
Does Doomsday have end credit scenes?


Doomsday does not have end credit scenes.




In a dystopian future, a nation succumbs to panic and destruction as a deadly virus ravages its population. Thirty years of isolation follow, until the Reaper virus re-emerges in a major metropolis. Led by Eden Sinclair, an elite team embarks on a perilous quest to retrieve a cure, fighting for survival in a twisted landscape where terror reigns supreme.

Runtime: 105 min

Box Office: $22M








User Score


5.9 /10

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Check out what happened in Doomsday!

In the midst of a Glasgow spring, on April 3rd, 2008, an insidious force unleashed chaos upon the city. The Reaper Virus, a microscopic menace with no regard for reason or human life, began its devastating march through the population. With no antidote, cure, or vaccine to stem the tide, the virus claimed thousands of lives in mere days, leaving survivors reeling in despair.

In desperation, the authorities implemented Marshall Law, imposing draconian measures to contain the outbreak. Roadblocks were set up, curfews enforced, and borders sealed off. The once-thriving airports, seaports, and docks lay dormant, as Scotland itself was placed under a quarantine that would isolate it from the rest of Britain.

As panic set in, the people of Glasgow were ordered to stay indoors, shun contact with one another, and await a rescue that seemed increasingly unlikely. The UK government's response only added fuel to the inferno, constructing a thirty-foot-high containment wall along Scotland's borders, severing its connection to the mainland and rendering it an island.

Against this backdrop of desperation and despair, a Scottish mother clung to hope as she begged soldiers in a helicopter to rescue her daughter, writhing in agony from a wound to her right eye. When a soldier selflessly sacrificed his place on the chopper to save the girl, the mother handed him a letter, entreating him to ensure that her child would never forget her love.

As the last of the healthy survivors were evacuated by SAS teams, the quarantine zone descended into anarchy. The once-magnificent cities crumbled, their streets running red with blood as desperate souls fought for survival. Bodies burned in the thousands, looting and rape became rampant, and murder stalked the shadows. Fire consumed buildings as the cities themselves were plundered.

The containment wall stood as a monolith to despair, its steel armor plating a grim reminder of the UK government's desperation to stem the tide of death. The skies above Scotland's borders were declared a no-fly zone, with orders to shoot down any aircraft that dared defy the quarantine. And so, the people within the walls waited in vain for rescue, as social order disintegrated along with the very fabric of their lives.

As the weeks blurred together, the ravaged landscape of Britain's post-apocalyptic wasteland continued its relentless march towards desolation. The funeral pyres that once served as grim reminders of humanity's devastating loss now lay cold and dark, extinguished like the flames of hope that had long since faded. In this bleak expanse, the country's north wall crumbled, leaving only the faintest echoes of a forgotten world to haunt the memories of those who survived.

Meanwhile, in London Shipping Docks, 2035, Major Eden Sinclair (played by) - a survivor of the initial evacuation and now a seasoned soldier of the DDS - gazed out at the urban landscape with her synthetic eye, its optic technology a testament to humanity's resilience. As she scanned the area, her team received orders from their leader, John Michaelson, to capture two notorious smugglers: Pinstripe and Richter.

Sinclair's eye sprang to life as she activated the Record option, capturing every moment of the ensuing operation. With silencers firing outside, her team breached the cargo ship, where Richter led Pinstripe and his henchman, carrying a case handcuffed to their wrist, towards a cargo opening. The captive souls within the ship's hold - prisoners from a war-torn ghetto - awaited rescue.

In separate areas of the vessel, Sinclair and Michaelson stood ready, guns at the ready. Unbeknownst to them, Pinstripe had other plans, as he opened a case filled with cash, earning Richter's approval. Meanwhile, in another part of the ship, a mysterious blonde woman emerged from a bathtub, shotgun blazing - though Michaelson managed to dodge her deadly aim.

