
Does Dog have end credit scenes?


Dog does not have end credit scenes.




A rugged Army Ranger and his loyal Belgian Malinois companion embark on a high-stakes road trip in a vintage 1984 Ford Bronco, racing against time to reach a fellow soldier's funeral. As they navigate treacherous roads and reckless drivers, their banter-filled bonding leads to unexpected lessons in trust, vulnerability, and the pursuit of happiness.

Runtime: 101 min

Box Office: $85M








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User Score


6.5 /10

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Check out what happened in Dog!

As former Marine Jackson Briggs (actor name) endeavors to rejoin the military after being medically discharged due to his brain injury and seizures, he's presented with a unique opportunity by his supervisor, Captain Jones: confirm his application as a commanding officer, but only if he agrees to undertake a solemn task. The mission is to transport Lulu, a fiercely loyal Belgian Shepherd, from her handler Riley's funeral in Nogales, Arizona, to the White Sands base, where she will ultimately meet her demise due to the lack of suitable adopters among soldiers and police officers.

Briggs is entrusted with various items for Riley's grieving family, including Lulu's "Love Me Book", a poignant diary where soldiers record their thoughts and experiences from training and combat. He's also warned not to touch Lulu's sensitive ears, an instruction he takes to heart as he embarks on the arduous 1500-mile journey with his belligerent canine companion in tow.

Initially, Briggs decides to take a scenic route, opting against a direct drive to the funeral and instead choosing to savor the open road. His first stop is the shooting range, where he takes a moment to reconnect with his military roots. Meanwhile, Lulu finds her way out of the transport box and wreaks havoc on Briggs' vehicle, prompting him to tranquilize her with a sausage-filled dose.

As night falls, Briggs seeks solace in the company of two prostitutes, leaving the sleeping Lulu to guard the car. However, she soon awakens and resumes her incessant barking, drawing the attention of a passerby who mistakenly believes she's an abused dog. His misguided attempt to intervene results in Lulu charging at him, prompting Briggs to hastily regain control of the situation. Amidst the chaos, two women flee from the scene, leaving Briggs to ponder the unpredictable nature of his journey and the formidable force that is Lulu.

As the sun rises over the desolate landscape, Briggs' odyssey continues, marked by a poignant monologue with Lulu. The latter, still bound by her collar, listens intently as Briggs reveals that they both pose a liability to the army: he suffers from debilitating seizures when under stress, while she is aggressive and masterless. Lulu's sudden breakout, however, sets off a chain of events that propels them into the world beyond the military's grasp.

Her daring escape leads Briggs on a desperate pursuit through the countryside, trailed by a crimson path of blood. His search ultimately culminates in the rustic abode of a local farmer, Gus, who mistakes Briggs for a member of a commando squad sent to confiscate his contraband cannabis. A tranquilizer dart and some twine later, Briggs finds himself trussed up like a pig in Gus's pigsty, subjected to a grilling about Lulu's whereabouts.

Gus's bluff claims that he has already dispatched the canine with a fatal blow, but Briggs, ever resourceful, seizes the opportunity to break free. He tracks Gus into the farmhouse, axe at the ready, only to discover a surreal scene: Lulu, her injured paw being tended by Gus's wife, is behaving with an unexpected air of calm and conviviality. The couple's kindness towards Lulu serves as a poignant reminder that even amidst chaos, there exists a capacity for compassion.

As Briggs departs, he leaves behind a trail of gratitude, having forged an unlikely bond with the farmer and his family. His next stop is a hotel, where he concocts a ruse to secure their entry: posing as a blind man, Lulu becomes his "assistance dog." In the bath, they indulge in a tender moment; later, Briggs' flirtations with the receptionist are interrupted by Lulu's sudden and brutal attack on Dr. Al-Farid.

The doctor, fortunately, is spared harm thanks to Lulu's muzzle. However, Briggs' attempts to intervene only lead to his own downfall: he trips, revealing that his eyesight is, in fact, intact. The authorities arrive promptly, confiscating Lulu and arresting Briggs.

