In this animated adventure, Norm, a charming polar bear, embarks on a whirlwind trip to New York City to claim the keys to the kingdom. However, upon his return home, he discovers a sinister plot by a greedy corporation seeking to plunder the Arctic's icy treasures, prompting Norm to rally his animal allies in a quest to protect their frozen homeland.
Does Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom have end credit scenes?
Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom does not have end credit scenes.
Meet the cast of Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom and learn about the talented actors who brought the characters to life. Explore their roles and career highlights.
Lisa Durupt
Elizabeth, Maria, Female Fan
Brian Drummond
Mickey, Mayor Freeman, Prime Minister Voulanov
Brian Dobson
Grandpa, Benny Voulanov, News Anchor
Alan Marriott
Stan, Polar Bear #1
Andrew Toth
Cole Howard
Quinn, Tony, Worker
Jennifer Cameron
Vera, Chase, Reporter #3
Jonathan Holmes
Socrates, Caribou #2, Louis
Lee Tockar
Fong, Rick, Random Onlooker
Maureen Jones
Mrs. Lieberman
Maya Kay
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Discover how Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom is rated on popular platforms like IMDb, Metacritic, and TMDb. Explore audience and critic scores to see how this movie ranks among the best.
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