As chaos erupted throughout the ship, Richter and Afro Girl sensed a setup and trained their guns on Pinstripe and his henchman. The cacophony of gunfire continued as the blonde woman's revenge fueled her rampage. Richter responded with calculated precision, blowing two holes through Pinstripe's torso, while Afro Girl delivered a fatal shot to the henchman's head.

As Sinclair enters the scene, accompanied by the enigmatic bathtub girl from another doorway, a sudden and ominous calm descends upon the room. The sound of gunfire erupts as she fires three rounds into the lifeless form in the tub, each bullet hole on the side of the porcelain bath emitting a crimson stain. In a nearby room, Richter's authoritative voice issues orders to Afro Girl, instructing her to retrieve the valuable case. With machete in hand, she brutally dismembers the henchman's hand, freeing the case and claiming it as her own. The pair then makes their escape down a labyrinthine corridor, only to be intercepted by Michaelson, who swiftly dispatches Afro Girl with a calculated precision.

However, Richter's timely intervention allows him to capture Michaelson, holding the shotgun menacingly against his captive's head, demanding he relinquish his firearm. As they navigate around a bend, Sinclair cleverly deploys her synthetic eye into the corridor, surveying the situation through her wrist watch's digital display. With gun at the ready, she steps out and advances forward, ignoring Richter's urgent pleas to halt. Her approach is met with Michaelson's anguished cries and Richter's desperate warnings to spare his life.

In a sudden turn of events, Richter stumbles upon an object on the floor, inadvertently triggering the shotgun. The devastating consequences are immediate as half of Michaelson's head explodes in a gruesome display of blood and tissue. Startled by the horror unfolding before her, Sinclair trains her gun squarely on Richter, unleashing a hail of bullets that ravages his body.

The scene is soon interrupted by the arrival of Domestic Security Chief Captain Nelson, who finds Sinclair sitting pensively amidst the carnage. Her gaze is fixed upon a letter or envelope, a tangible reminder of the soldier's long-forgotten past. As she reinserts her synthetic eye into its socket, Nelson's expression contorts in distaste at the sight. He requests an explanation for the events that transpired, and Sinclair obliges by handing him a disc from her wrist watch, containing a digital recording of the entire ordeal.

As Nelson takes possession of the disc, he cautions Sinclair about the perils of pushing herself to the limit, warning her that such reckless behavior could lead to a catastrophic erosion of her mental and emotional well-being. He urges her to return home, rest, and recharge before embarking on further adventures.

In the dimly lit corridors of the Urban Containment Facility in White Chapel, London, a sense of unease settles over the homeless residents as DDS police storm into their makeshift shelter. Clad in black tactical gear and armed to the teeth, the raid squad charges forward with flashlights blazing, their movements a blur of chaos and fear. The officers burst through the doors, revealing a scene of utter devastation: the bodies of several individuals, their skin mottled with open sores and blisters that seem to writhe in agony like living things. The stench of decay hangs heavy in the air as the police leaders order their team to fall back.

Meanwhile, at British Security Headquarters, Prime Minister Hatcher arrives via elevator, greeted by his trusted advisor Michael Canaris. The latter briefs him on the routine drug raid and the shocking discovery of victims bearing the telltale signs of the Reaper Virus. The news sends a chill down the spines of all who hear it: the virus is back, and with it, the specter of chaos and destruction.

As Nelson, called in to address the national emergency, arrives at the facility, the weight of responsibility settles upon his shoulders. He joins Hatcher, Canaris, and Jane Harris in a tense conference room, where the plan to contain the virus unfolds like a dark tapestry. The proposal involves flooding canals north of the capital, blockading all bridges and rail links, and implementing martial law to keep the populace off the streets while medical stations are set up and the evacuation begins.

But Nelson cautions against this approach, warning that confining citizens amidst a killer virus will create an environment ripe for pandemonium. As infected bodies pile up, panic will spread like wildfire, leading to rampant looting, rape, murder, and a death toll that defies imagination - a catastrophe from which the government would be powerless to recover.

