In this charming French comedy-romance, Nathalie, a stunning executive, finds solace in her work after the sudden loss of her soulmate husband. When an unlikely office romance sparks with Markus, her unassuming subordinate, Nathalie's zest for life is reignited. As they navigate awkwardness to genuine love, they must confront others' skepticism and their own self-doubts.

In this charming French comedy-romance, Nathalie, a stunning executive, finds solace in her work after the sudden loss of her soulmate husband. When an unlikely office romance sparks with Markus, her unassuming subordinate, Nathalie's zest for life is reignited. As they navigate awkwardness to genuine love, they must confront others' skepticism and their own self-doubts.

Does Delicacy have end credit scenes?


Delicacy does not have end credit scenes.


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