Love Happens 2009

As a charismatic motivational speaker, Dr. Burke Ryan hides his own emotional scars behind a facade of confidence. Enter Eloise Chandler, a florist with a broken heart and a wary approach to romance. When their paths collide, sparks fly, but can two people who've been hurt by love's timing learn to open up and take a chance on each other?

As a charismatic motivational speaker, Dr. Burke Ryan hides his own emotional scars behind a facade of confidence. Enter Eloise Chandler, a florist with a broken heart and a wary approach to romance. When their paths collide, sparks fly, but can two people who've been hurt by love's timing learn to open up and take a chance on each other?

Does Love Happens have end credit scenes?


Love Happens does not have end credit scenes.






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5.7 /10

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Movie Quiz

Love Happens Quiz: Test your knowledge about the emotional journey in the movie 'Love Happens' from 2009.

What is the title of Burke Ryan's self-help book?

Plot Summary

The curtain opens on a seemingly mundane scene: Aaron Eckhart’s Burke Ryan, author of the self-help tome “A-Okay”, methodically cutting and squeezing lemons into a glass, his words recited with introspective sincerity. The juxtaposition of his solemn tone with the vodka-infused lemonade he concocts hints at the complexities beneath his motivational manuscript. As the narrative unfolds, Burke’s day takes a turn for the worse, beset by traffic congestion, luggage mishaps, and torrential rain that drenches him in his impeccable suit.

Upon arriving at Seattle’s hotel, where he is set to host a seminar based on his book, Burke’s manager Lane (Dane Fogler) has thoughtfully provided a spare outfit. However, this fastidious individual harbors a peculiar phobia of elevators, opting instead to brave the stairwell’s ascent to his lofty room. As he changes out of his sodden attire and fortifies himself with another swig of vodka, Burke encounters Eloise (Jennifer Aniston), whose fleeting visit leaves him perplexed.

As he takes in the hotel’s surroundings, Burke’s gaze falls upon a painting that seems askew, prompting him to investigate further. His discovery of Eloise’s Sharpie scribbled QUIDNUNC on the wall only adds to his mystification. The term, which translates to “busybody” or “gossip”, foreshadows the tumultuous events that will soon unfold.

Later, Burke is photographed on the rooftop for promotional purposes, where he reveals the true catalyst behind his book: a painful attempt to come to terms with the three-year anniversary of his wife’s tragic passing. The camera captures the lingering sorrow in his eyes, a poignant reminder that even the most resilient among us still harbor scars.

As Burke (no actor name provided) takes center stage at the packed conference room, his initial nervous demeanor gives way to an infectious confidence and charisma. With a warm smile and firm handshake, he makes his way around the room, engaging with attendees who have gathered for the seminars. The veteran speaker’s words of wisdom begin to flow as he shares a poignant story about a football coach on the cusp of being replaced, yet refusing to throw in the towel. Through sheer determination, the coach wrote playbooks, ran practices, and ultimately led his team to a national championship victory. However, this triumphant moment was bittersweet, as the coach’s heart remained heavy with the loss of his brother, who had passed away during those tumultuous times.

Burke’s purpose in sharing this tale is not just to inspire, but to drive home a crucial message: that true healing can only be achieved by confronting and resolving the root causes of our pain. He argues that merely slapping a Band-Aid on our wounds or relying on fleeting successes will never suffice. Rather, it is essential to embark on a journey of self-discovery, facing our deepest fears and emotional scars head-on.

As part of this transformative process, Burke leads his first group through a thought-provoking exercise, halting traffic in the middle of the road. Amidst the cacophony of car horns and shouted warnings, he asks his companions to tune in to their surroundings – a seemingly mundane task that becomes a powerful metaphor for our tendency to overlook the beauty in everyday life. Later, he repeats this exercise on the hotel rooftop, where the breathtaking vistas of Seattle’s skyline serve as a poignant reminder that our perspective, not the location itself, is what changes.

This simple yet profound realization is the first crucial step towards recovery, and Burke’s seminars will delve deeper into these themes over the course of the week. Through a mix of group sessions, activities, and book promotions, attendees will embark on a journey of self-discovery, ultimately equipping themselves to heal from their losses and move forward with renewed purpose.