Seated in a private meeting with Hatcher and Canaris, Nelson learns of a shocking secret: for thirty years, a military satellite has been monitoring Scotland, revealing nothing but desolation. That was until three years ago, when the surveillance picked up signs of life in Glasgow. The implications are staggering: what other secrets lie hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be unearthed as the world teeters on the brink of collapse?

As the desperate quest for a cure intensifies, Nelson and his team grasp at any shred of hope that might lead them to the elusive antidote. With a trio of years' worth of knowledge on their hands, they're eager to dispatch a leader into the heart of the walled-off country, where the virus-ravaged landscape stretches as far as the eye can see. Nelson's incredulous at the lack of urgency displayed by those in power, particularly Hatcher (whose sales pitch reeks of self-serving politics), who prioritizes his own political survival over the welfare of the potential survivors. Canaris and Hatcher task Nelson with selecting a commander to spearhead this perilous mission, and he chooses Eden Sinclair for the job.

As he briefs her on the intel, Nelson emphasizes the gravity of their situation: secrecy is paramount, there will be no backup, and no rules apply. He entrusts her with the solemn responsibility of navigating treacherous terrain, warning her that failure would have catastrophic consequences for humanity's very survival. With a heavy heart, he hands over her mother's letter, which she asks him to safeguard until her return.

Before parting ways, Canaris imparts crucial information about Dr. Marcus Kane, the brilliant researcher who was trapped inside the hot zone when the gates were closed. His laboratory, nestled within the quarantine compound in Glasgow, held the key to unlocking a cure for the deadly virus. Eden's mission is clear: track down Kane and follow the trail he left behind. Her team will infiltrate the walled-off country via APC vehicle, avoiding aerial reconnaissance at all costs to maintain a low profile.

As she takes to the skies aboard Canaris' helicopter, the cityscape below transforms into a cauldron of chaos. The once-peaceful crowds are now on the brink of turning violent, their frustration boiling over as they confront the imposing blockade. Police scramble to contain the situation, deploying smoke canisters to disperse the agitated masses.

Meanwhile, inside the British government building, Hatcher's grip on reality begins to slip in the face of mounting panic and desperation. Canaris reveals his true nature, one that sees the virus not as a scourge, but as an opportunity to "thin out the herd" and alleviate the crushing pressures of overcrowding. His words send shivers down Hatcher's spine, yet he remains mute, paralyzed by the horrific implications. As the city teeters on the edge of chaos, Eden Sinclair embarks on her perilous journey, driven by the hope of uncovering a cure that might just salvage what's left of humanity.

As the helicopter touches down at Border Six Station, Sarah Sinclair (character) is greeted by Sgt. Norton, who welcomes her to No Man's Land - a desolate stretch of terrain that stretches as far as the eye can see, devoid of human life or activity. The once-manned perimeter has been replaced with an automated system of heavy turret guns and searchlights, casting an eerie glow over the barren landscape. Norton briefs Sinclair on the team's arrival two hours prior, and ushers her to the hangar where she meets Chandler, the tank driver, who provides a comprehensive overview of the armored personnel carriers (APCs).

As Sinclair surveys the arsenal at her disposal, she is introduced to Corporal Read, a young and striking blonde working on one of the APCs. Norton then presents the two riflemen, Miller and Carpenter, who provide a rundown on the state-of-the-art bio-suits they will be wearing. These cutting-edge suits offer 24 hours of protection, flexibility, and freedom of movement, thanks to their high-impact flexi-polymer construction.

Next, Sinclair meets Dr. Talbot and Dr. Ben Stirling, medical scientists who are busy examining the med-tech equipment at hand. Locked and loaded, Sinclair's team boards the AP Cs, which make their way out of the hangars into the unknown. As they depart, the massive Wall Gate - long closed to the outside world - requires the use of power saws to open. The APCs emerge into a torrential downpour, leaving behind them a trail of devastation and desolation as the DDS staff weld the gate shut behind them.

