Texas Chainsaw 3D 2013

In the heart of Texas, a dark legacy lies buried. The notorious Sawyer family, infamous for their brutal reign of terror, was thought to be extinguished by vigilante justice. Yet, the horrors they unleashed continue to haunt Newt, Texas. When Heather inherits a mysterious property, she unwittingly awakens the terrors that lurk beneath its crumbling facade, setting her on a perilous path of self-discovery and survival.

In the heart of Texas, a dark legacy lies buried. The notorious Sawyer family, infamous for their brutal reign of terror, was thought to be extinguished by vigilante justice. Yet, the horrors they unleashed continue to haunt Newt, Texas. When Heather inherits a mysterious property, she unwittingly awakens the terrors that lurk beneath its crumbling facade, setting her on a perilous path of self-discovery and survival.

Does Texas Chainsaw 3D have end credit scenes?


Texas Chainsaw 3D does not have end credit scenes.


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Movie Quiz

Texas Chainsaw 3D Quiz: Test your knowledge on the thrilling plot and characters of Texas Chainsaw 3D.

Who does Sheriff Hooper demand the Sawyer family surrender?

Plot Summary

The film’s inaugural sequence unfolds as a nostalgic nod to its predecessor, presenting a three-dimensional reenactment of each gruesome killing from the original. The infamous final scene is also reprised, with Sally riding off into the distance as Leatherface brandishes his chainsaw in a menacing display on the desolate highway. The narrative then shifts gears, cutting to a police cruiser arriving at the Sawyer homestead, accompanied by another vehicle containing the Carson family - aunts, uncles, and cousins to the Sawyers. As the two families converge inside the house, they barricade the door, brandish arms, and prepare for a standoff.

Sheriff Hooper, played by (Thom Barry), arrives on the scene in his police car, demanding that the Sawyer family surrender Jed, alias Leatherface. He explains to Drayton Sawyer (Bill Moseley) that Sally claimed a man wielding a chainsaw was responsible for the gruesome murders of her friends. Drayton protests, insisting they’re merely trying to protect their own family. Hooper’s pleas fall on deaf ears as he repeatedly urges Drayton to hand over Jed, warning that things are spiraling out of control.

Drayton eventually relents, disappearing into another room to convey his decision to Jed. However, just as the family is poised to surrender, a mob of townspeople from Newt, Texas, led by Mayor Burt Hartman (Paul Rae), descends upon the property with a singular intention: to annihilate every last member of the Sawyer clan. As Drayton and the family prepare to yield, the mayor and his cohorts launch a surprise assault, setting the house ablaze and riddling it with gunfire.

In the ensuing chaos, nearly the entire Sawyer family is cut down despite Sheriff Hooper’s valiant efforts to intervene. A poignant moment of tenderness is glimpsed as Loretta Sawyer (Dodie Brown) cradles an infant in a desperate attempt to shield them from harm, only for a stray bullet to tear through the window and strike both her and the baby with devastating force.

As the night wears on, a somber silence settles over the ravaged landscape, its eerie stillness punctuated only by the faint whispers of fate. It is in this desolate atmosphere that Gavin Miller (David Born) stumbles upon a bedraggled Loretta, her life force ebbing away as she clutches a precious bundle to her chest. With a heavy heart, Gavin takes the infant from its dying mother’s arms and delivers a swift kick to Loretta’s face, ending her suffering. He then hastens to his wife Arlene (Sue Rock), presenting the child as if it were a treasured gift, and they decide to name the young one Heather.

Fast-forward to the present day, and adult Heather Miller (Alexandra Daddario) is lost in thought as she works in the meat department of a local grocery store. Her reverie is shattered by her friend Nikki’s (Tania Raymonde) exuberant enthusiasm for an impending trip to New Orleans, which will be attended by Heather, her boyfriend Ryan (Trey Songz), and their friends Kenny (Keram Malicki-Sánchez). As she returns home to her cramped apartment, Ryan is busy honing his physical prowess on a punching bag. The space is cluttered with Heather’s eclectic art pieces, featuring bones and dark pigments that seem to mirror the turmoil brewing within her.

Ryan’s gentle coaxing eventually calms Heather’s nerves, and they prepare to indulge in a romantic tryst when an unexpected knock at the door interrupts their moment. Ryan answers, collecting a package for Heather, which contains a will announcing the passing of her grandmother, leaving behind a mysterious inheritance: a house. Heather is perplexed, as she had been led to believe that her grandparents had long since passed away.

