A witty and poignant exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery, High Fidelity follows Rob Gordon's journey as he navigates the ups and downs of relationships and adulthood after his girlfriend's departure. As he revisits past loves and musical memories, Rob must confront his own immaturity and find a way to move forward.

A witty and poignant exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery, High Fidelity follows Rob Gordon's journey as he navigates the ups and downs of relationships and adulthood after his girlfriend's departure. As he revisits past loves and musical memories, Rob must confront his own immaturity and find a way to move forward.

Does High Fidelity have end credit scenes?


High Fidelity does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

High Fidelity Quiz: Test your knowledge on the relational complexities and musical pursuits in the film High Fidelity.

Who is Rob Gordon's most significant ex-girlfriend mentioned in the movie?

Plot Summary

As Rob Gordon (John Cusack), a self-proclaimed music aficionado with a limited grasp of feminine psychology, navigates the aftermath of his most recent breakup with Laura (Iben Hjejle), he becomes consumed by an insatiable desire to dissect and understand his own relationship dynamics. This introspective quest leads him down memory lane, as he begins to recall and analyze his top 5 most significant breakups.

The first episode that comes to mind is Allison Ashmore, a tantalizing teenager who, when Rob was just 14, indulged in a 3-day kissing marathon with him, only to abruptly switch allegiances on the fourth day. The second instance is Penny Hardwick, a college sweetheart who was so virtuous and selfless that she refused to let Rob explore her intimate boundaries, ultimately leading him to terminate their relationship.

Rob’s next recollection is Charlie Nicholson, an alluring college beauty who showered him with sensual pleasure but left him feeling anxious about being replaced by one of her musical partners. His subsequent heartbreak led him to drown his sorrows in alcohol, which eventually caught up with him, resulting in a failed semester and the need for a new career path at Championship Vinyl record store.

Sarah, another rebound relationship, enters the narrative as Rob’s attempt to redirect his focus from Charlie’s betrayal. However, Sarah was still reeling from her own breakup, and Rob found himself lost in a sea of emotional turmoil. Their joint disdain for the opposite sex translated into a fragile bond, which eventually crumbled when Sarah discovered someone new.

The final chapter in Rob’s relationship chronicle is Laura, whom he had cheated on while she was pregnant with his child. His infidelity led to her abortion and left a lingering sense of guilt and resentment between them. Despite this, Rob continued to borrow money from Laura without repaying it, only to confess that he had always harbored thoughts of meeting other women.

As Rob navigates these complex emotions, he finds solace in his work at Championship Vinyl, where he is flanked by Dick (Todd Louiso) and Barry (Jack Black), his eccentric co-workers who share his passion for music. Together, they compile exhaustive “top five” lists for every occasion, mock the ignorance of their customers, and occasionally sell a few records amidst their banter-filled conversations.

Here is the rewritten section:

Rob sets out on a quest for self-discovery by reconnecting with his exes in an effort to pinpoint the root cause of his relationship woes. His call to Allison is answered by her mother, who reveals that Allison has since moved on and married another man - a stark contrast to the tumultuous ending their relationship had with Rob. Meanwhile, Penny shares her own harrowing tale of being pursued by another individual after their breakup, who blurred the lines between consent and coercion. In a more positive turn, Sarah confesses that she regrets leaving Rob, acknowledging it as a mistake.

When Rob isn’t preoccupied with his personal relationships, he harbors a disdain for two teenage shoplifters, Vince (Chris Rehmann) and Justin (Ben Carr), whose carefree attitude towards the law is nothing short of infuriating. However, upon listening to their demo tape - featuring Royal Trux’s hit single “The Inside Game” - Rob sees an opportunity to launch his own record label, Top 5 Records, by offering them a deal.

In the midst of this professional pursuit, Rob still pines for Laura, his ex-lover, and dedicates his free time to winning her back. His efforts are initially rebuffed when he discovers she’s seeing someone else - Ian, whose audibly impressive lovemaking skills have become an obsession for both Laura and Rob. Laura confides in Rob that she’s merely using Ian as a placeholder until she figures out what she wants from life, leaving the door open for Rob to rekindle their romance.

However, his hopes are crushed when Laura eventually reveals her true intentions: she has indeed slept with Ian. The news sends Rob into a tailspin of despair. In an attempt to cope with his heartache, Rob becomes fixated on interrupting Ian’s dinner dates by repeatedly calling him from payphones.

As the situation spirals out of control, Ian decides to take matters into his own hands and pays Rob a visit at his music store, seeking closure. But Rob is too consumed by his emotions to engage in a constructive conversation.

As the champagne corks pop and the congratulations flow at the after-party, Rob is struck by a sudden epiphany: he never did put down roots with Laura, leaving him perpetually stuck between two worlds. This piercing awareness sets off a chain reaction, as he begins to reevaluate his own aspirations and priorities. In a surprising turn of events, Rob and Laura reunite, and she orchestrates an evening that allows him to reconnect with a long-forgotten passion from his youth. The celebration also doubles as a tribute to the newly released single by Barry’s band, whose sultry rendition of “Let’s Get It On” gets everyone in the mood.

However, Rob’s emotional landscape remains tumultuous. He finds himself drawn to another woman - a sassy music journalist conducting an interview with him for her publication. This time, instead of repressing his feelings like he has in the past, Rob opens up to Laura about the lackluster spark that has been missing from their relationship. To his surprise, she responds with empathy and understanding, creating a safe space for them to confront the elephant in the room together.

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