
Does Frank have end credit scenes?


Frank does not have end credit scenes.




In a desperate bid for salvation, Ruby Chase trades her freedom for a Faustian pact with enigmatic Frank. When she ultimately reneges on her promise, Frank unleashes a torrent of vengeance upon those closest to Ruby, setting off a bloody chain reaction that exposes the darkest depths of human nature.

Runtime: 95 min

Box Office: $2.5M







User Score


6.9 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Frank!

As Jon (no actor name provided) strolls along the beach, he witnesses a harrowing scene unfold - a man, Lucas (Shane O'Brien), frantically struggling to submerge himself in the ocean's waves. Promptly intervened by two paramedics, Lucas is whisked away from the shoreline, leaving Jon to ponder the gravity of what he had just witnessed. Meanwhile, nearby, the vibrant colors and bold graphics of a van emblazoned with the logo "The Soronprfbs" catch his attention. The band's manager, Don (Scoot McNairy), approaches Jon and reveals that Lucas is a key member of their group, a talented keyboardist. Jon, himself an instrumentalist, strikes up a conversation, which leads to an impromptu invitation from Don to join the band for their upcoming performance later that evening.

As Jon takes the stage alongside Clara (Maggie Gyllenhaal), Baraque (Francois Civil), Nana (Carla Azar), and Frank (Michael Fassbender) - a enigmatic figure shrouded in mystery, his papier-mâché head an imposing presence - the music begins. At first, it's a lively, infectious beat, but Clara's aggressive playing style culminates in a shattered instrument, sparking a heated exchange with one of her bandmates. Jon is left feeling stunned and perplexed by the sudden turn of events.

Later, Don extends an invitation to Jon to officially join the band, citing Frank's endorsement as the catalyst for this opportunity. Though Frank's true identity remains shrouded in secrecy - his giant head a constant reminder - Jon seizes the chance to be part of a functioning musical collective.

The group sets off for a secluded cabin in Ireland, where they intend to lay down tracks for their next album. Baraque and Nana display an unmistakable disdain towards Jon, their skepticism palpable; however, Jon remains uncertain, as Baraque's French-only utterances render his intentions unclear. The tension simmers beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Clara extinguishes a blaze that erupts when Frank's papier-mâché head ignites, prompting Jon to seek private clarification from Don regarding the enigmatic singer's peculiarities. Don reveals that Frank has never been seen without his mask, subsisting on nutrients piped in through a feeding tube - leaving Jon to wonder about the mysterious figure beneath the prosthetic facade. Moreover, Don confides in Jon that Frank had previously spent time institutionalized.

Before they begin recording, the band dedicates themselves to songwriting and camaraderie. Frank subjects them to rigorous physical training, exemplified by his intense sparring session with Baraque - a confrontation marked by the safety word "Chinchilla!" Jon documents these experiences on social media platforms like Twitter and Tumblr. As the group dynamic continues to unfold, Jon hesitantly shares his own compositions with Frank, who subsequently summons the entire band to gather 'round for an impromptu performance. Nervously, Jon begins to play but repeatedly halts, citing excuses as his anxiety gets the better of him.

As night descends, an eerie commotion erupts outside, prompting Frank to attempt to soothe Don, who is grappling with suicidal thoughts. Don makes a desperate dash towards the lake, but Clara intervenes, using her physical prowess to bring him crashing back down to earth. Jon later confronts Frank about the incident, referencing Don's peculiar fixation on fake women, a habit that Jon perceives as a symptom of his emotional isolation.

One afternoon, while Jon is lost in the melodic reverie of his piano playing, Don enters unannounced, his creative endeavors foiled by self-doubt. He yearns to emulate Frank's artistic prowess, but feels an insurmountable gulf between their levels of talent. As he tentatively shares one of his compositions with Jon, the latter offers a generous endorsement, praising its merits.

The band's harmony is soon disrupted by the arrival of a German family of three at the cabin. Don confesses that they've exhausted their rent money and are facing eviction within 30 days. Frank, fluent in German, takes it upon himself to mediate with the family, while Jon proposes using his inheritance to underwrite their financial woes.

As time passes, nearly a year has elapsed since their initial plans to record an album. Frank remains resolute that they must perfect every detail of their music before committing it to tape. Jon, however, begins to feel stifled by the delay and contemplates abandoning ship. Nevertheless, he stays put, driven by the conviction that he's found his artistic muse.

Jon's creative breakthrough is reflected in a full-fledged song, which he proudly presents to Frank, earning praise for its excellence. When they finally do record their album, Jon announces on social media that none of his compositions will be included – news that leaves him deeply disappointed. In the aftermath, as the band celebrates their completed album, Don's spirits are dampened by the snub.

