
Does Fresh have end credit scenes?


Fresh does not have end credit scenes.




In a world of ruthless exploitation, a 12-year-old's outrage over death and violence sparks a deadly game of cat and mouse between rival gangs. As the stakes escalate, loyalty is tested and survival becomes a daily struggle in this gripping drama of crime and consequence.

Runtime: 114 min

Box Office: $8.1M









User Score


7.5 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Fresh!

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Two-year-old Michael "Fresh" makes a pit stop at a Latina woman's apartment, expecting to collect his usual dose of heroin in exchange for his services. However, he quickly realizes that something is amiss when the amount doesn't add up. His instincts tell him that she's trying to swindle him out of his delivery, and the track marks on her arm only confirm his suspicions. Fresh leaves the apartment with a mix of disgust and unease, sensing that something is off.

His next stop is another apartment where he finds himself surrounded by a group of women and one man, Chilli, busily measuring and cutting bricks of crack. The atmosphere is tense, and Fresh can't help but feel like an outsider. Chilli's condescending remarks only add fuel to the fire, as she insults Fresh and implies that his sister is somehow less deserving of respect. The final straw comes when Chilli makes a crude comment about Fresh's sister, prompting him to make a hasty exit.

Fresh meets up with another of Esteban's employees to count their earnings and receive further instructions. This time, the employee has some bad news: Esteban wants to see him after handing over his share of the profits. Feeling like he's walking on eggshells, Fresh heads back to school, where he's promptly scolded by Mrs. Coleman for his tardiness.

Despite the rough morning, Fresh tries to shake off his troubles and blend in with his classmates. He spends recess playing around with his best friend Chuckie, watching the cheerleading team perform, and striking up a conversation with Rosie, one of the girls on the squad. His friends notice the attention he's receiving and tease him good-naturedly, prompting Fresh to distance himself from the group.

After school, Fresh heads out to an abandoned area in the woods, where he stashes his earnings in a secret hiding place. The sight of his growing stash is a reminder that all his hard work is paying off. From there, he makes his way to his grandmother's house, where he's greeted by his aunt and cousins. However, despite his best efforts to connect with them, they barely give him the time of day.

As Fresh chats with his estranged sister Nichole, another cousin warns him about the consequences of coming home late again: it could mean losing their current privilege of living at their Aunt's house. The weight of these words hangs over Fresh like a cloud, serving as a harsh reminder that his actions have real-world consequences.

As the sun rises over the gritty urban landscape, Fresh embarks on a day of hustling, peddling illicit substances to those desperate for their fix. A pregnant woman approaches him, her eyes pleading for relief from the pangs of withdrawal, only to be rebuffed by Fresh's unyielding negotiation tactics. Meanwhile, another addict offers a compromising proposition in exchange for a hit, but Fresh refuses, his hand swift and firm as he sends her packing.

Fresh then meets with Corky, his boss, who rewards him with a meager fifty dollars before upping the ante when Fresh demands more. Impressed by Fresh's audacity, Corky prophesies that this young man will go far one day. With a newfound sense of purpose, Fresh takes to the subway, bound for a local park where he engages in a game of chess with an undefeated opponent. His father, Sam, looks on from afar, his eyes keenly observing the strategic moves made by his son.

The game ends in defeat for Fresh, but he is not deterred, instead choosing to challenge his father to a match. Though he loses again, this time Fresh takes Sam's criticism to heart and begins to question his approach. Later, he visits Chuckie, who proposes an unorthodox plan: entering their family dog, Roscoe, into a dogfight to earn some much-needed cash. Fresh is initially hesitant but eventually agrees, much to Chuckie's delight.

However, when Fresh stops by Esteban's operation, he is met with a stern warning about the dangers of dealing drugs and the potential consequences that await those who become addicted or entangled in the underworld. Esteban's probing questions about Nichole leave Fresh feeling uncomfortable and anxious, as if he is walking a tightrope to avoid revealing too much.

