In 1907 New Orleans, 6-year-old Louis embarks on a journey through the city's vibrant underbelly, where jazz music is born. Amidst grand bordellos, winding alleys, and ancient cemeteries, Louis's trumpet dreams are disrupted by a chance encounter with Grace, a vulnerable young mother, and her daughter Jasmine, leading to a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the power of music.

In 1907 New Orleans, 6-year-old Louis embarks on a journey through the city's vibrant underbelly, where jazz music is born. Amidst grand bordellos, winding alleys, and ancient cemeteries, Louis's trumpet dreams are disrupted by a chance encounter with Grace, a vulnerable young mother, and her daughter Jasmine, leading to a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the power of music.

Does Louis have end credit scenes?


Louis does not have end credit scenes.


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