
Does Carrie have end credit scenes?


Carrie has end credit scenes.




In this chilling tale of high school horror, a repressed teenage girl, suffocating under the weight of social rejection and maternal overprotection, suddenly discovers her dark powers and exacts a devastating revenge on her tormentors at the most unlikely of moments: her senior prom.

Runtime: 100 min

Box Office: $85M








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5.8 /10

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Check out what happened in Carrie!

The narrative commences on a somber note, plunging us into the tumultuous world of the White household in 1995. Margaret White's (Julianne Moore) anguished cries echo through the upstairs corridors as she writhes in agony, her body contorting in anguish as she begs for divine intervention. The scene is set ablaze with a sense of desperation as Margaret's terror-stricken eyes scan her surroundings, only to be met with the eerie sight of a splattered Bible and crimson droplets scattered about the floor. As the camera pans across this chaotic tableau, we are privy to Margaret's mortified realization that she has been carrying an unborn child beneath her nightdress. The implications of this revelation are devastating: Margaret's initial instinct is to dispatch her newborn daughter with scissors, a chilling testament to the depths of her despair.

The narrative then hurtles forward to the present day, where Carrie White (Chloe Grace Moretz), now a 17- or 18-year-old wallflower, navigates the treacherous landscape of her high school in Castle Rock, Maine. Shy and unassuming, Carrie is an outcast among her peers, perpetually relegated to the periphery of social interactions. Her reluctance to draw attention to herself is a fragile shield against the slings and arrows of adolescent ridicule.

During P.E. class, fate conspires to thrust Carrie into the spotlight. A stray water volleyball ball lands at her feet, prompting her awkward servitude, which in turn inadvertently targets Sue Snell (Gabriella Wilde) with a wayward shot. The ensuing laughter, including Carrie's own embarrassed chuckles, serves as a cruel reminder of her status as an outcast.

As Chris Hargensen (Portia Doubleday), Sue's friend and self-proclaimed queen bee, delivers the devastating blow: "You eat shit," Carrie's world is reduced to ashes. The camera lingers on her crestfallen countenance as the once-dormant flames of teenage angst are rekindled within her. This fleeting moment encapsulates the relentless cruelty that will shape Carrie's odyssey and the incendiary events that will soon unfold.

Here is the rephrased text:

Following the gym session, Carrie ventures alone into the locker room shower, only to discover an unsettling sight: blood. In a state of confusion and distress, she hastens to seek assistance from her peers, unaware of what's unfolding. The girls, led by Chris, soon realize that Carrie is experiencing her first menstrual cycle, but instead of offering support, they engage in a cruel spectacle. Tampons are hurled at Carrie as the group chants "plug it up," with even Sue initially participating in the taunting before her conscience catches up and she halts mid-chorus. Meanwhile, Ms. Desjardin (Judy Greer), the gym teacher, overhears the commotion and attempts to calm Carrie down by administering a forceful slap, prompting a fainting spell. As the girls disperse, a nearby light fixture shatters, leaving Sue with a look of deep regret and guilt etched on her face.

Carrie is subsequently summoned to the principal's office alongside Ms. Desjardin, where they attempt to explain the events that transpired. However, Principal Grayle proves ill at ease with the topic, instructing Ms. Desjardin to handle the disciplinary measures for those involved in the incident. The principal and teacher reassure Carrie that her mother will be called to pick her up, prompting Carrie's panic. Her pleas to spare her mother a call fall on deaf ears as Principal Grayle reminds them of past issues with Carrie's mother, who was previously allowed to homeschool her daughter but lost this privilege due to state regulations. As Carrie begins to hyperventilate, the water cooler nearby shatters, and she exits the office.

Upon arrival, Margaret waits to collect Carrie from school. Sue, Chris, and Billy Nolan (Alex Russell) are already there, with Chris showcasing the incriminating video on her iPhone that captures Carrie's humiliation. Sue's gaze lingers on Carrie, betraying a mix of guilt and remorse.

As they drive home, Carrie apologizes for the inconvenience she has caused her mother. Upon arriving at their residence, Carrie wants to discuss her period with Margaret but is met with evasiveness. Her mother instructs her to come inside, but Carrie refuses, insisting on a conversation about what transpired. As she sits in the car, a local boy riding his bicycle nearby taunts her as "Crazy Carrie," prompting an unsettling display of Carrie's telekinetic abilities that sends him tumbling off his bike and fleeing in terror.

