
Does I Am David have end credit scenes?


I Am David does not have end credit scenes.

I Am David

I Am David


A 12-year-old's odyssey unfolds as David navigates a treacherous landscape, fleeing the confines of a Eastern European prison camp with a crucial letter destined for Denmark. Along the way, he finds solace in unlikely friendships and learns to trust others, only to discover that the truth waiting in Denmark will forever alter his fate.

Runtime: 90 min

Box Office: $330K









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Check out what happened in I Am David!

Within the confines of a concentration camp, 12-year-old David has known no other life for as long as his youthful memories stretch back. This resilient young soul, once torn from the loving arms of his mother, has grown strong, brave, and intelligent despite the bleak surroundings. The loss of his only friend, Johannes, is a poignant reminder of the harsh realities he faces daily.

Among the guards, one particular individual takes notice of David's plight, ensuring he receives proper sustenance and vital nourishment. This compassionate commandant sets the wheels in motion for David's escape, furnishing him with essential supplies: soap, bread, water, and a compass. The instructions are clear: head south to Salonica, then navigate to Italy before making his way north to a free nation under a monarch.

As fate would have it, David stumbles upon a truck bound for Salonica, unaware that he's boarding the vehicle until it comes to a halt. He seizes the opportunity to disembark and, with an insatiable appetite, devours some of the provisions on board. When the truck finally stops moving, David jumps off once more. His next discovery is a boat labeled "Italy," which he sneaks onto without hesitation. Days pass as he hides in plain sight, indulging in wine and growing increasingly intoxicated. Eventually, an Italian sailor stumbles upon him, but instead of turning him in, decides to aid David's escape by lowering him down the ship's side with a lifebelt.

As David floats towards land, exhaustion takes hold, and he succumbs to slumber. After revitalizing himself with a refreshing bath, he seeks refuge in a nearby cave for the day. The following morning, David sets out to explore the nearby town, eager to learn about life beyond the confines of his prison camp. To his surprise, he's gifted a loaf of bread by a kind stranger. He also discovers a newspaper, which becomes an invaluable tool as he practices reading.

As the days turn into weeks, David returns to the town daily, learning more about the world and slowly shedding the hardened exterior forged in the camps. He eventually adopts the ruse that he works for a circus to explain his polyglotism and wandering nature. But it's not long before he overhears whispers about himself, prompting him to flee the town and begin his journey north. Along the way, David finds opportunities to help others, earning him small tokens of appreciation in the form of coins. As he travels, he discovers the world's hidden beauty and undergoes a gradual transformation, altering his demeanor and interactions with those around him.

As fate would have it, David's careless trespassing on someone's property sets off a chain of events that will alter the course of his life forever. A chance encounter with Carlo, a feisty young boy, leaves him battered and bruised, but a daring rescue mission to save Maria from a blazing shed proves to be a turning point. As he recovers in her family's warm and welcoming home, David is struck by the beauty of a globe and the wonders it holds, sparking a newfound sense of curiosity about the world beyond his own.

However, as his bond with Maria deepens, concerns begin to surface among her parents. They are troubled by David's troubled past, his prickly demeanor towards their eldest son, and the growing exclusivity of his relationship with their daughter. It's clear that they are wary of this outsider who has suddenly become a part of their lives.

David, sensing the unease, decides to take matters into his own hands. He pens a heartfelt letter to Maria's family and sets out on a journey north once again, driven by a sense of restlessness and uncertainty. Weeks later, he is surprised to find an advertisement in a newspaper - a personal invitation from Maria's family, offering him a second chance at belonging.

As David navigates the complexities of his own faith, he finds solace in the words of a wise priest who reminds him that, despite the many gods people may believe in, there is ultimately only one divine presence. This revelation takes on new significance when he meets Sophie, a kind-hearted woman with a passion for painting and a mysterious connection to David's past.

Sophie's gentle prodding inspires David to share his own story, and as he does, the threads of his life begin to weave together in unexpected ways. He discovers a haunting portrait of a woman in Denmark, which sparks a deep longing within him. As Sophie reveals the tragic tale of this woman - his mother - and the heroic act of the commandant who saved her life, David is compelled to embark on a perilous quest to find her.

In doing so, he uncovers a tangled web of secrets, lies, and unrequited love that has haunted him for years. As the truth slowly emerges, David must confront the complexities of his own identity and the sacrifices made by those who have loved him along the way.

As the biting winter chill sets in, David finds himself shackled by a rugged farmer, forced into servitude amidst the unforgiving mountain landscape. The harsh season becomes his temporary refuge, with the farmer's rustic stable serving as a sanctuary from the relentless snowstorms. King, the loyal canine companion, stands by David's side throughout the long, arduous winter, providing solace in the midst of toil and hardship.

As the days slowly tick by, David's resolve grows stronger, fueled by his determination to escape the clutches of his captor and evade the authorities who are hot on his heels. He methodically sets about creating a hole in the stable wall, carefully digging a tunnel that will ultimately lead him to freedom. King, ever vigilant, remains steadfastly loyal, even joining David as he makes his daring break.

But David's journey is far from over. As fate would have it, the faithful hound sacrifices its life to distract a group of East German guards, allowing David to slip undetected across the border into Denmark. Weary but resolute, he presses on, driven by the prospect of reuniting with his long-lost mother. His ultimate destination: Copenhagen, where the telephone book holds the key to her address.

Exhausted and emotionally drained, David finally arrives at his mother's doorstep, hesitates for a moment, then introduces himself. To his surprise, she instantly recognizes him as her son, embracing him warmly in a heartwarming reunion that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another in David's odyssey.