Her parents’ revelation that she was adopted sends shockwaves through Heather’s life, and she feels compelled to uncover the truth about her roots. With Ryan’s unwavering support, she sets out on a journey to Texas, accompanied by Kenny and Nikki, who have mysteriously appeared to join the expedition.

As they hit the open road, their van careens through the night, stopping at a gas station where they inadvertently strike a pedestrian, Darryl (Shaun Sipos). The stranger’s generosity and willingness to forget the incident leads them to invite him along on their journey. Despite the ominous tone that pervades this odyssey, Heather, Ryan, Kenny, and Nikki press onward, unaware of the dark secrets and hidden truths that await them in Texas.

As they arrive at the imposing estate, Farnsworth (Richard Riehle) awaits them at the entrance, bestowing upon them a peculiar keychain adorned with an assortment of keys - one particularly massive and formidable-looking among them. Accompanying this enigmatic gift is a letter from Verna, her deceased grandmother, which he urges her to peruse forthwith. With Farnsworth’s departure, they venture through the gates and into the majestic house, its walls lined with an array of antiques that seem to whisper stories of the past.

As they delve deeper into the property, their rumbling stomachs prompt them to seek sustenance at a nearby establishment. Darryl offers to remain behind, efficiently arranging their belongings and providing a small stipend for their gastronomical endeavors. With his task complete, they bid him adieu and set off towards the town’s culinary offerings. Little do they know, however, that Darryl’s altruistic demeanor belies a more sinister intent, as he sets about pilfering valuables from the very house they’ve just left behind.

With the keys in hand, Darryl embarks on a thorough exploration of the estate, utilizing each one to access hidden rooms and secret passages. His curiosity piqued by the enormous key’s intended purpose, he becomes obsessed with uncovering its mystery, driven to scour every nook and cranny until finally stumbling upon a concealed chamber behind a wall. The room’s contents are shrouded in an air of secrecy, but Darryl’s persistence ultimately leads him to a door that yields to the massive key’s might.

As he descends into the depths of the wine cellar, his eyes widen at the peculiar relics scattered before him - including a plate adorned with rotting victuals outside a imposing metal barrier. His attempts to breach the door prove fruitless, prompting Darryl to rummage for an alternative means of entry. In his distraction, he fails to notice the sudden appearance of Leatherface (Dan Yeager), who seizes the opportunity to strike him down with a hammer in a gruesome reprise of Kirk’s infamous demise from the original film. The hammer’s relentless blows rain down upon Darryl’s lifeless form, striking a somber note amidst the eerie atmosphere of the wine cellar.

As Heather meanders through the town’s bustling streets, she’s unexpectedly intercepted by Deputy Carl Hartman (Scott Eastwood), whose unmistakable interest in her is palpable. Meanwhile, inside a nearby store, Nikki is shamelessly flirting with Ryan, their exchange reeking of scandalous intent. Ryan attempts to downplay his infidelity, attributing it to the intoxicating atmosphere and claiming Heather was equally culpable, while Nikki vehemently disputes this narrative, insisting that Ryan’s advances were unwelcome. As tensions simmer, Ryan abruptly dismisses Nikki’s protests and exits, leaving her crestfallen.

Outside, Heather shares her accommodation details with Carl, unaware that the Mayor (Burt Hartman) is eavesdropping on their conversation, his curiosity piqued by her connection to the Sawyer family. Heather hastily departs with her friends, feigning disconnection from the Sawyers while concealing the truth.

Upon their return to the house, they’re met with a scene of utter devastation – evidence that Darryl’s thieving escapades have left them bereft and bewildered. Though nothing excessively valuable has been taken, the group decides to take solace in a few drinks, attempting to drown their sorrows. As night begins to fall, Kenny (a budding chef) takes up his culinary duties, preparing steaks while the rest of the group disperses.

Ryan retreats to the study, indulging in a game of pool table basketball, as Nikki slips outside to indulge in a cigarette and harbor vengeful glances at Ryan through the window. Heather, meanwhile, explores the upstairs domain, her curiosity piqued by the secrets hidden within these walls.

