
Does Stuck in Love have end credit scenes?


Stuck in Love does not have end credit scenes.

Stuck in Love

Stuck in Love


As a celebrated author's life unravels amidst a messy divorce, he embarks on a poignant journey to rekindle connections with his two estranged kids, a rebellious teenager and an aspiring writer, in this heartwarming drama that explores the complexities of family, love, and self-discovery.

Runtime: 97 min

Box Office: $978K









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Check out what happened in Stuck in Love!

As novelist and teacher Bill Borgens (played by ???) continues to grapple with the lingering ache of his ex-wife Erica's departure two years prior, he finds himself stuck in a rut, pouring over his own life story rather than putting pen to paper. His daily jogging routine has become a thinly veiled excuse to spy on the happy couple she left him for, Martin. Meanwhile, their teenage son Rusty harbors a secret crush on classmate Kate, while their cynical college-aged daughter Sam has taken to pursuing fleeting connections over meaningful relationships.

The tension simmers beneath the surface as Thanksgiving arrives, and Bill still sets Erica's place at the dinner table, a poignant reminder of the memories they once shared. The evening is filled with milestones: Sam announces the publication of her first novel, which stirs mixed emotions in Bill - pride that he's instilled his passion for writing in her, but also resentment that she didn't involve him in the process.

As the holiday season wears on, Rusty finds himself torn between two worlds. He attends a second dinner with Erica and Martin, while Sam elects to stay behind, still smarting from her mother's betrayal. The divide between them grows wider as they navigate their own paths. Sam, meanwhile, stumbles upon a chance encounter at a bar that sets her on a collision course with Lou, a charismatic wordsmith who warns her about the dangers of his sleazy friend.

Despite the warning signs, Sam finds herself drawn to Lou's vulnerability and shared love of literature. As they bond over their favorite books, she begins to let her guard down, only to realize that their connection goes far beyond the printed page. A chance meeting at Lou's dying mother's bedside sparks a deeper understanding between them, and before long, they find themselves embarking on a romantic escapade.

As Bill continues to grapple with his own demons, Rusty finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of his own making. His secret crush, Kate, has become the object of his desires, but their relationship is marked by reckless abandon and a desperate pursuit of connection. When Rusty stumbles upon Kate struggling to cope with her boyfriend Glen's abuse, he springs into action, punching Glen and fleeing with Kate.

As Christmas approaches, Bill finds himself at a crossroads. Still reeling from Erica's departure, he begins an affair with his married neighbor Tricia, but the thrill is short-lived. When he runs into Erica on the street, he confesses that he would have made a better husband if they had given their marriage another chance. Tricia, ever the pragmatist, helps Bill create an online dating profile, but the experience only serves to further underscore his lingering feelings for Erica.

In the midst of this emotional maelstrom, Rusty finds himself torn between his loyalty to his parents and his growing affection for Kate. As they embark on a series of stolen moments in his closet-turned-romantic-sanctuary, it becomes clear that their love is a force to be reckoned with - a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for redemption and forgiveness.

As the literary circle at Sam's book-launch event unfolds, Bill takes center stage with a poignant speech about the intricacies of the writing process. Lou, ever the gracious host, extends an invitation to Erica, who reluctantly accepts but is visibly uncomfortable amidst the merriment. Bill, sensing her unease, encourages Lou to engage Erica in conversation, only for Sam to rebuff her attempts at connection, ultimately leading him to end things with Lou. The atmosphere turns sour as the evening wears on.

Meanwhile, a careless Sam unwittingly hands Kate a glass of champagne, unaware that she's secretly mixing it with drugs. As the intoxicating effects take hold, Gus, a concerned classmate, takes Kate home, where Bill and Erica stumble upon her unconscious body - the devastating discovery revealing a brutal reality. This shocking turn of events sends Rusty into a tailspin, prompting him to embark on a self-destructive drinking binge.

As fate would have it, Jason accompanies Rusty to a convenience store, where they cross paths with Glen, who brutally assaults Rusty in a fit of rage. In the aftermath, Kate reaches out from rehab, offering a heartfelt apology and expressing her hope that one day she'll earn back Rusty's trust.

Bill, sensing Rusty's pain, suggests channeling his emotions into his writing, which leads to the birth of "I've Just Seen a Face," a story inspired by Kate. The narrative finds its way into the esteemed pages of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, courtesy of Sam's connection with Stephen King.

As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Bill implores Sam to move on from Erica, only for him to confess that he's been absent for six long months when she was just a baby. This admission serves as a poignant reminder of past mistakes and unrequited love. When Lou calls Sam upon her mother's passing, she's forced to confront the consequences of her actions and the depth of her feelings.

In a stunning turn of events, Lou reconciles with Erica, rekindling their romance, and finds solace in supporting Lou through his grieving process. As the seasons change, Bill remains steadfast, yet still harbors a deep-seated hope that Erica will finally find her way back home. A year later, on Thanksgiving Day, Bill's hesitation to invite Erica to join the family gathering is met with a tearful plea from Erica herself, seeking acceptance and belonging. Moved by her words, Bill welcomes her into their fold, as Sam and Lou celebrate their renewed love amidst the warmth of the holiday season.