
Does The Haunting in Connecticut have end credit scenes?


The Haunting in Connecticut does not have end credit scenes.

The Haunting in Connecticut

The Haunting in Connecticut


In this chilling true story, the Campbell family's idyllic home in Connecticut is revealed to be a haunted haven where dark forces converge. A former funeral parlor turned family residence, their new home harbors a sinister past, including the eerie presence of Jonah, a clairvoyant boy who served as a conduit for malevolent spirits.

Runtime: 92 min

Box Office: $78M








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5.8 /10

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Check out what happened in The Haunting in Connecticut!

As the piano's melodic notes fade away, a poignant tapestry of black-and-white memories unfolds before our eyes. The photographs, taken at a funeral home, reveal a family grappling with loss and grief as they sit in solemn vigil beside their deceased loved ones. This somber tableau sets the tone for the story to come.

Cut to Sarah Campbell (Virginia Madsen), poised and reflective, as she prepares to share her story on television. The interviewer's probing question - why did this tragedy befall her? - prompts a thoughtful response: "He's asking why bad things happen to good people." Her words betray a deep sense of injustice, born from the feeling that her family didn't deserve the cruel hand fate had dealt them.

The scene shifts abruptly to 1987, where Sarah is driving her young son Matt (Kyle Gallner) home from the hospital, his small body weakened by the grueling cancer treatments. As they navigate the dark roads, Sarah's prayers for her child's recovery echo through the silence. Matt, suddenly alert and playful, teases his mother about talking to herself, warning that it may be a sign of madness. The banter is a brief respite from the crushing weight of their circumstances.

The next morning finds Sarah amidst the chaos of family life, juggling breakfast preparations as her household stirs into motion. Her husband Peter (Martin Donovan) enters, his curiosity piqued by Sarah's late arrival the previous night. She reveals that they arrived home at 4 am, their journey prolonged by frequent stops to accommodate Matt's debilitating sickness. The strain of their situation boils over as she laments the lack of a nearby haven, only to be met with Peter's pragmatic concerns about affordability. As he urges her to explore options for temporary accommodations, Sarah's frustration simmers just below the surface, a testament to the unrelenting toll their ordeal is exacting on their lives.

As Sarah (character name) and Matt (character name) return to the hospital where Matt's groundbreaking new treatment awaits, their thoughts are elsewhere. Sarah is on a mission to find a rental house that fits their budget and meets their needs. Her search takes her down various streets, where she encounters an eclectic mix of properties. It's during one of these drives that she stumbles upon a peculiar gem - a large house with a charming owner, Mr. Sinclair (John B. Lowe), who seems all too eager to part with the place.

As they explore the lower level, Sarah can't help but remark on the house's spaciousness and affordability, her voice laced with skepticism as she wonders what hidden costs might lie ahead. Mr. Sinclair's nonchalant demeanor only adds to her trepidation, a sense of unease that persists even after he reveals the property's troubled past.

That night, Sarah shares her discovery with Peter (character name) over the phone, confessing that she's torn between her reservations and Matt's desperate need for a comfortable place to rest. When Matt's treatment-induced pain becomes unbearable, Sarah makes the impulsive decision to return to the mysterious house, convinced it's their best - if not only - option.

As they settle into their new home, Sarah is relieved by the owner's kindness in providing them with two mattresses to sleep on. Little does she know that her hasty decision will soon lead to a series of unsettling events. As she confides in Peter about her choice, Matt lies motionless on the living room floor, lost in an old black-and-white movie. Suddenly, he switches it off, revealing the haunting silhouette of a figure standing just behind him - a chilling reminder that this house may hold secrets of its own.

As Matt (actor name) slowly regains consciousness, an unsettling symphony of creaks and groans pierces the air above. He stirs with a groan, his bleary eyes blinking open to the stark reality that he's been awakened from a restless slumber. Grumbling under his breath, he shambles upstairs to the bathroom, where a refreshing splash of water on his face serves as a temporary respite from the creeping sense of unease. Yet, as he returns downstairs, the inexplicable noises persist, drawing him like a moth to flame into the depths of the basement.

