Gifted 2017

Box Office



101 min




In this poignant drama, Chris Evans stars as Frank Adler, a single father struggling to shield his brilliant young niece Mary from the spotlight. As Mary's extraordinary math skills attract unwanted attention, Frank must confront his own troubled past and the formidable Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan) to protect their bond and ensure Mary's future remains her own.

In this poignant drama, Chris Evans stars as Frank Adler, a single father struggling to shield his brilliant young niece Mary from the spotlight. As Mary's extraordinary math skills attract unwanted attention, Frank must confront his own troubled past and the formidable Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan) to protect their bond and ensure Mary's future remains her own.

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Plot Summary

As Mary (Mckenna Grace) trudges out of the house on her inaugural day at school, her reluctance is palpable. Her father, Frank (Chris Evans), senses her distress but remains resolute in his decision to send her to school, convinced that she needs socialization and academic challenges beyond what he can provide through homeschooling. The morning’s dynamics take a sudden turn when Roberta (Octavia Spencer), Frank’s landlady and friend, intervenes, her concern for Mary’s well-being evident. She implores Frank to reconsider, fearing that once others discover Mary’s exceptional abilities, she’ll be whisked away from the comfort and security of their close-knit community. Though Frank attempts to assuage Roberta’s worries, emphasizing the importance of social skills and friendships, her concerns remain unaddressed.

As Mary settles into her new environment, it becomes apparent that the educational pace is far too slow for her extraordinary mind. Bonnie (Jenny Slate), her teacher, begins the day by drilling first-grade math concepts into her students’ heads, but Mary’s attention span quickly wanes. The silence is finally broken when she speaks up, articulately expressing her frustration with the lack of intellectual stimulation. Bonnie, taken aback by Mary’s candidness, attempts to make a point by posing increasingly complex arithmetic problems, only to be astonished when Mary answers them all correctly.

The day takes another unexpected turn when the Principal pays an unannounced visit to Bonnie’s class. Mary’s keen intellect is once again on full display as she demands to know if the visitor is, in fact, “the boss.” Upon confirmation, she insists that Bonnie summon Frank immediately and request his presence at school. When Frank arrives to collect Mary, Bonnie has a chance to brief him on her observations, suggesting that Mary might be a gifted child. However, Frank remains skeptical, attributing her abilities to the simple algorithms he’s taught her and dismisses the matter before Bonnie can elaborate further.

As Bonnie delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Mary’s enigmatic mother, Diane, a brilliant mathematician who allegedly took her own life while working on one of the most coveted Millennium Prize problems, she uncovers a web of secrets and heart-wrenching truths. Her investigation leads her to confront Frank, Mary’s uncle and guardian, at his favorite watering hole on Friday nights. There, she learns the harrowing story of how Diane suddenly appeared at his doorstep with baby Mary in tow, claiming she needed to speak with him - only to take her own life before he could return. The weight of this tragedy has left Frank raising Mary as his own, a responsibility that weighs heavily on his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Mary’s innate courage and compassion are tested when she stands up to bullies on the school bus, delivering a powerful blow to the nose of a larger boy who’s five years her senior. This bold act earns her a full-ride scholarship to a nearby institution for gifted students, but Frank is adamant that Mary deserves a normal childhood, free from the pressures and expectations of exceptional intelligence.

The principal’s office becomes a battleground as Frank and Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan), his mother and Mary’s grandmother, clash over their vastly different visions for Mary’s future. Evelyn, a wealthy, forceful Englishwoman with a keen sense of entitlement, is determined to whisk Mary away to Boston and mold her into a mini-me - an ambition that Frank vehemently opposes. As the battle between them reaches its boiling point, it becomes clear that the fate of this extraordinary young girl hangs precariously in the balance.

As the court proceedings unfold, the fissures between Evelyn and Frank come into stark relief. Evelyn’s sense of disappointment simmers, fueled by her late daughter’s unfulfilled potential, Frank’s decision to abandon his academic pursuits at Boston University, and her husband’s untimely passing, which had disrupted her thriving career. Moreover, her current marriage is on shaky ground, with the couple now separated. Meanwhile, Frank, though not accusatory, subtly implies that Evelyn will deny their daughter Mary a sense of normalcy in her life, while he, as a freelance boat repairman, has found contentment. Roberta remains steadfastly supportive of Frank, and his lawyer (Glenn Plummer) proves an astute defender. Ultimately, Evelyn seeks to resolve the situation by placing Mary in foster care near Frank’s residence, with the added condition that she attend a school for gifted children.

The weight of guilt and self-doubt crushes Frank, as he grapples with his inability to provide a stable environment for Mary. His sense of inadequacy is further exacerbated by the fact that he had not stayed with Diane on the night of her passing. This emotional baggage prompts him to yield to Evelyn’s proposal, despite his reservations. However, Mary’s fury at being left behind is palpable, and she refuses to see Frank, even as she pleads and weeps for his attention.

Frank’s desolation deepens, but he remains resolute in his determination to do what he believes is best for Mary. His quest for redemption takes an unexpected turn when he discovers that the foster family has consigned her beloved one-eyed cat to adoption. Seizing the opportunity, Frank rushes to the animal shelter and rescues not only Mary’s cat but also two other animals on the verge of being euthanized.

Upon learning from the shelter staff that the cat was surrendered due to allergy issues – a peculiarity he suspects Evelyn might share – Frank makes a swift detour to his residence before heading to the foster family’s home, intent on confronting Evelyn. His suspicions prove correct as he finds her in the guest house with Mary and two tutors. Mary flees upon spotting him, prompting Frank to follow suit, leaving behind a file that demands Evelyn’s attention. Despite Roberta’s physical intervention, which bars Evelyn from pursuing them, Frank eventually catches up to Mary and seeks forgiveness. As they hug, Mary’s spirits lift further, buoyed by the knowledge that her beloved cat is safe at Frank’s place.

As Mary and Frank arrive back at the guesthouse, Roberta discreetly escorts Mary to her vehicle while Frank gives instructions to the tutors to depart. The tension is palpable as they settle in, for it becomes clear that Frank has been entrusted with a monumental responsibility - the completed solution to the Millennium Prize problem, a puzzle Diane had devoted countless hours to solving. Evelyn’s skepticism is evident as she questions the authenticity of this groundbreaking discovery, only to be met with Frank’s unwavering assurance that he was given explicit instructions by Diane herself to withhold its publication until after their mother’s passing. The weight of this revelation settles upon her like a physical force, prompting Evelyn to beg for leniency. In a bold move, Frank offers her an ultimatum: relinquish the folder and permit its publication in her lifetime, or risk having him hold onto it until after her own demise. Evelyn’s shock gives way to tears as she reluctantly accepts the deal.

As the days unfold, Mary is seen navigating the university campus in the mornings, her studies a beacon of normalcy amidst the turmoil. Meanwhile, Bonnie and Frank share a tender moment, their affection for each other radiating like a warm glow.

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