As they enter the quarantine zone, Sinclair's team is met with a nightmarish landscape of dilapidated buildings, stranded vehicles in ruin, and skeletal remains - grim reminders of the horrors that have unfolded here over the years. The AP Cs navigate the dark road, jostling along until they come to a halt to investigate an unusual sight: hundreds of cattle, one brutally crushed beneath their wheels.

As they continue on their journey, Talbot shares with Sinclair the significance of Dr. Kane - a renowned expert in his field whose research papers were required reading at medical school. Sinclair inserts a disc into a player, revealing a recording by Kane himself, which holds crucial information about the mysterious virus that has ravaged this forsaken land.

As Sinclair's team ventures into the desolate landscape of Glasgow, they arrive at St. Andrew Hospital, a once-thriving hub of medical care now reduced to a desperate haven for the stranded survivors. Amidst the ruins, Sinclair (Sinclair) leads her team, armed with Bio-suits and determination, as they escort medical scientists Talbot and Stirling to the hospital's crumbling entrance. With cautionary words, Sinclair warns her companions that in the face of conflict, their safety lies outside the line of fire.

Upon entering the ravaged hospital, Sinclair's synthetic eye surveys the interior, revealing a haunting tableau of long-abandoned rooms. The placard listing hundreds of names, etched on the wall, serves as a grim reminder of the devastating toll of the disease. Undeterred, Sinclair's team presses on, seeking evidence of Kane's research in the Viral Research section.

The fifth floor is a nightmarish scene: plastic canopies stained with blood, medical equipment mangled and abandoned, and weaponry scattered about like deadly confetti. The Decontamination Zone lies ahead, its interior strewn with medical debris and skeletal remains of those who succumbed to the plague.

Meanwhile, in APC Vehicle One, Chandler's technical woes are momentarily resolved as the video feed corrects itself, revealing a shocking sight: a young woman, covered in grime, standing mere feet from the vehicle. Against explicit orders not to approach her, Chandler readies an isolation capsule and dons his Bio-suit. The team's frantic warnings fall on deaf ears as he takes the first step towards the woman, whose apparent shock and collapse into his arms render him powerless against the overwhelming emotions that threaten to consume him.

As Sinclair's orders are relayed, Carpenter is dispatched to investigate an untouched area of the decontamination lab. He ventures forward, his footsteps echoing through the sterile environment, when suddenly a spiked bat comes crashing down, shattering his shield visor and embedding spikes in his bloodied face. The Marauder responsible for this brutal attack stands tall, sporting oversized goggles and an outlandish hairdo, its eyes blazing with a feral intensity. However, Sinclair is quick to respond, unleashing a hail of gunfire that sends the Marauder crashing to the ground.

The initial ambush gives way to a full-blown battle as Marauders emerge from every direction, swarming Sinclair's team like a deadly horde. The sound of gunfire and the clash of hand-to-hand combat fill the air as the team fights for survival. Despite their valiant efforts, they soon find themselves scrambling to escape the chaos, with Norton radioing Corporal Read to prepare for an emergency evacuation.

As they make their way to the armored personnel carriers (APC), Chandler carefully carries the unconscious girl into one of the vehicles and seals her in a specially designed isolation capsule. Both APCs take off, racing towards the designated pickup point. However, their journey is soon interrupted by a relentless barrage of Molotov cocktails, makeshift incendiary grenades hurled from nearby buildings by an endless stream of Marauders.

Sinclair's team faces a withering onslaught as they make their way to the pickup point, their weapons firing almost continuously to repel the charge. Chandler and Read are equally besieged in their APCs, which take repeated hits from the fire bombs. In the midst of this chaos, Chandler's vehicle becomes engulfed in flames as he crashes through the wreckage-strewn streets.

