Snakes on a Plane 2006

Box Office



105 min




When FBI agent Nelville Flynn boards a flight from Hawaii, he's got more than just turbulence on his mind - he's escorting a key witness to trial. But when a sinister passenger unleashes a deadly cargo of snakes, Flynn and the panicked passengers must join forces to outsmart the slithery threat and keep their necks intact.

When FBI agent Nelville Flynn boards a flight from Hawaii, he's got more than just turbulence on his mind - he's escorting a key witness to trial. But when a sinister passenger unleashes a deadly cargo of snakes, Flynn and the panicked passengers must join forces to outsmart the slithery threat and keep their necks intact.

Does Snakes on a Plane have end credit scenes?


Snakes on a Plane does not have end credit scenes.






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User Score


5.5 /10

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User Score

Plot Summary

As the Boeing 747-400 takes to the skies, a gruesome scene unfolds in Hawaii. Sean Jones (Nathan Phillips) witnesses the brutal murder of U.S. Prosecutor Daniel Hayes (Scott Nicholson) at the hands of gangster Eddie Kim (Byron Lawson), and is subsequently escorted by FBI agents Neville Flynn (Samuel L. Jackson) and John Sanders (Mark Houghton) to testify at a trial in Los Angeles. The flight, initially beset with increased security measures, becomes a ticking time bomb when Kim orchestrates the placement of a crate containing venomous snakes in the cargo hold.

The plan is simple yet sinister: Kim’s accomplices have sprayed a special pheromone on the passengers’ leis, designed to induce an aggressive response from the snakes without provocation. The air circulation system ensures the pheromone spreads throughout the plane, setting the stage for chaos. As the flight reaches its cruising altitude, the crate suddenly opens, releasing the serpents into various areas of the plane.

The carnage begins as a cat in the cargo bay, an amorous couple attempting to seal their Mile High Club membership in the lavatory, and a man using the bathroom all become the first victims. The snakes’ presence causes a short circuit in the electronics, prompting Captain Sam McKeon (Tom Butler) to descend into the hold to reset the breakers. However, he is struck and killed by a viper before he can ascend back up.

Co-pilot Rick (David Koechner), alerted to the captain’s fate by Flight Attendant Claire Miller (Julianna Margulies), mistakenly believes the captain has suffered a heart attack. As Flynn and Sanders arrive on the scene, they help move the captain’s body. But their efforts are soon derailed when coral snakes enter the cockpit, prompting Rick to use his clipboard to fend them off, inadvertently deploying the oxygen masks throughout the plane.

The snakes exploit these new openings, slithering into the cabin and wreaking havoc among the panicked passengers. Agent Sanders falls victim to the chaos, joining a growing list of fatalities. As the situation spirals out of control, Flynn employs a stun gun to keep the serpents at bay while making his way back through the cabin.

Realizing that turning the plane around is their only hope, Flynn bellows at the passengers to make their way to the front of the aircraft, setting the stage for a desperate bid to salvage what’s left of the doomed flight.

As the plane’s front section converges towards the blockade of luggage, Flynn’s instructions are hastily followed by the resourceful passengers. Amidst the chaos, flight attendants - a lone male and two females, including Grace Lin Shaye (whose ultimate sacrifice will be revealed) - valiantly strive to aid the panicked travelers. Meanwhile, two young boys, sons of a Navy captain stationed in Hawaii, find themselves navigating this treacherous situation without their parents’ guidance.

One of these youthful travelers, bitten on the wrist by the venomous serpent, begins to exhibit alarming symptoms as his hand and wrist swell with alarming rapidity. A nearby mother, whose own infant had just been rescued by Grace Lin Shaye, seizes the initiative to incise the affected area and manually administer suction therapy in a desperate bid to alleviate the poison’s effects.

Back on the ground, Agent Flynn establishes communication with FBI Special Agent Hank Harris (Bobby Cannavale), who dispatches his team to locate the nearest ophiologist - Dr. Steven Price (Todd Louiso) - for guidance on tackling this unprecedented crisis. Over the phone, Dr. Price hypothesizes that an unseen pheromone might be precipitating the snakes’ extraordinary aggression.

Flynn promptly sets about gathering as many deceased serpents as possible to provide crucial data for Dr. Price’s analysis and the development of anti-venoms. However, before this can occur, he must first address a growing sense of unrest among the passengers, who are now openly blaming him and Jones for their predicament.

As tensions simmer just below the surface, one astute traveler suggests sending photographs of the deceased snakes to Dr. Price, thereby facilitating his research. With some passengers beginning to collect the lifeless serpents, a massive snake in the cockpit suddenly strikes, temporarily incapacitating the co-pilot and sending the plane’s altitude plummeting.

The ensuing chaos triggers a food cart to crash through the luggage blockade, prompting the panicked travelers to flee to the first-class cabin above. However, this sudden influx of people exceeds the stair railing’s capacity, causing it to collapse under the weight of the fleeing passengers. Simultaneously, a colossal boa constrictor crashes through the overhead and comes crashing down into the aisle.

