Signs 2002

As the fabric of their relationships frays, a fractured family embarks on a journey of rediscovery in the face of infidelity and existential threats.

As the fabric of their relationships frays, a fractured family embarks on a journey of rediscovery in the face of infidelity and existential threats.

Does Signs have end credit scenes?


Signs does not have end credit scenes.






User Score


6.8 /10

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Plot Summary

In the quaint rural landscape of Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the Hess family has settled into a quiet existence on their farm. Graham Hess (Mel Gibson), once a devout Episcopal priest, now struggles to reconcile his faith after the devastating loss of his wife, Colleen, in a tragic traffic accident orchestrated by the careless veterinarian Ray Reddy. This event not only shattered Graham’s spiritual foundation but also left him grappling with the unpredictable asthma condition of his son, Morgan (Rory Culkin), which exacts a heavy toll on their daily lives. Rounding out the household are Graham’s daughter, Bo (Abigail Breslin), whose peculiar habit of leaving unfinished glasses of water scattered throughout the house has become an endearing quirk, and Merrill (Joaquin Phoenix), Graham’s younger brother, a former minor league baseball star who never quite made it to the big leagues due to his tendency to swing at every pitch that comes his way. As the days blend together in a haze of monotony, Graham’s life remains stuck in neutral until the appearance of an enigmatic crop circle in their cornfield sends shockwaves throughout the community. While some townsfolk speculate that this mysterious phenomenon is merely the handiwork of mischievous pranksters, others whisper about extraterrestrial intervention, sparking whispers of intergalactic involvement. Amidst this eerie atmosphere, reports begin to surface of violent animal behavior, culminating in a harrowing incident where one of their own dogs turns on Bo and Morgan with unbridled ferocity. In a moment of desperation, Morgan takes matters into his own hands and dispatches the dog with a makeshift barbecue fork, leaving him stunned and mute.

As the narrative unfolds, it becomes increasingly apparent that Graham’s farm has become a surveillance hotspot. One fateful evening, he and Merrill embark on a thrilling chase through their barn, hot on the heels of a tall, dark figure who’s been snooping around. This enigmatic being vanishes into the cornfields with an uncanny speed, leaving behind a trail of bewilderment for our protagonists. Soon enough, the news spreads that similar crop circles have emerged worldwide, defying explanation as mere hoaxes or human innovation. The pace and scale of these events leave Graham’s family in awe, prompting them to re-evaluate their understanding of the world.

Meanwhile, Morgan has developed a fascination with the sheriff’s radio walkie-talkie, convincing Graham to borrow a baby monitor instead, with the caveat that it’ll only transmit one way. His curiosity piqued, Graham discovers an old baby monitor in their basement and decides to take it for a spin into town. Upon their return home, the family is treated to a series of bizarre noises reminiscent of bubbling and clicking sounds emanating from the device. Morgan, convinced that these sounds are indeed alien communications, climbs onto the car roof to get a better signal. As his family joins hands with him in an attempt to amplify the transmission, the strange noises soon cease. Morgan theorizes that they’ve intercepted messages between two of the mysterious visitors, leaving their listeners in a state of wonder.

That same evening, Graham’s attention is drawn to the unusual barking of their other dog, prompting him to venture into the cornfield to investigate. There, he’s startled by the sound of clicking noises and issues a stern warning to any unseen being: “You won’t get any publicity from stalking my farm or my family.” As he makes his way back to the house, he catches a glimpse of a long, green leg disappearing into the corn, leaving him shaken. Graham then gives his family permission to turn on the television, something he’d previously resisted, and they’re met with news reports of unidentifiable lights hovering above Mexico City.

As night falls, Graham engages in a poignant conversation with Merrill about their shared faith. It’s revealed that Graham has lost his belief in God following the tragic accident that took the life of his wife. He poses a thought-provoking question to Merrill: “Are you one who sees signs and miracles or one who sees coincidences?” When Merrill shares a personal anecdote about a close call at a party, he reveals himself to be a believer in miracles. Graham remains silent when asked the same question, leaving his family wondering about his true beliefs.

As Graham’s mind wanders back in time, a vivid flashback unfolds, depicting him arriving at the scene of a devastating accident, still clad in his clerical attire. The somber atmosphere is heightened as he beholds his wife, pinned to a tree by a truck, with an officer delivering the heart-wrenching news that her life hangs precariously in the balance, sustained only by the truck’s crushing weight. This haunting vision fades away.

The next morning, Merrill’s gaze is fixed on the television screen as she watches in awe at the shocking footage of an alien sighting during a birthday party in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Meanwhile, Graham pays a visit to Ray Reddy’s residence, where he finds his friend staring blankly out the car window, his body bearing the physical toll of some unseen trauma. As Ray apologizes for the accident that has left its mark on Graham’s life, he reveals that “they don’t like water” and that numerous people have flocked to the lake in a desperate bid to escape the unfolding crisis. With a sense of foreboding, Ray warns Graham that he himself has trapped something in the pantry before departing abruptly, leaving Graham standing alone in the driveway.