Undeterred, Fresh makes his way to the corner store where Nichole works, only to run into her boyfriend, James, a ruthless drug dealer who taunts Fresh with insults. Fresh manages to get past him and warn Nichole about Esteban's intentions, but she remains nonchalant, revealing that she stays with James solely for the drugs he supplies her. Fresh's words of love and concern fall on deaf ears as Nichole dismisses his affections.

As the sun dipped below the urban horizon, Fresh meandered towards a neighborhood basketball game, where Jake's competitiveness began to simmer just beneath the surface. The tension boiled over when Jake, his jealousy towards Curtis, a pint-sized opponent, reached a fever pitch, culminating in a violent push that sent the young boy tumbling to the ground. Curtis' triumphant score only served to enrage Jake further, prompting him to storm off the court with a scowl etched on his face. Rosie, ever the observer, noticed Fresh's presence and strolled over to engage him in conversation, unaware of the impending doom that was about to unfold. Just as she approached, Jake burst onto the scene once more, unleashing a hail of gunfire that struck Rosie, claiming her life in the crossfire. The cacophony of screams from nearby kids echoed through the air as Jake's menacing threats hung like a specter over them: anyone who dared to breathe a word about the incident would meet a similar fate.

Later that evening, Fresh found himself engrossed in a game of chess with his father Sam, whose scolding words only served to further distract him. Despite Fresh's best efforts, he ultimately fell short, but managed to place his father's king in "check" for the first time – a small victory to be savored. The two men retreated to their humble abode, a dilapidated mobile home replete with clutter and dirt, to celebrate this meager triumph.

Meanwhile, Chuckie and Fresh arrived at the dogfight, where the air was thick with the scent of desperation and bloodlust. Fresh's eyes locked onto Jake, his presence a harbinger of trouble to come. Despite his reservations, Fresh implored Chuckie to withdraw Roscoe from the fray, but to no avail – their canine companion emerged victorious once more. Chuckie's enthusiasm for entering Roscoe into another fight was tempered only by Fresh's insistence on finding an alternative route, one that would see Roscoe trade in the dogfight circuit for a legitimate job with Esteban.

Their visit to Esteban's apartment proved a fateful one, as they inadvertently stumbled upon the illicit activities of their host and Nichole. Esteban ushered them into another room, where Chuckie's queries about securing employment were met with a surprising offer: he would groom Fresh for the role of protege and expected him to cease peddling drugs on behalf of other dealers.

As the stakes continued to escalate, Corky found himself squarely in the crosshairs of the authorities, who closed in on him like vultures sensing carrion. In response, Fresh devised a labyrinthine strategy designed to extricate himself and his sister from the projects once and for all. He turned to Hector, posing as Corky's representative, and made an audacious play for the drugs, leveraging his personal savings against the promise of a hefty sum. Hector's hesitation was short-lived, however, as Fresh's ruthless ultimatum – surrender the goods or face the consequences – proved too great to resist. With the police hot on their heels, Fresh issued a stern warning: Hector must sever all ties with Corky and avoid any further contact, lest they both suffer the same fate.

As Chuckie (character name not provided) boasts about his new gig working for Esteban at school, he can't resist sharing the details with his friend Fresh. The two of them take a trip to the local bookstore, where they surreptitiously purchase science textbooks and stash bags of heroin inside before boarding the subway. It's there that Chuckie gets into a heated argument with a police officer, further escalating the tension. Later that day, they make their way to an abandoned house, where Fresh conceals their illicit goods in the floorboards while Chuckie keeps watch armed with a gun. As they're leaving the premises, three men emerge from behind a corner, prompting Chuckie to attempt to shoot at them but ultimately tripping and falling. The gun slips under a nearby car, only for an assailant to shoot out the tire, causing it to flatten beneath Chuckie's hand, crushing his grasp.

Fresh rushes back to help his friend, but Chuckie is stuck, unable to free himself. Fresh abandons him, fleeing the scene as the attackers open fire on Chuckie. With no evidence to detain him, the police interrogate Fresh at the station before releasing him due to lack of incriminating proof. One sympathetic detective, Sgt. Perez (actor name), takes pity on Fresh and hands him a business card.

