In this offbeat comedy, a down-on-their-luck Doo Wop group embarks on a series of misadventures to revive their musical dreams, including a harebrained foray into burglary. Featuring a talented ensemble and the directorial debut of Robert Davi, the film is a heartwarming caper that explores life's absurdities, love, friendship, and the resilience needed to keep chasing meaning amidst chaos.

In this offbeat comedy, a down-on-their-luck Doo Wop group embarks on a series of misadventures to revive their musical dreams, including a harebrained foray into burglary. Featuring a talented ensemble and the directorial debut of Robert Davi, the film is a heartwarming caper that explores life's absurdities, love, friendship, and the resilience needed to keep chasing meaning amidst chaos.

Does The Dukes have end credit scenes?


The Dukes does not have end credit scenes.


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