh's own health begins to decline, his once-strong physique now faltering under the weight of desperation.

Meanwhile, Marcus and Dobbs make their way to the facility, only to find the entrance sealed off. Undeterred, Marcus uses his impressive strength to lift a security shutter, granting them access to the building. Inside, they stumble upon a room filled with radio equipment and electronics, most of which has been intentionally destroyed. The air is thick with tension as they discover evidence of violence: bloodstains and a fire ax embedded in a piece of machinery.

Their attempts to reach Josh via walkie-talkies are thwarted by their inability to establish a connection, leaving them feeling disconnected and adrift. As Dobbs inadvertently triggers a panel on the wall, the shutter falls back into place, trapping them inside. With no choice but to press on, they venture deeper into the facility, driven by a determination to find help.

Back at camp, Josh continues to call out for assistance, his pleas falling on deaf ears until, finally, someone responds. Dr. Edwards, a surgeon at a small medical facility on the island, identifies himself and promises to send an EMT to aid them. His transmission begins to break up, but he assures them that help is on the way, if they can make it to him. Penny's condition worsens by the minute, her skin decaying further as she writhes in agony. As Josh becomes increasingly desperate to save his sister, he makes the heart-wrenching decision to leave her behind and venture out alone to find Dr. Edwards' medical facility.

As Marcus (actor name) and Dobbs venture deeper into the facility, they stumble upon a ravaged dining area and kitchen that seems to have been torn asunder. The air is heavy with the stench of decay and chaos. Suddenly, a faint noise echoes from a door at the far end of the room, sending Marcus's instincts on high alert. With his trusty axe in hand, he cautiously approaches the door and opens it, revealing nothing but darkness initially. A momentary glance back at Dobbs is all the time he needs to process the impending doom that awaits them.

The door creaks open just a fraction wider, and a grotesque figure emerges from the shadows - a rotting, gun-wielding man whose very presence seems to reek of putridity. Marcus and Dobbs are forced to flee, slamming the door shut behind them as the infected pursuer gives relentless chase. They dash through the labyrinthine corridors, desperate to find an escape route, but instead stumble upon a chamber filled with the putrid remains of countless others who've succumbed to the same fate.

Dobbs tumbles into the room, his flashlight extinguished, and Marcus manages to avoid the initial outbreak of chaos. However, as they separate, Dobbs finds himself face-to-face with an unrelenting horde of reanimated corpses. With a burst of adrenaline, he latches the door shut from the outside, buying himself some precious time.

Meanwhile, Josh approaches the facility, oblivious to the horrors that await him.

Marcus, now alone and forced to confront the undead hordes, wields his trusty fire axe with deadly precision, dispatching one particularly vicious specimen with a swift blow to the head. As Dobbs continues to navigate the dark passages, he fumbles for his Zippo and uses it as a makeshift torch, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

Undeterred by his friend's disappearance, Marcus pushes forward, driven by a growing sense of desperation. He rounds a corner and finds himself in a medical laboratory that seems to have been ravaged by the same chaos that has consumed the rest of the facility. The walls are adorned with X-ray images of infected bodies, their skeletal remains a stark reminder of the apocalyptic reality that surrounds them.

The room is strewn with equipment and debris, but it's the spray-painted phrase "Pumps Activated" that catches Marcus's attention, serving as a chilling reminder of the true extent of the horror that has unfolded. Amidst the chaos, he stumbles upon a gurney bearing what appears to be a deceased body shrouded in bandages - a grim harbinger of the unknown dangers that lurk within the facility.

As Dobbs' desperation reaches a fever pitch, he engages in a fervent appeal with the imposing figure at the helm of the Facility - a military officer who has taken control of the 48-hour lockdown. Despite being gravely ill and in the late stages of infection, Dobbs' mental faculties remain intact, fueled by a sense of urgency as he implores the officer not to allow the contagion to escape the island. The officer's response is swift and decisive, as he unholsters his massive Hand Cannon revolver and fires, only for the recoil to shatter his own arm at the wrist and elbow joint. The gun remains grasped in the severed hand, its barrel piercing the infected man's brain, ending his life.

With the gun now in his possession, Dobbs makes a hasty retreat through a nearby door, where he collides with Josh. As Dobbs' paranoia begins to spiral out of control, he commands Josh to keep his distance, convinced that he too is infected. The Hand Cannon is raised, poised to strike, when Marcus suddenly appears on the scene, sparking a heated altercation over who bears responsibility for the chaos. In the midst of the squabble, Marcus delivers a swift and unexpected punch, disarming Dobbs and claiming the gun as his own.

