Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie 2014

When a mysterious masked ninja resurrects an ancient evil, Naruto's quest for identity takes a dark turn. Haunted by memories of his absent parents, the young hero is confronted by the sinister figure who took their lives. As reality blurs and his world crumbles, Naruto must confront the demons of his past to forge a new path forward.

When a mysterious masked ninja resurrects an ancient evil, Naruto's quest for identity takes a dark turn. Haunted by memories of his absent parents, the young hero is confronted by the sinister figure who took their lives. As reality blurs and his world crumbles, Naruto must confront the demons of his past to forge a new path forward.

Does Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie have end credit scenes?


Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie does not have end credit scenes.


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7.6 /10

IMDb Rating

Plot Summary

As Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) returned to his village, the Hidden Leaf, after a poignant encounter with his mother and her struggles against Nine-Tails, he found himself facing a new challenge. Alongside the Konoha 11, led by the enigmatic Kakashi Hatake and the wise Might Guy, Naruto and his comrades repelled an invasion of White Zetsu masquerading as fallen Akatsuki members. However, their victory was short-lived, as they soon found themselves caught up in a series of events that would alter their lives forever.

The parents of the Konoha 11, including Kakashi and Guy, decided to have their children recommended for promotion to the esteemed title of jonin, with one notable exception - Naruto. This decision stemmed from his unique circumstances, as his parents were deceased, leaving him without a family legacy to draw upon. Sakura Haruno (Sakura), meanwhile, was dismissed by her parents, Kizashi and Mebuki, who deemed her abilities inadequate for the task ahead.

Naruto’s sense of loss and isolation grew, leading him to lash out at Iruka Umino, his friend and mentor. Sakura, struggling with her own emotions after a heated argument with her parents, later used Naruto as an excuse to avoid confronting her feelings. Alone in the park, the two friends found themselves face-to-face with Tobi (who they believed was Madara Uchiha at this point), who unleashed a blindingly brilliant light upon them before vanishing into thin air.

As Naruto and Sakura regained their senses, they were met with a world that had undergone a profound transformation. Their friends’ personalities had been turned upside down; Sasuke Uchiha, once a brooding loner, was now a charming womanizer, while Naruto himself had become known as “Menma.” Moreover, no one seemed to recognize Madara Uchiha’s name, and Kizashi’s reputation as the Fourth Hokage had been revealed. The truth began to unravel: Sakura was hailed as the “Child of Heroes” due to her parents’ heroic sacrifices, which had sealed away Nine-Tails within Naruto.

Tobi’s true intentions were slowly revealed - he had subjected Naruto and his friends to a limited version of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu-based illusion designed to claim Nine-Tails without resorting to the destructive power of the Fourth Great Ninja War. This manipulation would have far-reaching consequences for the future of the Hidden Leaf and its young heroes.

As Naruto and Sakura embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of their predicament, they begin to navigate the complexities of their new reality. Sakura, reveling in her newfound fame and freedom from parental constraints, starts to savor the taste of independence. Meanwhile, Tsunade, a revered figure in the ninja world, reveals the existence of a clandestine assailant known as the Masked Man, who has been orchestrating a campaign of terror aimed at obtaining an enigmatic artifact called the Red Moon Scroll. The legendary Jiraiya had previously stumbled upon the scroll and concealed it before his untimely demise at the hands of the Masked Man.

Undaunted by the perilous nature of their quest, Tsunade assigns a high-stakes mission to locate the elusive scroll, with Naruto’s parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, taking the lead. These two veteran ninjas, thought to have perished in the past, are revealed to be alive and active, their fates intricately tied to the Harunos’ selfless sacrifice. As the mission unfolds, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and Guy join forces, driven by a shared desire to claim the Red Moon Scroll and potentially escape the confines of the Limited Tsukuyomi. However, Naruto’s emotions become increasingly turbulent as his parents’ presence rekindles unresolved feelings and perceived slights.

As tensions simmer beneath the surface, the group encounters Jiraiya’s loyal but now wayward toads, who view Minato and Naruto with suspicion, treating them as interlopers. The ensuing battle is marked by Kushina’s brave, if injurious, attempt to shield her son from a noxious attack. Minato ultimately claims the Red Moon Scroll, while Sakura tends to Kushina’s wounded ankle. In the aftermath of this skirmish, Naruto’s parents offer words of wisdom and comfort, only to be met with an overwhelming emotional response from their son.

Upon learning that the scroll can only be activated during a rare celestial alignment – a red lunar eclipse – Naruto and Sakura are forced to confront the harsh reality that they must wait. As they bide their time, Sakura begins to grasp the profound loneliness that has long defined Naruto’s existence as an orphan. Meanwhile, Naruto finds himself gradually accepting his surrogate parents as a substitute for those he lost, savoring the joy of their company.

Just as the group is beginning to find solace in each other’s presence, the Masked Man launches a surprise attack on the village, having forged an alliance with Tobi, who observes the Limited Tsukuyomi through an ethereal form. The Masked Man seizes Sakura as leverage to secure the Red Moon Scroll, then proceeds to ravage the village. Faced with this unprecedented crisis, Naruto is torn between his desire to save his friend and the overwhelming emotions that have taken hold.

In a moment of quiet introspection, Naruto reveals his true identity to Minato and Kushina, expressing gratitude for their companionship and acknowledging the fundamental differences between them and his biological parents. Empowered by this newfound understanding, he dons Kizashi’s iconic Hokage cloak and sets out to rescue Sakura, accompanied by the Red Moon Scroll. The stage is set for a climactic showdown as Naruto confronts the Masked Man at an ancient training ground imbued with the spirit of Jiraiya and Minato.

As the Akatsuki, led by Itachi Uchiha (actor name), expertly dispatches the Masked Man’s mechanical minions, Naruto engages in a fierce battle against the true mastermind behind the masked beasts: Menma. Unbeknownst to Naruto, Menma has been manipulating his opponents from the shadows, using the defeated puppets’ energy to manifest the powerful Black Nine-Tails chakra. In a surprising turn of events, the Nine-Tails temporarily allies itself with Naruto, seeking to vanquish its own counterpart and restore balance to the world.

Meanwhile, Tobi - ever the mastermind - seizes control of Menma’s body, exploiting the weakened Nine-Tails’ energy within Naruto to extract it from his friend. However, Sakura (actor name) intervenes just in time, saving Naruto from this dire fate. As Naruto regains his memories through a glimpse at an ancient scroll, he and Sakura join forces with Minato and Kushina to expel Tobi from Menma’s body and undo the debilitating effects of the Limited Tsukuyomi.

Upon their return to reality, Naruto and Sakura share their harrowing tale with Tsunade before proceeding to mend emotional wounds. For Sakura, this means a tearful reunion with her parents, while Naruto finds solace in reconciling with Iruka (actor name) and coming to terms with the realization that his true family lies among his loyal friends by his side.

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