Johnny English Strikes Again 2018

Box Office



89 min




In a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, retired spy Johnny English is forced back into action when a devastating cyber-attack exposes Britain's undercover agents. With his old-school tactics pitted against sleek modern tech, English must use his unique brand of bumbling ingenuity to track down the master hacker and save the day.

In a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, retired spy Johnny English is forced back into action when a devastating cyber-attack exposes Britain's undercover agents. With his old-school tactics pitted against sleek modern tech, English must use his unique brand of bumbling ingenuity to track down the master hacker and save the day.

Does Johnny English Strikes Again have end credit scenes?


Johnny English Strikes Again does not have end credit scenes.






User Score

Rotten Tomatoes





User Score


6.2 /10

IMDb Rating

Movie Quiz

Johnny English Strikes Again Quiz: Test your knowledge on the action-packed antics of Johnny English in this hilarious espionage adventure.

What is Johnny English's cover profession at the beginning of the film?

Plot Summary

The Action Unfolds

As the MI7 headquarters in London becomes embroiled in a high-stakes cyber crisis, the Prime Minister (Emma Thompson) is swiftly informed that every field agent’s identity has been compromised. The government’s response is swift and decisive - they require an old-school operative to contain the escalating digital assault. Cut to a secluded forest, where Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson), now masquerading as a geography professor, imparts the art of booby trapping to a group of eager young students. Unbeknownst to his pupils, English has been secretly mentoring them in the ways of espionage.

The MI7 brass soon tracks down English and transports him to a secure facility where three veteran retirees - Five (Michael Gambon), Seven (Charles Dance), and Nine (Edward Fox) - are gathered. As they revive an old favorite gadget, a pen with a stun grenade, English’s clumsiness gets the better of him. The cap is accidentally dropped into his tea, followed by a comical attempt to discreetly remove it without alerting the others. However, the cap eventually falls onto the floor, rendering all four agents temporarily incapacitated.

Enter Pegasus (Adam James), who finds himself with no alternative but to enlist English for the mission at hand. English promptly requests that his trusted sidekick, Bough (Ben Miller), be reinstated to support him on this perilous quest. Together, they set out for Antibes, France, equipped with an array of innovative gadgets, in pursuit of the cyberattack’s source.

Their investigation leads them to Sebastian Lynch (Roger Barclay), a notorious criminal, who happens to be dining at a nearby restaurant with his girlfriend. English and Bough cleverly disguise themselves as waiters to get close to Lynch, ultimately securing his phone. However, their mission is marred by English’s characteristic ineptitude, resulting in various mishaps, including a minor commotion that sets the restaurant ablaze.

Meanwhile, back in London, the Prime Minister is deeply concerned about the cyberattacks and seeks guidance from Jason Volta (Jake Lacy), a tech mogul with ties to Silicon Valley.

As the agents delve deeper into the mystery, they stumble upon a telling clue in the form of photographs on Lynch’s phone featuring the sleek, imposing silhouette of the Dot Calm yacht. It appears this is the origin of the cyberattack that has been causing chaos. English and Bough set out to infiltrate the vessel by navigating a makeshift raft towards its moorings. However, their stealthy approach is foiled when they’re spotted and apprehended by a cunning Russian intelligence operative, Ophelia (Olga Kurylenko), who takes them captive and locks them away in the brig. Yet, these resourceful agents refuse to be contained, utilizing a powerful explosive to blast open the door and make their escape. In the chaos that ensues, they manage to plant a transmitter for future military use before making a break for freedom, with Ophelia hot on their heels.

The next day, English and Bough keep a watchful eye out for their pursuer, only to be thwarted once again when a group of unsuspecting French cyclists blocks their path. English seizes the opportunity, launching a missile that releases a cloud of tear gas, sending the cyclists scattering. However, his getaway car soon runs out of fuel, leaving him stranded. Ophelia reappears, inviting the agents to join her at a popular bar and hotel.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister meets with Volta, detailing her plans to present an agreement at the upcoming G12 summit meeting. Volta showcases his capabilities by infiltrating a nearby traffic system, before effortlessly disabling the hack by migrating the operation to his own servers.

As the evening wears on, English and Ophelia engage in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, their paths crossing at a bustling bar and hotel. Unbeknownst to English, Bough has been secretly snooping around Ophelia’s room, uncovering a treasure trove of clues that suggest she may be more than just a skilled operative – she might be a triple agent working multiple angles. English remains oblivious to these revelations, dismissing Bough’s warnings and retiring to bed for the night. However, he soon finds himself wide awake, reaching for a pill designed to induce an instant coma. Instead, he receives a mysterious stimulant that coursing through his veins, imbuing him with an unrelenting energy.

