
Does Student Bodies have end credit scenes?


Student Bodies does not have end credit scenes.

Student Bodies

Student Bodies


In this saucy blend of mystery, horror, and comedy, a lovely yet uptight virgin (Whitney Moore) takes on the unorthodox task of teaching sex education to a rowdy group of high school students, sparking a series of bizarre and unsettling events that challenge her values and sanity.

Runtime: 86 min

Box Office: $5.2M








User Score


5.4 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Student Bodies!

As Julie settles into her babysitting duties at the Hummers' residence, an unsettling series of phone calls from a heavy-breathing stalker leaves her increasingly on edge. Her boyfriend Charlie (actor's name), attempting to ease her anxiety, sneaks into the house, and they ascend to their bedroom for a tryst. However, Julie insists that Charlie take a shower first, a request he begrudgingly fulfills. Meanwhile, downstairs, the relentless Breather, clad in an unsettling combination of green rubber gloves and black boots, rummages through a collection of gruesome instruments on the Hummers' desk. With an eerie calm, they select a paperclip, then strike down Julie with deadly precision. Charlie's return to their bedroom finds him face-to-face with a monstrous green garbage bag that descends upon him like a vengeful entity. The tragic discovery of Julie's lifeless body and Charlie's mangled corpse, entombed within the garbage bag, serves as a harrowing testament to the brutality that has unfolded.

As the graveside funeral for Julie and Charlie unfolds, Principal Peters (actor's name) matter-of-factly acknowledges the day's schedule, which includes classes, a parade, a football game, and the prom. However, amidst the somber proceedings, Malvert, the janitor, draws attention to himself by donning an identical pair of green gloves and black boots. Principal Peters' warning to him not to appear so suspicious is little more than a feeble attempt to stave off the inevitable.

As Toby confides in her friend Hardy about her premonition that Julie should not have allowed Charlie to babysit, they bear witness to Joe and Bertha's furtive departure from the funeral service, seeking to indulge in their carnal desires within Joe's car. However, Joe's tardiness in procuring protection prompts him to venture out and acquire condoms, leaving Bertha waiting anxiously in the vehicle. It is during this interval that the killer strikes again, employing a wooden horse head bookend to strike down the unsuspecting Bertha.

As the day wears on at Lamab High School, Mr. Dumpkin, the wood shop teacher, instructs his class on the art of crafting horse head bookends, an activity Toby later showcases to Hardy, brandishing the blood-soaked bookend she discovered at the crime scene. Mr. Dumpkin's approving gaze falls upon Toby, praising her aptitude for wood staining as he seizes the morbid artifact.

In the girl's locker room, the heavy Breather observes the girls disrobing, their innocence and vulnerability palpable in the face of impending doom. As the others depart, Toby becomes aware of the stalker's presence and flees, only to find herself confronting the unsettling figure of Malvert, who solicits her assistance on a crossword puzzle, his request laced with an air of sinister intent.

As the parade unwinds its vibrant tapestry of sound and color, Toby (insert actor name) stands among a sea of faces, including those of Hardy (insert actor name), Principal Peters (insert actor name), his assistant Miss Mumsley, and several teachers. The festivities are punctuated by an unexpected spectacle: Ralph, a student, is perched atop the school's mascot, a majestic bull, alongside fellow student Dagmar (insert actor name). As Ralph persuades Dagmar to join him inside the float for a clandestine encounter, the vehicle hurtles along at breakneck speed. Dagmar's protests are met with swift action as Ralph hurries to instruct the driver to slow down, only to return and find that time has run out for his companion. The gruesome discovery is made all the more chilling by the killer's use of an eggplant as a deadly weapon, plunging the parade into chaos.

As the revelry turns to horror, Toby seizes the moment to climb aboard the float, dropping down into the midst of carnage as bodies are unceremoniously tossed out the back. The onlookers' gasps and accusations soon fix upon her, branding her a murderer in the eyes of the crowd. In the aftermath, Toby finds herself trapped in the principal's office, beset by interrogators including Principal Peters (insert actor name), Sheriff (insert actor name) Nurse Krud (insert actor name), and several teachers. As the questioning wears on, Peters dispatches Toby to undergo a psychiatric evaluation at the hands of Dr. Sigmund (insert actor name).

