In the rough neighborhood of Inglewood's Bottoms, college-bound Malcolm navigates gang life, drugs, and SAT anxiety while chasing his Harvard dream. A wild party invitation sets him on a journey of self-discovery, embracing his quirks among offbeat characters, as he learns to balance ambition with authenticity and finds his own dope way amidst the chaos.

In the rough neighborhood of Inglewood's Bottoms, college-bound Malcolm navigates gang life, drugs, and SAT anxiety while chasing his Harvard dream. A wild party invitation sets him on a journey of self-discovery, embracing his quirks among offbeat characters, as he learns to balance ambition with authenticity and finds his own dope way amidst the chaos.

Does Dope have end credit scenes?


Dope does have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Dope Movie Quiz: Test your knowledge on the film 'Dope' and its characters, themes, and plot twists.

What is Malcolm's primary passion?

Plot Summary

The narrative, skillfully woven by Forest Whitaker (narrator), plunges us into the world of Malcolm Adekanbi (Shameik Moore), a high school senior consumed by an unyielding passion for old-school hip hop. Alongside his loyal companions Jib (Tony Revolori) and Diggy (Kiersey Clemons), a trio of misfits constantly beset by their peers at school. In the heart of Inglewood, California’s “The Bottoms,” this tight-knit group of outsiders navigates the treacherous terrain of adolescence, their collective dream of attending Harvard University serving as a beacon of hope.

Malcolm’s life is marked by his mother Lisa’s (Kimberly Elise) unwavering support and his own unrelenting drive to succeed. His punk rock band, Awreeoh, provides an outlet for the trio’s creative energy, with Diggy proudly embracing her identity as a lesbian. The narrator astutely notes that Diggy’s parents have attempted to “pray the gay away,” underscoring the struggles faced by this dynamic young woman.

As Malcolm navigates the unforgiving halls of his school, he finds himself confronted by a group of bullies demanding he surrender his sneakers. With a surge of defiance, Malcolm refuses to back down, pushing through the main bully and making a break for it, pursued by his tormentors. A sympathetic security guard intervenes, ultimately failing to protect Malcolm’s prized possession from being taken.

The catalyst for Malcolm’s college aspirations arrives in the form of Mr. Bailey (Bruce Beatty), the school counselor, who dismisses Malcolm’s essay on Ice Cube’s “Good Day” and labels his desire to attend Harvard as arrogant. With a wave of his hand, Bailey dispatches Malcolm to meet with Austin Jacoby, an individual holding the keys to college admissions.

As Malcolm and his friends make their way home, they narrowly avoid having their bikes pilfered by a group of shady characters lurking in a street dominated by drug dealers. In this volatile environment, Malcolm crosses paths with Dom (A$AP Rocky), a charismatic figure who takes notice of Malcolm’s distinctive hairstyle and MC Hammer-inspired attire. Their ensuing conversation finds them bonding over shared knowledge of hip hop, with Dom subsequently directing Malcolm to Nakia (Zoe Kravitz). This enigmatic young woman challenges Malcolm to extend an invitation to her on behalf of Dom, who deems it more fitting for him to make his own move. With Jib and Diggy in tow, Malcolm agrees to join the festivities at Dom’s birthday party, much to the delight of his friends.

As the night wears on, Dom’s lavish party rages on at the nightclub, with the trio of friends seeking entry amidst a sea of revelers. Initially rebuffed by the bouncers due to their perceived masculinity, Diggy flashes her feminine credentials, only to be met with another barrier: the arbitrary age limit of 21. Undeterred, Malcolm exercises his cunning and forges a plan with Jib and Diggy to sneak in as part of the entertainment, attempting to blend in among the cases and equipment. However, their ruse is nearly exposed by security before Dom himself emerges, rendering the bouncers powerless against his authority. With a swift punch to the face, Dom asserts his dominance, effortlessly gaining entry for Malcolm and his companions.

As the trio immerses themselves in the pulsating atmosphere of the party, Jib and Diggy indulge in the libations and lose themselves in the music, while Malcolm finds himself drawn to Nakia’s captivating presence. Their dance is short-lived, however, as Dom interrupts with a possessive display, prompting Malcolm to retreat, his discomfort palpable. Meanwhile, a rival gang invades the club, unleashing chaos as bullets fly and panic spreads throughout the venue.

In the aftermath of the mayhem, Malcolm seizes the opportunity to assist Nakia, helping her to her feet amidst the bedlam. As they escape the scene alongside Jib and Diggy, who make their getaway on their bikes, Malcolm is called out by the authorities, but he’s already departed with Nakia.

The following morning, as Malcolm navigates the school’s metal detector, it goes haywire, sensing an unexpected presence. The guard dog joins in, barking furiously as Malcolm hastily searches his backpack, only to discover a stash of contraband: molly and a firearm. Panicked, he seeks refuge with Jib and Diggy in the band room, where they frantically process the situation. Amidst their distress, Malcolm receives a chilling phone call demanding that he hand over the contents of the bag by day’s end or face dire consequences.

As instructed, Malcolm makes his way towards the cherry-red El Camino, only to be interrupted by a crucial phone call from Dom, who’s being held captive at the station. With lives at stake, Dom warns Malcolm that he’s not with the man in the car and that those thugs could exact deadly revenge after pilfering drugs and a gun. He swiftly orders Malcolm to make his way to a predetermined address, which will be texted to him, and to ask for “AJ” upon arrival. With danger lurking nearby, Malcolm hastens back to his bike, hastily departing with Jib and Diggy as the gangsters hotly pursue them through the streets. Unbeknownst to the trio, their pursuers are tracking Malcolm’s phone via the “find a phone” app.