As the evening wears on, Burke slips away from Lane’s words of wisdom to nurse his drink in the lobby, where he’s drawn to the serene scene unfolding around Eloise. Her gentle touch as she arranges flowers is a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within him. Emboldened by his cups, Burke makes a beeline for Eloise, only to be met with her unexpected response: a series of deliberate gestures that convey her mute condition. Disheartened and confused, Burke watches as Eloise exits the hotel, leaving behind a trail of curiosity.

The next morning, the lobby is abuzz with activity as Walter, a towering figure, demands a refund from one of the seminar’s personnel. Burke, drawn to the commotion, intervenes and strikes up a conversation with the distraught man. Walter’s tale of loss and grief resonates deeply with Burke, who urges him to give the seminar a chance, surrounded as they are by others who understand his pain. As Walter agrees to stay on, a sense of hope begins to take root.

Meanwhile, Eloise’s life is a juggling act between her passion for music and her troubled relationship with her boyfriend. Her visit to his home yields an unexpected discovery: two wine glasses, one bearing the telltale mark of lipstick. Her rage boils over, and she storms out, seeking solace in the familiarity of her office. It’s there that she confides in Marty (Judy Greer), her sassy employee at her flower shop. Together, they dissect the betrayal, with Eloise finding a measure of catharsis in their conversation. As she prepares to face another day, the embers of her anger slowly cool.

As Burke (Tom Hardy) sat at the hotel, indulging in a book-signing session for an adoring crowd, his father-in-law’s (Martin Sheen) arrival marked a jarring interruption. The enigmatic figure, whose name was nowhere to be found on screen, approached Burke with a calculated mixture of condescension and malice. With a sneer that could cut glass, FIL began to dissect Burke’s seemingly idyllic life, implying that his daughter’s untimely death had left him emotionally crippled.

FIL’s words dripped with venom as he probed the depth of Burke’s pain, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. The air grew thick with tension as Burke struggled to maintain a facade of composure, his breathing labored and his eyes welling up with unshed tears. FIL’s parting shot, labeling Burke a hypocrite for not having moved on from the loss of his own wife, was the final straw that sent him into a tailspin of panic.

As he stormed off to collect himself in the men’s restroom, Burke’s agitation reached a fever pitch. His eyes landed on Eloise (Mia Wasikowska) at the front desk, her gentle tone and sympathetic ear momentarily soothing his frazzled nerves. However, his anger soon boiled over as he interrupted her conversation with the receptionist, launching into a scathing diatribe about her perceived flaws.

Eloise’s calm demeanor and wry observations only seemed to enrage Burke further, until he finally stormed off to seek solace in solitude. Eloise followed suit, her own words dripping with venom as she lambasted Burke for his hypocrisy and presumed infidelity. As she departed, the air was heavy with unspoken secrets and unresolved tension, leaving both characters to stew in their respective emotional turmoil.

As Burke led his seminar on overcoming phobias, he challenged the participants to confront their deepest fears head-on. One of the most unconventional exercises was to walk barefoot through a scorching hot coal pit, a seemingly impossible feat that became a testament to the group’s collective courage. Each person took turns navigating the fiery terrain, supported by their peers and Burke’s reassuring presence. However, Walter, still reeling from his recent loss, hesitated at the threshold, ultimately deciding against participating. Burke’s words of encouragement fell on deaf ears as Walter stormed out of the room, leaving the group leader to face the consequences alone.

As Burke tended to his burnt feet with Lane’s aid, he and the executive team from a prominent corporation met to discuss the potential franchise opportunities surrounding his innovative methods. The executives were enamored with Burke’s achievements, envisioning a multimedia empire that would include television programs and weight loss products, capitalizing on the notion that those struggling with depression often turn to comfort foods as a coping mechanism.

Meanwhile, Burke’s mind wandered back to Eloise, his thoughts consumed by her enigmatic presence. He excused himself from the meeting, retreating to his quarters where he meticulously inspected every wall painting, searching for hidden messages. Finally, he discovered the phrase “Poppysmic,” which, after further research, revealed its meaning: the sound of smacking lips together.

Intrigued by this cryptic discovery, Burke decided to make a bold move and ordered a bouquet from Eloise’s shop, inscribing the card with the same phrase. His request was met with a warm smile as Eloise agreed to join him for dinner, marking the beginning of an unexpected romance.