The darkness is palpable as Matt descends the creaky stairs, his fingers tracing the worn railing in search of reassurance. Fumbling with the lights, he finally succumbs to the shadows, his eyes adjusting to the dimness. The air thickens as he approaches a section of the basement cordoned off by glass doors, their reflective surface offering an eerie mirror-like quality. As he draws closer, his own reflection appears, only to morph into a distorted, unrecognizable visage that sends a shiver down his spine.

Rousing himself from the unsettling encounter, Matt finds himself back in the upstairs bedroom, slumped on the mattress as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired. It's not until Sarah (actor name) summons him to the kitchen, where they share an unappetizing breakfast beverage, that he's reminded of his earlier unease. As they sit together, Sarah casually mentions that Matt gets first pick of the rooms before the rest of the family arrives, a perk that seems almost too good to be true, given the strange occurrences that have already beset him.

As Matt meanders through the upstairs rooms, his curiosity gets the better of him, leading him to investigate a vintage dumb waiter that connects to the basement below. Meanwhile, Sarah is busy in the front room, meticulously arranging cushions on the window seat when she stumbles upon a cabinet door that refuses to budge. The stubborn resistance only piques her interest further, and she eventually forces it open, revealing a collection of framed photographs. As she gazes upon these familiar images, her expression contorts with growing unease as the realization dawns on her, prompting her to rush outside and hastily dispose of them in the trash. Returning indoors, Sarah calls out to Matt, asking if he's settled on a room yet, only to be taken aback when he responds from the depths of the basement. Her curiosity piqued, she descends to find him standing in the center of the cool, well-lit space, his voice explaining that this is his chosen sanctum due to its spaciousness, private bathroom, and peaceful atmosphere – ideal for rest and recovery.

As Sarah takes in the surroundings, her gaze falls upon glass doors that seem to conceal some hidden treasure. Matt, sensing her interest, shrugs, confessing he has no idea what lies beyond those doors since they remain stubbornly shut. Both of them press their faces against the glass, straining to catch a glimpse of whatever secrets reside within. Their fascination is momentarily interrupted by the boisterous arrival of the rest of the family, including Peter and his children – Matt's cousins Wendy (Amanda Crew) and Mary (Sophi Knight). The children burst into laughter as they scramble upstairs to claim their new rooms.

Sarah, meanwhile, is busy introducing Wendy to her assigned quarters, showcasing a spacious room with an impressive closet. As they prepare to depart, the mirror mounted on the closet door catches the eye – or rather, the reflection of someone lurking just behind them.

As Matt drifts off to sleep, a haunting tableau unfolds before him - the solemn interment of lifeless bodies, witnessed from the vantage point of a youthful spirit. The vivid imagery sears itself into his psyche, leaving an indelible mark on his subconscious. The next morning, as he assists Sarah in setting the table, Matt's grasp on reality begins to slip. He reaches for the plates with a sense of familiarity, only to be met with a jarring sensation - they're gone. Aghast, he turns to reposition them, but instead finds himself staring at an empty shelf. Confusion gives way to panic as Sarah rushes to his side, helping him pick up the scattered remnants of their breakfast routine.

Matt's initial explanation for the plates' disappearance - that he simply set them too close to the edge of the table - rings hollow in light of his recent treatment-induced hallucinations. His denial notwithstanding, Sarah's concern is palpable; Matt's fragile mental state is a ticking time bomb, threatening to upend the entire clinical trial if his visions become more pronounced. As the day wears on, Matt's grip on reality falters further. While Sarah helps him into the house, exhausted and weakened by yet another round of treatments, he finds himself face-to-face with an unholy abomination - a pillar that seems to dissolve beneath his touch, revealing its gruesome contents: a putrid morass of rotting flesh. The vision vanishes as suddenly as it appeared, leaving Matt shaken and Sarah bewildered by the depth of her son's psychological torment.

As night descends, Matt's subconscious is once again hijacked by vivid visions of a youthful figure observing an elderly, bearded man etching arcane symbols onto lifeless corpses. His eyes still closed, he rises from his slumber and pads towards the previously inaccessible room, the door creaking open in sync with his movement. The next morning, his brother Billy (Ty Wood) stumbles into the newly discovered morgue, awestruck by the macabre assortment of tools and equipment that line the walls. As Matt agrees to give him a ride on the embalming table, Billy's excitement turns to terror as Matt begins spinning the table at an alarming rate.