The next morning, Jon steps outside to indulge in a cigarette break when he's confronted with a heart-stopping sight: what appears to be Frank's lifeless body dangling from a tree. Panicked, Jon rushes inside to sound the alarm, only to find that it's actually Don who lies before him, his head removed and replaced with a makeshift effigy.

As they hold a somber funeral for their departed friend, the bandmates conspire to send Don's remains drifting down the river on a pyre.

As the days pass, Jon's social media endeavors begin to bear fruit. The online video of the band performing has garnered an astonishing 23,000 views, a testament to their growing popularity. Jon shares the news with his bandmate Frank, whose eyes widen in amazement as he takes in the sheer scale of their newfound fame. This revelation sets off a chain reaction, as Clara confronts Jon while he's soaking in the hot tub, accusing him of exploiting their success for personal gain. The tension between them is palpable, and before long, they find themselves embroiled in a heated argument that culminates in a tumultuous, passionate encounter.

The band's journey to South by Southwest (SXSW) is marked by a series of unexpected twists. Frank's attempt to spread Don's ashes across the desert landscape ends in embarrassment when he realizes he's grabbed the wrong container, filled with Grownut instead. This mishap is met with Clara's disdain and Baraque's sheepish admission that he made the mistake.

Upon arriving at SXSW, the band meets Simone and Alice, two enthusiastic fans who are thrilled to meet them. As they bond over pancakes, Frank's spirits soar when he shares the astonishing view count on their YouTube video. However, his euphoria is short-lived, as Alice's sobering assessment of their online following - "That's usually 1% in the room of people that would actually enjoy it" - sends him crashing back down to reality.

In a desperate bid to turn things around, Jon suggests the band alter their sound to make more appealing music. Frank is inspired by this idea and begins crafting his most likable songs yet, with nonsensical lyrics and jaunty melodies. Clara's dry wit notwithstanding, it seems that Frank has finally found his creative spark.

However, as the night wears on, it becomes increasingly clear that Frank is struggling to come to terms with their newfound fame. Jon goes in search of him, asking passersby if they've seen a man with an unusually large fake head - a query that only serves to underscore Frank's growing desperation.

The situation reaches a boiling point when Clara and Frank are found huddled together in an alleyway. Clara's anger boils over, and she lashes out at Jon, stabbing him in the leg before walking away. As she disappears into the night, Jon discovers her being apprehended by a pedestrian, leaving him to ponder the implications of their latest drama.

In the aftermath of this turmoil, Baraque and Nana confront Jon, revealing that they never trusted him and have decided to leave the band. Frank, however, has made up his mind to stay, leaving Jon to navigate the uncertain future ahead.

As the day of their festival performance dawns, Jon and Frank (Jon) prepare for their big reveal. However, Frank's anxiety has reached a fever pitch as he meticulously applies makeup to his prosthetic head and dons a dress. As they take the stage, Jon begins to play his music with gusto, but Frank's reaction is anything but expected. His screams of discontent are so loud that he collapses onstage, prompting Jon to demand an explanation. Frank's scathing critique? The music is utter rubbish.

Their tumultuous relationship takes a dark turn when the two find themselves alone in a dingy motel room. Jon is consumed by frustration and anger, while Frank's apologetic demeanor only serves to further enrage him. In a fit of rage, Jon attempts to yank Frank's head off, prompting the latter to flee the scene in terror. His flight ends abruptly when he's struck by a car, leaving Jon to find his friend's lifeless mask lying on the pavement.

As Jon recovers from his own hospital visit, he sets out to locate Frank through official channels, only to realize that describing the enigmatic performer without his signature headgear is a Sisyphean task. Frustrated and defeated, Jon turns to social media for help, but the response is overwhelmingly negative. It takes an online plea to finally lead him to Bluff, Kansas, Frank's hometown, where he discovers his friend has been living with his parents.

The revelation about Frank's troubled past and his long-standing mental health issues serves as a harsh wake-up call for Jon. As he bears witness to Frank's feeble attempts to reprise their performance, it becomes clear that the mask was merely a symptom of a deeper issue. Heartbroken and helpless, Jon decides to take a step back and observe from afar as three musicians - Clara, Baraque, and Nana - welcome Frank into their fold.

As they launch into an impassioned rendition of "I Love You All," Frank's voice soars with unbridled emotion, his mask-free face a testament to the power of music to heal and transcend. Jon watches from the bar, his eyes welling up with sadness as he comes to terms with the reality that their partnership has reached its natural conclusion. With a heavy heart, he slips away unnoticed as the performance reaches its climax, leaving Frank to bask in the adoration of his new bandmates.