Madrid, 1987 2012

In sweltering Madrid, 1987, journalist Miguel clashes with ambitious student Ángela in a charged encounter that pits desire against inspiration. As they navigate the emotional minefield of their differences, they're forced to confront their own desires and the societal shifts around them – as Spain transitions from Franco's dictatorship to democracy.

In sweltering Madrid, 1987, journalist Miguel clashes with ambitious student Ángela in a charged encounter that pits desire against inspiration. As they navigate the emotional minefield of their differences, they're forced to confront their own desires and the societal shifts around them – as Spain transitions from Franco's dictatorship to democracy.

Does Madrid, 1987 have end credit scenes?


Madrid, 1987 does not have end credit scenes.


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Plot Summary

In the sweltering summer of 1987, Miguel, a grizzled journalist with a penchant for skepticism, finds himself at odds with Ángela, an ambitious young journalism student bursting with idealism. Their unlikely meeting takes place in a local eatery, where Ángela has arranged to conduct an interview with Miguel, hoping to glean insight for her essay on his storied career. As the conversation unfolds, Miguel’s disdain for Ángela’s naivety and romantic notions of journalism is palpable. He dismisses much of her writing as trite, yet concedes that she possesses a certain talent.

As the evening wears on, Miguel invites Ángela to his friend Luis’ residence, an invitation she accepts despite reservations. As they arrive at the house, Miguel explains that Luis will be away until Monday, leaving them free to indulge in unchecked conversation and whiskey-fueled revelry. The atmosphere is charged as Miguel begins to meander through Luis’ paintings, commenting on their imperfections as if they were reflections of his own life experiences. Ángela objects, but Miguel remains unmoved, insisting that Luis would have it no other way.

Throughout the evening, Miguel oscillates between doling out cynical advice and mocking romantic notions of journalism with biting sarcasm. As the whiskey flows, he strips away Ángela’s defenses, revealing a complex individual beneath the idealism. The moment arrives when Miguel removes Ángela’s glasses, his eyes locking onto hers as he presses his lips to hers in a kiss that is both bold and unsettling. Though Ángela’s initial response is lukewarm, she eventually yields to the intensity of the moment.

As the evening draws to a close, Miguel’s true nature is laid bare when he demands Ángela strip naked, revealing his unapologetic frankness. When she refuses, he reveals that he has remained faithful to himself, never hiding his intentions. As Ángela prepares to depart, Miguel’s words hang in the air like a challenge: “I hope you will one day respect me for my boldness.” The lines blur between mentor and student, as Ángela departs, leaving Miguel to ponder the consequences of their encounter.

As Miguel puffed on his cigarette, the creaking floorboards served as a harbinger of the unexpected arrival of Ángela (naked from the waist up) into the room. Her uninvited entrance left Miguel speechless, prompting him to wordlessly cover her body with paint, his brushstrokes smooth and deliberate. As she rose to wash away the artistry, Miguel followed her to the bathroom, where they would spend the next hour entwined in a dance of intimacy and tension. The shower, a space typically reserved for solitude, became an unlikely site for their mutual fascination. Ángela’s frustration mounted as she struggled to open the door, only to discover it had been locked from the outside by some unseen force.

Miguel’s attempts to ease her discomfort ultimately led him to surrender the single towel, acknowledging the absurdity of their predicament. As they wrapped themselves in its modest warmth, their conversation resumed, oscillating between Miguel’s feeble attempts at seduction and his cynicism towards Ángela. The air was heavy with the scent of cigarette smoke and whiskey, as Miguel wavered between expressing his preference for solitude over her company.

Time ticked by, and the weight of their situation grew more oppressive. They both became increasingly anxious about being discovered: Miguel worried about his wife’s wrath, while Ángela feared her parents’ disapproval. The revelation that Ángela was the daughter of a prominent fascist soldier only heightened the sense of unease, as Miguel recounted his own run-ins with fascists and failed attempts to seduce her elder sister.

