In a dystopian world on the brink of destruction, mercenary Gibson Rickenbacker must navigate treacherous terrain to protect Pearl Prophet, a cyborg harboring the cure for a deadly disease. As they embark on a perilous journey to Atlanta, they're pursued by warlord Tremolo Fender, who'll stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power and crush humanity's last hope.

In a dystopian world on the brink of destruction, mercenary Gibson Rickenbacker must navigate treacherous terrain to protect Pearl Prophet, a cyborg harboring the cure for a deadly disease. As they embark on a perilous journey to Atlanta, they're pursued by warlord Tremolo Fender, who'll stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power and crush humanity's last hope.

Does Cyborg have end credit scenes?


Cyborg does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Cyborg: Warriors of Survival Quiz: Test your knowledge on the gritty world and characters of the 1989 film Cyborg.

What societal conditions plague the world in Cyborg?

Plot Summary

In the ravaged aftermath of societal collapse, anarchy reigned supreme, unleashing a maelstrom of devastation upon the earth. Starvation, genocide, and disease claimed countless lives, as humanity teetered on the brink of extinction. Amidst this desolate landscape, Cyborg unfolds the gritty tale of Gibson (Jean-Claude Van Damme), a former urban ninja struggling to survive in a world gone mad.

The narrative begins with a desperate couple, clad in jumpsuits, attempting to evade the ruthless pirate crew led by Fender (Vincent Klyn), a formidable warrior clad in chainmail and sporting shades. As they flee for their lives, Gibson’s counterpart is brutally cut down by the marauding pirates. Pearl (Dayle Haddon), the surviving jumpsuited woman, reveals herself as a cyborg, harboring the cure for the deadly plague within her cerebral hard drive. Fender, driven by his own self-interest, orders his crew to capture the cyborg and claim the antidote for himself.

As Gibson stumbles upon Pearl’s predicament, he dispatches three pirates with ease, drawing attention from Fender’s sniping gunner. The agile urban ninja takes cover in a wooden structure, which promptly collapses atop him. As Fender claims Pearl as his prize and sets sail for Atlanta, Gibson bursts forth from the rubble, fueled by determination.

Gibson’s pursuit of Fender leads him to a charred village, where he discovers that his nemesis has already departed. Amidst the smoldering ruins, Gibson senses movement in the shadows and launches an unknown projectile, striking a survivor, Nady (Deborah Richter). As she awakens, Gibson is beset by a flashback to a previous family he had rescued from New York’s treacherous streets, only to be torn asunder by Fender’s malevolent forces.

With Nady now awake and willing to aid him in his quest, Gibson sets his sights on rescuing Pearl. Together, they embark upon the arduous journey to Charleston, driven by a burning desire for retribution against their common foe. As they navigate the treacherous landscape, Gibson’s past begins to resurface, revealing a life once lived and lost. The shantytown of Maize (Jophery C. Brown) provides crucial intel on Fender’s whereabouts, setting the stage for an epic confrontation that will determine the fate of the cyborg and the future of humanity.

As Gibson and Nady venture further from the shantytown, their path is suddenly disrupted by a brazen attack from highwaymen. Gibson vanishes into the treacherous woods, while Nady seeks refuge in a crumbling edifice nearby. Unbeknownst to her, Gibson expertly takes down two of the marauders with his cunning and stealth, before dashing to her aid. He arrives just in time to see the rest of the outlaws closing in on her, their knives poised for the kill. With lightning-quick reflexes, Gibson dispatches the remaining bandits using a combination of his trusty firearm and a makeshift shiv fashioned from his boot heel. As the dust settles, he liberates Nady from her precarious predicament, having single-handedly dispatched the would-be attackers.

As they finally reach the ocean’s edge, Fender must navigate the treacherous waters to continue his journey inland towards Atlanta. Nady seizes the opportunity to wash away the grime of their ordeal, and Gibson follows suit, seeking solace in the cleansing power of the sea. As they warm up around a crackling campfire, Nady tentatively offers herself to Gibson, but he declines, his attention seemingly elsewhere. His gaze drifts back to a tender moment shared with the eldest member of the family he had previously rescued - a fleeting glimpse of a love now lost. Meanwhile, Fender and his piratical cohorts lurk unseen, their eyes fixed on the duo.

The next morning, Gibson and Nady stumble upon Fender’s boat and track him down to an abandoned industrial complex. What ensues is an intense, brutal battle royale, as Gibson and Fender engage in a fierce duel, exchanging blows with guns, knives, and fists. The outcome is far from certain, as the pirates meet their demise one by one, but not before Gibson suffers a grievous wound at Fender’s hands. With Nady refusing to be rescued, Gibson realizes he must make his escape, relying on the forces waiting in Atlanta to vanquish Fender once and for all.

As Gibson flees through the sewer tunnels, pursued by Fender’s relentless pirates, he takes a moment to eliminate the largest of his tormentors - a hulking brute known only as Ralf Moeller. Emerging into the open air, Gibson and Nady find themselves in a desperate bid to outrun their pursuers. Though they manage to take down a few of their assailants, they soon realize they’re vastly outnumbered, and Fender’s merciless beatdown leaves Gibson battered and bloody. The pirate captain then drives home his cruel intentions by nailing Gibson to the mast of a beached boat, leaving him to face a slow and agonizing demise.

As Gibson clings precariously to the mast, his thoughts are torn between the present and a haunting flashback to his adopted family in the rustic countryside. The scene replays like a gruesome mirage: he, the older girl, and her younger brother are entwined with barbed wire, suspended over a well’s dark abyss. Fender, the ruthless pirate, bestows upon Haley (Haley Peterson) the weighty task of holding the barbed wire, warning that if she fails, her family will succumb to their desperate predicament. The wire cruelly tears through her hands, and in a heart-wrenching sequence, the family plunges into the well’s depths. Gibson manages to extricate himself from the well’s jaws, but his anguish is compounded by the tragic loss of the girl and her brother. As he hangs suspended, Gibson’s gaze fixes upon Haley, now Fender’s captive, and his fury ignites like a powder keg. With a primal scream, Gibson shatters the mast with his heel, plummeting to the earth below, where Nady (character) awaits to free him from his bonds.

Meanwhile, Fender and Pearl navigate the city of Atlanta, their journey culminating in the heart of the metropolis by nightfall. As the rain lashes down, Gibson and Nady prepare for a daring ambush. With calculated precision, Gibson hands Nady a deadly knife, dispatching her to secure a strategic vantage point. He then fires a solitary arrow that lands at Fender’s feet, prompting the pirate captain to order his remnants to attack. As Gibson takes on the pirates, Nady seizes the opportunity to eliminate the two guards protecting Pearl. The fight reaches its climax as Gibson and Fender engage in a brutal duel, their blows clashing with a ferocity that seems to shake the very foundations of the city. Just as it appears Fender will emerge victorious, Haley’s anguished cry pierces the air, prompting Fender to abandon his combat and pursue her instead. Nady intervenes, valiantly fending off Fender’s attack, but ultimately falls victim to a vicious slash from his knife. Gibson recovers, striking the final blow that sends Fender crashing onto a massive hook, which delivers the fatal coup de grâce.

In the aftermath of their triumph, Gibson, Haley, and Pearl share a somber moment of mourning for Nady’s sacrifice. Ultimately, they decide to part ways with Pearl at the Atlanta facility, recognizing that their own fates lie elsewhere – on the streets, where they can continue to make a difference in the lives of others. As the armored door closes behind Pearl, Gibson and Haley vanish into the night, their destinies forever intertwined.

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