In this gripping thriller, self-made millionaire Mike Regan's seemingly perfect life turns into a desperate game of survival. His "smart home" becomes a ticking time bomb when Ed, his IT consultant, uses his skills to stalk Mike's teenage daughter and threaten their entire family. As personal secrets go viral in an era of no privacy, Mike must rely on his wits and old connections to outmaneuver this modern-day nemesis.

In this gripping thriller, self-made millionaire Mike Regan's seemingly perfect life turns into a desperate game of survival. His "smart home" becomes a ticking time bomb when Ed, his IT consultant, uses his skills to stalk Mike's teenage daughter and threaten their entire family. As personal secrets go viral in an era of no privacy, Mike must rely on his wits and old connections to outmaneuver this modern-day nemesis.

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I.T. does not have end credit scenes.


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