As Ophelia attempts to dispatch English in his room, he inadvertently knocks her out when he swings the door open, and then proceeds to bust a move on the dance floor. Ophelia joins him, attempting to take him down with a garrote, but English, blissfully unaware of the murder attempt, accidentally sends her crashing to the ground by flipping himself over his head. The night wears on, with English continuing to dance long after the partygoers have departed, until Bough arrives to fetch him.

As another devastating assault unfolds, Volta and the Prime Minister are compelled to bring their diplomatic efforts to the G12 summit, yet it becomes increasingly evident that Volta harbors sinister motives behind his actions. Meanwhile, Bough stumbles upon a shocking revelation: the coveted Dot Calm belongs to none other than Volta himself. With this newfound intel in hand, Bough joins forces with English to confide in Pegasus about their discovery, but the latter demands tangible proof of Volta’s culpability before he will take action.

English and Bough concoct a plan to infiltrate Volta’s opulent mansion and gather incriminating evidence. In preparation for this high-stakes mission, English is introduced to an advanced virtual reality simulator designed to hone his skills. However, during the simulation, English’s lack of focus causes him to lose control, mistaking innocent bystanders for simulated henchmen. His rampage culminates in a violent confrontation with a hapless tour bus guide, whom he unceremoniously ejects from the top of the vehicle. Upon returning to the simulation room, English appears oblivious to the chaos he has wrought.

Undeterred by his virtual reality mishap, English and Bough embark on their real-life mission to infiltrate Volta’s mansion. As they navigate the labyrinthine estate, English stumbles upon Ophelia, who reveals her true identity as a cunning spy working undercover to bring down Volta’s nefarious empire. Armed with evidence of Volta’s wrongdoing on his phone, English inadvertently falls prey to capture and is brought before the very man he seeks to thwart.

English manages to extricate himself from captivity and flees pursued by Volta’s henchmen. He commandeers a student driver’s car and employs his newfound driving skills to evade his pursuers on the treacherous roads.

Upon returning to the Prime Minister with evidence of Volta’s wrongdoing, English inadvertently confiscates the phone belonging to another motorist. The PM, already well-versed in English’s blunders throughout their adventure, has no choice but to terminate his services.

Convinced that English remains a vital asset in their quest for justice, Bough urges him to continue pursuing Volta, despite the Prime Minister’s decision. Together with Lydia (Vicki Pepperdine), Bough’s resourceful wife and submarine captain, they set course for Scotland, where the fateful G12 summit awaits.

As the meeting convenes within the ancient castle walls, Volta learns of Ophelia’s true identity as a spy sent to eliminate him. He attempts to strike first, but English valiantly makes his way to the tower to intercept Volta, only to be unceremoniously pulled from the battlements and cast into the frigid waters below. Ophelia narrowly escapes Volta’s clutches, while he sets his sights on the summit, hell-bent on carrying out his sinister plans.

As the world leaders gather, Volta unleashes his true intentions, showcasing his unprecedented technological prowess by effortlessly infiltrating every digital system and issuing an ultimatum: surrender control of their data or risk losing internet access forever. Meanwhile, English (actor name) instinctively reaches out for Pegasus’s assistance, momentarily forgetting Lydia’s strict instructions against using phones near the submarine. This careless mistake triggers a chain reaction, activating the sub’s launch protocols and propelling a missile into the air. The trajectory of this projectile is eerily precise, homing in on the transmitter English had previously installed on the yacht. In a catastrophic turn of events, the missile obliterates both the Dot Calm and Volta’s servers, effectively crippling his operation. With his plan foiled, English sets his sights on Volta, pursuing him to the castle. However, the cunning villain has already anticipated this move, making a beeline for his awaiting chopper to make a daring escape. English, joined by Bough and Ophelia, hotly pursue Volta, who taunts them with mocking jabs at their inability to apprehend him. In a bold move, English hurls a tablet at Volta’s unsuspecting head, momentarily knocking him out, while simultaneously smashing his phone to shatter the entire scheme. With Volta neutralized, English returns to the school, greeted by an adoring throng of students who have been waiting for their hero’s triumphant return. As they emerge from their hiding places, proudly displaying their newfound skills and gadgets, English allows them to select which devices they’d like to claim as their own. The Headmaster then makes a sudden appearance, choosing a Jelly Baby (which, unbeknownst to him, is actually an explosive) and taking a bite before the tension builds and…

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