
Does Superman IV: The Quest for Peace have end credit scenes?


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace does not have end credit scenes.

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace


As the world teeters on the brink of nuclear catastrophe, Superman takes a drastic step: he disarms the globe by hurling warheads into orbit. But Lex Luthor's sinister plan is already in motion - cloning Superman with radioactive material to create Nuclear Man, a formidable foe that threatens to destroy everything Superman holds dear.

Runtime: 91 min

Box Office: $16M








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Check out what happened in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace!

As a catastrophic debris field ravages a Russian space station, Superman springs into action, harnessing his extraordinary abilities to rescue the imperiled crew from drifting into the vast expanse of space. Later, at the rural farm in Smallville he inherited from his late parents, Clark Kent, Superman's secret identity, uncovers the capsule that brought him to Earth and carefully extracts a luminescent green Kryptonian energy module. A poignant recording left by his mother Lara warns that this potent force can be utilized only once. As he returns to Metropolis, he finds the Daily Planet newspaper has fallen prey to the machinations of David Warfield, a ruthless tabloid tycoon who unceremoniously ousts Perry White and appoints his own daughter Lacy as the new editor. Amidst growing concerns about an impending nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union, Superman chooses not to intervene and seeks guidance in the serene solitude of his Arctic retreat, the Fortress of Solitude. However, after Warfield sensationalizes Superman's reluctance, he takes a bold stance before the United Nations, vowing to eradicate all nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.

Meanwhile, young Lenny Luthor engineers a daring escape for his notorious uncle Lex, who promptly infiltrates a museum with his accomplice, steals a strand of Superman's hair, and creates a genetic matrix. Lex then conspires with black market arms dealers, incensed by Superman's actions and determined to re-arm the countries with nuclear warheads. He makes a pact with these shady operators to attach Superman's hair to a nuclear missile. Following a test launch, Superman intercepts the missile and sends it hurtling into the fiery depths of the Sun. A radiant energy is released, coalescing into a being imbued with incredible powers - the "Nuclear Man". This superhuman makes his way back to Earth, driven by a singular obsession: finding his "father", Lex Luthor. As Lex establishes that his creation's might will be tempered only by exposure to sunlight, a brutal battle ensues between Nuclear Man and Superman. In a heart-stopping moment, Superman saves the Statue of Liberty from crashing onto the streets of Metropolis, but at a terrible cost: he contracts radiation sickness from scratches inflicted by Nuclear Man's radioactive claws. The Nuclear Man then delivers a crushing blow, sending Superman flying across the city, his iconic cape torn asunder in the process.

As Lois Lane seizes Superman's recovered cape in outrage over the Daily Planet's sensationalized headline "Superman Dead?", she storms into Clark Kent's apartment, where she pours out her heart to him. However, Clark is too weakened by radiation sickness to reciprocate her affections, and instead stumbles onto his terrace to retrieve the Kryptonian energy module that will ultimately save his life. Meanwhile, Nuclear Man's developing infatuation with Lacy prompts him to demand her location, threatening to harm innocent people if she isn't found.

This confrontation between Nuclear Man and the newly restored Superman takes an extraordinary turn as they engage in a battle that propels them to the Moon itself. The climax of their fight sees Nuclear Man driving Superman into the lunar surface, rendering his opponent powerless. In the aftermath, Nuclear Man becomes emboldened and abducts Lacy, dragging her into the vast expanse of outer space.

Superman, however, manages to free himself from the Moon's gravity and responds by pushing it out of its orbit, casting a shadow over the Earth that neutralizes Nuclear Man's powers and leaves Lacy helpless in the void. Superman then springs into action once more, rescuing Lacy and returning her safely to Earth before recovering Nuclear Man's lifeless body and depositing it into the core of a nuclear power plant, where it ultimately becomes a source of electrical power for the entire grid.

In the aftermath of this drama, Perry White secures a loan to acquire a controlling interest in the Daily Planet, ensuring that David Warfield's minority stake doesn't imperil the newspaper. Superman also takes matters into his own hands, recapturing the Luthors and placing Lenny in the care of Boys Town, where he is told by a priest that he has been under a bad influence. Lex Luthor, meanwhile, returns to prison, while Superman delivers a stirring address emphasizing that world peace cannot be achieved overnight, but rather through patient effort.

As the sun rises on a new day, Superman takes to the skies once more, poised for further adventures and challenges as a beacon of hope and justice in an ever-changing world.