
Does Sweetheart have end credit scenes?


Sweetheart does not have end credit scenes.




In this heartwarming drama, socially awkward teenager AJ navigates a chaotic family vacation, struggling to connect with her buttoned-up mother and sister. But amidst the chaos, she finds an unexpected sense of belonging when her gaze meets Isla, a vibrant lifeguard who embodies the freedom AJ longs for.

Runtime: 103 min








User Score


6.4 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Sweetheart!

As the tides of fate washed over Jenn (Kiersey Clemons), she found herself stranded on a desolate island, her consciousness slowly returning as the salty spray of the sea mingled with the warmth of the sun. The first face she encountered belonged to Brad (Benedict Samuel), a familiar figure whose presence was both reassuring and ominous. With a chunk of coral protruding from his stomach like a gruesome anchor, Brad's fate was sealed, and Jenn's attempts to treat his wound only served to hasten his demise. In his final moments, he asked the haunting question: "Did you see it?" As the island's sole survivor, Jenn was left alone with her thoughts, a solitary figure surveying the wreckage of their makeshift camp.

As night descended, the storm that swept across the island brought with it a morbid gift: the carcasses of dead fish, their bodies torn asunder by some unseen force. Amidst this gruesome tableau, Jenn's gaze fell upon a mutilated shark, its body sliced open like a ghastly canvas. The island's secrets began to unravel, and Jenn discovered the remnants of a family who had preceded her to this forsaken shore. A small box of matches, buried amidst their discarded belongings, became a beacon of hope in the darkness.

With Brad laid to rest along the shoreline, Jenn lit a fire to cook the fish, its flames casting flickering shadows on the sand. The night air was heavy with the scent of salt and smoke as she huddled beside the blaze, her thoughts consumed by the mystery of Brad's fate. But when morning broke, she was greeted by an unsettling sight: Brad's grave had been disturbed, his body vanished into thin air.

Panic set in as Jenn realized she was not alone on this tiny island. In response, she fashioned a makeshift spear from the island's twisted vegetation, its sharpened tip a testament to her growing desperation. The next day, she spotted her luggage and other belongings floating just offshore, a tantalizing promise of rescue that seemed within reach.

That night, as the stars twinkled above, Jenn heard the distant hum of an airplane, its lights fading into the darkness like fireflies on a summer evening. She fired off a flare in a futile attempt to summon aid, only for it to arc downward toward the sea, where she caught sight of a monstrous silhouette emerging from the waves: a creature (Andrew Crawford) that seemed to have claimed Brad's body as its own. As it padded silently across the sand, Jenn hid in the shadows, her heart pounding in time with the sound of its labored breathing.

The following day, Jenn attempted to escape the island by floating on her luggage and life vest, but the sea proved too treacherous, sending her scrambling for solid ground. As night fell once more, she retreated to a hollow log, seeking solace in its ancient silence. But even this refuge was not hers to claim, as the creature returned to attack the log with an eerie persistence. In the end, it lost interest and wandered away into the darkness, leaving Jenn to ponder her own mortality amidst the island's unending secrets.

As the sun rises over the desolate landscape, Jenn seizes the opportunity to strike back against the monstrous force that has ravaged her island home. With calculated precision, she impales a small shark and suspends its lifeless body from the treetops, then retreats to a hidden lair to catch some much-needed rest. Her slumber is short-lived, however, as the creature's insatiable hunger prompts it to claim the shark as its own, leaving Jenn to ponder the true extent of its power.

The arrival of another corpse on the shore serves only to underscore the creature's unrelenting ferocity. Jenn seizes upon this grim opportunity to set a trap, luring the beast with the fresh meat and observing from a safe distance as it devours its latest victim. As the plane flies overhead, Jenn is reminded of her own fragility and the impossibility of signaling for help in the face of such an unstoppable terror.

Undeterred, Jenn constructs a makeshift hammock at the forest's edge, seeking to outsmart the creature by creating a barrier between herself and the deadly sea. Her gamble proves futile, however, as the beast proves both cunning and strong, knocking down the hammock and sending Jenn fleeing for her life. A desperate spear thrust only serves to enrage the monster further, prompting it to advance on its prey before being repelled by a thunderous clap of thunder that sends it retreating back into the ocean.

The next morning brings with it a glimmer of hope in the form of a life raft drifting towards the shore. As two familiar faces – Lucas (Emory Cohen) and Mia (Hanna Mangan Lawrence) – emerge from its wreckage, Jenn's initial joy is tempered by the realization that they remain blissfully unaware of the horror that lurks beneath the waves. Her attempts to warn them only fall on deaf ears, however, as they dismiss her tales of monstrous proportions as mere delusions spawned by their shared trauma at sea.