Back at home, Fresh's aunt chastises him for his involvement in gunplay, emphasizing that she cannot risk the lives of her eleven other children for his sake. She warns him that he will be sent to a group home for a month as a consequence. At school, Fresh's peers place the blame squarely on his shoulders for Chuckie's demise, leaving him feeling isolated and alone. In a desperate attempt to cope with his emotions, Fresh takes out Roscoe, Chuckie's loyal dog.

As Fresh steps outside, he is confronted by Jake (actor name), who reveals that he orchestrated the attack on Chuckie. Fresh is then forced into a car alongside three henchmen, including Corky, who awaits him in a hidden room. Jake boasts about his cunning plan to take down Corky and manipulate the other henchmen. However, Fresh insists that Jake and Red were conspiring against Corky, using his supposed role as an unwitting heroin dealer for Esteban as a ruse. The henchmen turn on Jake, who attempts to discredit Fresh's claims. Fresh persists, urging them to contact Hector, who will confirm the truth behind Jake's treachery.

As Corky's phone rings with Hector on the other end, the tension simmers just below the surface. Their hasty conversation reveals a web of deceit, with Hector's words dripping with trepidation as he confirms that Fresh has indeed been spinning tales. The revelation sends Corky into a tailspin of rage and paranoia, his mind racing with conspiracy theories as he assumes Jake is behind the alleged wiretapping. In a fit of fury, Corky unleashes his wrath upon Red and Jake, brutalizing them with chains.

The aftermath of this brutal display sees Corky turning to Fresh for answers, demanding to know who else is involved in the supposed scheme. Fresh obliges, naming James as an accomplice, before revealing that Corky's crew had jumped him earlier that day. The news sets off a chain reaction, as Fresh divulges his own concerns about Nichole's secret tryst with James and the latter's plans to sabotage Esteban.

As night falls, Esteban's warehouse becomes the focal point for a deadly showdown. Esteban, Fresh, and two henchmen lie in wait outside James' abode, observing as Corky and his cohorts burst into the premises. The ensuing carnage leaves James, Corky, and their entourage lifeless, while Esteban's crew claims victory.

The aftermath of the bloodbath sees Esteban's men whisk him away to his apartment, where they deposit Fresh at his doorstep. But Fresh has other plans, using a payphone to make an anonymous call before claiming he'll spend the night at a friend's place. His ruse allows him to slip into Esteban's apartment unimpeded, sparking a fiery confrontation over Fresh's treachery. The trio's argument erupts as Esteban confronts Fresh about his betrayal and demands to know what secrets lie hidden beneath the surface.

As Esteban opens the door to the police's unannounced visit, Fresh slips something beneath the bed with a stealthy precision that would put a seasoned operative to shame. The officer on the scene turns out to be none other than Sgt. Perez, who reveals that he's been dispatched to respond to a domestic disturbance call. Esteban attempts to downplay any potential conflict, suggesting that the authorities have gotten it wrong and mistakenly targeted his apartment. Fresh, however, steps forward to reveal a more sinister reality: his sister is cowering in fear, too afraid to speak out against the alleged perpetrator - Esteban, the supposed drug dealer who had taken James's life and was now terrorizing his own sister. Esteban protests his innocence, insisting he's been clean for some time, but Fresh remains adamant that Sgt. Perez should inspect beneath the bed. The officer obliges, uncovering the incriminating evidence - Esteban's gun, hastily removed from the car following the earlier shooting incident - and the drugs Fresh had carefully planted to corroborate his sister's claims. With the truth out, the police take Esteban into custody, promising Fresh and his sister protection from any potential reprisals. As Esteban is led away, Fresh expresses a newfound determination to escape the suffocating confines of the "projects" forever.

Later, Fresh makes his way to the local park for a game of chess with his father, only to arrive fashionably late. His father's ire is palpable as he scolds Fresh for his tardiness, declaring that he will no longer spoon-feed him chess strategies now that Fresh is old enough to learn on his own. The elder man's outburst gives way to a momentary lapse of vulnerability as he gazes upon his tear-stained son, Fresh's face frozen in an expressionless mask as tears stream down his cheeks. In the silence that follows, Fresh's father hesitates before making his next move, his eyes betraying a deep-seated concern for his troubled offspring.