In the ensuing pandemonium, one obnoxious passenger snatches a small dog from its owner and flings it towards the waiting serpent. The enraged dog’s owner retaliates by attacking the perpetrator, only to fall back in horror as the constrictor wraps its coils around the man, slowly suffocating him.

With the passengers now trapped upstairs, they resort to blocking the stairwell with an inflatable life raft, desperate to contain the unfolding disaster and prevent further tragedy.

As Dr. Price pours over the emailed images of the reptilian culprits, initial doubts arise about the feasibility of amassing a sufficient arsenal of anti-venom to combat the diverse species wreaking havoc on the plane. However, through meticulous examination and consultation, he pinpoints a local snake dealer near Los Angeles as the most likely source for the antidotes needed to counteract each venomous species.

Meanwhile, music sensation Three G’s (Flex Alexander) is traveling with his imposing entourage of bodyguards. Despite initial attempts to cope with the serpentine chaos, Three G’s becomes increasingly agitated, proclaiming it’s too hot and he can’t breathe. As he grows more erratic, Flynn is forced to physically intervene, culminating in a tense struggle for possession of his gun. A brief distraction courtesy of bodyguard Troy (Kenan Thompson) allows Flynn to reclaim the weapon and reinstate Three G’s to his seat.

Following the successful disposal of the snake in the cockpit by Claire Miller (Julianna Margulies), a flight attendant, she and Flynn regain partial control of the aircraft. Shortly thereafter, Rick weakly regains consciousness and reasserts command.

As the plane’s interior temperature rises alarmingly, Claire assists Flynn in descending into the cargo hold to address the ventilation system malfunction. In the cramped elevator, he dispatches two snakes with swift efficiency before proceeding down into the cargo hold. With the aid of a makeshift flamethrower crafted by Claire, he ultimately resets the power for the air conditioning.

Throughout the ordeal, one of Three G’s bodyguards, Big Leroy (Keith Dallas), has been suffering from the effects of his early bite to the left butt cheek, enduring discomfort and distress as the chaos unfolds.

As the desert sun beats down on the property of the notorious snake dealer, a tense standoff unfolds between him and Special Agent Harris (actor name). The situation escalates into a swift gunfight, during which the dealer’s desperation to escape is met with a deadly consequence: he becomes the unwitting victim of one of his own venomous snakes. With the stakes raised, Harris threatens to withhold the anti-venom necessary for the dealer’s survival unless he cooperates, revealing the shocking truth that Kim hired him to obtain the illicit reptiles and manipulated their aggressive behavior through the strategically placed pheromones in the flower leis. The dealer’s desperation leads him to provide crucial information about the snakes on the plane, including their illegal origin and Kim’s sinister motives.

With the anti-venom secured for the plane’s passengers, Harris orders Eddie Kim’s arrest, while Flynn is instructed to prepare for the impending landing. As tensions build, Flynn must force his way into the cockpit, where he’s met with a gruesome discovery: multiple snakes slithering through the controls. Slamming the door shut, Flynn springs into action, marshaling the passengers to secure themselves in their seats.

In a bold move, Flynn decides to take drastic measures to eliminate the reptilian threat, ordering the passengers to tie themselves down as he prepares to depressurize the plane by shooting out two cabin windows. The sudden loss of air pressure sends loose gear, including the snakes, swirling outward into the void. With the cockpit door now open, Flynn guides Troy into the pilot’s seat, where he takes control of the aircraft.

As Troy navigates the controls, his surprisingly vast experience with video game flight simulators proves to be an unexpected asset. He successfully stabilizes the plane at a safe altitude, allowing air traffic control to establish communication with him. When asked about his flying experience, Troy candidly confesses his background in military aviation simulations, leaving little doubt that he’s equal to the task of guiding the plane to safety.

As Troy navigates the treacherous landing, the fate of the passengers hangs precariously in the balance. With a series of bold moves, Troy expertly guides the plane onto the tarmac, mere feet from a hangar. The relief is palpable as the emergency vehicles, Dr. Price, and the life-saving anti-venom converge on the scene.

As the passengers make their way down the emergency slide, the tension builds when a rogue snake emerges, striking Sean (unbeknownst to him) in the chest. Flynn springs into action, swiftly dispatching the serpent with his gun, simultaneously knocking Sean out of the plane and onto the chute. The police rush in to extract Sean, checking for any signs of injury, only to discover that he’s miraculously unharmed thanks to his bulletproof vest.

In the aftermath of the chaos, Flynn extends an invitation to Claire for dinner, asking her to “call him” instead of making a formal commitment. Meanwhile, a charming young flight attendant, who had taken a shine to Sean, scribbles her phone number on his palm, leaving both men with romantic prospects on the horizon.

The tone shifts as Sean reminisces about the first time he and Flynn crossed paths - on the balcony of his apartment, where Flynn’s timely intervention saved his life. In that moment, Flynn instructed Sean to “do exactly as I say” if he wanted to survive; now, Sean turns the tables, ordering Flynn to “do exactly as I say” once more, this time, into the world of surfing. The duo heads to Bali, where Sean shares his passion for riding the waves, having previously discussed their shared interest on the plane. As the story concludes, Sean puts Flynn through his first surf lesson, marking a new chapter in their unlikely friendship.

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