Initially resistant to outside intervention, Miguel eventually agreed that the risk of scandal outweighed their desire to escape the bathroom. But when Ángela attempted to call for help through the vent window, Miguel saw an opportunity to press his advantage, his fingers tracing the contours of her backside as she stood precariously on a chair. At first, Ángela offered no resistance, but when Miguel’s hand strayed towards her most intimate parts, she firmly rebuffed him.

Her self-protection took the form of wrapping the towel around her waist, a subtle barrier between them. The tension was palpable as Miguel began to speak of literature, his family, and his marriage, his words weaving a soothing melody that gradually calmed Ángela’s nerves. As he drew closer to her, she allowed herself to be enveloped by his kiss, only for Miguel to suddenly withdraw, leaving Ángela bewildered and confused.

As the darkness of the bathroom envelops them, Miguel’s despair deepens as he contemplates the complexities of his own desires. Ángela, sensing his distress, makes a deliberate move to turn off the light and then disrobe, her actions a bold declaration of intimacy. With a quiet confidence, she sits astride Miguel’s lap, their bodies poised on the cusp of union. She removes his glasses, letting them slip into the water below, as if shedding inhibitions alongside her towel. The silence is palpable as they hesitate, the air thick with anticipation, before Ángela’s hand reaches out to claim Miguel’s shoulder. Their entwined bodies begin to move in tandem, their passion building like a crescendo. Ángela’s hair tie comes undone, a symbol of her unbridled desire, as her toes dig into the tub’s edge and her moans grow more fervent. One hand clings to the bathroom curtain, while the other wraps around Miguel’s neck, drawing them closer together. As their climax approaches, Ángela’s pleas to Miguel falter, and they succumb to the inevitability of their passion. Together, they reach the pinnacle, Ángela’s efforts ultimately failing to stem the tide of their desires. In the aftermath, exhausted and spent, Ángela rests her head on Miguel’s shoulder, her bare breasts pressed against his chest as her legs slide limply down the side of the tub, a testament to the all-consuming power of their union.

As the warm afterglow of their intimate encounter begins to dissipate, Miguel and Ángela sink into a relaxing bath, their conversation gradually shifting from fleeting passion to more profound connection. With each passing moment, their words become laced with an increased sense of vulnerability and trust. However, this newfound openness is short-lived, as Miguel’s sudden declaration that he harbors a deeper sense of guilt sends Ángela’s anger simmering just below the surface.

She accuses him of egotism, claiming she will immortalize his insensitive remark in her essay, a scathing critique that will leave no stone unturned. Ángela’s tone turns tart as she queries Miguel about her post-coital persona, inquiring whether he perceives her as a curious or naughty individual. The air is charged with tension as Miguel responds by labeling her naughty, an assessment Ángela believes is advanced and somewhat profound.

As the atmosphere becomes increasingly strained, Miguel seizes the opportunity to diffuse the situation by offering Ángela a tale to soothe her ruffled feathers. He spins a yarn about a peculiar young boy who refuses to leave his bed under any circumstances, insisting that nothing is amiss, only that he desires not to relinquish his cozy sanctuary.

The narrative takes on a cinematic quality as Miguel presents it as a film they’re watching together at the cinema. The story unfolds with a mysterious boy who vanishes from his bed, leaving his parents in a state of bewilderment and indecision – should they be relieved that he’s left his bed or saddened by his apparent flight?

Just as Miguel is about to conclude the tale, the sound of knocking on the door interrupts their reverie. Luis returns, summoned by a concerned worker who heard their earlier cries for help. Ángela swiftly dresses and departs, casting a hesitant glance at Miguel before slamming the door shut behind her.

As she exits the apartment, she forgets her glasses on the crayon table, leaving them behind as a tangible reminder of her hasty departure. Luis turns to Miguel with an inquiring expression, asking whether he will encounter Ángela again. Miguel responds philosophically, suggesting that if she does return, it will be to Luis’ residence.

The film concludes with Ángela walking back to her parents’ house, the sound of distant laughter and music lingering on the wind as the camera pans out to reveal the serenity of the surrounding neighborhood.

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