
Does Superman have end credit scenes?


Superman does not have end credit scenes.




In a thrilling ride of deception and truth, a dedicated police officer, Nithya, is sent to unravel the mystery behind a high-stakes assassination attempt on the Home Minister, only to find herself entwined with the enigmatic Superman. Little does she know, her newfound love is shrouded in secrecy, leaving her torn between duty and desire.

Runtime: 143 min

Box Office: $300M








User Score


7.4 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Superman!

As the film's narrative unfurls, we find ourselves transported to the verdant planet of Krypton in June 1938. The journey begins with a whimsical flourish, as a young child becomes absorbed in the vibrant world of comic books, specifically one chronicling the exploits of the Daily Planet, Metropolis' preeminent newspaper. As the reader's gaze lingers on the page, the camera seamlessly dissolves to reveal the real-world equivalent, soaring upwards towards the heavens and eventually landing upon the fabled Daily Planet building. The title sequence that follows is a visually stunning odyssey, hurtling through the cosmos and arriving at the planet of Krypton, where we meet its inhabitants – an advanced civilization bearing a striking resemblance to humanity.

The Kryptonians are characterized by their remarkable molecular density and structure, a direct result of their world's gravitational pull and the radiant energy emitted by its adjacent red sun. The planet is governed by the Council of Elders, each member representing a distinct "clan" and adorned with a crest emblematic of their respective House. Notably, the illustrious scientist Jor-El (his House of El crest bearing an S-shape) plays a pivotal role in Krypton's society.

As we delve deeper into the narrative, it becomes apparent that Jor-El is overseeing a high-stakes trial involving three accused felons: General Zod, once the planet's defense chief; his enigmatic henchman Non, a formidable killer whose silence speaks volumes; and Ursa, a determined woman hell-bent on eradicating all males except for her beloved Zod. The Council's verdict is unanimous, but it is Jor-El who holds the key to their fate.

Despite feeling disillusioned with the Council's authority, Jor-El renders a guilty verdict. As the night descends upon Krypton's capital city, the vast dome of the planet's central hub opens, releasing the Phantom Zone – an extradimensional prison capable of traversing vast expanses of space. The three convicted felons are pulled from their trial and thrust into an eternity of limbo, their existence suspended in a realm devoid of time.

In the face of this desolate fate, Ursa pleads for forgiveness, while Zod defiantly vows to exact his revenge upon the House of El – a promise he intends to keep, no matter the passage of time. The film's opening sequence thus sets the stage for an epic tale of heroism, sacrifice, and intergalactic adventure, all set against the backdrop of a world on the precipice of destruction.

As Jor-El (character A) grapples with the impending doom of Krypton, his attention turns to the catastrophic orbital shift threatening to drag the planet into the abyssal gravitational pull of its blazing central star. The Council Of Elders, oblivious to the peril, steadfastly ignores Jor-El's warnings, and he is forced to promise silence lest he suffer imprisonment in the Phantom Zone. Meanwhile, Jor-El conceives a plan to safeguard his infant son Kal-El by constructing a crystalline spacecraft, imbued with the essence of himself and his wife Lara. This extraordinary vessel is programmed to traverse the vast expanse of space, hurtling through a trans-galactic warp that will deposit the child on the distant planet known as Earth.

As Jor-El and Lara bid their farewell to Kal-El, they entrust him with the knowledge and power contained within the crystal heart of the starship. The device is then launched into the unknown, narrowly escaping the catastrophic collision between Krypton's twin suns mere moments before the planet's destruction. As the ship hurtles through space, Jor-El's voice whispers wisdom to his growing son, who ages as the vessel approaches its destination.

Finally, the starship pierces the atmosphere of Earth in 1951 A.D., plummeting into a vast wheat field near Smallville, Kansas, where it is discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent. The Kents, believing Kal-El to be a divine gift, decide to adopt him. As they watch, the three-year-old Kal-El demonstrates his extraordinary abilities when, as Jonathan changes a tire on their truck, the jack slips, and he effortlessly lifts the vehicle with his bare hands, saving his foster father's life. This remarkable display marks the beginning of Kal-El's journey as an outsider in this foreign world, one that will shape the course of human history.

