
Does Night Swim have end credit scenes?


Night Swim does not have end credit scenes.

Night Swim

Night Swim


In this chilling horror-thriller, Ray's dream of reviving his athletic career is threatened by a sinister presence lurking beneath the surface of their new home. As he and Eve try to make the most of their poolside paradise for their kids' sake, a dark legacy awakens, plunging them into an abyss of fear from which there may be no escape.

Runtime: 1 h 38 m

Box Office: $18M









User Score


5.0 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Night Swim!

The year was 1992, a time of innocence and wonder for young Rebecca Summers (Ayazhan Dalabayeva), who gazed longingly out her bedroom window at the tranquil pool below. Her brother Tommy (Joziah Lagonoy), ravaged by illness, lay helpless nearby, his eyes pleading with her to retrieve the toy boat that had drifted into the water's gentle lapping. With a promise made, Rebecca ventures forth, using a makeshift net to attempt to reclaim the buoyant vessel. But an unseen force intervenes, yanking her into the pool's depths, leaving only her bunny slipper as a haunting testament to her bravery.

Decades later, the Waller family - patriarch Ray (Wyatt Russell), his wife Eve (Kerry Condon), and their children Izzy (Amelie Hoeferle) and Elliot (Gavin Warren) - embark on a quest for a new home. Ray, a former baseball star whose career was cruelly curtailed by a degenerative illness, is desperate to find solace in the waters that once brought him such joy. The family's eyes settle upon the Summers' former residence, with its pool locked away behind a veil of secrecy. As Ray attempts to retrieve something that has slipped into the water, an inexplicable force draws him beneath the surface, leaving his loved ones scrambling to intervene.

Hospitalized and recovering from his ordeal, Ray reveals to Eve that he believes the mysterious house with the pool holds the key to his recovery through water immersion therapy. The family soon finds itself settling into their new home, with the kids acclimating to their unfamiliar surroundings. Izzy, in particular, forges a connection with Ronin (Elijah Roberts), her affections blossoming like a tender shoot.

As the Wallers clear out the pool, a sense of normalcy returns. However, when Ray inserts his hand into the drain, he's met with an unexpected and eerie resistance - as if some unseen entity is attempting to hold him back. The pool maintenance crew arrives, and the family learns that the water originates from a nearby spring, imbuing their surroundings with an aura of mystique.

As the Wallers begin to make use of the pool, Ray claims to be experiencing tangible benefits from his therapy. Eve, however, remains skeptical, her nighttime dips into the water punctuated by fleeting glimpses of her husband's imposing figure standing above her - only for him to vanish upon her surfacing. The family cat, Cider, later goes missing after hissing at some unseen terror lurking beneath the pool's surface, prompting the Wallers to take drastic measures and install a cover.

In this way, the Waller family finds itself entangled in a web of secrets, ancient mysteries, and unexplained occurrences that threaten to upend their fragile sense of security.

As the sun beats down on the idyllic suburban landscape, Elliot retreats to the tranquil refuge of the backyard pool, seeking solace in the quiet solitude. But his peace is shattered when he plunges beneath the surface, only to discover a medley of coins careening towards the water's depths. His initial assumption that Izzy (Izabella) is playing some kind of prank on him proves to be a misfire, as he emerges from the water empty-handed and sans her presence.

The sounds of childhood revelry mingle with the faint whispers of Rebecca, whose plaintive cries pierce the air as she frantically searches for her mother. As Elliot breaks through the surface, he's met with the vision of a benevolent figure - or so it seems - who hands him a toy, only to have the moment soured by an unseen force that seizes his arm. With his heart racing, Elliot makes a break for Eve, desperate to share his terrifying tale. However, upon their return to the scene, they're met with nothing but the eerie silence of an empty yard.

Meanwhile, Ray's illness appears to be receding, and he joins the group at a little league practice, eager to rejoin the ranks of his peers. As he swings at the ball, he stumbles, only to pick himself up before anyone can offer assistance. The second time around, he unleashes a mighty swing that not only breaks the bat but sends the ball soaring into the nearby lights, eliciting cheers from the assembled crowd. Elliot's countenance, however, betrays his concern for his friend.