As she departs for her appointment, Malvert (insert actor name) takes an unexpected opportunity to express himself in a corner trash can, while Principal Peters offers insight into the janitor's troubled past, explaining that Malvert was once a teacher who suffered a life-altering accident. Meanwhile, a menacing figure, known only as The Breather (insert actor name), makes contact via phone, concealing his voice behind a rubber chicken and issuing a chilling threat: he will claim a victim at the upcoming football game. As Toby's psychological state is probed by Dr. Sigmund during her evaluation, she steadfastly denies any involvement in the gruesome events that have transpired and demands to be released back into her normal routine. However, as she reenters her English class, Peters' disembodied voice interrupts over the intercom, announcing Dr. Sigmund's dire suspicions: Toby might just be the killer they've all been searching for.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the school grounds, Miss Mumsley approached Malvert with a grave expression. She implored him to confess to the murders if suspicion were to fall upon Principal Peters, as if the very fate of the institution hung in the balance. Meanwhile, inside the stadium, Nurse Krud's sinister whisperings sent shivers down Dumpkin's spine. Her words dripped with malevolence: "Boys can die in a garbage bag without being killed first." To demonstrate her point, she and Dumpkin bound Mawamba in a plastic bag, only to be distracted by the roaring football game, leaving the hapless student to succumb to suffocation.

As the school's collective attention was focused on the gridiron battle, Joan and Al slipped away unnoticed beneath the bleachers, their clandestine tryst interrupted only by the falling trash from above. Joan's disgust at the debris sparked a search for a blanket and broom by Al, but little did they know that Toby had already ventured into the same shadowy realm, drawn by the whispers of her friends' fate. It was there, amidst the darkness and chaos, that the killer struck, claiming Joan's life with a chalkboard eraser while Toby lay helpless, knocked unconscious by the falling debris.

As Al returned to find his girlfriend's lifeless body, he too fell victim to the killer's brutality, silenced forever by the same garbage bag that had claimed Mawamba's life. When Toby finally regained consciousness, she was confronted with the horrifying reality of her friends' demise and the sinister plot to frame her for the murders. As the authorities loaded the corpses into a van, Toby snuck aboard, determined to clear her name and uncover the truth.

Later, as Hardy was being questioned by Sheriff Peters and a coterie of teachers, the latter's attempt to shock him only served to reveal the gruesome reality: Al lay dead on the gurney, with Toby's lifeless form mere inches away. The killer's telephone taunts continued, threatening to strike again at the prom, prompting Hardy to follow the van containing the bodies on his bicycle.

In the aftermath of these events, Toby became resolute in her determination to attend the prom and clear her name. She paid a visit to the drama department, emerging transformed into a vision of seductive beauty. Her plan was to infiltrate Principal Peters' office and claim the keys that would unlock the secrets of the murders. However, Patti's suspicions were piqued by Toby's sudden transformation, prompting her to approach Hardy with a kiss that left both parties breathless.

As the promgoers mingled in their finery, Dumpkin, his eyes glazed over with lust, made his escape, fleeing to the wood shop to indulge in some solitary pleasure. Meanwhile, Hardy snuck away to investigate Miss Mumsley's office, while Toby convinced Malvert to procure Peters' keys for her, setting the stage for a climactic confrontation that would soon unfold.

As tensions mount, Miss Mumsley drops a bombshell: with all prom queen contenders except Patti deceased, the teachers have decreed that Principal Peters will receive the coveted title. This news sends Patti into a tailspin of despair, prompting her boyfriend Scott to propose a morose attempt at comfort in the school's wood shop. Unbeknownst to them, Dumpkin has taken refuge in the closet, where he unwittingly becomes witness to the couple's clandestine tryst. When Scott realizes his mistake and departs to procure protection, Patti meets a gruesome end at the hands of the prom crown. Upon Scott's return, he too falls prey to the killer's wrath, struck down with a garbage bag. Meanwhile, Dumpkin's hiding spot is attacked with a chainsaw, resulting in his own brutal demise.

In a separate development, Toby discovers evidence hidden in Principal Peters' office drawer - a trove of marbles that Peters had been keeping secret. As she delves deeper into the mystery, Peters himself enters the room, confessing to having slaughtered the female students for their perceived misbehavior. Despite Toby's insistence on her own virginity, Peters attempts to silence her with a school trophy, but his efforts are thwarted when he slips on the marbles and impales himself. Fleeing in terror, Toby seeks refuge in Miss Mumsley's office, only to stumble upon Hardy's lifeless body. The enigmatic teacher reveals herself to be Peters' father, having orchestrated the murders of male students to eliminate potential witnesses to her son's crimes.

As Toby flees through the abandoned hallways, littered with garbage bags and strewn with debris, she is confronted by the very friends she thought were lost. Horrified, she tumbles out a window, plummeting several stories before awakening in a hospital bed, recovering from a bout of swine flu. Upon her release, Toby reunites with Hardy, who reveals that Dr. Sigmund has diagnosed the virus as a symptom of sexual repression. As they stroll through the woods, Toby proposes a solution to their problem: an intimate encounter. However, just as things are about to unfold, Hardy dons green gloves and strangles her.

The story concludes with Hardy attending Toby's funeral, kneeling to place flowers at her grave. But in a shocking twist, Toby's arms burst forth from the earth, ensnaring Hardy by the throat - a chilling echo of the infamous 'Carrie' finale.