As the Kents and their adopted son, Clark (named after Martha's maiden name), depart from the meteor's aftermath, it becomes increasingly apparent that its energy will soon unfold into a pivotal chapter in their lives. The passage of time, however, brings with it a new reality: Clark is now a student at Smallville High School, where he struggles to find his place among his peers. As a water boy on the school football team, he forms an unlikely bond with cheerleader Lana Lang, but his efforts are continually thwarted by her jock boyfriend, Brad Wilson, who delights in tormenting him. Despite this, Clark remains aware of the extraordinary abilities coursing through his veins, though his father's stern admonitions to keep them hidden only serve to fuel his sense of frustration.

One day, while alone on the football field, Clark unleashes a burst of power that sends a ball soaring into orbit. As he runs home at incredible speed, effortlessly jumping over the nose of a speeding train, he is spotted by young Lois Lane, who tries to share her astonishing discovery with her parents. However, her mother quickly dismisses her tale as mere fantasy.

Clark returns home to find Brad, Lana, and their friends driving by in amazement, wondering how he arrived so quickly. Jonathan's reassuring words, though, serve to calm Clark's anxieties, reminding him that he is on Earth for a reason and should not let the opinions of others dictate his actions. Despite this newfound sense of confidence, tragedy strikes when Jonathan suddenly falls victim to a heart attack while playing with their family dog. In the aftermath of his father's burial, Clark is consumed by grief and self-blame, lamenting that his extraordinary powers proved useless in saving the one person who mattered most.

As the days pass, Clark becomes increasingly restless, searching for answers amidst his turmoil. It is then that he is awoken early one morning by an inexplicable noise emanating from their barn. Curiosity getting the better of him, Clark ventures into the structure and discovers the remnants of the meteor, now imbued with the power-activating green crystal of Jor-El.

Later that same day, Clark confides in his mother about his impending departure, heading north towards an unknown destination. Martha, having long anticipated this moment, urges her son to always remember her, and as they share a tearful farewell, Clark vows to honor her memory and keep her close to his heart.

As the days unfold, Clark's odyssey takes him to the unforgiving landscape of the North Pole, where he unleashes the potent green crystal, allowing it to dissolve into the icy expanse and birth a magnificent crystalline stronghold, known as the Fortress of Solitude. Within its gleaming walls, Clark discovers a matrix of crystals that, when inserted into an aperture, activate a dimensional portal. This gateway reveals the enduring consciousness of Jor-El, his biological father, who takes his son on a journey through time and space to accelerate his maturation. Over the course of this inter-dimensional odyssey, Jor-El imparts profound wisdom, educating Clark on the intricacies of the universe and his purpose in life. Upon their return, 12 years have passed for Kal-El, now a fully realized individual at the age of 30, while the Earth has aged 22 years to the dawn of 1978 A.D. The scene culminates with Kal-El resplendent in his iconic red-and-blue garb and flowing cape, bearing the symbol of his heritage, poised to fulfill his destiny as guardian of his adopted world.

Meanwhile, in the bustling metropolis of Metropolis, a city teeming with life and energy, the Daily Planet building stands sentinel. Within its walls, photographer Jimmy Olsen is capturing the vibrant pulse of the city through his lens, while ace reporter Lois Lane navigates her daily routine, punctuated by moments of whimsy, such as her ongoing struggle to master the nuances of spelling, a quirk that often leaves her colleagues chuckling in amusement. The Planet's gruff editor, Perry White, introduces Jimmy and Lois to their newest colleague, Clark Kent, a bespectacled journalist with an unassuming demeanor. Lois is initially perplexed by Clark's reserve and social awkwardness, but her curiosity is piqued when they find themselves trapped in a back alley by a ruthless thug. As the gunman opens fire on Lois, Clark's composure falters, and he feigns unconsciousness to allow him to intercept the bullet with his bare hand. In defending himself against the assailant, Clark displays an uncanny familiarity with Lois's purse contents, rattling off a list of its various items with effortless ease.