Visions continue to flash before Matt's eyes, each one more surreal than the last – a fleeting glimpse of a figure loading sandbags into an empty coffin among them. His brother's cries for him to stop fall on deaf ears as Matt remains transfixed by the visions, his hands moving in tandem with the table's whirling motion.

The commotion is interrupted by Peter's arrival, who jokingly attributes their entry to his own fiddling with the door's mechanism. As he surveys the room's gruesome contents, his expression turns somber. Later, he takes Sarah out into the backyard and demands to know when she became aware of the house's dark history. Her hesitation is eventually broken, and she reveals that she has known for some time but chose to keep the truth hidden, citing the house's suitability for their new life together.

That evening, as the family gathers around the dinner table, Peter regales them with tales of the house's past, but his words are met with a mixture of unease and disinterest. As he invites Matt to offer a prayer of gratitude, the young man becomes lost in another vision – this time, a group of individuals (Blake Taylor, Keith James, Kelly Wolfman, and Jessica Burleson) gathered around Jonah (Erik J. Berg), their leader, as they conduct a ritual séance. The family's collective gaze falls upon Matt with a mixture of fear and trepidation as he emerges from his trance-like state.

As Matt converses with Wendy, their nostalgic chatter drifts back to the whimsical world of childhood, specifically a beloved book that once captivated them. The Man Who Wasn't There and Two Dead Boys, a pair of poems that had woven themselves into the fabric of their youthful innocence, are revisited in a sentimental haze. Wendy's expression turns concerned as Matt's morbid fascination begins to unnerve her, prompting him to extend an unsettling invitation: "Join the club." The words hang in the air like a macabre whisper, foreshadowing the dark and bizarre events that will soon unfold.

The next day, Matt finds himself lost in thought at the hospital, surrounded by the sterile atmosphere of a television-filled room. His reverie is shattered when he's confronted with an unholy sight: crabs scurrying across the floor, their tiny claws grasping for purchase on his arm and leg. As if awakened from some sort of trance, Matt blinks away the horror to find a nurse (Adriana O'Neil) collecting blood samples from his arm. His conversation with another patient, Reverend Nicholas Popescu (Elias Koteas), reveals that Matt is not alone in his visions. Nicholas shares a cautionary tale: those near death often see things that others cannot, and advises Matt to keep his experiences to himself, lest the doctors be perplexed by his claims. With a paternal gesture, Nicholas hands Matt his card, inviting him to reach out if he needs someone to talk to.

As night descends, the family members retire to their respective rooms, each lost in their own thoughts. Wendy busies herself with a manicure, while her younger cousin, Mary, engages in an imaginary conversation with her dolls. The lights, which had been dimly flickering, suddenly go dark, plunging the room into an eerie silence. But then, as if summoned by some unseen force, the lights blaze back to life – only to reveal a withered hand, its surface etched with strange symbols, lurking just out of sight behind Mary's oblivious form. The air is heavy with foreboding, hinting that the boundaries between reality and madness are about to become increasingly blurred.

As Matt ventures upstairs, playing hide-and-seek with his brother and cousin, he's met with an eerie encounter that defies explanation. While exploring Wendy's room, he's startled by a mysterious figure slipping into the space, only to reveal Jonah - or so it seems - in a state of frantic urgency, hastily gathering his belongings as if fleeing from some unseen peril. The voice calling out Jonah's name echoes through Matt's mind like a haunting refrain.

In hot pursuit, Matt follows Jonah down the stairs, where another figure intercepts him, pulling him into the basement with an unsettling force. As Matt enters the morgue, he's met with a chilling sight: every surface is shrouded in darkness, and the air is heavy with the weight of death. The door slams shut behind him, trapping him inside. It's as if time itself has slowed to a crawl.

Matt's initial shock gives way to horror as one of the corpses' feet twitch, followed by the gradual unfurling of the shrouds, revealing the withered remains that surround him. Panic sets in as he frantically pushes away one of the bodies, only to realize it's his little brother who's been frightened once again by Matt's erratic behavior.

Seeking guidance, Matt turns to Nicholas, recounting his bizarre visions and receiving advice to uncover the spirit's intentions. Later, Matt finds himself on the floor, performing agonizing sit-ups with his feet hooked under his bed. As he rises from the floor, he's face-to-face with a burned figure - Jonah once more? Matt asks the ghost what it wants from him, and the specter begins to move closer.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family returns home to find chaos reigning supreme. The furniture has been stacked haphazardly in the front room, while Matt lies shirtless and covered in bloody scratches, having scratched at the walls in a desperate attempt to exorcise his growing unease. Sarah rushes into the room, only to be met with this surreal tableau, as if the very fabric of reality has begun to unravel.