A night spent behind bars brings him face-to-face with a racist police officer who believes he deliberately orchestrated the attack on Al-Farid. In the morning's interrogation room, Briggs seeks to rectify the situation by explaining Lulu's aggressive nature, citing her training to attack individuals like Dr. Al-Farid. The authorities, convinced by his account, ultimately release both Briggs and Lulu into a world that remains fraught with uncertainty.

As Briggs (character) grapples with the weight of his circumstances, he makes the impulsive decision to pay a visit to his estranged ex-wife and daughter. However, his efforts are met with resistance as his wife refuses him entry. Undeterred, Briggs seeks out Nuke, the brother of Lulu, and Noah, her handler, who reside nearby. The evening air is filled with the savory aromas of an impromptu barbecue, where Noah regales Briggs with a poignant tale of his own experiences with Nuke, a narrative that resonates deeply with Briggs' own tumultuous past.

As the night wears on, Briggs departs from Noah's residence only to discover that his vehicle has been pilfered and his personal belongings, including Riley's (character) effects and medication, are nowhere to be found. With Lulu by his side and the aid of her canine companions, they embark on a thrilling adventure to track down the thieves and recover their stolen goods.

As the rain-soaked night wears on, Briggs' car finally succumbs to the relentless downpour, leaving him and Lulu no choice but to seek refuge in an abandoned edifice. The stormy atmosphere is palpable, and even Lulu's usually steadfast nature begins to falter as she cowers in fear. Briggs, though visibly irritated, manages to rein in his emotions and returns to their makeshift shelter, where he becomes immersed in a televised episode of Grey's Anatomy.

As the credits roll, Briggs' attention is drawn to the poignant notes left behind by Riley, contained within the Love Me Book. The words are laced with profound wisdom, as Riley recounts the harrowing experience of nearly losing Lulu following her gunshot wound, and the epiphany that struck him - he was never truly Lulu's master, but rather, she was his.

The next morning dawns, and Briggs and Lulu prepare to attend Riley's funeral. They secure a ride in a small truck and begin their journey, eventually walking the final stretch to reach the service on time. As exhaustion claims Lulu, Briggs tenderly cradles her in his arms, a testament to the unbreakable bond that has formed between them.

Following the funeral, Briggs sets about repairing his vehicle and makes contact with Captain Jones, reporting the remarkable transformation Lulu has undergone during their journey. He implores Jones to reconsider Lulu's euthanasia, citing the significant progress she has made. However, Jones remains resolute, emphasizing that the decision ultimately lies beyond their purview.

As the sun dips below the horizon, Briggs' heart softened as he pulled over on the prairie, allowing Lulu to finally experience the freedom she so desperately craved. With a gentle motion, he removed her collar, granting her the chance to thrive in the open expanse. However, much to his surprise, Lulu refused to leave his side, and when Briggs attempted to coax her away, she instinctively leapt back into the car, compelling him to reverse course and resume their journey together.

That fateful night, as Briggs lay recovering from a debilitating seizure at the hotel, he tenderly stroked Lulu's ears, whispering reassurances that all would be well. As if sensing his distress, Lulu nestled her head onto his chest, steadfastly remaining by his side.

The following morning, Briggs, having regained some measure of composure, presented Lulu to young Corporal Lewitz at the White Sands base, urging him to reevaluate the loyal canine and afford her a second chance. As he departed the base, Briggs couldn't shake the haunting image of Lulu's desperate struggle in the rearview mirror, ultimately compelling him to return and claim her as his own.

In a remarkable turn of events, Briggs formally adopted Lulu, even welcoming his family back into his life. The film concludes with a poignant tableau: Briggs and Lulu perched atop a windswept cliff, gazing out at the vast expanse of the sea. With profound gratitude, Briggs thanks Lulu for her unwavering loyalty, which had, in effect, saved his very life.