The Covenant 2006

Box Office



97 min




In this gripping tale, four privileged teenagers at Spenser Academy uncover the dark legacy of their forefathers' ancient pact. As descendants of Ipswich Colony's founding families, they've inherited otherworldly abilities, but when a mysterious new student arrives, secrets long buried begin to surface, putting the very fabric of their elite world at risk.

In this gripping tale, four privileged teenagers at Spenser Academy uncover the dark legacy of their forefathers' ancient pact. As descendants of Ipswich Colony's founding families, they've inherited otherworldly abilities, but when a mysterious new student arrives, secrets long buried begin to surface, putting the very fabric of their elite world at risk.

Does The Covenant have end credit scenes?


The Covenant does not have end credit scenes.






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Plot Summary

Here’s the rephrased text:

The cinematic narrative commences by illuminating the stark reality of a post-9/11 world, where the United States deploys tens of thousands of troops to Afghanistan. Over the course of a decade, this military presence swells exponentially, with American armed forces employing translators as a vital lifeline in their quest for understanding and collaboration. Against this backdrop, Master Sergeant John Kinley (Jake Gyllenhaal), a seasoned veteran of the war zone, spearheads a checkpoint operation alongside his trusted team.

On a scorching day, Kinley’s unit is on high alert, with Haadee, their capable translator, working in tandem with “Jizzy” to interrogate drivers about the contents of their vehicles. The air is thick with tension as one driver becomes increasingly agitated, prompting Kinley’s team to take notice. As Kinley orders Haadee and Jizzy to inspect the truck’s cargo, the driver suddenly bolts, sensing impending doom.

In a heartbeat, disaster strikes, and a devastating explosion ripples through the landscape, claiming the lives of Haadee and Jizzy. Kinley’s world is forever shattered as he mourns the loss of his comrades. With the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders, he must now select a new translator to aid in their perilous mission.

Ahmed (Dar Salim), an intelligent, reserved, and tenacious linguist, emerges as the top recommendation. Kinley’s expectations are high, but little does he anticipate the complex web of intrigue that Ahmed will soon unveil. As the team embarks on a quest to uncover hidden IEDs, they find themselves patrolling desolate streets, led by Ahmed’s keen instincts.

Their journey takes them to a seemingly unassuming building at the end of a dusty road, where Ahmed recognizes the location with an air of quiet certainty. Despite his reservations, Kinley presses on, and the team gains entry into a hookah lounge replete with unconscious bodies and scattered paraphernalia. Defeat hangs in the air like a palpable mist as Kinley sinks into a nearby chair, his resolve visibly shaken.

The next day, the team ventures deep into the desert, driven by intel suggesting that the Taliban is secretly constructing IEDs in this treacherous landscape. Ahmed’s cautionary warning about the shorter route being impassable due to recent flooding falls on deaf ears as Kinley steers the team toward a potentially disastrous destination.

As they navigate the arid expanse, Ahmed’s unease grows, and he implores Kinley to reconsider their course of action. The seasoned sergeant hesitates, but his instincts ultimately prevail, and the team continues onward. Unbeknownst to them, Ahmed has been secretly manipulating events from behind the scenes.

The tension builds as Ahmed’s true intentions are revealed: he is not what he seems, and his actions have catastrophic consequences. As Kinley’s team teeters on the brink of disaster, Ahmed seizes the initiative, subduing a second translator with ease and placing a gun at their neck.

In a heart-pumping standoff, Kinley draws his weapon, ordering Ahmed to relinquish his firearm. The tense stalemate is eventually broken when the second translator confesses that the Taliban has his family in its crosshairs. With this chilling revelation, Ahmed’s treachery is exposed, and the team narrowly avoids an ambush orchestrated by the very forces they had been seeking to vanquish.

As Kinley delves deeper into Ahmed’s backstory, he discovers that the enigmatic operative volunteered to aid the US armed forces after the Taliban took his son’s life. This revelation fundamentally shifts Kinley’s perception of Ahmed, but also prompts him to sternly instruct Ahmed to never again defy orders. Kinley’s frustration reaches a boiling point as he confides in Colonel Vokes (Johnny Lee Miller), who while unable to officially condone Kinley’s desire to operate outside the boundaries, refuses to dissuade him from doing so either. Witnessing this exchange, Sergeant O’Brady (Alexander Ludwig) furnishes Kinley with the necessary clearance to proceed.

The team corners their target, a drug dealer, and Ahmed employs his unique linguistic skills to engage the individual in conversation rather than relying on a literal translation. Despite Ahmed’s efforts to facilitate a peaceful resolution, the dealer resorts to threats against Ahmed’s family, vowing to take their lives in front of him. Undeterred, Ahmed offers the man additional compensation, and it is only through his persistence that Kinley is eventually persuaded to assist the team.