In the aftermath of this confrontation, Dobbs inadvertently triggers a button, causing the door to the lab where Porter resides to swing open. Bridget, donning a surgical mask, emerges to greet them with an air of urgency, insisting that Dr. Edwards awaits their prompt arrival. However, just as they are about to comply, Camila's arrival shatters the tranquility, as she reveals that Bridget is infected and her face is undergoing a gruesome transformation. With calculated cruelty, Camila forces Bridget to remove her mask, exposing the putrid state of her skin to the horrified onlookers.

As Camila leads them to Dr. Edwards' presence, the air is thick with tension. The esteemed doctor, oblivious to the events that transpired after the Lock Down was initiated, is informed that every soul outside of the lab had perished. Porter's voice rises in indignation as he accuses Dr. Edwards of orchestrating their arrival, pointing out the stark incongruity between the bio-hazard suit's high-powered radio capabilities and the doctor's seeming silence regarding Josh's desperate attempts to communicate with his loved ones on the beach. The implications are chilling: could it be that Dr. Edwards' true intention was to eliminate every last living being on the island, claiming their abandoned boat as a means of escaping unscathed? Porter's words hang in the air like a challenge, as Dr. Edwards vehemently denies any sinister designs.

Marcus seizes the opportunity to relieve Dr. Edwards of his rifle, while Camila turns her attention to Josh. She inquires whether his exposure to the facility had infected him with the mysterious illness, only to be met with a reassuring reply: all he had done was take a leisurely swim. Camila's mind whirls as she considers an alternative explanation – one that casts Dr. Edwards in a far more sinister light. Was it possible that this self-proclaimed scholar had deliberately contaminated the ocean, seeking to initiate a pandemic and then capitalize on Porter's natural immunity to develop a cure or vaccine? As Camila hypothesizes aloud, her words are laced with an air of urgency.

In the face of such treachery, Camila proposes that they abandon the facility and destroy it once and for all, aware as she is that its self-destruct system would ensure their escape was permanent.

As the trio departs, three distinct groups emerge: Dobbs, Dr. Edwards, and Camila; Porter, Marcus, and Josh; and Bridgett, who sets her sights on the camp with a singular purpose. Meanwhile, Josh and Bridgett make their way back to the Camp to check on Penny's status and prepare the boat for departure. However, as they near the camp, Bridgett's intentions take a drastic turn, as she demands to know the location of their vessel from Josh. Her inquiry is met with a brutal response, as she swiftly clubs him in the head with a large stick, leaving half his face disfigured. With Josh lying motionless, Bridgett makes a break for the boat, driven by her own selfish ambitions.

Meanwhile, at the Facility, Marcus's group converges on the bunker room, where they're met with a gruesome sight: rows of deceased infected individuals. Camila explains that it's crucial to activate the self-destruct sequence, but first, they must convert the valuable contents within the room into usable energy. Recognizing the high risk of infection, Porter – immune to the virus – volunteers to turn the valve, ensuring their safety.

As Dobbs and Dr. Edwards trail behind Bridgett en route back to the camp, the doctor's growing unease becomes palpable. He confides in Dobbs about his own infection, acquired when he fell into the infected room earlier. Edwards explains the gruesome progression of the virus, painting a bleak picture of his impending fate. However, he claims that with proper treatment and examination, there may be hope for a cure. The doctor convinces Dobbs to lower his guard, then sucker punches him, seizes the gun, and delivers a chilling verdict: "Your condition is fatal."

In a separate development, Marcus's group reaches the control panel, inputting the code to arm the self-destruct sequence. Camila's reminder that they must clear the blast radius before detonation prompts them to hasten their pace, as the clock ticks down to catastrophe.

As Bridgette approaches the camp, she's met with a grim scene: Penny, though clinging to life, lies in a state of utter debilitation. The once-living woman's skin is a canvas of rot and lesions, her very existence seeming to defy the natural order. With a detached air, Bridgette claims to be a doctor sent to rescue Penny, donning a surgical mask to conceal her own grotesque visage. Her words are laced with malice as she mentions having "already taken care of Josh," a statement that sends a chill down the spine. As she turns to survey the devastation before her, her gaze is met with a mirror image: Penny's ravaged form, a testament to the devastating power of decay and disease.

Bridgette's composure falters as she beholds the pitiful state of her "patient." Her anger boils over as Penny attacks, yanking a chunk of hair from Bridgette's scalp along with a strip of skin. The zombie-like woman is incensed, ripping off her mask to reveal the true horror of her countenance. When Penny gazes upon this monstrosity, she delivers a scathing retort: "You're one ugly bitch!" Her words are met with a gruesome reprisal as Bridgette rips open Penny's stomach.

Though wounded and weakened, Penny manages to rise once more, embarking on a vicious cat-and-mouse game with her undead tormentor. As the two women engage in a brutal struggle, Bridgette gains the upper hand, pinning Penny beneath her weight. However, her pressure proves too great, snapping Penny's arms like twigs and sending her crashing to the ground. In a final act of defiance, Penny seizes a massive black dildo and bludgeons what remains of Bridgette's face into a pulp. By this point, however, Penny's own vitality is all but extinguished, leaving her a mere shell of her former self.

