In the enchanted ocean, an unlikely duo forms an unbreakable bond: Snowball, a spirited dolphin, and a human boy he rescues from the waves. As they frolic in their underwater wonderland, they create a makeshift family that transcends species. But when the boy grows up and sets out to find his true mother, this fantastical friendship faces its greatest challenge yet.
Does Sea Level 3: Dolphin Boy have end credit scenes?
Sea Level 3: Dolphin Boy does not have end credit scenes.
Meet the cast of Sea Level 3: Dolphin Boy and learn about the talented actors who brought the characters to life. Explore their roles and career highlights.
Polina Avdeyenko
Aleksandr Fenin
Vasilisa Ruchimskaya
Nana, Ryby, Kambala 2
Boris Khasanov
Osminog, Akula
Yuliya Rudina
Delfin Snezhok, Zhena kapitana, Kambala 1
Yuliya Zorkina
Koldunya, Mat devochki
Aleksandr Vasilyev
Cherepakha, Golubaya ryba, Letuchaya ryba
Ruzgar Aksoy
Ucan Balik
Didem Atlihan
Hamed Azizi
Uras Benlioglu
Kirpi Baligi
Esra Bilgiç
Yetkin Dikinciler
Kaptan Murvarid
Osman Dogan
Bedia Ener
Büyük Anne Zar
Bahtiyar Engin
Bilge Kaplumbaga
Galip Erdal
Soraya Ghasemi
Orçun Iynemli
Yilan Baligi ve Eel
Farshid Jalili
Sound design
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