
Does Slaughter High have end credit scenes?


Slaughter High does not have end credit scenes.

Slaughter High

Slaughter High


When former classmates converge on the deserted halls of their alma mater for an ill-fated reunion, a sinister joke from yesteryear comes back to claim its vengeance, dredging up long-dormant terrors and unleashing a blood-soaked reckoning.

Runtime: 90 min









User Score


5.3 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Slaughter High!

As Marty (Simon Scuddamore) strolls down the hallway of Doddsville County High School, he's caught off guard by a playful prank orchestrated by his crush, Carol (Caroline Munro). Unbeknownst to Marty, a group of students has been secretly following them, and as they approach the girls' locker room, the anticipation builds. Marty, oblivious to the scheme, strips down in a shower stall, only to have the curtain suddenly torn away and his embarrassment broadcasted to the entire school. The crowd erupts in laughter at the sight of the half-naked Marty, while their coach intervenes, ordering everyone except him to "suit up" for a session in the gym.

As the day wears on, resentment festers among the students, with Stella (Donna Yeager) specifically blaming Marty for the collective punishment they're now facing. Meanwhile, Carl (John Segal) and Ted (Michael Saffran) take pity on him and offer a joint to help ease his frustration. Alone in chemistry class, Marty decides to indulge, but the sudden effects send him reeling. He stumbles to the locker room, overcome by nausea, as Skip (Carmine Iannaccone) creates chaos elsewhere in the gym.

In a desperate attempt to escape the wrath of their coach, Skip fabricates an excuse for the broken window and slips away, only to return and set off a fire in the deserted chemistry lab. Marty, already weakened from his earlier encounter with the joint, is caught off guard by the blaze and accidentally knocks over a container of nitric acid, which splashes onto his face. As he's rushed out on a stretcher, Carol rushes to apologize, but Marty seizes her neck, prompting her screams.

The scene shifts 10 years forward, where Carol, now a glamorous and accomplished actress (Caroline Munro), receives a call from her agent, Manny, trying to persuade her to take on another film project. Later, Susan (Sally Cross) pays her a visit, sharing the news that she's recently become engaged and hopes to attend their upcoming class reunion.

As Skip navigates the rural landscape in his vehicle, the impending arrival of April 1st serves as a poignant reminder that the past is always lurking around the corner. When he stops to offer a ride to Nancy (Kelly Baker), an old classmate, it's a chance encounter that sets the stage for a reunion that will prove to be anything but ordinary. The car, however, has other plans, refusing to start as Skip attempts to get back on the road. Fate intervenes in the form of Joe (Gary Martin) and Stella, who just happen to pass by and offer their assistance. Joe's tow truck arrives just in time to rescue Skip's stranded vehicle, leading the group to the old school, now a relic of forgotten memories.

As night descends, the small coterie of friends converges on the abandoned institution, each one carrying their own secrets and baggage. The sound of raindrops pattering against the boarded-up building serves as a somber accompaniment to their arrival. It's Joe and Skip who take the initiative to gain entry through the back door, while the others force their way in through the front entrance, their footsteps echoing off the empty corridors.

Upon entering the school, they find Skip and Joe already inside, surrounded by the remnants of a bygone era. As they make their way deeper into the building, they stumble upon a classroom that seems frozen in time - complete with a 'Welcome Back' sign, vintage photographs, and the familiar sight of old lockers. It's Shirley who draws attention to Marty's former locker, only to reveal a gruesome surprise: a rat has made its home within. The group's morbid fascination is momentarily interrupted by the discovery of Marty's yearbook, its yellowed pages filled with memories both fond and forgotten.

Meanwhile, an unseen presence lurks in the shadows, clad in a jester's mask that seems eerily familiar to Skip. As the group settles in to enjoy their marijuana and cocaine-fueled revelry, Carol and Nancy take a break to visit the bathroom. Their tranquility is shattered when Skip and Frank burst into the room, their antics sending the two women fleeing in terror.