Burke’s attempt to woo Eloise at an upscale eatery ends in awkwardness, with the date mercifully coming to a close. As Eloise makes her hasty exit, Burke gives chase, apologizing profusely for the evening’s missteps and revealing that this is his first date in three long years - a period marked by grief following the passing of his wife. Eloise, moved by his vulnerability, invites him to join her at her office, where they bond over a shared passion for flowers as she presoaks bouquets. Amidst their gentle chatter, Burke becomes entranced by Eloise’s collection of “Top Tens,” heartfelt letters from loved ones to those who’ve left an indelible mark on their lives - poignant missives that range from bittersweet farewells to playful apologies.

As their friendship blossoms, Burke finds himself torn between his growing affinity for Eloise and the demands of his corporate life. His assistant, Lane, is understandably miffed by the attention he’s lavishing on Eloise, but Burke remains committed to nurturing their connection. One evening, Eloise takes Burke on a mission to retrieve the keys to her truck, introducing him to her effervescent mother in the process - a woman who can’t help but fawn over the charming Burke Ryan. Eloise underestimates the depth of his popularity, and it’s clear that she’s won him over.

Their next adventure unfolds when Eloise borrows a unique truck from Bob, featuring an elevator in its rear compartment. As they park at a strategic location, Eloise reveals her plan to scope out a sold-out concert by rising above the fray - literally. With the elevator providing a bird’s-eye view of the performance, Burke and Eloise revel in their shared experience, ultimately parting ways with a tender hug that leaves Eloise feeling comforted but also sensing Burke’s lingering emotional connection to his wife. This poignant moment serves as a poignant reminder that grief, though it may subside, never truly fades away.

As the night wore on, Burke found himself surrounded by good company - Eloise and Marty at a hookah bar, indulging in the sweet aroma of shisha and the warmth of camaraderie. Little did they know, their merriment was about to be interrupted by an unexpected guest: Lane. His arrival sparked a flurry of excitement, as he joined the party and revelled in the joyous atmosphere. The night air was electric with laughter and music, and for Lane, it seemed like the perfect antidote to his usual stoic demeanor.

As the evening drew to a close, the group decided to take a stroll around Seattle’s vibrant streets, taking in the city’s iconic landmarks. They paused at the infamous gum wall, where millions of wads of sticky goodness had transformed into a vibrant canvas of colorful chaos. The mood was light and carefree, with Marty regaling the group with outlandish stories and Burke sharing tales of his adventures. But as they made their way to the cemetery, the tone shifted. They visited the graves of Bruce Lee and his son Brandon Lee, paying their respects to two icons who had left an indelible mark on the world.

As they walked away from the grave sites, Marty’s morbid humor resurfaced, dismissing funerals as tacky affairs. Burke, however, took a different stance, emphasizing the importance of these final goodbyes in helping us move forward. His words were laced with a deep sense of introspection, and it was clear that he had experienced this pain firsthand. He spoke of his wife’s funeral, where the heavens had seemingly conspired to create a perfect day - clear skies and her favorite flower blooming on the same day she passed away. But Eloise’s sharp eye caught onto something amiss, pointing out that those flowers typically bloom in the fall, not March. The group exchanged knowing glances, realizing that Burke hadn’t attended his wife’s funeral after all. His grief had been too overwhelming to face the reality of her passing.

As the truth sunk in, the mood shifted once more, and the group fell into a contemplative silence. Lane, ever the loyal companion, trailed behind Burke as they made their way home under the city lights, each step marking another moment of quiet reflection. The night air was filled with the soft hum of regret and nostalgia, as two friends navigated the complexities of life’s most painful moments.

As the seminar group’s morose atmosphere lingers, Burke’s stern demeanor prompts a small subset of attendees to remain largely silent. It is then that he zeroes in on Walter, his gaze piercing as he implores the troubled individual to share the tale of his sorrow. Walter’s composure shatters, and he succumbs to tears, pouring out the painful narrative of losing everything - including his job and sense of purpose - after the devastating loss of his young son in a construction site accident. The weight of Walter’s words is palpable, and Burke’s empathetic nature compels him to take immediate action. He books a bus and orchestrates a trip to a nearby Home Depot, recognizing that this seemingly mundane errand holds the key to Walter’s emotional liberation.