In a separate development, Izzy invites Ronin to join her at the pool while her parents are out. As they engage in a rousing game of Marco Polo, time appears to warp and distort. Izzy becomes disoriented, unable to hear Ronin's cries or the music that once filled the air. A low, menacing growl responds to her queries, and a grotesque, bloated creature emerges from the depths, pulling her beneath the surface. Miraculously, she resurfaces mere seconds later, her ordeal over. Ronin's expression turns grave as he realizes Izzy is unwell, prompting him to depart with a tender kiss on her forehead.

As the night wears on, Elliot confides in his sister Eve about his own unsettling experience by the pool, revealing that he too has witnessed something sinister lurking just beneath the surface.

As the sun dips below the horizon, the Wallers invite their neighbors to a pool party that will be etched in their memories forever. Meanwhile, inside the house, Eve engages in a candid conversation with the realtor who sold them their dream home. She reveals a shocking truth - the mysterious case of Rebecca's disappearance, which had been shrouded in secrecy by previous occupants of the property. This revelation sends ripples of unease through the neighborhood. Outside, Ray's competitive streak is piqued as he challenges a young boy, Ty (Aivan Uttapa), to a game of Chicken against another unsuspecting opponent. Their victory is short-lived, however, as Ray becomes oblivious to his surroundings and starts backing into the pool, unwittingly pulling Ty along with him. As they reach the deep end, a thick grey mist erupts from the drain and invades Ray's mouth. Elliot, sensing trouble, dashes off to fetch his mom before Ty's frantic father jumps into the water to rescue his son. Miraculously, paramedics manage to pull Ray out of the pool, but not before he appears lifeless.

As Eve's concerns escalate, she delves deeper into the history of their home and uncovers a dark truth about the previous residents who vanished without a trace. Her investigation leads her to the Summers family, where she finds Rebecca and Tommy's mother, Kay (Jodi Long), struggling with an illness eerily similar to Tommy's condition. Initially evasive, Kay eventually confesses that Tommy has made a remarkable recovery and is now running for senator. However, when Eve presses Kay about the pool and Rebecca, her responses become increasingly cryptic. It isn't until Kay finally reveals the haunting truth that Eve's world begins to unravel. The water from their seemingly idyllic pool originates from an ancient well, where people would come to make wishes - but at a terrible cost. Kay's wish for Tommy's health came with a devastating price: Rebecca was sacrificed to the entity in the water. Now possessed by this malevolent force, Rebecca begins to regurgitate and spew forth black water, her eyes clouding over with an otherworldly energy. Eve realizes that her children are in grave danger and rushes back home, determined to protect them from the clutches of this ancient evil.

As the night wears on, Izzy and Elliot are left to their own devices at home, unaware that they're about to face a terrifying ordeal. It's Elliot who ventures outside, drawn by what he thinks is his beloved cat Cider lounging by the pool. But as he reaches out to pet her, one of the malevolent spirits lurking beneath the water's surface spooks him, sending him tumbling into the pool and triggering a frantic struggle to escape. Meanwhile, back inside the house, Izzy finds herself fighting for survival against a possessed Ray, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly intensity as he attacks her with reckless abandon. Eve springs into action, leaping into the pool to rescue Elliot from the clutches of the water demons and their dark magic. The spirits of the pool's previous victims, including Rebecca, begin to stir, seeking to pull the trio under and claim them for themselves. But Eve proves a formidable opponent, fighting her way out of the depths to save Elliot from certain doom.

As Izzy finally manages to subdue the possessed Ray, she and Eve work tirelessly to reach their father's consciousness, urging him to join forces with them against the malevolent entity that has taken hold. With a burst of strength, Elliot regains his footing, spitting out the dark water that had held him in its grasp and freeing himself from the entity's thrall.

But as they prepare to take Elliot to safety, the entity strikes back, sensing its own defeat and refusing to let them escape without exacting a terrible price. In a selfless act of sacrifice, Ray walks into the pool, allowing the entity to claim him in order to save his family from further harm. As the family mourns their loss, they realize that they cannot abandon this place again, and decide to stay behind to ensure that no one else must face the horrors that lurk beneath the surface.

In a final act of closure, Eve, Izzy, and Elliot bring in a team to fill the pool with dirt, burying it forever and putting an end to the evil that has haunted them.