The Devil's Hand 2014

In this eerie thriller, Robert Alda's protagonist becomes entranced by the enigmatic Linda Christian, only to find himself entwined in a dark ritual of human sacrifice fueled by ancient voodoo rituals. As he delves deeper into the cult's sinister world, he must confront the true horrors of his own obsession and the devilish forces that lurk within.

In this eerie thriller, Robert Alda's protagonist becomes entranced by the enigmatic Linda Christian, only to find himself entwined in a dark ritual of human sacrifice fueled by ancient voodoo rituals. As he delves deeper into the cult's sinister world, he must confront the true horrors of his own obsession and the devilish forces that lurk within.

Does The Devil's Hand have end credit scenes?


The Devil's Hand does not have end credit scenes.



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Movie Quiz

The Devil's Hand Quiz: Test your knowledge on the supernatural thriller, The Devil's Hand, and its intricate web of visions, cults, and fate.

Who is haunted by visions of a woman in a negligee?

Plot Summary

Here’s a rephrased version of the section:

Rick Turner’s nocturnal visions are anything but ordinary. Night after night, he’s haunted by a woman in a negligee dancing amidst the clouds, her ethereal beauty seared into his mind. The constant intrusions disrupt his life, driving him to seek answers. One restless evening, Rick finds himself drawn to a quaint doll shop, where a peculiar encounter awaits. In the window, he discovers a doll that eerily resembles the woman in his visions, leaving him both fascinated and unsettled.

The next day, Rick takes his girlfriend Donna Trent (Donna) to the same shop, hoping for some rational explanation. To their surprise, the enigmatic owner, Frank Lamont, claims to have known Rick all along, insisting that he had pre-ordered the doll in question - a likeness of Bianca Milan, a woman Rick has never met.

As they prepare to leave, Donna’s gaze falls upon a doll strikingly similar to herself. Frank refuses to part with it, and as they depart, the shop owner disappears into his back room, surrounded by an aura of mystique. The air is thick with incense, and the soft glow of open-flame lamps casts an otherworldly ambiance. A statue of the Buddha watches over the proceedings.

Rick’s world begins to unravel when Donna collapses in agony, her heart experiencing a mysterious “spasm.” At the hospital, doctors confirm that she requires complete bed rest, leaving Rick feeling helpless and confused.

As if fate were orchestrating events, another vision of Bianca Milan appears to Rick. Convinced that delivering the doll will rid him of these tormenting visions, he sets out to find Bianca, driven by a mix of curiosity and desperation. Upon arriving at her luxurious apartment, he’s struck by her ravishing beauty. As they become lovers that night, Bianca reveals the true nature of his visions - a form of “thought projection” or “thought transference” learned through her involvement with the cult of Gamba, the Great Devil God.

Without hesitation, she invites Rick to accompany her to an impending cult meeting, where he’ll be inducted into their ranks. The gathering takes place in the very same back room at the doll shop, where Frank Lamont serves as the High Executioner of the Gamba cult.

As the night wears on, Bianca explains that a human sacrifice ceremony is imminent. A young woman lies helpless on the altar, while above her, a wheel studded with knives begins to spin. As it descends, the cult’s Great Devil God decides whether the sacrifice will live or die. Frank’s involvement in the proceedings is shrouded in mystery, as he steps on a foot pedal, leaving Rick wondering who truly controls the wheel. The blade that strikes the sacrifice proves to be rubber, mercifully sparing her life. A surreptitious photographer captures the event for unknown purposes, plunging Rick further into the heart of darkness.

As fate would have it, Rick stumbles upon the hauntingly familiar figure of Donna at the doll shop, her porcelain face frozen in a perpetual scream as a pin pierces her heart with an unyielding precision. Yet, despite his morbid fascination, he cannot bring himself to intervene without arousing suspicion. He instead hastens to the hospital, where he delivers a prophetic message to Donna’s bedside: at the stroke of midnight, she will be restored to full health.

As predicted, Donna emerges from her ordeal fully cured and discharged. Meanwhile, Mary, a sinister force masquerading as a nurse, discreetly informs Bianca of the miraculous turnaround. When Rick arrives at Bianca’s apartment, he learns that they are summoned to an emergency meeting of their clandestine group at 10:30 that night. The gathering is shrouded in an air of foreboding, with Frank ominously declaring that one among them is an “intruder” who will meet a grisly demise at the stroke of midnight.

As the clock strikes 12, Frank’s true intentions are revealed when he seizes the doll representing the undercover journalist and impales its head with a deadly precision. The reporter, unwittingly caught in the crossfire, screams as his vehicle careens down a hillside, eventually bursting into flames. As Frank disposes of the doll, the inferno consumes the wreckage.

The 12:30 meeting is marked by tension and treachery, as Frank reveals that Rick’s loyalty will now be put to the test. Donna, once again brought into the fold, becomes the unwitting sacrifice. With a sense of cruel irony, Frank compels Rick to spin a wheel of fate, but just as it appears to seal their doom, Rick pulls Donna to safety. A desperate struggle ensues, culminating in Frank’s tragic demise beneath the crushing weight of the wheel.

In the aftermath, the room is engulfed in flames, and the surviving pair, Rick and Donna, make a hasty escape. As they drive away into the night, their romantic bond rekindled, Rick utters a fatalistic phrase: “That’s it, isn’t it?” However, Bianca, ever the enigmatic figure, whispers sweet nothings to her cloud-dwelling kin, her parting shot a wry smile and the knowing words: “That’s what he thinks!”

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