As Lois and Clark stroll through the bustling streets, their attention is momentarily diverted by a peculiar sight: Otis, a portly individual clad in a crisp white suit, munching on snacks as he clutches a copy of the Planet. Unbeknownst to them, Otis's presence has piqued the interest of Harry and Armis, two undercover officers tasked with keeping a watchful eye on this unsuspecting assistant to the infamous Lex Luthor. As Otis makes his way to Luthor's clandestine hideout, Harry and Armis trail him, their footsteps echoing through the Metropolis Grand Central Station. The duo's pursuit leads them to Track 22, where they lose Otis in the sea of commuters. Undeterred, Harry dispatches Armis to procure backup while he continues to track Otis's movements.

The chase takes a deadly turn when Otis stops at an indentation on the subway tunnel, awaiting the arrival of a train. As the doors open and close, Harry sneaks up to investigate the mysterious opening, only to be caught off guard by Luthor himself, monitoring the scene from hidden security cameras. With a calculated move, Luthor triggers the doorway, sending Harry hurtling towards an oncoming train in a gruesome and fatal mistake.

Meanwhile, Luthor's mistress, Eve Teschmacher, stands aghast at the unfolding scene, her shock tempered by Luthor's callous response. He nonchalantly justifies his actions as mere collateral damage for the pursuit of greatness, echoing his father's cruel words: even in chaos and collapse, humanity will cling to land, doing whatever it takes to claim it. This twisted philosophy has driven Luthor's criminal career, and he relishes in his reputation as the 20th century's most formidable criminal mind.

As Otis arrives at their underground lair, he's met with a scolding for his clumsiness in allowing himself to be followed once again. His punishment is a menial task: tending to the "babies," a mysterious and unseen group of creatures confined to a vast pit used to dispatch intruders. However, Luthor's attention remains fixated on a news article in the Planet that details an impending nuclear missile test, using live warheads with hypersonic speed. This development has set his mind racing towards a grand scheme: exploiting the missile test for the greatest real estate swindle in history.

As night descends upon the city, Lois Lane prepares to board a Planet helicopter bound for Metropolis International Airport. However, fate has other plans as she takes off into a chaotic sky. A loose cable suddenly springs free from its moorings, ensnaring the chopper's landing skids and sending it careening out of control through the helipad's command center. The aircraft crashes onto the ledge, leaving Lois clinging to life amidst the devastation. Below, panic sets in as police scramble to evacuate terrified onlookers, but one individual remains steadfast - Clark Kent. Amidst the pandemonium, he notices a familiar yellow rain hat abandoned on the sidewalk, a tangible link to the distressed journalist.

As the chopper teeters precariously towards the street, Lois's grip begins to falter, and she plummets towards certain doom. It is then that Clark seizes the opportunity to transform into Superman. With his emblem proudly displayed beneath his shirt, he whisks through a nearby revolving door at incredible velocity, effectively rendering himself invisible to all but the most discerning of eyes. The pimp standing nearby is left agog at the sudden appearance of this enigmatic figure.

Superman springs into action, intercepting Lois as she hurtles towards her demise. He snatches her from the jaws of disaster and carries her safely upwards, defying gravity with ease. As the chopper finally loses its grip on the ledge, Superman swoops in to snatch it from the air, effortlessly returning it to the helipad's apron. The awestruck crowd below bears witness to this feat of superhuman prowess.

Lois, exhausted and incredulous, asks who this mysterious savior might be. In response, Superman merely utters a single word: "A friend." Her exhaustion and disbelief proving too great, she faints into his waiting arms, an unwitting participant in the unfolding drama.