The drug dealer ultimately provides the team with information regarding the locations where improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are being manufactured. What becomes apparent is that this is not a singular operation, but rather one of multiple endeavors working in tandem towards a common goal. The team sets out to disrupt these efforts and, after relocating to a desert location, they strike paydirt. Kinley radioing their discovery prompts the arrival of reinforcements within 15 minutes. Recognizing that their position is tenuous at best, Kinley knows they must act swiftly.

Tragedy strikes when the team arrives at a scene where three men are tormenting an Afghan individual, but it is too late to intervene. The situation rapidly deteriorates as more Taliban fighters arrive on the scene, precipitating a violent confrontation. In the end, the entire team meets its demise. Kinley and Ahmed manage to escape in one of the enemy’s pickup trucks, only to find themselves pursued by over a dozen Taliban operatives.

Just as all hope seems lost, US armed forces arrive to collect the remains of the fallen team members. Kinley and Ahmed’s vehicle succumbs to a flat tire, prompting them to abandon their truck and utilize their surroundings to gain an advantage. They gradually make their way deeper into the surrounding woods and mountainous terrain.

As the darkness deepens, Kinley (character name) and Ahmed’s desperate bid to return to their base is thwarted by the failure of their radios to transmit any signal. They’re forced to spend a restless night in the unforgiving mountains, where the only solace comes from the flickering promise of a distant radio transmission - a hint that their pursuers are closing in on their location. The Taliban’s relentless pressure intensifies as Kinley and Ahmed double-time it back towards the base, their footsteps hastening across the terrain like a countdown to impending doom.

Their path intersects with two unsuspecting men in a valley, whose lives are brutally cut short by Kinley and Ahmed’s resourceful use of makeshift weapons. Up another mountain, a pair of would-be assassins wielding binoculars nearly get off a shot, only to miss their target at the last possible moment. Realizing the futility of their mission, they’re compelled to resort to firearms, sending a cacophony of gunfire echoing through the canyon as the Taliban hotly pursue Kinley and Ahmed.

As night begins to fall, the duo seeks refuge in a ramshackle house, where Kinley’s ill-fated attempt to find an escape route is rewarded with a hail of bullets that ravage his body. Ahmed materializes from behind, dispatching their attackers with ruthless efficiency before commandeering their truck and loading Kinley into the back. Despite the debilitating injuries, they make their way onto the main roads, only to be intercepted by three Taliban operatives who demand a ride.

Ahmed’s quick thinking and Kinley’s strategic camouflage under blankets and rugs help them avoid detection as the group hurtles towards their destination. Back at the truck, Ahmed tenders to Kinley’s wounds, but it’s merely a temporary reprieve from the relentless pain. Their subsequent journey finds them trading the pickup truck for much-needed medicine, sustenance, and a rickety two-wheel wagon.

As they laboriously push Kinley up the mountainous terrain, Ahmed shields his friend from the scorching sun with light blankets. Throughout this arduous ordeal, Kinley’s consciousness wavers precariously between lucidity and oblivion. At night, he awakens to excruciating pain, Ahmed’s comforting presence a meager solace against the crushing weight of their circumstances.

The next day, Ahmed reaches a mountaintop vantage point from which he can see the base mere miles away, his heart swelling with hope as Kinley’s fragile form beside him.

As Ahmed enters a modest outdoor market to procure water, fate intervenes in the form of several Taliban trucks arriving on the scene. The attention of these militants falls upon Ahmed, whose hasty actions ultimately lead to a confrontation that culminates in the demise of his unwanted visitors. However, just as order is restored, US military personnel suddenly materialize, and Ahmed finds himself at the receiving end of a barrage of instructions. Despite his exhaustion, he manages to convey crucial information regarding Kinley’s presence in his wagon, which prompts the soldiers to conduct a search that yields a shocking discovery: Kinley, alive.

Meanwhile, Kinley awakens in a hospital, his consciousness drifting in and out as he struggles to regain coherence. Upon being discharged, he finds himself back in Santa Clarita, California, where he resumes a sense of normalcy by preparing steaks for his family. However, a palpable emptiness lingers behind his eyes, a symptom of the turmoil that has beset him.

As Kinley’s anxiety mounts, he becomes obsessed with reuniting Ahmed and his family, who have been forced to go into hiding due to their precarious situation. Despite his efforts, Kinley encounters a brick wall, as every call and appeal yields only frustration and more hold music. His desperation grows, leading him down a path of self-medication, which ultimately culminates in a state of intoxication that further estranges him from his loved ones.