As Kenny tends to his culinary creations, he’s drawn to the mysterious door that Darryl had vanished through. He calls out to Ryan, but his cries fall on deaf ears due to the cacophony of music pouring from the study. Undeterred, Kenny ventures down into the cellar, where he discovers Darryl’s abandoned bag and a blood-soaked trail leading to a metal door. His voice raised in alarm, Kenny receives no response from Darryl.

Stepping through the threshold, Kenny finds himself hurtling down a dark, foreboding corridor. It is here that Leatherface emerges from the shadows, his menacing presence sending Kenny scrambling up the stairs only to be brutally interrupted by the thrust of a hook into his back. As Kenny’s screams are drowned out by the deafening music, Leatherface drags him back down, silencing his pleas with an unyielding grip.

As Nikki bursts into the study where Ryan (actor’s name) is engrossed in a game of pool, her frantic demeanor and blood-curdling scream pierce the air. “You won’t believe what I just saw,” she exclaims, her voice laced with terror as she drags him outside to a rustic barn house tucked away at the back of the property. Upon arrival, she points to a bucket concealing an unexpected surprise, her eyes wide with unease. As Ryan lifts the lid, he’s met with an eerie sight: a dusty bottle of wine and two glasses, arranged in a curious tableau. His gaze snaps back to Nikki, who stands before him clad in little more than a whisper of clothing, her voice husky as she teases, “I told you it was crazy.” With that, she winks, and the pair’s passions ignite.

Meanwhile, Heather stumbles upon a gruesome scene upstairs, where the decomposing corpse of Grandma Verna sits slumped in a chair. Her screams shatter the air as she flees downstairs, only to find the house eerily empty. The kitchen is her next destination, where she’s met with an unholy sight: Leatherface (actor’s name) holds aloft a severed hand, methodically excising fingers into a bowl. Heather’s shriek is cut short as Leatherface’s gaze fixes on hers, and he pounces, pinning her to the floor. Her head strikes the tile hard, leaving her insensate.

When Heather regains consciousness, she finds herself in a dimly lit cellar room, where Leatherface is busy dismembering Darryl’s lifeless form. The sound of his saw slicing through Kenny’s body sends shivers down her spine as she springs into action, racing up the stairs with Leatherface hot on her heels. Her descent down the front steps outside proves more disastrous, and Heather stumbles to the back of the house, where a graveyard teeming with Sawyer/Carson family headstones stretches out like a macabre tapestry. A newly dug grave, replete with an open coffin, beckons Heather’s desperate gaze. As Leatherface stalks through the graves, his attention is drawn to her anguished cries, and he pounces on top of the coffin, his blade glinting in the moonlight as he begins to dig in.

As Ryan and Nikki emerge from the rustic barn house, they’re met with an unsettling sight: Leatherface, the imposing figure with a penchant for brutality, is busy dismembering a coffin with his trusty chainsaw. The couple’s inquiry about the identity of their gruesome acquaintance is met with sudden hostility as Leatherface’s attention turns to them. A desperate retreat into the barn house ensues, with Ryan and Nikki hastily barricading the door behind them. Panic sets in as they arm themselves - Ryan seizes a shovel, while Nikki loads up a shotgun - anticipating an imminent onslaught from their would-be tormentor.

The sound of Leatherface’s relentless sawing is suddenly replaced by the crunch of metal on wood as he attempts to breach the door. Nikki takes aim and unleashes a barrage of shots through the wooden slats, her defiant battle cry echoing through the night: “Welcome to Texas, Motherfucker!” The eerie silence that follows is shattered by the arrival of Heather’s van, which bursts through the barn house with reckless abandon.

Ryan seizes control of the wheel, flooring it as they make a break for the front gate. Leatherface, hot on their heels, proves a formidable obstacle, refusing to yield as Ryan attempts to outmaneuver him. The clever driver spots an opportunity and uses the van’s momentum to back up, allowing the automatic gate to swing open in time. As they speed through the entrance, Leatherface’s furious pursuit continues, his chainsaw singing its deadly tune.

The van’s tires shred beneath the relentless onslaught, leaving it crippled and helpless just 15 feet from their merciless pursuer. Ryan’s lifeless form comes into view as Heather surveys the carnage, her scream of despair mingling with Nikki’s anguish as Leatherface sets his sights on the van once more. A glancing blow to Nikki’s side only serves to further galvanize Heather, who seizes the opportunity to escape through a van window.