But this is merely the beginning of Kal-El's remarkable odyssey of heroism. He intervenes to thwart a cat-burglar utilizing gigantic magnets to scale the Solow Building; intercepts a boatload of bank robbers; rescues a stranded feline from the branches of a tree; and, in his most spectacular display yet, saves Air Force One from destruction when a lightning bolt shatters its portside engine and wing. As the world watches in wonder, Superman's legend grows, cementing his status as an iconic champion of justice.

The following morning, Clark Kent returns to the majestic Fortress of Solitude, where he seeks guidance from the wise and venerable spirit of Jor-El. As he reflects on his extraordinary experiences, Jor-El offers words of caution, urging him to exercise restraint in wielding his incredible powers and praising his growth thus far. Heeding these wise counsel, Superman continues to use his abilities for the greater good, earning widespread acclaim and admiration.

Meanwhile, a whirlwind of media attention surrounds the enigmatic figure known as Superman. News headlines and broadcasts are filled with tales of his daring feats and seemingly impossible abilities. Unbeknownst to the public, the cunning and calculating Lex Luthor sees Superman's arrival as a challenge, perceiving him as a potential threat to his nefarious plans. Determined to undermine all that Superman represents, Luthor vows to destroy the very essence of this heroic figure.

At The Daily Planet, Perry White issues a directive to his staff: uncover every detail about the mysterious stranger in red and blue. His team springs into action, scrambling to gather information about this extraordinary individual. However, Lois Lane, ever the ace reporter, gets an exclusive tip-off - a dinner date invitation from "a friend" at her penthouse apartment.

The evening unfolds as a delightful encounter, during which Superman charms Lois with his genuine kindness, courtesy, and altruism. As they converse, he takes her on an aerial tour of the city, their flight becoming a serendipitous dance as they begin to develop romantic feelings for each other. After a reluctant goodbye, Lois pens a front-page story that dubs him "a true super man." This label sparks Luthor's recollection of a scientific theory: Kryptonian physiology would be uniquely susceptible to the radiation emitted by a yellow sun. Moreover, meteors from Krypton, having landed on Earth, would release a distinct radiation affecting only those from his home planet.

Luthor becomes fixated on this idea and recalls a meteorite discovered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Though Miss Tessmacher is skeptical about Superman's ability to detect such an object from afar, the interview hints at another vulnerability: Superman struggles to see through lead shielding. With their plan set in motion, Luthor and his cohorts prepare for a trip to Ethiopia, driven by their determination to exploit this weakness and bring Superman down.

As Luthor's henchmen set out to sabotage the impending missile test, they employed an array of disguises and distractions to reprogram the directional vectors of the missiles. Otis, however, unwittingly miscalculated one of the coordinates, attributing his mistake to his arm being too short to write down the precise numbers. Enraged by this gross incompetence, Luthor brutally assaulted Otis, but Miss Tessmacher intervened, swiftly calming her boss and expertly maneuvering their vehicle to avoid a catastrophic crash.

Meanwhile, Perry White dispatched Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen to investigate a peculiar land-buying spree in the southwestern desert. The Planet's editor-in-chief suspected a massive fraud scheme was underway, and it was high time someone looked into it. Although Clark Kent had shown promise and potential, he remained hesitant to take charge, leaving the assignment to his colleagues instead.

As Perry regaled his staff with an anecdote about a supposedly worthless meteorite stolen from an Ethiopian museum, Clark was suddenly struck by an eerie signal - a piercing hum followed by the cacophony of every dog in Metropolis barking simultaneously. It was Lex Luthor on a frequency only Superman and those canine companions could detect. With cold calculation, Luthor warned Superman that a poison gas pellet containing propane lithium compound would be released into the air, exterminating the city's population unless Superman agreed to meet him alone.