As the night wears on, tensions begin to simmer just below the surface. The group's carefree atmosphere is disrupted by the arrival of Digby, the old janitor, who seems out of place in this nostalgic gathering. When Skip mentions the reunion, Digby's expression turns skeptical, warning them that the building will soon be reduced to rubble. Despite his reservations, he grants them permission to take one last look around before departing.

Little do they know, however, their host has a dark secret of his own. As they turn their backs on him, the jester-masked figure reappears, its malevolent intentions revealed in a gruesome display of violence as it attacks Digby, pinning his head to a hook and nailing his hand to a door. The night that began with such promise has taken a dark and sinister turn, leaving the group to wonder if they'll make it out alive.

Nancy's mischievous prank on Skip takes an unexpected turn when she douses him in a seemingly innocuous drink, only for it to reveal its sinister true nature. Meanwhile, Carl takes matters into his own hands by demonstrating how to "sink a beer" with Ted, whose unsuspecting attempt at revelry ends in gruesome fashion. As the group watches in horror, Ted's stomach bursts open, exposing his internal organs and revealing the drink to be a lethal acid. Pandemonium erupts as everyone flees except for Shirley, who stands frozen in shock with Ted's blood splattered across her face.

As the survivors attempt to regroup, they're met with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: the door is jammed, and one of the windows proves to be a treacherous surprise. Carl takes it upon himself to brave the unknown by crawling out through a window, only to discover that Carol's car has been transformed into a killing zone. The jester-masked killer emerges from the shadows, impaling Carl with a steel pole as he tries to escape.

Back in the school building, Shirley seeks solace in the locker room, attempting to wash off the remnants of Ted's bloody demise. However, her attempt at purification is short-lived, as the faucet instead unleashes a torrent of acid that dissolves her very being. The discovery of her skeleton in the tub sends shockwaves through the group.

As the chaos intensifies, Susan arrives on the scene, only to be thwarted by Skip's futile attempts to persuade her to flee. Her curiosity gets the better of her as she walks into the school through an unlocked door and is confronted with a life-size portrait of Marty at the end of the hallway. The figure comes to life, its grasping hands pulling Susan back into the abyss.

In the face of such unrelenting terror, the remaining survivors find solace in a glimmer of hope: Frank's observation of a tractor in the distance. With renewed determination, Frank, Skip, and Joe set their sights on liberating themselves by plowing through the doors with the mighty machine. Will they be able to overcome their fears and escape the clutches of Marty's malevolent spirit?

As Frank and Skip temporarily abandon Joe to focus on the tractor's intricate mechanisms, Stells' flirtatious overtures towards Frank reach new heights, her words dripping with longing as she yearns to be by his side instead of Joe's. Meanwhile, an unseen force slips unnoticed into Joe's solitary vigil under the tractor, quietly dislodging the jack and setting in motion a deadly sequence of events. The killer's calculated precision proves unforgiving as they exploit Joe's momentary distraction, severing his arm with a ruthless pocket knife and allowing the whirring blades to do their grisly work.

As Joe's life slips away, the killer turns their attention to Stella and Frank, who are lost in their own intimate world. With calculated cruelty, the murderer drapes cables across the bed, harnessing the power of the household electric current to deliver a fatal shock to both lovers. The news of this gruesome discovery sends Nancy into a tailspin of despair as she stumbles upon Joe's lifeless form and rushes to alert Skip and Carol.

Together, they uncover the horrific extent of the carnage, only to find that Stella and Frank have also fallen victim to Marty's twisted game. As Skip's screams echo through the hallways, Marty remains maddeningly absent, leaving behind a trail of terror and despair. Nancy's anguish boils over as she blames Skip and Carol for their unwitting role in this tragedy, but Carol's gentle reassurances help to calm her troubled mind.

Morning breaks, casting a pale light upon the scene of devastation. As Skip awakens from his fitful slumber, he finds himself dangling precariously from a rope, his struggles only serving to tighten the noose. His desperate attempts to free himself ultimately prove futile, and he crashes to the ground with a sickening thud. Carol's frantic search for Skip yields nothing but an eerie silence, as she turns her attention to Nancy, wondering where her friend might be.