As they arrive at the store, Walter’s trepidation is evident, his fear of confronting the past palpable. However, as individual members of the group gently guide him through the process of selecting tools and supplies, a sense of familiarity gradually takes hold, and Walter begins to reclaim his footing. He ultimately fills an entire cart with purchases, courtesy of Lane’s generosity. The experience serves as a poignant catalyst for Walter’s acceptance of his new reality, and he expresses his gratitude to Burke, bestowing upon him the only cherished photograph of his son.

Meanwhile, Burke’s own emotional scars continue to linger, as he confides in Eloise about his struggles to come to terms with the loss of his wife. He reveals that one of her final wishes was for their beloved parrot to be set free if she were no longer among the living. Moved by this request, Eloise seizes upon it as a mission, and together they embark on a journey to visit Burke’s in-laws. However, Burke’s resolve wavers at the last minute, and he sneaks into the family home through the back door, seeking to liberate the parrot without their knowledge.

Though FIL remains oblivious to Burke’s presence, our protagonist successfully snatches the bird and makes his way to a nearby forest, where he attempts to release it. Initially, the parrot resists its newfound freedom, but when Burke changes his mind and endeavors to recapture it, the bird offers a poignant glance before spreading its wings and flying away peacefully. This bittersweet moment serves as a poignant reminder of the lingering ache within Burke’s heart.

As the weight of his emotions becomes too much to bear, Burke directs his frustration toward Eloise, criticizing her for pushing him to confront his demons. Feeling belittled and misunderstood, Eloise complies with Burke’s request to be left alone, departing without further ado as he sets off on foot, lost in thought.

As Lane’s concerns about their impending meeting with the corporate head honcho ease, Burke reveals a profound change of heart. With a mix of trepidation and determination, he instructs Lane to seize the opportunity and make the deal happen, personally vouching for its success.

Fast-forward to the final day of the seminar, where Burke’s iconic grin and warm greeting greet the executives once more. However, this time around, his usual charm gives way to a torrent of tears as he confesses to the crowd that he can no longer live in deception. The room is abuzz with tension when FIL storms in, furious over the theft of his prized parrot. Burke’s guilt and shame are palpable as he laments being a hypocrite who has failed to move on from the tragedy that befell him.

As the weight of his words settles over the audience, FIL emerges from the shadows to confront Burke. With unwavering empathy, he reminds Burke that they never placed blame for their daughter’s passing; instead, they sought solace in shared grief. The two men embrace, overcome with emotion as the crowd erupts into applause and tears.

Following this poignant moment, attendees offer words of congratulations all around. FIL extends an invitation to Burke to visit, expressing his desire to reconnect with the man who had finally rid him of the noisy parrot that had driven him mad. Meanwhile, the corporate executive lavishes praise on Burke’s style, eager to seal the deal and make it a reality. With his emotions in check, Burke departs to gather his belongings, then makes his way to find Eloise, only pausing briefly to take the elevator before disappearing into the shadows.

As Eloise navigates the everyday routine of a visit to her local store, she’s confronted by an unexpected discovery: a cryptic note left in plain sight by a sesquipedalianist, whose penchant for grandiose vocabulary is almost as intriguing as the mysterious message itself. It’s at this juncture that Burke saunters into view, his demeanor a stark contrast to the persona Eloise had grown accustomed to. With a hint of vulnerability and a dash of humility, he reveals that beneath the surface of their past interactions lay a complex individual still grappling with lingering emotions - a bitter and sorrowful soul struggling to break free from the shackles of yesteryear. Burke’s words are laced with an air of introspection as he poses a poignant query: might Eloise be willing to grant him a second chance, to get to know this newly minted version of himself? Marty, ever the loyal confidant, provides an affirmative nod on Eloise’s behalf, allowing her to reveal her own willingness to take a chance on this reformed Burke. As their lips meet in a tender embrace, it becomes clear that Eloise has chosen to seize the opportunity and forge a new path alongside this evolving individual.

Meanwhile, FIL limps into view, his morning routine interrupted by the familiar squawk of a feathered friend. The parrot, sensing its companion’s arrival, takes flight once more, only to land with a flourish on FIL’s shoulder. As they make their way back to the house together, the duo engages in a playful game of “hello” - a heartwarming exchange that highlights the enduring bond between these two eccentric characters.

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