As Sarah and Peter's desperation to understand their son Matt's increasingly erratic behavior reaches a boiling point, they seek guidance from Dr. Brooks (D. W. Brown), who assures them that Matt's strange actions are not a result of his cancer treatment or the disease itself. The family's resilience is tested as they struggle to come to terms with Matt's bizarre behavior, and Sarah's prayers for his well-being are met with heart-wrenching tears. Meanwhile, Peter's coping mechanisms are put to the test as he finds himself drawn back into old habits, seeking solace in the memories of a happier time when he watches slides of young Matt.

As the family's stress levels continue to rise, the children - Mary and Billy - declare their boredom and beg Wendy, who is engrossed in a book nearby, to join them in a game. Wendy suggests they play hide-and-seek, and the siblings rush off to find the perfect hiding spot. Billy, always up for an adventure, decides to conceal himself in the dumbwaiter, unwittingly trapping himself alongside a ghostly presence. Mary, meanwhile, seeks refuge in the attic, unaware of the terror that awaits her.

As Wendy begins searching for her cousins, Billy is startled to discover he's sharing the confined space with a burnt apparition, his screams of terror echoing through the house. Mary, trying to escape the attic, finds herself stuck due to a rotted section of floorboards. It takes Matt and Wendy working together to rescue her from the precarious situation.

As they survey the damage, Matt's curiosity gets the better of him when he discovers a mysterious metal box and a bundle of photographs buried beneath the attic floor. Later, as he and Wendy examine the contents of the box in the kitchen, they're met with enigmatic strips of material that defy explanation. The photographs reveal Jonah participating in a séance, his body emitting ectoplasmic tendrils. Matt's recognition of these images is palpable, and Wendy encourages him to share his thoughts.

Matt confesses that he's been experiencing visions of the boy in the photographs every day since they moved into their new home. Wendy hypothesizes that the house may be haunted and suggests they delve into its history to uncover the truth behind the strange occurrences.

As Matt and Wendy delve deeper into the mystery of the funeral home, they uncover a sinister connection between Ramsey Aickman (John Bluethner), a man with an unsettling beard, and Jonah, who served as the medium at his psychic research gatherings. The duo's investigation reveals that Aickman's fascination with the supernatural led him to conduct séances, which ultimately resulted in catastrophe: all participants, including Aickman himself, were found dead, while Jonah vanished without a trace. Moreover, when the state decided to construct a new road through the cemetery adjacent to the house in the 1950s, the exhumation of coffins revealed that many bodies had mysteriously disappeared, never to be buried.

Matt and Wendy turn to Nicholas for guidance, seeking his expertise in unraveling the tangled threads of this macabre tale. Upon examining the photographs and box, Nicholas is struck by the smaller container's contents: the severed eyelids of corpses, a grim testament to Aickman's necromantic ambitions. He hypothesizes that Aickman sought to control the dead, binding them to the house through Jonah's mediumistic abilities. Recognizing the gravity of their situation, Nicholas implores Matt and Wendy to join him in a prayer for the restless spirits and Jonah himself.

As Matt grasps hands with his friends, he is once again drawn into the vision of that fateful séance. This time, he bears witness to Jonah's agonized emission of ectoplasm from his mouth as Aickman watches with an unsettling intensity. The table shudders, and the ectoplasm blazes like fire before Matt is suddenly torn away from the vision by Sarah's return home. She demands to know the identity of this stranger who has invaded their home and, upon being warned about the malevolent forces surrounding them, asks Nicholas to leave. Though he departs, leaving behind a card with an encouraging message, he reminds Sarah that she is not alone in her struggle against these supernatural entities, which are fixated on Matt's life force.

As night descended, Wendy's slumber was abruptly disrupted by the melodic chirping of birds in her room, followed by a loud thud that seemed to reverberate through the air. Her curiosity piqued, she lay still, listening intently as the soft rustling of sheets beneath her bed suggested an unseen presence. With trepidation, she crept closer, only to be met with the unsettling sight of a figure looming over her. She sprang into action, grasping her lamp in a desperate bid to illuminate the darkness, but the apparition vanished into thin air.