It is then that Skip stirs once more, his eyes snapping open in alarm as he realizes his predicament. With Herculean strength, he manages to break free from the rope's grip, only to tumble to the ground with a sickening thud. As Carol and Nancy survey the desolate landscape, they are struck by an unsettling realization: every last shred of evidence linking Marty to their collective suffering has vanished into thin air.

Their uneasy truce shattered by this unspoken threat, the two women venture forth into the unknown, driven by a desperate need for answers. It is then that they stumble upon a grainy video reel, its contents revealing the gruesome prank that sparked this reign of terror. Nancy's eyes widen in horror as she recognizes her own face, brutally defaced within the pages of an ancient yearbook.

With a burst of adrenaline-fueled determination, Nancy makes a break for freedom, shattering the window and plunging into the murky waters below. Her struggles are futile against the weight of the dirty water, leaving her flailing and helpless as the killer's unseen hand pushes her back beneath the surface once more. Meanwhile, Carol finds herself face-to-face with the gruesome remnants of Digby's lifeless form, her screams echoing through the deserted corridors.

As she flees in terror, Carol stumbles upon a blood-soaked toilet bowl, its contents threatening to overflow at any moment. With a desperate swing of the baseball bat clutched in her hand, she unleashes a flurry of blows against the killer as they burst into the locker room, their malevolent intentions foiled once and for all.

Carol's desperate bid for survival led her to conceal herself on stage as chaos erupted around her. A javelin pierced the curtain mere inches from her hiding spot, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond her temporary sanctuary. From her vantage point, she detected footsteps and seized a hatchet, striking Skip with accidental force, ultimately claiming his life. The killer's relentless pursuit followed, shattering the glass door and plunging Carol into the gym floor. As the noon sun broke through the windows, Carol caught her breath, only to be confronted by Marty, who emerged from the shadows wielding the very javelin that had nearly claimed her life. With calculated precision, she pushed him back through the glass, sending him crashing onto the gym floor. The respite was short-lived as Marty rose once more, his features twisted in a malevolent grin. Carol retreated to the safety of the girls' locker room, only to find herself cornered by the same shower curtain where her ordeal had begun. As the curtain parted, Marty's grotesquely disfigured visage revealed itself, accompanied by an unsettling cackle that sent shivers down her spine. With a chilling intensity, he impaled Carol through the stomach to the wall with the javelin, silencing her screams forever. "I showed ya!" Marty exclaimed, his triumph tempered only by the faintest glimmer of madness.

But this gruesome tableau was merely the stuff of nightmares for Marty. As he drifted off into an uneasy slumber, his subconscious conjured a macabre scenario in which the very people he had brutally slaughtered rose from their graves, their ethereal voices chanting his name with eerie synchrony as they closed in on him like a vengeful horde. Marty's screams echoed through the auditorium, a desperate attempt to shake off the horrors that pursued him.

When the darkness finally dissipated, Marty found himself back in his hospital bed, bandages swaddling his face like a mummy. The gentle hum of machinery and the soft beeps of monitors lulled him into a false sense of security, only for reality to intrude as a nurse entered his room with a concerned expression. "Easy does it, Marty," she cooed, her words dripping with a paternal warmth that was, in fact, nothing more than a cruel illusion.

As the truth dawned on Marty, he discovered that his entire ordeal had been nothing more than a product of his fevered imagination, born from a deep-seated desire for vengeance against those who had disfigured him. But this time, Marty's fantasies would not remain confined to the realm of dreams. With a calculating coldness, he donned the nurse's uniform and prepared to exact his twisted brand of justice upon those responsible for his physical and emotional scars.

And so, Marty set out on a deadly crusade, driven by an insatiable hunger for retribution, as the dark specters that haunted him began to take on a life of their own. The game was far from over; in fact, it had only just begun – with Marty as its ruthless and unstoppable protagonist.