Night of the Living Dead 1968

Box Office



96 min




As night falls, a besieged farmhouse becomes a desperate sanctuary for a disparate group of survivors, huddled together against an unholy horde of flesh-eating ghouls that seem to multiply with every passing moment.

As night falls, a besieged farmhouse becomes a desperate sanctuary for a disparate group of survivors, huddled together against an unholy horde of flesh-eating ghouls that seem to multiply with every passing moment.

Does Night of the Living Dead have end credit scenes?


Night of the Living Dead does not have end credit scenes.






User Score


7.8 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Plot Summary

As the sibling duo of Johnny (insert name here) and Barbra navigates the winding roads, their banter-filled ride to their father’s rural cemetery grave site is disrupted by an unsettling encounter with a gaunt, pale-faced stranger. The man’s sudden, violent attack on Barbra sends Johnny tumbling to the ground, his cries for help silenced as the stranger’s brutal grasp leaves him unconscious and possibly lifeless. In her panicked state, Barbra flees the scene in their abandoned car, only to find herself stranded when it careens into a tree trunk. With her attacker still hot on her heels, she makes a desperate dash down a nearby road, seeking refuge at the first farmhouse she spots.

As she bursts through the door, Barbra finds the house eerily deserted, the phone line dead and silent. Her pursuer, now joined by an eerie procession of trance-like figures, stalks the perimeter of the property, their blank expressions sending shivers down her spine. It’s then that Barbra stumbles upon a grisly discovery at the top of the stairs: a human corpse, its flesh ravaged by some unseen force. Her screams are drowned out by the sounds of her attacker and his cohorts converging on the house.

Just as all hope seems lost, Ben appears in a pickup truck, wielding a tire iron that sends the mysterious figures flying. As Barbra’s hysteria reaches a fever pitch, she watches in horror as Ben dispatches the attackers with ruthless efficiency, their skulls shattered like fragile pottery. With her panic reaching new heights, Barbra begs to be taken away from this nightmare and reunite with Johnny. However, when she strikes out at Ben in frustration, he retaliates with a stinging blow that sends her crashing to the floor, her world reduced to chaos. As she succumbs to shock, the darkness closes in around her like a suffocating shroud.

As Barbra lies motionless on the couch, her ears fixed on the radio’s dire reports of chaos and anarchy unfolding outside, Ben’s attention shifts to the task at hand. He methodically equips himself with a rifle and a radio, his eyes scanning the room for any remaining means of fortification. With a hammer and nails in hand, he transforms interior doors, a dining table section, and even an ironing board into makeshift barriers, bolstered by his recent discovery of a reliable lever-action rifle and its accompanying cartridges.

The sudden creak of the cellar door sends Barbra’s screams piercing the air, drawing Ben to her side like a magnet. As he approaches, two disheveled men emerge from the darkness below. Harry Cooper, an older gentleman with a commanding presence, introduces himself alongside his younger companion, Tom. Harry reveals that his family - wife Helen and daughter Karen - are also trapped in the cellar, along with Tom’s girlfriend Judy. Karen lies injured, too fragile to be moved.

The group’s dynamics quickly become testy as Ben unleashes his frustration at Tom and Harry for not lending a hand earlier in securing their perimeter. The situation escalates when Harry, fueled by an irrational dominance, insists they all retreat to the cellar, awaiting salvation from outside forces. Ben vehemently disagrees, cautioning that if they barricade themselves downstairs, they’ll be trapped with no means of defense against the hordes outside. If, however, they remain upstairs, they might just possess a “fighting chance” to repel their attackers.

As tensions simmer, Harry storms off to rejoin his family in the cellar, while Ben vows to defend every inch of upper house territory. Tom attempts to mediate, urging the group to work together and fortify the house against the impending threat. His words fall on deaf ears as Harry smugly retorts that they’ll be safer hidden away downstairs, where Helen soon learns about their predicament and the radio’s vital updates.

As chaos grips the eastern seaboard of America, radio broadcasts paint a dire picture: a mysterious epidemic of mass murder has taken hold, with no clear explanation for the sudden resurgence of violence. Ben’s discovery of a television brings a glimmer of hope, as the emergency broadcaster reveals that the perpetrators are not human - they’re reanimated corpses, driven by an insatiable hunger to consume the flesh of the living. The scientific community is baffled by the cause of this phenomenon, but one expert theory points to radiation emanating from a malfunctioning Venus space probe that exploded in Earth’s atmosphere. With no clear solution in sight, the government advises citizens to take matters into their own hands, arming themselves with rifles and torches to fend off the undead hordes.