Inside the tumultuous White residence, Carrie stumbles upon her emotionally distressed mother, Margaret, who's indulging in self-flagellation against the wall. Carrie intervenes, imploring her mother to stop the futile exercise and engage in a meaningful conversation instead. However, Margaret's fixation on prayer and penance only intensifies, as she creates her own twisted biblical verses to justify her actions. Carrie, well-versed in scripture, recognizes the falsity of her mother's improvised prayers and objects to their sincerity. The ensuing argument spills into the kitchen, where Margaret resorts to physical force, striking Carrie with a Bible. As their disagreement escalates, Margaret labels Carrie a sinner, prompting the latter to assert her innocence. In response, Margaret orders Carrie to enter the makeshift "Prayer Closet" and pray for forgiveness, but when Carrie refuses, she's forcibly confined and latched in.

As the door closes behind Carrie, she begins to bang on it, pleading for release. Her desperation culminates in a primal scream: "GOD, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" The sudden appearance of a crack running through the center of the door catches both Margaret and Carrie off guard. As they gaze upon the fissure, their eyes are drawn to a sculpture hanging nearby – a crucified Jesus, whose image begins to ooze blood, sending shivers down Carrie's spine.

Meanwhile, Sue is torn between her physical intimacy with Tommy Ross (Ansel Elgort) in their jeep and her troubled conscience. As they disrobe, Sue's mind wanders back to the horrors inflicted upon Carrie, which she initially contributed to. Tommy attempts to offer reassurance, sharing a tale of his own bullying experience and how he exacted revenge on his tormentor. His cavalier attitude prompts Sue to question: "What did Carrie White ever do to you?"

In another part of town, Chris and Billy are lounging at Tina's residence with their friend, indulging in carefree banter. However, Chris's unrepentant nature is starkly juxtaposed against her callous treatment of Carrie, which prompts her to make the fateful decision to upload the humiliating video to YouTube.

Back at the White household, Margaret is lost in a world of domesticity, humming Bible tunes as she sews and creates. Her reverie is interrupted when she opens the closet door to find Carrie slumbering peacefully. With a mix of maternal concern and curiosity, Margaret awakens her daughter, asking if she had prayed. When Carrie confirms that she had, Margaret's demeanor shifts, and they share a tender moment of love and affection, exchanging heartfelt declarations of devotion.

The day after the heinous incident, Ms. Desjardin (played by) delivers a stern warning to Chris, Sue, and their cohorts who participated in the cruel bullying of Carrie White. With a firm tone, she demands to know about their respective prom dates, her disappointment palpable as she reveals she would have crowned Sue Prom Queen had events unfolded differently. However, Ms. Desjardin makes it clear that Carrie's torment will not go unpunished, stating bluntly that the group's actions were "very, very nasty." She ominously warns them that a video of the incident has surfaced, her suspicions falling squarely on Chris as being responsible for recording the humiliating footage. As a consequence, they are sentenced to suicide sprints after school for an entire week. Any student who refuses this punishment will be suspended and forfeit their prom privileges. Ms. Desjardin's parting words are chilling: "As you run, I want you to think long and hard about what it would be like to be Carrie White."

As the spotlight shines on Carrie ( actress name), she stands tall, her voice trembling as she recites a haunting poem that leaves her classmates entranced. The typically stoic Mr. Ullman is taken aback by her sudden eloquence, his curiosity piqued as he inquires if she has more to say after mesmerizing the classroom with her dark yet poignant words. Meanwhile, Tommy's snide remark slips under his breath, only to be caught by the teacher, who demands an explanation. With a mischievous grin, Tommy praises Carrie's poem as "awesome," cleverly deflecting suspicion and earning a shy smile from the poet herself.

In a nearby dry cleaner's shop, Margaret is hard at work, her fingers deftly stitching together a garment. The arrival of Eleanor Snell, Sue's mother, brings a flurry of activity as she collects her daughter's prom dress. As they chat, Mrs. Snell apologizes for Sue's behavior and commends Margaret on her impeccable craftsmanship. However, beneath the surface, Margaret is secretly inflicting pain upon herself with a needle, her actions a stark contrast to the peaceful atmosphere surrounding them. With a philosophical air, she remarks, "These are godless times," before returning to her task.