Leatherface’s attention is momentarily diverted, allowing Heather to outdistance him and reach the carnival grounds beyond the fence. The sound of screams and chaos fills the air as she dodges revelers and dodges Leatherface’s relentless pursuit. A desperate lunge onto the mini ferris wheel offers her fleeting salvation, but Leatherface proves an unwavering pursuer.

Just as all hope seems lost, Officer Carl intervenes, his authoritative bark ordering Leatherface to freeze. The deranged killer responds by hurling his chainsaw at the officer, who narrowly avoids the deadly projectile. The distraction allows Heather a brief respite, but it’s only a matter of time before Leatherface reclaims the initiative and disappears into the night, leaving the hapless trio to face an uncertain fate.

As Carl (character) escorts Heather to the police station for further interrogation, Sheriff Hooper is already on high alert, his expression mirroring the turmoil brewing within. Heather’s vivid description of Leatherface sends shockwaves through the sheriff’s demeanor, reigniting a long-dormant hope that Jed might still be alive after all these years. Meanwhile, her confession that she has recently discovered her true identity as a Sawyer serves only to deepen the sense of unease.

Carl’s revelation about an evidence box labeled “Evidence” further compounds the tension as he sets it down on the table with a nonchalant air, cautioning Heather that its contents are nothing short of astonishing. Hobbs swiftly intervenes, instructing Carl to vacate the premises and track down the mysterious figure. As Hooper exits to confer with the mayor, leaving Heather momentarily alone, she seizes the opportunity to rummage through the evidence box.

What she uncovers is a chilling account of the brutal events that transpired on that fateful night, detailing how her entire family was brutally murdered without due process by an outraged mob. The pages reveal the dark secrets surrounding her adoptive parents and their complicity in the tragic incident, casting a shadow over Heather’s already turbulent reality. As she delves deeper into the evidence, her understanding of her own identity and the sinister forces at play begins to take shape, illuminating a tangled web of deceit and tragedy that has haunted the town for far too long.

As the investigation into the van crash unfolds, Officer [Unknown] becomes entangled in a web of gruesome discoveries. Initially informed by Hooper that no signs of life or remains were found at the scene, the officer is sent to secure the area. However, upon closer inspection, he stumbles upon a trail of blood leading away from the wreckage, prompting him to follow its sinister path. Meanwhile, the mayor is adamant that Jed’s fate has been sealed, as they had previously razed the property to ashes.

As Officer [Unknown] reports back to Hooper, he reveals that the blood trail leads directly to the house. The mayor, growing increasingly agitated, orders the officer to follow the evidence and provide a real-time update through their video conferencing system. As the officer ventures deeper into the darkness of the cellar, he’s met with an unsettling sight: the lifeless bodies of Kenny, Darryl, and Ryan, brutally slaughtered and strewn about.

The officer’s discovery takes a deadly turn when he approaches a freezer at the mayor’s behest. Just as he’s about to open it, Nikki suddenly springs forth from within, shrieking in terror. The sudden shock sends the officer into a panic, resulting in an accidental shot that silences Nikki forever. The video feed drops, leaving Hooper and the mayor stunned by the unfolding horror.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, the officer flees the house only to be set upon by Leatherface, who brutally dispatches him with an axe blow and then continues his gruesome work, hacking away at the officer’s back. Meanwhile, Mayor Burt becomes convinced that Heather must have played a pivotal role in these events, prompting Hooper to intervene as he’s about to confront her.

Upon entering the room where Heather was left behind, they’re met with a disturbing tableau of evidence from the night the Sawyers were brutally murdered, accompanied by Heather’s haunting scrawl: “Murderers.” As Leatherface tends to his latest gruesome creation, he crafts a new mask from the officer’s face and sews it onto his own visage.

As Heather navigates the desolate streets, she seeks refuge at a payphone, summoning Farnsworth with a cryptic message: “I know everything.” When they finally converge at a local watering hole, Farnsworth reveals that Verna’s letter contained all the secrets Heather needed to uncover. However, their conversation is cut short by the mayor’s sudden arrival, prompting Heather to flee for her life. Just as she reaches the safety of the street, Ollie, the mayor’s partner, strikes her with his vehicle. As he attempts to apprehend her, Heather seizes a nearby knife and exacts revenge on Ollie’s face before making a daring escape.