In an effort to throw off their tail, Malcolm spots an approaching bus and deftly slips inside, successfully evading their pursuit. The three friends subsequently make their way to the address provided by Dom, where they encounter Jaleel (Quincy Brown) and his half-naked sister Lily (Chanel Iman). AJ is their father, who’s not due back until later; therefore, he invites the trio inside to hang out and enjoy each other’s company. As they mingle, AJ showcases his rapping skills, though Malcolm, Jib, and Diggy tactfully point out that his lyrics are lacking and the beat could use improvement. However, AJ does permit them to record one of their own band’s tracks, specifically “Can’t Bring Me Down”. As the evening wears on, Jaleel takes Jib and Diggy out for a bite to eat while Malcolm spends quality time with Lily.

As their bond grows stronger, Lily begins to make her moves on Malcolm, offering to help him lose his virginity. However, just as things are heating up, she discovers some molly in Malcolm’s backpack and becomes reckless, wild, and then suddenly straddles Malcolm before vomiting all over his face. The situation quickly turns awkward, but Malcolm soon receives a call from Mr. Bailey reminding him of an impending meeting with the admissions director. In a surprising turn of events, Lily offers to chauffeur Malcolm to his appointment.

As Lily’s drug-addled haze continues to shroud her judgment, she careens recklessly through the streets behind the wheel, her erratic behavior narrowly avoiding detection by a patrol car. Malcolm’s futile attempts to rouse her only succeed in prompting her to spring into action, demanding an immediate pit stop due to her pressing need for relief. With an air of desperation, Lily pulls over and squats beside a Starbucks bush, oblivious to the surrounding audience and their cameras capturing her embarrassing display.

Meanwhile, Malcolm seizes control of the vehicle and makes his way to meet with Austin Jacoby (Roger Guenveur Smith), an admissions director who harbors a dark secret: he’s none other than AJ. As Malcolm presents the package as instructed by Dom, Jacoby’s expression turns from disinterested to disillusioned, likening their botched delivery to a disappointing Amazon experience. His warning is clear: get out of The Bottoms before someone gets hurt.

With few options left, Malcolm, Jib, and Diggy turn to an old acquaintance, Will Sherwood (Blake Anderson), a stoner-hacker from their band camp days. Though initially hesitant to be drawn into their troubles, Will’s tech-savviness proves invaluable in helping the trio create a Bitcoin-based network for selling Molly without arousing suspicion.

As the drug gains notoriety following Lily’s viral video, it becomes affectionately known as “Lily.” The three friends reap the financial rewards, with Malcolm remaining tight-lipped about his involvement. During the SATs, Malcolm’s paranoia reaches new heights when he spots cops conducting random locker inspections. He hastily retrieves his bag and avoids detection, realizing that discretion is the better part of valor. Despite Diggy’s reassurances that they’ve got each other’s backs (Jib remains more circumspect), Malcolm decides to keep his secret safe, opting for a solo endeavor rather than risking exposure.

As Malcolm intersects with Nakia once more, the dynamics between them take on a new tone. Initially, Nakia is keen to pursue academic endeavors, and Malcolm lends his support, only for her to confide in him about navigating the complexities of relationships like those with Dom (Dom’s influence still lingers). Malcolm, however, becomes suspicious that Nakia might be an unwitting pawn in Dom’s game to gather intel on the drug dealings. Her response, a mix of indignation and hurt, leads her to part ways from Malcolm, likening him to the other guys who couldn’t resist trying to control her.

Meanwhile, Will’s pursuit of Bitcoin cash takes a precarious turn as they venture into the uncharted territory of the black market. The trio encounters Fidel X (Kap-G), an enigmatic figure whose trust is difficult to earn. Malcolm must prove his mettle by delivering a crushing blow to Fidel’s face, followed by a driving lesson that yields the desired compensation.

The group’s return home is short-lived, as they’re ambushed by their school bullies. The would-be thugs attempt to relieve them of their hard-earned cash, but Malcolm stands firm, producing a firearm from his backpack and leveling it at the leader. The bully’s quick surrender ensures the group’s safe departure, with Jib and Diggy offering words of comfort to an visibly shaken Malcolm.

As Malcolm settles into his routine, he begins crafting a video essay that juxtaposes two students: Student A, a bookworm who excels academically while maintaining meaningful relationships, and Student B, someone who achieves success through dubious means. The question on Malcolm’s mind is which student he embodies, as he coolly presents his case for acceptance into Harvard.

Malcolm subsequently meets with Jacoby once more to settle their score, sharing the details of Will’s hacking exploits that have essentially placed him under Jacoby’s thumb. This newfound leverage prompts Jacoby to take steps to ensure Malcolm and those around him remain safe, with a nod towards Malcolm’s future at Harvard.

Prom night arrives, and Malcolm finds himself surrounded by friends as they revel in the celebration. He makes amends with Nakia, presenting her with a prom ticket and apologizing for past transgressions. A visit to her home yields a surprise: a Six Flags pass, a reminder of the missed opportunity that had sparked Nakia’s initial disappointment. As she thanks Malcolm for helping her achieve her GED goals, their shared moment is capped off by a gentle kiss on his cheek, followed by her discreet departure into the night.

As Malcolm (actor name) returns to the comfort of his own space, he’s greeted by an unexpected surprise: an envelope bearing the prestigious crest of Harvard University, laid invitingly on his bed. The carefully crafted package is a harbinger of something significant, and with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, Malcolm carefully opens it, allowing its contents to unfold like a map leading him down a path of discovery. His eyes scan the page, drinking in every word as the weight of the situation begins to sink in. A moment of quiet contemplation ensues, punctuated only by the subtle upturn of his lips, hinting at the dawn of a new era, one that promises to challenge and transform him in ways both profound and unpredictable.

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