Chris finds herself face-to-face with Ms. Desjardin and Principal Grayle, accompanied by her overconfident lawyer father. The meeting is convened to discuss Chris's suspension and revoked prom privileges. Initially attempting to play the victim, Chris is met with a firm hand by Ms. Desjardin, who presents irrefutable evidence in the form of an uploaded video. With each passing moment, Chris's frustration grows, ultimately culminating in her refusal to relinquish her phone, thus inadvertently admitting guilt and solidifying the original verdict.

The prom committee, led by Sue, busies itself transforming the gymnasium into a picturesque setting for the upcoming event. Chris storms in, her face ablaze with indignation, as she reveals that she has been banned from attending the prom. With a mixture of anger and disappointment, she turns to her friends, wondering why they failed to support her. Sue's measured response highlights the committee's understanding that Ms. Desjardin was justified in her punishment, for Carrie had indeed suffered at their hands. Chris's retort, "What has Carrie White ever done to you?" is met with a stern rebuke from Sue: she doesn't care about Carrie's well-being; she simply wants to attend the prom with Tommy and then indulge in a romantic escapade at the already-booked hotel. With her departure, Chris leaves behind a trail of hurtful words, exposing her true motivations.

As Sue tenderly gazes upon her prom dress, a sentimental nostalgia washes over her, transporting her back to a night that will forever be etched in her memory. Meanwhile, at the White household, Carrie is busy honing her telekinetic skills, meticulously manipulating objects to levitate and hover with an uncanny precision. The cacophony of sounds emanating from her room piques Margaret's curiosity, prompting her to investigate with a butcher knife at the ready. But Carrie is one step ahead, conjuring up an impromptu blackout, leaving Margaret momentarily perplexed as she falters in her attempt to intervene.

The next day, Sue watches Tommy Ross ( actor name ) expertly navigate the lacrosse field, his athletic prowess a testament to his natural talent. As she approaches him, she asks for a favor that will forever alter the dynamics of their relationships: she implores Tommy to take Carrie to prom as a gesture of goodwill, an attempt to rectify the emotional toll Carrie has endured at Sue's hands. Tommy is taken aback by the request, his initial reluctance fueled by his desire to ask Carrie himself. "I'm trying to make amends," Sue confesses, her words laced with sincerity.

Tommy's determination to right the wrongs of the past prompts him to track down Carrie during lunch, only to be met with a mixture of confusion and suspicion as she retreats from their conversation. Undeterred, Tommy reappears, his persistence eventually winning out as he asks Carrie again about prom. However, her response is lukewarm at best, Carrie's wariness stemming from her deep-seated distrust of the world around her.

As Carrie's tears stream down her face in the locker room, she finds solace in the empathetic ear of Ms. Desjardin, who listens intently as Carrie shares the news that Tommy has asked her to prom. The teacher's measured tone belies a hint of amusement as she notes that Tommy is an attractive young man, his reputation preceding him. Carrie's trepidation is palpable as she ponders the motivations behind Tommy's invitation, her fears rooted in the possibility that he may be trying to toy with her.

Ms. Desjardin's words of wisdom serve as a gentle breeze on Carrie's turbulent emotional landscape, guiding her towards the mirror where she confronts her own reflection. The teacher's parting advice – that with the right dress and a subtle dash of makeup, Carrie can indeed stun everyone with her beauty – serves as a powerful reminder that, perhaps, this prom invitation may not be a cruel joke after all, but rather an opportunity for Carrie to rediscover her inner radiance.

As Ms. Desjardin approaches Sue and Tommy, a sense of foreboding settles over them. Her stern warning - "If the two of you are planning some kind of joke on a poor, lonely, defenseless girl..." - hangs in the air like a challenge. But Sue's intentions are genuine, driven by a desire to do something kind for Carrie White ( Piper Laurie). She proposes allowing the shy and isolated teenager one special night, a chance to shed her awkwardness and be social. Tommy, however, remains unconvinced, pointing out that Carrie has already rejected their invitation. Undeterred, Sue urges him to try again, insisting that this is a private matter, not subject to public scrutiny.

