Spirited Away: Live on Stage 2023

In this enchanting stage adaptation of Hayao Miyazaki's Academy Award-winning classic, beloved characters spring to life through dazzling sets, captivating musical numbers, and wondrous puppets. Two unique casts bring the timeless tale of Chihiro to the stage, featuring Kanna Hashimoto and Mone Kamishiraishi in their respective performances.

In this enchanting stage adaptation of Hayao Miyazaki's Academy Award-winning classic, beloved characters spring to life through dazzling sets, captivating musical numbers, and wondrous puppets. Two unique casts bring the timeless tale of Chihiro to the stage, featuring Kanna Hashimoto and Mone Kamishiraishi in their respective performances.

Does Spirited Away: Live on Stage have end credit scenes?


Spirited Away: Live on Stage does not have end credit scenes.


Meet the cast of Spirited Away: Live on Stage and learn about the talented actors who brought the characters to life. Explore their roles and career highlights.


Discover how Spirited Away: Live on Stage is rated on popular platforms like IMDb, Metacritic, and TMDb. Explore audience and critic scores to see how this movie ranks among the best.


8.6 /10

IMDb Rating

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