As Mia and Jenn share stories of their respective ordeals, the latter's conviction is met with skepticism from the others, who view escape from the island as a far more attractive option than facing whatever terrors lie within. When Jenn finally decides to take matters into her own hands, attempting to slip away unnoticed on the raft, her plan is foiled by Lucas and Mia, who apprehend her in mid-escape and render her unconscious with a swift blow.

As the moon casts an eerie glow over the deserted island, Jenn awakens, her consciousness slowly returning as she finds herself bound to a sturdy tree trunk. With a surge of determination, she begins to work at the rope, deftly fraying it with her own hands until she's finally free from its constraints. Meanwhile, Mia reveals her skepticism about Jenn's trustworthiness, citing past incidents that have left scars on their fragile relationships. Lucas attempts to reason with Jenn alone, but their conversation quickly devolves into a heated argument, exposing the deep-seated tensions between them.

As the night wears on, it becomes clear that Lucas' friends were the other passengers on the doomed boat, and his words are laced with hurt and anger as he accuses Jenn of abandoning him. He rails against her lack of direction in life, her financial struggles, and her very existence, which he claims is solely dependent on his support. Jenn, however, remains unmoved by Lucas' outbursts, her only concern being her own freedom.

Their bitter exchange is abruptly interrupted by Mia's panicked screams and the creature's guttural growls, sending both Lucas and Jenn racing towards the sound. As they approach, Lucas sees the beast attacking Mia, its razor-sharp claws flashing in the moonlight. He attempts to fend it off with his torch, but the creature proves too powerful, sending him crashing to the ground.

Jenn, now fully alert and fueled by adrenaline, breaks free from her earlier restraints and dashes towards the shore just as Mia is dragged into the sea by the monstrous creature. The next morning, Jenn manages to convince a still-shaken Lucas to join her in fleeing their perilous island paradise on a makeshift raft.

As they set sail, they use their last match to ignite a fire, cooking what's left of their meager food supplies before loading up the raft and pushing off into the open water. However, their respite is short-lived, as the creature soon attacks them, its piercing fins causing the raft to take on water. Despite Jenn's desperate flailing with her pocket knife, she's dragged beneath the surface by the monster, only to find herself face-to-face with its gruesome visage – a grotesque fusion of human and shark features.

As Lucas leaps into the fray, attempting to rescue his beleaguered companion, he's met with a brutal attack from the creature. Helpless to intervene, Jenn watches in horror as her partner is dragged screaming into the abyss, leaving her alone to face the monster once more.

As the sun dips below the horizon, Jenn makes a triumphant return to the island, where she discovers the remnants of her failed attempt at escape - a mangled raft, now beached on the sandy shores. With a sense of resignation, she tends to the dying embers of the fire, knowing that survival requires no small measure of resourcefulness and determination.

With no other alternatives in sight, Jenn sets about preparing for the inevitable confrontation with the creature. Her hands move swiftly as she crafts multiple spears and ignites a series of fires, her mind focused on the looming battle ahead. In a poignant gesture, she takes up a pen to record her experiences on the island, should fate decide that she will not survive to tell the tale herself. The letter serves as a testament to her resilience and a plea for those who come after her to believe her extraordinary story.

As night falls, the creature emerges from the shadows once more. Jenn greets it with a ring of fire, her makeshift arsenal at the ready. With calculated ferocity, she drives multiple spears into its twisted form, punctuating each strike with a fierce cry. The battle rages on, the two combatants locked in a primal dance of violence and survival.

As the fight wears on, Jenn finds herself momentarily stunned by a crushing blow from the creature's powerful form. Yet, refusing to yield, she summons every last ounce of strength and continues her assault, pummeling the beast with branches, rocks, and knife, her blows falling like a relentless drumbeat. The creature retaliates in kind, landing glancing blows that leave Jenn reeling, but ultimately unable to deliver the fatal blow.

In a final act of defiance, the creature collapses from its multitude of wounds, its twisted form limp and lifeless. With a victorious cry, Jenn claims her due as a warrior, impaling the beast on a makeshift spear. As she stands tall on the shore, surveying the smoldering ruin that was once her prison, the camera pans out to reveal the inferno that has engulfed one-third of the island, a testament to the ferocity of their battle and Jenn's indomitable spirit. Despite her triumph, however, she remains stranded, her escape prospects as uncertain as the flames that dance across the scorched earth.