Intrigued and increasingly unsettled, Graham decides to investigate further. He ventures into the kitchen and seizes a carving knife, using it as a makeshift mirror to catch any signs of movement emanating from beneath the pantry door. As he does so, his hand is met with a desperate attempt by unseen fingers to grasp at him, their non-human nature starkly apparent. Startled, Graham uses the knife to sever the grasping fingers before hastily departing.

Upon returning home, Graham presents his family with two options: seek refuge at the lake, hoping that the extraterrestrial visitors are repelled by water, or remain in their fortified sanctuary. After a family vote, in which Graham casts a dual ballot on behalf of his late wife, they collectively decide to stay put and board up all entry points to their home. As Graham and Merrill work together to seal their home, Morgan and Bo sit glued to the news, absorbing the ominous developments unfolding across the globe: the mysterious airborne lights have begun to manifest in approximately 274 cities worldwide, eerily synchronized with crop signs and rapidly intensifying.

As the family nears completion of their defensive preparations, they decide to gather for one final, emotional meal together. Graham holds his children and brother close as tears flow freely, acknowledging the profound impact Colleen’s passing has had on their lives and the crushing fear that now grips them. Just as they’re about to savor this intimate moment, the baby monitor begins emitting its distinctive, unsettling hum. Graham rushes to the television only to find it broadcasting nothing but static.

As the family huddles together in the living room, awaiting the unknown, their canine companion’s frantic barks are abruptly silenced by an eerie yelp. Meanwhile, the roof above begins to creak and groan as something makes its way onto the attic, breaking into the space with calculated precision. Merrill’s realization that the attic access door was left unboarded sends them scrambling for shelter, ultimately retreating to the basement sanctuary. The family’s desperate bid for safety is soon disrupted by the intruders’ relentless pursuit, which culminates in a frantic attempt to break through the basement door.

In a moment of calculated desperation, Merrill seizes a mattock, inadvertently shattering their lantern as they struggle to find a means to barricade the door. The subsequent discovery of a flashlight reveals Graham’s anguished expression as he beholds Morgan standing precariously close to an ancient coal chute. Without warning, an alien appendage reaches out and claims Morgan, prompting Merrill to hastily cover the opening with bulk dog food sacks. As they turn back to their brother, they’re met with a heart-wrenching sight: Graham cradling Morgan’s frail form as he suffers from a severe asthma attack, his inhaler nowhere to be found.

As the night wears on, Graham becomes increasingly desperate, coaching Morgan to breathe through the long hours of suffering. The family is eventually forced to conserve their flashlight batteries, plunging them into darkness. News of a potential method for countering the invaders spreads over the radio airwaves, announcing their retreat and abandonment of the wounded. Graham decides that they must venture upstairs in search of medicine to treat Morgan’s condition.

Upon discovering that their walkie-talkie is dead, Graham and his family emerge from the basement into an uncertain dawn. Merrill shares reports of humans fighting back against the invaders, some having fallen victim to the poisonous gas sprayed by their alien assailants. His words serve as a poignant reminder for Graham: he never wants to see his brother lose faith or exhibit the same terrified expression that haunted him in those desperate hours below.

Just as they’re beginning to process the chaos and uncertainty surrounding them, the family is confronted with the unsettling reality of an alien presence for the first time. The extraterrestrial entity snatches Morgan from their midst, holding him hostage as it extends a spiny tube from its wrist, releasing a deadly gas that threatens to consume the young boy’s life.

As Graham’s poignant flashback to the devastating loss of Colleen continues to unfold, a glimmer of hope emerges from the darkness. Despite her rapidly fading vitality, she manages to convey a sense of reassurance and love to Graham, urging him to prioritize their children’s well-being and to pass on her parting message to Merrill - a cryptic yet poignant instruction that would later prove to be a pivotal turning point in their struggle against the extraterrestrial threat. With her final breaths, she implores Graham to “swing away,” a phrase that holds deep significance for their friend Merrill and would soon become a crucial factor in their battle against the otherworldly menace.

Meanwhile, back in the present, Graham’s gaze falls upon Merrill’s prized trophy baseball bat, now prominently displayed on the wall. Seizing the moment, he issues an unassuming yet profound command: “swing away.” With calculated calmness, Merrill seizes his trusty bat and unleashes a series of swift and precise blows against the alien invader, sending it crashing to the ground as Graham hastens to rescue Morgan from its deadly clutches. In a stroke of serendipitous genius, Merrill exploits the alien’s vulnerability to water by utilizing the scattered glasses of liquid left behind by Bo, effectively turning the tables on their extraterrestrial foe.

As the dust settles, Graham and his family emerge victorious, their bond strengthened by the shared experience and their appreciation for each other’s lives. With Morgan’s asthma attack having inadvertently foiled the alien’s sinister plans, Graham’s faith is revitalized as he comes to realize that Colleen’s final words held a profound significance, ultimately saving the lives of those he holds dear. As winter’s chill sets in outside, Graham dons his clerical attire once more, preparing for mass as the cycle of life and redemption begins anew.

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