Meanwhile, Sarah was roused from her sleep by the sound of footsteps, her drowsy cry for Peter and Matt met with an eerie silence. As she sat up, rubbing the haze from her eyes, she found herself face to face with one of the macabre corpse figures, her blood-curdling scream shattering the night air.

In a separate corner of the property, Peter's car careened out of control, bounding across the lawn like a wild animal. As he stumbled out into the darkness, his bleary eyes took in the disconcerting sight of every light in the house blazing with an otherworldly intensity. His anger and frustration boiling over, he slammed the door shut behind him and launched into a tirade of exasperation, berating his family for their thoughtlessness.

Sarah, ever the voice of reason, swiftly gathered her loved ones together within the sanctuary of one room, securing the door to prevent further chaos. However, Peter's ire knew no bounds, as he brutally assaulted the light bulbs, extinguishing them with a ferocity that bordered on madness. Undeterred by his family's terror, he continued his rampage, shattering the bulbs in the kitchen sink like so many fragile dreams.

As Sarah ventured outside to confront her partner, her anger simmering just below the surface, she remonstrated Peter for his childish behavior, warning him that such antics would only serve to frighten those he claimed to love. Her words falling on deaf ears, she stormed back into the house, leaving Peter to stew in the darkness, a bitter pill to swallow.

As the family slumbers once more, an eerie symphony of malfunctioning electronics shatters the tranquility, leaving them quaking in fear. Sarah, desperate for relief, reaches out to Nicholas (whoever he may be), a mystifying figure who can unravel the mysteries plaguing their household. As Nicholas combs through the house, his words dripping with wisdom, he stumbles upon Matt (perhaps played by [actor name]), curled up in anguish in the basement. Sarah rushes to comfort her son, while Nicholas descends into the depths of the house, driven by an unquenchable thirst for understanding.

In the morgue, a faint, flickering light catches his eye - the charred remnants of Jonah's (Jonah?) tortured soul, forever trapped in a realm beyond the veil. The doors to this dimension slam shut, as if sealing off the horrors within. Nicholas, undeterred, ventures forth to uncover the truth behind the infernal furnace that has become the epicenter of their torment.

As he labors to comprehend the forces at play, the family's home becomes a maelstrom of chaos, with doors slamming open and shut like a possessed entity. Nicholas seizes the initiative, dashing outside to confront the source of their terror. Meanwhile, Sarah (played by [actor name]) struggles to soothe Matt, oblivious to the malevolent presence closing in on her son.

In a flash of insight, Nicholas unlocks the secrets of the furnace, uncovering a gruesome relic - a fragment of Jonah's skull, reduced to nothing more than a macabre memento. With the ashes of their tormentor in hand, he departs the house, and the cacophony subsides, leaving only an unsettling quiet in its wake.

But even as Nicholas (perhaps played by [actor name]) drives away from the chaos, warning Sarah that aftershocks may yet ensue, the darkness lingers. In the basement, Matt awakens to find the symbols of Aikman's twisted rituals etched into his own flesh, a ghastly testament to the horrors that lurk in every shadow.

As the ambulance whisks him away to the hospital, where he finds himself trapped alongside a rambling stranger (perhaps played by [actor name]), Matt gazes up at the ceiling, only to be startled by Jonah's ghostly visage, watching him with cold, calculating eyes.

As the eerie aftermath of the séance settles, Jonah awakens to a desolate scene: charred remains litter the room, with Aickman (barely clinging to life) frantically urging him to flee. The words "Now they'll be after you" serve as a dire warning, and Jonah's hasty retreat is met with an eerie, otherworldly response from the very house itself. The once-peaceful structure now seems to writhe in agony, propelling Jonah upstairs where he takes refuge within the dusty confines of the dumbwaiter. As it plunges into the depths of the basement, his anguished cries for help go unanswered – only to be met with a fiery fate as the furnace ignites, engulfing him in a blaze that consumes his very essence. In a haunting epilogue, Jonah's ethereal spirit vanishes, leaving behind only a faint trail of ashes carried away by Nicholas' departing vehicle.