Tommy takes matters into his own hands, driving over to Carrie's house to persuade her in person. His persistence finally pays off when Carrie agrees to go to prom with him, but only if she can be home by 10:30 pm. Tommy agrees to pick her up at 7:00 pm, and Carrie's face lights up with a rare smile.

Meanwhile, Carrie ventures into town, seeking inspiration in the world of fashion. She gazes longingly at a beautiful dress displayed in a shop window, only to be disappointed when she discovers that the prices are well out of her reach. Her eyes light upon some tantalizing fabric, and she becomes lost in thought, imagining the possibilities. Unbeknownst to Carrie, Chris (I) and her friends have been watching her from across the street, their faces twisted with rage. As they plot their revenge against Carrie, seemingly for being banned from prom, Chris enlists the help of her cohorts Tina, Nicki & Lizzy, and Heather. The stage is set for a confrontation that will have far-reaching consequences for all involved.

As dusk settles over the White household, a tense encounter unfolds as Margaret awaits her daughter's return in the front yard. Carrie ambles back home, carrying a bundle of fabric, but her mother's ire is palpable, fueled by ignorance and suspicion. The teenager explains that she ventured into town to acquire materials for a gown, only to be met with a stern rebuke: she's not permitted to roam free beyond school walls or their own home. Carrie then drops the bombshell - she's been invited to prom - which sends her mother into a frenzy. The usually stoic Margaret is beside herself, her anxiety and fear of social ridicule boiling over as she chastises Carrie for her perceived transgression.

As the argument escalates, Carrie implores her mother to understand her desire to fit in, to be like everyone else. She confesses that prom represents a chance to shed her outsider status and find acceptance among her peers. Her words fall on deaf ears, however, as Margaret's zealotry takes precedence, culminating in a dramatic ultimatum: repentance or exile to the closet. Carrie's frustration boils over, and she unleashes her telekinetic fury upon the living room, sending objects flying in all directions. Margaret crumples to the floor, praying fervently for deliverance.

As the dust settles, Carrie reasserts her dominance, gently coaxing her mother back to her feet. In a moment of quiet intensity, Carrie reveals that she's not alone in possessing extraordinary abilities; others may share her gifts, and it's possible they've skipped a generation to arrive at her doorstep. Margaret's earlier outbursts give way to an unsettling confession: she believed Carrie was born with cancer, a cruel fate foreshadowed by the girl's very existence. This revelation sparks another episode of telekinetic power, as Carrie levitates her mother once more.

The mother-daughter drama concludes with Carrie reiterating her intention to attend prom and refusing to be swayed from that course. With Margaret silenced and helpless, Carrie releases her grip, leaving the devastated woman in stunned silence.

Meanwhile, Chris and Billy engage in a gruesome ritual at the local pig farm, their callous disregard for life manifesting in brutal displays of violence. The following day, Sue's preparations for prom are disrupted by a sudden onset of nausea, as she realizes - to her horror - that she may be with child.

As Carrie immerses herself in the creative process, bringing her vision to life through the artistry of sewing and design, Chris and Billy conspire to exact revenge upon their tormentor. They infiltrate the school's gymnasium, rigging a trap designed to unleash a torrent of pig blood upon Carrie, with Chris intent on delivering the deadly payload herself.

As the moment of truth arrives, Sue commits to her decision with a resolute sigh, storing away the doubts and fears that had once plagued her. A kaleidoscope of images unfolds as the students prepare for prom night - dresses are donned, hair is styled, and makeup is meticulously applied, all in the pursuit of creating an unforgettable evening.

Carrie's transformation is nothing short of remarkable, as she sheds her insecurities like a snake shedding its skin, revealing a radiant beauty that was always meant to be hers. Her mother, Margaret, attempts to pierce this newfound confidence with a venomous remark, but Carrie will have none of it. "Can't you just be happy for me?" she asks, her voice laced with frustration and desperation.

Margaret's response is nothing short of cruel - she reveals the dark secrets of their past, painting a picture of a life marred by pain and suffering. But Carrie has had enough, and with a force that belies her delicate features, she exacts a measure of revenge on her mother. "There will be a judgment," Margaret cackles, but Carrie silences her with an unsettling display of telekinetic power.