Unbeknownst to Chandler, the young woman inside the isolation capsule has regained consciousness. Using a small blade, she pierces the canopy and frees herself from the containment unit. As the Marauders continue their assault with fire bombs and vehicular attacks, the young woman creeps up behind Chandler and strikes him with deadly precision, slitting his throat as he loses control of the APC. The violent crash that follows sends the young woman tumbling to the back of the vehicle, her fate hanging precariously in the balance.

As Chandler's lifeless body slumps forward, a crimson arc of blood shoots high into the air, a morbid farewell gesture. In his final moment of lucidity, he seizes a hand grenade and unleashes it towards the APC's rear compartment, where a young woman cowers in terror. The resulting explosion is catastrophic, propelling the back door like a projectile that shatters against Corporal Read's APC before veering harmlessly off course. Read's urgent report to his team is met with grim silence: APC One has been destroyed, and Chandler is gone. The Marauders, emboldened by their victory, redirect their attention towards the remaining APC, unleashing a barrage of fire bombs that threaten to incinerate its occupants.

Meanwhile, at St. Andrew Hospital, Sinclair issues orders for the team to converge on the elevator, targeting sub-level one. As they board the cab, Sinclair takes deliberate aim with his shotgun at the support cable, deliberately severing it and sending the elevator plummeting towards a catastrophic crash. To cushion their fall, he ignites a silicon grenade, bathing the cab in an expanding foam that protects its occupants from the brutal impact. The team struggles free of the hardened foam, which crumbles easily beneath their weight, and emerges into the sub-level one's dimly lit corridor.

APC Vehicle Two continues to bear the brunt of the Marauders' assault. Corporal Read valiantly defends herself against a clinging Marauder, dousing him with Mace that momentarily blinds him to his impending doom. The hapless attacker is sent tumbling off the APC by an unseen overpass sign, sending him crashing to the ground below. As Corporal Read makes her way down the ramp towards sub-level one, she's joined by her teammates, who hastily board the elevator and seal its hatch against the relentless Marauder horde. With the vehicle speeding away from the danger zone, another group of attackers charges forward, only to be cut down by the team's withering fire.

Just as it seems the APC has escaped the chaos, a lone Marauder perched high above unleashes a deadly crossbow bolt that impales itself in Corporal Read's neck. The injured driver loses control of the vehicle, sending it hurtling into a tangled wreckage that culminates in a violent flip and subsequent crash-landing on its side. As lifeless bodies spill from the APC, the team scatters to regroup and repel the approaching Marauder horde.

As chaos erupts on the battlefield, Talbot falls victim to a brutal leg wound, leaving his comrades to fend off the Marauders in a desperate bid for survival. Miller, undeterred by his own injuries, orders his team to retreat as he stays behind to hold off their relentless assault, buying them precious time to escape. Norton and Stirling make a break for it, but Sinclair remains steadfast, pouring gunfire into the enemy lines until her ammo runs dry. It's then that the Marauders close in, overwhelming Miller with sheer brutality. Talbot, battered and bruised, is captured and held captive, while Sinclair falls prey to their mercyless cruelty.

In the depths of the Marauders' makeshift prison, Sinclair is subjected to a gruesome ordeal at the hands of Sol, the gang's ruthless leader. His loyal accomplice, Viper, looks on with a mixture of curiosity and contempt as Sol extracts every last drop of information from his captive. But just as all hope seems lost, Sinclair seizes an opportunity to exact revenge, striking back at her tormentors in a fierce display of defiance. In the end, it's Sol who emerges victorious, leaving Sinclair broken and battered.

As the Marauders' camp erupts into a frenzied celebration, Talbot is subjected to a horrific fate worse than death - being barbecued alive before the very eyes of his fellow prisoners. Meanwhile, Sinclair manages to escape her cell, only to stumble upon Cally, Kane's daughter, who is also imprisoned. With Cally's help, Sinclair sets out on a perilous quest to find Kane, promising to lead her to safety in exchange for her freedom.