Feigning a severe migraine attack, Clark made his excuses and slipped away from his colleagues, before leaping out of a window to transform into Superman mid-air. He followed Luthor's signal to its source on the street below, where he employed his remarkable abilities to drill through the earth and descend into Luthor's secret hideout. Unfazed by the automated defenses - a maelstrom of machine guns, flames, and liquid nitrogen - Superman strolled casually through each obstacle, his invulnerable physiology rendering them ineffective.

As Superman (Superman) bursts into Lex Luthor's (Lex Luthor) lair, he demands answers about the sinister gas pellet. But Luthor has a surprise in store - revealing it was all just a ruse to gain his attention. The true nature of his scheme is far more diabolical: Luthor intends to use the stolen missiles to create an unprecedented catastrophe. His plan involves detonating one missile, designed to destroy the San Andreas Fault, causing the Western coastline of the United States (specifically California and its major cities) to plunge into the Pacific Ocean. This would result in a previously worthless desert region becoming a multi-billion dollar windfall.

Luthor's second missile serves as a decoy, making it seem as though he's targeting Hackensack, New Jersey. But Superman is not oblivious to Luthor's true intentions. As he searches for answers, he discovers a lead box that contains the Ethiopian meteorite, also known as Kryptonite, carefully crafted into a chain necklace worn by Luthor. The villain takes great pleasure in taunting Superman about his vulnerability, reminding him that even an ordinary human has found a way to outsmart him.

As Superman struggles with this new weakness, Luthor decides to add insult to injury by dropping him into the pool, intending for him to drown. However, the mad scientist's plan is foiled when Eve Teschmacher's mother, who happens to live in Hackensack, implores Superman to stop the errant missile first. He agrees, and she frees him from his watery prison.

Regaining his powers, Superman blasts through the lair's ceiling, soaring into the sky and setting a course westward. He attempts to intercept the first missile over Kansas but it evades him, forcing Superman to chase it down and redirect it into space - just as the second missile detonates the San Andreas Fault, unleashing a devastating quake that is reminiscent of Krypton's destruction. This apocalyptic scenario drives Superman to fly beneath the Earth's crust to stabilize the land, his determination fueled by the knowledge that he must stop this catastrophic event from unfolding.

As the tremors from the cataclysmic event subside, Superman springs into action, deploying his extraordinary abilities to rescue those trapped in the devastating aftermath. Amidst this heroic display of strength and agility, one figure proves particularly vulnerable - Lois Lane, whose car stalls in a desolate expanse and becomes entombed by a massive fissure. The Man of Steel's keen senses eventually detect her perilous predicament, prompting him to rush to her aid. With superhuman might, he extricates the vehicle from the earth, only to find that time has run out for Lois; she succumbs to asphyxiation before Superman can intervene. Overwhelmed by grief and regret, he pays a tearful tribute to his fallen love, then unleashes a primal roar of anguish into the atmosphere. The voice of Jor-El, echoing in his mind, serves as a poignant reminder that he must not meddle with human destiny. Haunted by memories of his failure to save Jonathan Kent, Superman redoubles his efforts, marshaling all his powers and strength to reverse the planet's rotation and rewind time itself. He succeeds in rectifying this temporal anomaly and uses the extra time to reach Lois before her car is irreparably buried.

Meanwhile, Lex Luthor and Otis concoct a diabolical plan to punish Miss Teschmacher for her perceived betrayal by consigning her to the depths of "the babies." However, Superman thwarts their scheme, rescuing Miss Teschmacher with a knowing glance that conveys his message: "Your mother sends her love." The villainous duo is subsequently delivered to a maximum-security prison, where they await trial. As they are led away by the authorities, Luthor's defiance is momentarily interrupted by Otis's comical outburst. The warden expresses gratitude for Superman's selfless actions, which he humbly dismisses as mere contributions to the greater good. With his work done, Superman takes to the skies once more, resuming his eternal vigil over the planet that has become his adopted home. As he soars off into the distance, a knowing glint in his eye and a hint of satisfaction on his face, it is clear that this hero's never-ending battle against evil has begun in earnest.