With her mother safely locked away, Carrie emerges from the darkness to greet Tommy, her date for the evening. As they step into the limousine, she asks the question that has haunted her: "Do I look okay?" But Tommy's response is a balm to her soul - "You look beautiful," he says, his eyes shining with sincerity.

The ride to prom is a gentle hum of conversation and laughter, punctuated by Carrie's momentary doubts about the other students. But Tommy's reassurances calm her nerves, and as they enter the party, she is introduced to his best friend and his girlfriend, who share stories of their school in another town. The evening wears on, with Carrie growing more at ease, her confidence buoyed by the genuine compliments of others.

As the music swells, Tommy asks if she's ready to dance - but they agree to wait for a slow song, after Carrie has witnessed the unbridled energy of another student's moves. Ms. Desjardin appears, her eyes shining with pride and admiration, and Carrie basks in the warmth of her praise. Meanwhile, Tommy texts Sue, sharing his mother's news that everything is okay, and that he misses her dearly - a sentiment that brings a smile to Sue's face, as she feels a sense of redemption wash over her.

The tempo of the evening shifts as a soulful melody fills the air, and Tommy gently coaxes Carrie onto the dance floor. With a patient instructor's guidance, she quickly masters the art of slow dancing, her head resting tenderly on his shoulder before she pulls back, leaving Tommy with an enigmatic expression. Though he remains committed to Sue, it's clear that Carrie's kindness has awakened a spark within him. As they sway to the music, Carrie tentatively inquires about his motivations behind asking her to prom, and Tommy confesses that he's been having the time of his life with her, hoping she feels the same. Carrie nods in agreement, and they make plans to enjoy the night together, potentially staying out until 11.

Meanwhile, Chris's friend Tina has secretly orchestrated a plan with Billy and Chris to infiltrate the prom and manipulate the election process. From their perch in the rafters, they surreptitiously hand off ballots to Greg Delois, Tina's date, who deliberately switches them to ensure that Carrie and Tommy emerge as the Prom King and Queen.

As the voting commences, Carrie expresses trepidation about voting for herself, but Tommy reassures her that it's a harmless gesture and encourages her to bask in the spotlight. Carrie can't help but admire the majestic crowns, prompting Tommy to quip, "The devil with false modesty." With their minds made up, they cast their votes for themselves, while Chris's cohorts continue to rig the ballots in their favor.

Chris takes advantage of Sue's momentary distraction in the shower to send a chilling text message: "Your girl looks good. She won't for long." The horror that washes over Sue as she realizes Chris's true intentions sets her racing against time to reach the prom and put an end to the impending disaster.

As Chris's plan nears its climax, Billy momentarily tempers his friend's malevolent enthusiasm, reminding him that what they're doing is nothing short of criminal assault. They must disappear as soon as they've achieved their goal.

In a desperate bid to thwart the sinister plot unfolding around her, Sue arrives at the prom and frantically attempts to gain entry. Spotting an opening in the door, she seizes the opportunity to slip inside and confront the chaos head-on.

The moment of truth arrives as the "ballots" are counted, revealing Tommy and Carrie as the winners. Carrie's stunned expression morphs into one of elated joy as she stands alongside Tommy at the podium, basking in the thunderous applause of their peers. Ms. Desjardin, Mr. Ullman, and Principal Grayle beam with pride, delighted to see Carrie bask in her long-awaited triumph.

As Carrie and Tommy savor their victory, Sue's gaze drifts upward, locking onto Chris perched precariously in the rafters. Chris's eyes meet Sue's, and for an instant, they seem to share a moment of understanding before Billy's goading prompts Chris into action. Ms. Desjardin, oblivious to the impending chaos, mistakes Sue's intentions and summarily ejects her from the premises without granting her warning.

Chris, fueled by malevolent intent, sets the gruesome scene in motion. The rope jams momentarily, forcing Chris to tug with renewed vigor until it finally gives way, unleashing a torrent of pig blood that drenches Carrie in its viscous depths. An oppressive silence falls over the crowd as Tommy's outraged cry pierces the air: "WHAT THE HELL?!" His incredulous shout serves as a stark rebuke to the cruel spectacle unfolding before him.