Heather puts distance between herself and her pursuers before stumbling upon Officer Carl, who agrees to ferry her to Farnsworth’s aid. Unbeknownst to her, Carl has an ulterior motive: the mayor is his father, and he’s been secretly working with him all along. As Heather realizes this, the mayor contacts Carl via CB radio, ordering him to bring her to the old slaughterhouse that once belonged to the Sawyers. Little does Heather know, Leatherface has been monitoring their conversation from a nearby truck, his chainsaw at the ready.

Meanwhile, Farnsworth alerts Hooper to Heather’s predicament, warning him that a police officer has taken her into custody. Hooper quickly diverts attention by tracking the squad car’s location and realizes where it’s headed. With this crucial intel, he makes a hasty exit from the police station, racing against time to intercept Heather before she falls into the mayor’s trap.

As Carl’s gaze falls upon Heather at the slaughterhouse, he proceeds to secure her with ropes, only to have her lash out in a futile attempt to attack him. His clumsiness inadvertently tears her shirt asunder, leaving her bound and helpless. Leaving her to her predicament, he seals her mouth shut with tape. Meanwhile, outside, the Mayor and Ollie arrive on the scene, their presence commanding Carl’s attention. The Mayor issues a stern directive, instructing Carl to vacate the premises, assuring him that they will handle Heather. As Carl exits, Leatherface takes center stage, his chainsaw poised menacingly at Heather’s shoulder. Her muffled cries for help are all but lost beneath the tape, her eyes beseeching Leatherface with a desperate plea.

As Leatherface inches closer to unleash his gruesome fate upon Heather, he is arrested by a bullet scar on her shoulder - a familiar mark that serves as a haunting reminder of their shared past. With a sudden change of heart, Leatherface frees Heather from her restraints, his expression frozen in a mixture of shock and confusion. Her frantic entreaties, “It’s me! I’m Heather! I’m your cousin! Please let me go!” ring out with increasing urgency as Ollie and the Mayor burst into the scene.

Their arrival is met with Leatherface’s sudden surrender to their brutal assault. As the Mayor wraps a chain around his neck, Ollie takes it upon himself to power the meat grinder, setting in motion a gruesome fate for the hapless Leatherface. Heather seizes the momentary distraction to strike back at her tormentors, plunging a pitchfork deep into Ollie’s body and ending his life.

As the chain begins its deadly pull, drawing Leatherface closer to the maw of the meat grinder, Heather reappears, her eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. She flings Leatherface his chainsaw, which he uses to sever the chain and escape the clutches of death. Rising up from the brink, Leatherface unleashes a vengeful assault on the Mayor’s ankles, leaving him crawling back towards the abyss as Hooper, armed with a gun, watches the chaos unfold.

The Mayor’s cries for mercy fall on deaf ears, his pleas ignored by both Heather and Hooper. As he is inexorably drawn into the meat grinder’s maw, the once-mighty official meets a gruesome end, his screams of terror silenced as he becomes one with the gruesome machinery.

As the eerie atmosphere settles over the Sawyer household, Leatherface slumps listlessly in a chair, his presence a constant reminder of the horrors that have transpired. Heather stands beside him, her touch tentative as she attempts to connect with the brutal killer. However, Leatherface’s sudden rise from his chair sends Heather retreating, and he disappears into the depths of the cellar. The silence is finally broken when Heather discovers Verna’s letter, and in a flashback, we are transported back to a time when Verna Carson (Marilyn Burns) poured out her heart, leaving behind a poignant message for her beloved Jed - the only remaining blood relative she had left. With unshakeable resolve, Verna implores Heather to never forget where her true home lies, regardless of whether she chooses to stay or depart.

As Heather descends into the dimly lit cellar, she finds herself face-to-face with Leatherface, his eyes cold and calculating. The air is heavy with tension as she claims the tray of decaying food, a symbol of the squalid existence that has become her reality. With a newfound determination, Heather decides to stay, her resolve strengthened by the weight of Verna’s words.

The movie concludes with Leatherface slamming shut the metal door, his brutal ferocity a stark reminder of the unspeakable terrors that lurk in every corner of this forsaken place. And as the credits roll, we are treated to a chilling post-credits scene in which Gavin and Arlene arrive at the mansion, their greedy eyes fixed on Heather’s assets. As they wait by the door, Leatherface emerges from the shadows, his chainsaw revving to life with deadly intent, casting a dark shadow over the proceedings.

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