Saludos Amigos 1943

In this enchanting animated anthology, Walt Disney himself takes viewers on a whimsical tour of his studios before embarking on a thrilling journey through South America. Join Donald Duck as he tangles with a mischievous llama, a plucky airplane dares the Andes, and Goofy attempts to master local customs in the Pampas, all set to lively music that will leave you singing along.

In this enchanting animated anthology, Walt Disney himself takes viewers on a whimsical tour of his studios before embarking on a thrilling journey through South America. Join Donald Duck as he tangles with a mischievous llama, a plucky airplane dares the Andes, and Goofy attempts to master local customs in the Pampas, all set to lively music that will leave you singing along.

Does Saludos Amigos have end credit scenes?


Saludos Amigos does not have end credit scenes.


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