Chris, ever the mastermind, exploits the video monitors, broadcasting Carrie's private moment from earlier using her iPhone. The class erupts into laughter, while Ms. Desjardin and a few others are left stunned and aghast. Undeterred by the chaos she has unleashed, Chris lingers to savor Carrie's distress, even as Billy begins to flee. However, fate intervenes when the rope snaps back, sending a pail crashing down upon Tommy's unsuspecting head, instantly killing him.

Carrie's world crumbles around her as she cradles Tommy's lifeless form in her lap, consumed by grief and devastation at the loss of the one boy who had ever treated her with kindness. Her gaze ascends to the rafters, where Billy's sunglasses provide a telling clue about his complicity. A switch is flipped in Carrie's mind, and she turns to the assembled guests as the blood on her body begins to levitate off her skin, sending shockwaves of terror through those who dare witness this unholy spectacle.

As Carrie's fury reaches a boiling point, she unleashes her wrath upon the unsuspecting crowd, sending them crashing into each other and the tables with an unseen force that defies explanation. With doors slamming shut behind her, she seals off escape routes, trapping everyone inside. In a flash of brutal ferocity, Heather is hurled across the room, her head smacking against a doorframe with gruesome force. Meanwhile, Greg Delois and several other would-be escapees attempt to flee up the bleachers, but Carrie's wrath proves too great, as she brings the entire structure crashing down, burying Greg beneath the rubble. As chaos reigns supreme, Carrie spots a boy filming her, and in a moment of savage retribution, she hurls a table at him, the impact proving fatal. The gym erupts into pandemonium as Carrie's powers reach new heights, triggering the sprinkler system to drench the room in water.

As the desperate crowd flees in terror, Carrie sets her sights on Chris's friends Nicki and Lizzy, using her telekinetic abilities to send them crashing to the ground, where they are trampled beneath the feet of their fleeing classmates. On stage behind her, a light fixture comes loose, sparking a fire that reveals live electrical cables, sending sparks flying in all directions. Seizing upon Tina's attempted escape, Carrie launches a burning decoration at her, but misses by mere inches. Unfazed, she seizes hold of the electrified cables, using them to torment Tina with an unrelenting barrage of electric shocks, slowly backing her towards a small fire raging on the floor. The hem of Tina's dress comes into contact with the flames, and in moments, it is engulfed in a raging inferno that claims her life.

As flames engulf the gym, Ms. Desjardin tries to reason with Carrie, but she responds by encasing her in a Darth Vader-like force choke hold, suspending her above the electrified floor for what feels like an eternity before releasing her. In a rare moment of clarity, Carrie spares Ms. Desjardin's life, recognizing that this is one of the few individuals who had ever shown her kindness. With her rage momentarily sated, Carrie levitates herself out of the burning building, leaving behind a sea of destruction and chaos. The school itself is now ablaze, with some students managing to escape while others meet their untimely demise.

As Carrie's eyes land on Chris and Billy's red car, her fury returns with renewed ferocity, setting the stage for a devastating confrontation that will have far-reaching consequences.

As Chris and Billy's reckless prank unleashes a devastating toll of at least a dozen lives, Billy proposes they flee town and leave their destructive legacy behind. Reluctantly, Chris agrees, and as they drive away, Carrie's malevolent presence lingers, her anger simmering like a potent poison waiting to strike. Unbeknownst to the oblivious duo, Carrie has already begun her retribution, covertly manipulating the ground beneath them to create a sinkhole that forces Billy to make a hasty U-turn.

Chris's ire remains unabated as she spots Carrie standing firm, an unyielding pillar of fury in their midst. "RUN HER DOWN. KILL HER!" Chris snarls, her vendetta-driven rage clouding her judgment. Billy attempts to intervene, charging at Carrie with reckless abandon, but she's prepared for him. With a swipe of her hand, she halts the car with an invisible force, sending Billy's head snapping back in a gruesome instant.

As Chris comes to, her grief momentarily supplants her murderous intent, but it's short-lived. Spotting Carrie, she revs up the engine once more, hell-bent on exacting revenge. Billy's untimely demise serves as no deterrent; instead, Carrie retaliates with an astonishing display of telekinetic power, hoisting the car's rear wheels into the air before sending it careening toward a gas station pump. The force of the impact is brutal, shattering the windshield and embedding shards of glass in Chris's face.