In stark contrast to Kinley’s struggles, Ahmed faces a far more perilous reality in Afghanistan. As he navigates the treacherous landscape with his wife and three-month-old baby in tow, he receives a dire warning: the Taliban are closing in on their location. With time running out, Ahmed’s only hope lies in a daring escape plan that involves exploiting an unexpected ally.

In a heart-pumping sequence of events, Ahmed’s family narrowly avoids capture as they slip out the back door, with Ahmed taking out an unsuspecting intruder who threatens to foil their plans. After a tense standoff at a stranger’s dinner table, the trio makes a break for freedom by jumping into the back of a truck, ultimately emerging unscathed on the other side of the chaos.

As desperation sets in, Kinley is presented with a new prospect: private contractors. His wife bravely offers to assume a second mortgage on their home, allowing Kinley to foot the bill for the operation. With unwavering determination, Kinley demands that Col. Vokes ensure the visas are prepared and ready when needed, despite being warned by Vokes of a substantial bounty placed on his head by the Taliban. For Kinley, finding peace is his sole motivation.

Saying goodbye to his loved ones, Kinley embarks on a perilous journey back to Afghanistan, utilizing the alias “Ron K.” He meets with the head of the operation, only to discover that plans have been altered due to the impending arrival of a UN official. Undeterred, Kinley refuses to compromise, insisting that he must evacuate Ahmed and his family as originally planned. Reluctantly, he decides to proceed alone.

Equipped with a truck and gear, Kinley sets out to meet Ahmed’s brother, who has agreed to facilitate their escape. The brother, emboldened by his supply of heroin, which the Taliban eagerly accepts, successfully navigates the treacherous landscape without incident. He provides Kinley with a trusted driver to escort him to Ahmed’s location.

As they make their way through the winding roads, a careless checkpoint worker forces the driver to reveal Kinley’s hiding place. With no alternative, Kinley takes the life of the unsuspecting man and, along with the driver, conceals the body on the nearby riverbank. Unbeknownst to them, a Taliban spy has been watching from afar, capturing an incriminating photograph that confirms Kinley’s identity. The boss is notified, dispatching reinforcements and instructing the spy to track Kinley down, intent on making him pay with his life.

Meanwhile, Ahmed works tirelessly to repair a pickup truck while his wife tends to their infant at a nearby picnic table, amidst the bustle of civilians. Suddenly, Ahmed recognizes a familiar voice and beholds Kinley, disguised in eyeglasses and a hijab, standing before him. In hand, Kinley holds the coveted visas.

Without hesitation, they hastily load into the back of the driver’s truck, aware that their pursuers are closing in. Kinley quickly alerts his private contractor team, prompting them to dispatch reinforcements to neutralize the threat. Simultaneously, the computer expert finishes running a background check on “Ron K.” and discovers the truth: John Kinley is indeed the man behind the alias. The head of operations feels a pang of regret for prioritizing the UN official’s visit over Kinley’s mission, requesting an “angel” - an elite aircraft equipped with formidable armament - to be dispatched to Kinley’s location.

As the Taliban’s relentless pursuit converges on Kinley’s position, he and Ahmed spring into action, unleashing a barrage of gunfire at the nearest vehicle to bring it crashing down, thereby blocking the path for the convoy behind. With their truck now immobilized, they abandon it in favor of a nearby tunnel, where Kinley orders the vehicle to be strategically positioned across the entrance, buying them precious time to regroup and prepare for the impending onslaught. As the Taliban closes in, Kinley expertly plants a grenade that detonates just as the enemy forces arrive, momentarily halting their advance.

Abandoning their original truck, Ahmed and Kinley make their way to the opposite side of the tunnel, where they take up defensive positions behind the dam’s structure. With the driver now secure on this side, he begins to return fire at the Taliban forces arrayed across the canyon, approximately a quarter mile distant. The two men trade blows with their enemies, Ahmed’s wife taking cover in a shed on the dam to protect their infant child from harm.

As Kinley’s ammunition supply dwindles, the driver falls prey to the relentless Taliban assault, leaving Ahmed with little choice but to conserve his own pistol rounds for a desperate last stand. Just as the enemy forces begin to close in on Kinley, an unexpected ally intervenes, its formidable firepower obliterating every single Taliban fighter in their path.

With the immediate danger neutralized, Kinley and the Ahmed family are whisked away by helicopter before boarding a military transport bound for the United States. As they reflect on the harrowing ordeal, Kinley and Ahmed share a nod of mutual respect, acknowledging the unbreakable bond forged through their shared struggle.

The screen fades to reveal a stark reminder: since the withdrawal of military forces from Afghanistan, thousands of Afghan interpreters have either been brutally executed for their service or forced into hiding, living in constant fear of the Taliban’s ruthless reprisals. The word “Covenant” appears on screen, underscoring the sacred nature of such bonds and agreements.

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