As Marcus, Porter, and Camila make their frantic dash back to the camp, Marcus's momentum is suddenly halted by a gruesome discovery - Dobbs' lifeless body lies sprawled across his path. Upon recovering from the shock, Marcus takes in the stark reality of his situation: Josh's lifeless form comes into view, mere yards ahead of Dobbs'. The trio's desperation reaches a fever pitch as they scramble to locate Dr. Edwards, their last hope for survival.

Marcus' search leads him to the tent where he finds Penny and Bridget, their faces etched with worry. As he emerges from the tent, however, his attempt at relief is short-lived, as he's met with a crushing blow - a sucker punch delivered by the very man they were seeking: Dr. Edwards.

The doctor's logic is chilling: despite showing no symptoms, Marcus has been exposed to the outbreak and can never leave the island. His reasoning takes a dark turn when he reveals Dobbs' gruesome fate - spared from an agonizing death only through his own hand. Camila's pleas fall on deaf ears as Dr. Edwards raises his rifle, poised to strike.

In a desperate bid to protect her friends, Camila throws herself in front of Marcus, while Porter seizes the moment to act. With calculated precision, he raises the Hand Cannon and fires, striking Dr. Edwards with a fatal shot to the neck. The Self-destruct sequence is triggered, and the facility meets its demise in a cataclysmic explosion.

As the dust settles, Camila sends out a distress signal to the "Diablo," their ill-fated vessel of arrival. The captain's response is curt, his only inquiry about Marcus's companions met with an unsettling silence. His parting words - a haunting refrain: "Aye-aye-aye-aye-aye" - serve as a stark reminder of the desolate fate that has befallen those left behind.

As the sun dipped into the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the luxurious interior of the yacht, Marcus and Camila sat in comfortable silence with Porter, their trusted companion. The latter, sensing the need for refreshment, stepped out to retrieve two bottles of water, returning with an amiable smile to offer them a drink. "I thought you guys could use a cool down," he said, his words punctuated by a nod towards the open sea. As he departed to seek some fresh air, Camila and Marcus cracked open their water bottles, taking a moment to savor the revitalizing liquid. It was then that Marcus's eyes seemed to glaze over, his mind wandering back to a fateful encounter within the confines of the Facility. He recalled stumbling upon a laboratory filled with photographs, which led him to a startling revelation: the source of the deadly outbreak could be traced back to a humble mouse residing in the evacuation bunker. Camila's expression transformed into one of intrigue as she asked, "What?" Marcus's explanation was interrupted by her sudden epiphany, as she turned to Porter and repeated the word "water" with an unsettling frequency. A distant memory flooded her mind - Porter's rendition of the nursery rhyme, "Three Blind Mice," which he had sung while imprisoned. The sound of gunfire shattered the tranquility, followed by a disquieting discovery: blood-stained water bottles at their feet. In the ship's galley, a plate lay before them, replete with a hypodermic needle filled with blood and several water bottles. Their ascent to the helm revealed a gruesome scene: the captain's lifeless body and destroyed navigational instruments. It became apparent that Porter had deliberately infected Marcus and Camila, murdered the captain, and sabotaged their communication devices before fleeing on his skiff. As the virus began to take hold of Camila, she asked, "Why would he infect us?" The answer, though grim, was clear: they were the only individuals left who knew Porter's true identity. With Camila succumbing to the infection's relentless grasp, both survivors seemed doomed to meet a similar fate on that forsaken yacht.

As the credits fade, a reverse chronology of events unfolds, revealing the shocking truth about Porter's (character name) sinister plan. The scene shifts to moments before he inflicted harm on himself and the guard, his hand gushing blood as he manipulates the situation. In a calculated move, Porter deliberately contaminates the lab mouse with his infected blood, setting in motion a catastrophic chain of events.

As the 48-hour lockdown takes hold, Porter releases the mouse into the living quarters of the Evacuation bunker, where non-quarantined staff members await their fate. The tiny creature finds its way to the kitchen, only to meet its demise on the table at the hands of an unwitting individual - a seemingly minor detail that would soon have far-reaching consequences.

The investigation into the outbreak's origins would later reveal the mouse as the source of the virus, but by then it was too late. The staff had already been infected, trapped in their own private hell with no escape from the deadly contagion. Meanwhile, Porter's true intentions are finally exposed: he had orchestrated the entire scenario, including the radio hoax that lured Josh to the lab under the guise of Dr. Edwards. It becomes clear that Porter had been playing a long game, his endgame now set in motion with devastating consequences for all involved.