As Ben, Tom, and Judy watch the TV broadcast together, they notice a familiar town on the list of “rescue stations” - Willard. It’s a place they know well, and it becomes the focal point for their desperate escape plan. Ben concocts a strategy to fuel up his truck, but it requires a perilous journey to reach the nearest gas pump. Meanwhile, Harry takes matters into his own hands, hurling Molotov cocktails from the second floor window to clear a path through the shambling horde outside.

Ben ventures out armed with his rifle and a flaming torch, joined by Tom and Judy. Their plan quickly goes awry, however, as Tom’s carelessness sparks a grass fire that engulfed the truck - and them. In a heart-wrenching twist, Judy’s sleeve becomes tangled in something inside the vehicle as it explodes, taking her and Tom with it.

Ben returns to the house, only to find Harry has locked him out. Enraged by his friend’s cowardice, Ben forces his way back in and confronts Harry, unleashing a torrent of punches for his perceived betrayal. As Cooper watches in horror, the reanimated corpses begin to feast on the charred remains of Tom and Judy - their fate a grim reminder that, in this desperate world, survival often hinges on the thinnest margin between life and death.

As the television broadcast continues to unfold, a local news reporter (Bill Cardille) sits down with Sheriff George Kosana to discuss the ongoing search and rescue operations in the area. The anchor’s solemn tone is juxtaposed with the increasing levels of “mysterious radiation” being detected, suggesting that the phenomenon may soon spread far beyond its current boundaries. However, the sheriff reassures viewers that the situation will soon be brought under control. Just as the report concludes, a sudden and inexplicable loss of power plunges the house into darkness. The eerie silence is short-lived, as the hordes of ghouls surrounding the house launch a frenzied attack against the boarded-up doors and windows. Ben valiantly holds off the horde, but in the chaos, his rifle slips from his grasp. Harry seizes the opportunity to strike, grabbing the fallen rifle and turning it on Ben. Cooper orders his wife to seek refuge in the cellar below. In a desperate bid to reclaim the rifle, Ben wrestles it back from Harry’s grasp before striking him down. As Harry stumbles into the cellar, he approaches Karen’s seemingly lifeless form, only to meet his own untimely demise.

Meanwhile, Helen fights valiantly against the swarming zombies, who are slowly but surely breaching the barricades that protect her and her family from their grasping hands. Just as all hope seems lost, Barbra suddenly awakens from her catatonic state and throws herself into the fray, allowing Helen to escape back down to the safety of the cellar. There, she discovers a horrific sight: her daughter Karen has been transformed into one of the undead and is feasting on Harry’s lifeless corpse. In a desperate bid to end her mother’s suffering, Karen attacks Helen with a cement trowel, striking again and again until her mother finally falls silent. With her mother dead, Karen turns her attention to the stairs above, driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh.

As the undead horde gains entry into the besieged homestead, Barbra’s world is turned upside down by the unwelcome reappearance of her brother Johnny among their ranks. The sheer horror of this turn of events renders her defenses null and void, allowing her to be swept away by the relentless tide of flesh-eating ghouls. It is safe to assume that her fate would be a gruesome one, consumed by the unrelenting mob of reanimated corpses.

Meanwhile, the zombie Karen emerges from the depths of the basement, her undead visage twisted with malevolent intent as she launches herself at Ben. However, he proves equal to the task, dispatching her with ease and retreating into the cellar, where he locks the door behind him - a move that would prove prophetic, as it was Harry’s original plan.

As Helen and Harry reanimate, Ben is forced to take drastic measures, ending their unnatural existence with precision shots. With nowhere else to turn, Ben huddles in a corner of the basement, his rifle at the ready for what he assumes will be his final stand against the unending tide of undead invaders. The relentless pounding on the boarded-up door echoes through the cellar as the ghouls attempt to force their way into the sanctuary.

As the sun rises anew, the zombie mob departs the house, leaving behind a trail of destruction and death. A posse arrives on the scene, methodically dispatching any remaining undead lingering around the property. As Ben cautiously emerges from the cellar, he is met with the sound of gunfire and chaos. The sheriff from the earlier broadcast mistakes him for one of the reanimated corpses and orders his deputy to take aim at Ben. His lifeless body is subsequently carried out of the house and consigned to a blazing pyre, where it joins the countless other zombie corpses that have met their own ignominious ends.

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