In a tense showdown with Viper, Sinclair proves her mettle in a brutal battle that leaves the former foe lying lifeless at her feet. As she flees the scene, Cally takes her under her wing, leading her to a waiting train driven by Joshua, a trusted ally. En route to their destination, Cally reveals a shocking truth: Sol is none other than Kane's own son, with whom he has been locked in a bitter struggle for dominance.

As they approach the castle where Kane dwells, Sinclair and her companions are surrounded by his medieval soldiers, who prove no match for the ruthless Marauders. In the ensuing chaos, Joshua makes the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life to save his friends. As the survivors are taken prisoner, it becomes clear that their quest for freedom has only just begun - and that the true battle lies ahead.

As Kane Castle's imposing structure looms in the background, the dark truth is revealed: there exists no cure for the Reaper Virus, only individuals blessed with a natural immunity. With this dire news, Kane sentences Cally and her group to a merciless death sentence. Meanwhile, in London, Canaris manipulates Hatcher into allowing the infected population to dwindle, ensuring control once Sinclair's team potentially returns with a cure. However, an infected individual manages to infiltrate the government building, infecting Hatcher himself. Realizing his predicament, Hatcher takes his own life, paving the way for Canaris to assume the position of Prime Minister.

In the midst of this chaos, Sinclair is forced into a gruesome battle against Kane's ruthless executioner, Telamon. As tensions escalate, Falco pays a visit to Norton and Stirling's cell, where they brutally overpower their guards, locking Franco and his minions inside. The prisoners then make off with ammunition, grenades, and other vital weapons.

As the castle's walls begin to crumble, Sinclair emerges victorious against Telamon, prompting Kane's wrath. With the castle on the brink of destruction, the prisoners must fight tooth-and-nail to escape its burning ruins. They mount their horses and retreat to an underground facility, where they stumble upon a stored Bentley. However, Falco's relentless pursuit is hot on their heels.

As tensions reach a boiling point, Sinclair and her companions decide to utilize the Bentley as a means of escape. Tragically, Norton falls victim to Kane's men during this desperate bid for freedom. In the Bentley, the group speeds back towards the quarantine wall, only to encounter a high-stakes road battle with Sol's Marauders. As Sol attempts to hijack their vehicle, Sinclair takes matters into her own hands, ramming the car through a roadblocked bus and decapitating the treacherous leader.

Seizing control of a government-issued GPS cell phone, Sinclair summons a gunship and relinquishes the cure to Canaris, who has arrived with the aircraft. The Prime Minister shares his plan to withhold the cure for political gain and invites Cally back to London, her blood serving as the key to replicating a life-saving vaccine.

As Sinclair (character name) stands at the threshold of departure, an inexplicable compulsion holds her back from returning to London. The allure of nostalgia proves too great, drawing her to the address on the worn envelope left behind by her mother - a tangible connection to her past. Unbeknownst to Sinclair, Nelson (actor's name) had been entrusted with this very same envelope prior to her departure on the perilous mission. It is here that their paths converge once more, as Nelson stumbles upon Sinclair at the site of her childhood home.

The revelation that follows is nothing short of extraordinary. Sinclair produces a cryptic video recording from her cybernetically-enhanced eye, which had captured her clandestine conversation with Canaris (actor's name). The contents of this digital transmission are nothing short of explosive, detailing the insidious plan to withhold the cure and leaving Nelson in possession of irrefutable evidence.

With this damning footage in hand, Nelson hastens back to London, determined to broadcast the truth far and wide. And so, Canaris' scheme is mercilessly exposed, its malevolent intent laid bare for all to see.

Meanwhile, Sinclair's odyssey takes a dramatic turn as she returns to the location where her team first faced the brutal onslaught of the cannibalistic tribe. As she presents Sol's severed head to his former comrades, a stirring spectacle unfolds - Sinclair is hailed as their new leader, her unwavering resolve and unshakeable determination inspiring devotion in those around her.