As Carrie watches her adversary take her final breath, she exacts one last measure of revenge, inducing a power pole to spark and collapse, igniting the nearby gasoline leak and guaranteeing a fiery demise for both Billy and Chris. Back at the ravaged gym, Sue finds Ms. Desjardin, and together they mourn the devastating destruction.

Meanwhile, Carrie begins her destructive march through town, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake. Upon arriving home, she's met with an unsettling sight: her mother has managed to escape from the closet, having forced open a hole in the door. Carrie's callous attempt at communication is met with silence, and she soon discovers her mother hiding in the shadows, her malevolent presence as dark and foreboding as the destruction she's wrought.

As the crimson-stained bathwater drains away, Carrie (no actor name provided) slips into a calming blue nightgown, her tranquilizing ritual interrupted by the sudden reappearance of Margaret, whose twisted mind had been warped by the events that transpired. The mother-daughter duo's fragile bond is momentarily rekindled as they pray together, their entwined hands a poignant testament to the devastating consequences of Margaret's actions. However, this fleeting moment of solace is brutally shattered when Margaret, fueled by malevolent fervor, plunges her butcher knife into Carrie's back.

The ensuing struggle unfolds like a macabre waltz in the kitchen, with Carrie beseeching her mother to cease the carnage, only to be met with Margaret's maddening assertion that "a devil never dies; you gotta keep killing it." The mother-daughter battle rages on, leaving a trail of bloody wounds in its wake. As Carrie's powers surge out of control, she unleashes a torrent of sharp objects that pierce her mother's body like a ghastly crucifixion.

Carrie's anguished cry echoes through the kitchen as she releases the blades and watches in horror as Margaret succumbs to her injuries. The mother-daughter bond is forever severed as Carrie weeps over her lifeless mother, consumed by grief and regret.

Just moments later, Sue arrives at the doorstep, only to be met with Carrie's wrathful accusation: "You just killed my mom!" Sue's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears as Carrie's anger boils over into a force choke-hold. The house, too, begins its slow collapse, a harbinger of Carrie's uncontrollable powers.

As the walls close in, Carrie releases Sue and, with a detached calm, declares, "It's a girl." Sue's incredulous stare is met with Carrie's question: "You don't know?" The mother-daughter bond has been broken once more as Carrie pushes Sue out into the chaos, watching as rocks plummet from above, obliterating their home. In a poignant, if macabre, moment of tenderness, Carrie cradles her mother's lifeless body and presses a gentle kiss to her forehead, allowing the house to finally collapse upon them.

As the dust settles, Sue stands frozen in horror, her hand tentatively reaching for her own stomach, where the fate of their unborn child hangs precariously in the balance.

As the narrative unfolds, Sue steps into the spotlight to recount her experiences in a public forum, with the entire town gathered to bear witness. The nature of her pregnancy subplot remains shrouded in mystery, leaving audiences wondering whether Sue has indeed given birth and, if so, what became of the child. Against this backdrop, a deposition unfolds as a man poses the question: was Carrie's demise simply an unfortunate accident? But Sue stands firm, her conviction unwavering as she recounts the events that led to Carrie's downfall. According to Sue, Carrie was a ordinary girl with universal desires and aspirations, just like everyone else - but when the pressures of reality mount, even the strongest among us can shatter under the strain. And so it was with Carrie White.

In a poignant moment, Sue visits the final resting place of Margaret and Carrie, where she leaves a white rose to mark their joint grave. However, her somber reverie is interrupted by an act of vandalism: "CARRIE WHITE IS IN HELL" is scrawled across the headstone in bold, black letters, accompanied by an arrow pointing downwards into the earth. Even in death, Carrie's tormentors continue to belittle and degrade her, a cruel reminder that some individuals never learn to show compassion to those around them.

As Sue departs, the grave site remains, a testament to the enduring power of human cruelty. Yet, just moments later, an unseen force stirs beneath the surface, causing the tombstone to crack in two. A heart-shaped crater materializes at its center, leaving the ultimate fate of Carrie White forever shrouded in mystery.