Land and Shade 2016

Box Office



97 min




In the ravaged landscape of a sugarcane plantation, an aging farmer returns home to confront the ashes of his past. Seventeen years after leaving behind his family, Alfonso must reconcile with the woman who was once his wife and face the devastating consequences of his absence, all while fighting to save his gravely ill son.

In the ravaged landscape of a sugarcane plantation, an aging farmer returns home to confront the ashes of his past. Seventeen years after leaving behind his family, Alfonso must reconcile with the woman who was once his wife and face the devastating consequences of his absence, all while fighting to save his gravely ill son.

Does Land and Shade have end credit scenes?


Land and Shade does not have end credit scenes.


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User Score


7.0 /10

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Plot Summary

Alfonso’s arrival in his ancestral hometown is like a ticking time bomb, releasing pent-up emotions and unresolved tensions. The rugged farmer has been away for 17 long years, but the scars of his past linger like an open wound. He returns to find that the sugarcane monoculture that once thrived has ravaged the land, leaving only desolation in its wake. His once-familiar surroundings now seem alien, a stark reminder that he is indeed a stranger in this strange land.

The old family home, with its humble white walls and worn wooden bench, stands as a testament to the passage of time. Yet, amidst the decay and neglect, Alfonso’s presence still holds sway over Alicia, his ex-wife, who has stubbornly refused to abandon her property despite the ominous threat that looms like a specter over the sugarcane labyrinths. Her eyes seem to hold a deep-seated resentment, a wellspring of hatred that has been simmering for years.

As Alfonso’s arrival sets off a chain reaction of emotions, he becomes acutely aware of the danger that surrounds his family. The very fabric of their existence is under siege, and only he can save them from the brink of destruction. His determination to protect them drives him to confront the harsh realities of their situation, even if it means erasing every shred of his own identity.

The story of this forsaken land is one of forgotten dreams and shattered aspirations. The once-thriving community now teeters on the edge of oblivion, its very essence threatened by the paradoxical notion that progress must always come at a cost. As Alfonso struggles to reconcile with his past and forge a new path forward, he must confront the darkest depths of human despair and make the ultimate sacrifice if his family is to have any chance of redemption.

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