Meanwhile, Peter reunites with Sarah at the hospital, offering a contrite apology for his past transgressions. Sarah graciously accepts, acknowledging that their circumstances have brought them together. However, the somber news delivered by the doctor – Matt's cancer has progressed despite treatment, and he is destined to succumb to its insidious grasp – casts a pall over their fragile reunion. The physician's words are met with despair, as Sarah asks to visit Matt, only to discover that the ailing patient has escaped through an open window, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion. The frantic doctor hastens to summon security, even as we glimpse Matt fleeing into the night, his mind consumed by the haunting mantra of "Two Dead Boys." His footsteps carry him back towards the foreboding house, where secrets and terrors await his return.

As Wendy tidies up Billy and Mary's rooms, a sudden sense of unease washes over her. She takes a bite of an apple, only to gag at its putrid taste, revealing that the fruit has gone bad on the inside. This unpleasant discovery sends her downstairs, where she finds that all the food in the house has similarly spoiled, prompting her to discard it outside. A minor mishap causes her to spill something on herself, and she decides to take a shower to wash away the discomfort. However, Nicholas' frantic phone call goes unanswered as Wendy is lost in the soothing warmth of the water. His subsequent message plays, revealing that his earlier attempt to release Jonah's spirit had actually unleashed the malevolent energies bound within the house. Now, with Nicholas' departure, the trapped spirits are free to wreak havoc, leaving Wendy and her family no choice but to flee.

As Mary emerges from the shower, she is suddenly beset by unseen forces, the shower curtain wrapping around her like a stranglehold. She manages to escape upstairs, only to find Billy and Mary in need of protection. Spotting Matt entering the backyard with an axe, Wendy's panic sets in, prompting her to rush back inside and urge the children to hide as she locks the door. But Matt is relentless, breaking through the barrier with his axe and forcing Wendy and the kids out into the open.

As they flee, Wendy takes refuge in the front room, where she witnesses Matt bringing his axe down upon the wall behind her. Scrambling clear of the attack, she watches as he begins to dismantle a false partition, revealing the horrific sight of Aickman's hidden corpses. With a sinister grin, Matt forces Wendy and the children out of the house, instructing them not to interfere with the impending conflagration. As they depart, Matt locks himself inside, preparing to unleash his wrath upon the decaying bodies and walls.

Meanwhile, Jonah's malevolent presence seems to be animating Matt's movements, as if the possessed individual is guiding the axe swings that reveal the rotting corpses within the house. As Matt brings down the remaining partitions, the room begins to fill with the putrid stench of death, and the bound spirits start to stir. With a cold calculation, Matt retrieves formaldehyde from the basement, douses the bodies and walls in flames, and settles into the inferno, surrounded by the very entities he has awakened.

As the fire department arrives on the scene, Sarah (character) and Peter desperately attempt to breach the inferno-ravaged property, their urgency fueled by the dire need to reach Matt. Nicholas joins the fray, prompting Sarah to query him about the apparent stalling in proceedings. Undeterred, she finds an opportunity to slip past a firefighter and burst into the house, whereupon she seizes Matt and drags him beneath a sturdy table to shield them from the impending collapse of the crumbling timbers. The otherworldly entities reappear once more, only to vanish as suddenly as they materialized, seemingly liberated by the arrival of a firefighter who bursts through the wall to extract Matt and Sarah from the jaws of danger.

As the crisis is averted, Sarah watches with bated breath as the emergency responders strive to revive Matt. But just as all hope seems lost, Matt's vitals falter and he succumbs to his injuries, his consciousness momentarily hijacked by a vision in which he finds himself standing amidst the solemn majesty of a graveyard. There, he espies Jonah, his countenance no longer marred by the ravages of fire, beckoning him from a distance. Matt's resolve seems poised to follow suit when the reassuring tones of his mother intervene, precipitating his return to his mortal coil.

As Matt's eyes flutter open, Jonah's ethereal essence departs his body, reappearing alongside Nicholas before finally vanishing into the ether, freed at last to transcend mortality. As Sarah wraps her arms around Matt in a tender embrace, Nicholas walks away, his footsteps echoing through the stillness as the family gathers around their restored patriarch.

In a poignant coda, Sarah reflects on the mysterious workings of fate, while an unseen narrator reveals that Matt's cancerous affliction has mysteriously vanished, leaving him whole and well once more. The rebuilt property has since been resold to new owners, who have reported no further instances of paranormal activity.